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Clean your Surya Chakra

Emotional congestion can make a person ill. Here’s a kriya that useful for clearing away the emotional
An emotionally congested person cannot remain healthy for long, no matter what you do. You have to get
rid of the negative emotions otherwise problems like asthma, high blood pressure and arthritis start to
slowly manifest.

If there are any congestions or blockages in this channel then it will disturb the free flow of prana and in
this case, it happens to be your surya chakra. This chakra constantly forms connections with whomever you
see, meet or interact during your day-to-day activities. This is the place where all emotions get stored. The
thymus gland responsible for immunity and preservation and also all the organs that preserve the body are
located here. So if the surya chakra gets clogged, then the prana begins to accumulate here and you start
falling sick. So to rid you of emotional congestion, follow this kriya.

• Take your awareness to the solar or surya chakra (spot below the sternum bone). Bringing both
your palms closer try to see if you can feel sensation as you move your hands away from each other and
then bring them closer very gently, keeping your eyes closed and maintaining an internal awareness.
Continue this for a while until you feel some sensation.
• With your right hand just make anti-clockwise movements around this chakra as if you’re cleaning
something. Then throw the same at any green grassy patch, away from you. Never direct it on someone.
Repeat this simple procedure 20 times.
• Now before doing this step you need to be sure that you want to do this. Gently take your
awareness to the person who is bothering you. Visualize your hand to be a knife and cut across at your
surya charka. Feel the person going really far from you. The bondage, emotional baggage gets broken
with the ability of your consciousness. Wash your hands and no matter how much you want to; try not to
think about that person for 2 hours after cutting your connection.

It is then you will feel light and happy

Most people call love the game that people play, but it is more than that. It is the strength of all
relationships and the weakness too. What do you want it to be, seeing yourself rising or falling in love,
depends on your ability to maintain the relationship. Besides love in the relationship the two pillars that
hold them together are ‘TRUST’ and ‘HONESTY’.

How much do you trust your partner? How can you forgive and forget? How much can you let go in the
relationship? There is always a doubt about how much is more or less. As one gets into the relationship,
there are a lot of things that you begin to discover about your partner and at the same time disclose yourself
to him / her. This is the most crucial stage as acceptance of who you are as well as your partner, happens in
this stage. Once the relationship gets stronger, it become easier to bond and your love becomes the strength
of the relationship.

Since it’s the initial stage of love and most of us have the urge to work things out and not loose them, we
get easily tempted to compromise and to hide the flaws and focus only on the rosy picture. At this time,
there comes the tendency of one partner to either become a ‘settler’ or a ‘reacher’.

Settlers are those who will be clear at what they want from their partner and will only settle at that as
comparatively reachers are those who will go a little beyond to reach out to their partners happiness or
other pay offs in relationship. Each one of them will perceive the situation differently and will react
differently. Hence how much you want to disclose and trust depends on how your partners is.

Relationships have to be built on trust for love to ever be a part of it. Trust is an action of love. When you
love someone you are willing to trust them with small things and little things. It is necessary as it helps
maintain the relation in the long-term. There are certain behaviors that one can look up for in their partners
that will help you to build up trust like:

1. If he / she say what they are going to do or where they are going to go and keeps up to that

2. Someone who does what the say and keeps up with certain commitments or responsibilities that
fits into their role
3. Living in the present

4. And most importantly, they believe and show traits of self-acceptance

5. Make you feel valued and involved in the relationship

6. Shares his dreams and future visions with you

These are mainly pertaining to building trust, however one can give the benefit of the doubt, depending on
the situation and its frequency. Also, it’s important to forgive and let go at times when you empathise with
your partner and understand why he / she did what they did. Setting your priorities straight and having
realistic expectations will help you grow in the right direction, in finding the relationship you have always
wanted and that you need not be paranoid unnecessarily.

While the above if about the role of partner in the relationship, it

takes two to tango. Hence taking your role into account is also
crucial. If you wonder how you keep your partner’s trust, the answer
is simple, ‘be honest’. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. This is
something that we all hesitate about, ‘how much to tell?’ There are
people who feel guiltily and would feel at ease only when they go tell
all to their partners. Generally, their partners trust them a lot as they
come across as a very honest person. This is good if your partner has
the understanding of where you’re coming from when you confess to them. One also needs to be careful
that this does not backfire.

This does not mean that you deliberately withhold information in your relationship, but taking into account
the timing and the circumstance, there are times when ‘complete’ honesty is overrated. Of course, one
person’s version of how much honesty they need in their relationship does not always match up with their
partner’s honesty requirements, but there are still certain guidelines that can help you decide what
information needs to be revealed and when it needs to be revealed.

Seek honesty: to develop the habit of honesty one needs to set in honesty as the priority, if simple honesty
is not adopted, there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration. Deciding that you want to
have open but kind communication is an incredibly important step in establishing honesty ground rules:

Talk about what you need, not what your partner needs to do: if you what to be honest about
something that your partner does or about your experiences take the approach that focuses at you. For
instances using a soften tone you can say, “I am feeling worried about what happen and I don’t want to do
anything like this in the future. Would you help me identify some ways in which I can get some more

Be mature: No name-calling, derisive remarks, or belittling contemptuous comments should be allowed

when carrying on an honest conversation with a loved one.

Identify topics that are off-limits: Even after you've decided to be honest, some topics are too difficult to
tackle, especially if they've been problematic historically in your relationship. Setting some ground rules
about what issues shouldn't be talked about at first is probably a good idea.

Too much, too soon can hamper your relation: Certain things about you can be very personal that are
difficult to share with others. Something, which you are comfortable with, you can share slowly as your
relationship progresses from casual to serious. During the discovery stage of your relationship, you should
avoid sharing things that you are uncomfortable about because they are likely to overwhelm the person that
is trying to get to know you. You may also feel embarrassed about revealing these things if this revelation
does drive the other person away. For instances if you have been in any abusive relationship before, you
need not discuss it when you start dating someone, though it is an important part of your history. Your
partner can know about it when you are more serious about him.

The amount of information shared also depends on how your partners going to react. Look at their warning
signs like, if the person has a past where they are betrayed they would tend to be more suspicious of you
then normally. If in the beginning they need to be supportive off it, it is okay if they need justification and
help them to build the trust back.

So yes, honesty is vital to any relationship, but also knowing when to keep quiet. Knowing the proper
timing to reveal sensitive information about yourself and making sure that your ‘honesty’ is not just
criticism, are two important considerations before you proceed with what you are about to share. And of
course, sometimes the best way to avoid the topics that are irrelevant and potentially hurtful to your
relationship is to be proactive by not asking any of the questions that you don’t really want answered.

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