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Cons of Human Cloning:

1. Human cloning would change the perception and understanding about children, a
nd people in general. Human beings would be perceived as objects that can be des
igned and manufactured to possess specific characteristics.
2. There is something called the uniqueness of an individual. Human cloning woul
d diminsh this sense of uniqueness. In effect, it would lead to a devaluation of
clones in comparison to non-clones.
3. Cloning will strongly tend to constrain individual psychological and social d
evelopment since the cloned children would unavoidibily be raised in "the shadow
" of their nuclear donor.
4. Cloning is very unsafe. 95%-98% of attempts at cloning have resulted in failu
re in the form of miscarriages, stillbirths, and life-threatening abnormalities.
Cloning cannot be accomplished without putting the physical safety of the clone
s, and the females who bear them at grave risk.
5. If cloning is allowed and accepted in society, what's next? It is difficult t
o understand how any other dangerous applications of genetic engineering technol
ogy could be rejected.
1. Cloning can provide genetically related children for people who cannot reprod
2. It would allow lesbians to have children without having to use donor sperm.
3. If a child dies, parents can seek redress for their loss through cloning.
4. Human cloning is a reproductive right, and should be allowed once it is judge
d to be no less safe than natural reproduction.
----Psychological Characteistics of Children in Institutional Care:
1. Mixed Maturity
2. No sense of privacy
3. Insecurity
4. Self-soothing behaviour
5. Manipulative
6. Needy
----Usable Cloning Types (To Mention):
1. Therapeutic Cloning- Cloning for extraction of stem cells (mainly for treatme
nt of diseases).
2. Reproductive Cloning- Cloning for human reduplication.
---Embryo Cryopreservation (Case Example- Fieldmarshal Kohler):
Cryopreservation of embryos is the process of preserving an embryo at sub-zero t
emperatures, generally at an embryogenesis stage corresponding to pre-implantati
on, that is, from fertilisation to the blastocyst stage.
- In application, After the a batch achieved a successful implantation (or more)
the next batch to be made are all cryopreserved for the next implantation routi
ne. For example, J-703 and J-704 are the only successful implants in their batch

, the next attempt (batch) for reproductive cloning by Professor B. would all be
cryopreserved. 703 and 704 will have to die first before the next implantation
of J. project embryos will set in action.
----Agressive Encephalitis caused by Synthetic-Altered Influenza Virus. (Laboratory
----Cloning problems:
1. The most likely reasons for the abnormalities thus far observed are
failures in genetic reprogramming (the process that changes a cell nucleus
from one developmental state to another) and errors in genetic imprinting
(the process of establishing, maintaining, and interpreting parent-specific
chemical marks on the DNA, which indicate how specific genes should
function in specific cells).
2. Nuclear age is at the same start as the somatic cell donor.
3. Cloning merely re-creates the genes of the ancestor, not what he has learned
or experienced. Technically, it re-creates the genotype, not the phenotype. (Eve
n at that, only 99% of those genes get re-created because 1% of such a child's g
enes would come from those in the egg - mitochondrial DNA). Conventional wisdom
holds that about half of who we are comes from our genes, the other half, from t
he environment.

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