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Benefits of

Carl Humberg

Beneficios de Carl

1. Improves general health

1. Mejora la salud en general

Helps to lower cholesterol & blood pressure

Improves liver function
Enhances immune function
Helps to relieve abdominal cramp, diarrhea
and indigestion

2. Anti-Aging

Promotes healthy skin

Helps to slow down aging process caused by
oxidative stress

3. For Healthy Lifestyle

Lowers calories
- ideal drink for anyone who is monitoring
their weight
Distinctive taste & aroma, can be enjoyed
without sugar

Disminuge el colesteroy modula la presin

Mejora la funcin del hgado
Mejora la funcin inmune
Ayuda a aliviar el dolar abdominal
diarrea e indigestin

2. Antienvejecimiento

Mejora la textura de la piel

Aminora el proceso de envejecimiento
causado poor estrs oxidativo

3. Para un Estilo de vida saludable

Bajo en caloras bebida ideal para cualquier

persona que est su peso monitoriendo
Menos amargo, se puede disfrutar sin azcar
Naturalmente calmante
CCalma naturalomente

Certifications / Certificaciones:

Research study:

Investigacin estudio:

Rooibos tea helps to

a) boost plasma antioxidant defences

Rooibos t ayuda a
a) Subir los niveles plasmticos de antioxidantes

Green Tea
Rooibos Tea

ORAC value

Source : Livestrong.com

: M.J. Simpson et al., 2013. Anti-peroxyl radical quality and

antibacterial properties of rooibos infusions and their pure



b) reduce LDL-cholesterol, improve blood lipid profile

c) maintain normal blood sugar level
d) improve immune function

Green Tea
Rooibos Tea

Organic certification / La certificacin orgnica

Halal / Halal


ORAC value

Fuente : Livestrong.com

: M.J. Simpson et al., 2013. Anti-peroxyl radical quality and

antibacterial properties of rooibos infusions and their pure



b) reducir el colesterol de alte densidad, mejorar el

perfil de lpidos en la sangre
c) mantener el nivel normal de azcar en la sangre
d) mejora la funcin inmunologica

Source / fuente:
a) Chen et al., 2013. Ameliorative effect of aspalathin from rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on acute oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology, 20(3-4),pp.380-6.
b) Cha et al., 2009. An inhibitory effect of chrysoeriol on platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) induced proliferation and PDGF receptor signalling
in human aortic smooth muscle cells. Journal of Pharmacological Science, 110, pp.105-110
c) Son et al., 2012. Aspalathin improves hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance in obese diabetic ob/ob mice. European Journal of Nutrition.
d) Baba et al., 2009. Studies of anti-inflammatory effects of Rooibos tea in rats. Pediatrics International, 51(5), pp700-4.

JM Ocean Avenue abc limited

(example, put Local Branch Company Name)

Direction to use / Mode de Use:

Place a tea bag into an 8 oz. hot water. Can be served in cold or hot water.
Coloque una bolsa de t en una taza con 8 oz de agua calienta. Puede serviselo frio o caliente.

Fine Quality /
Calidad de Bellas

Organic farming
La agricultura orgnica

WHY Carl Humberg?

POR QU Carl Humberg?
Rooibos Tea

Caffeine free

Rooibos tea is a natural and premium herb from South Africa. The unique Rooibos plant (Aspalathus linearis)
is only found in the rugged Cederberg Mountains 250km north of Cape Town, South Africa.
Rooibos grow in harsh climate, where the temperature drops to 0 C during winter and rises to 48C during
summer. The plant requires deep sandy soil for favorable development of its root system in order to absorb
nutrients from deep down. Thus the roots are rich in antioxidant and nutrients to resist the harshness of the
climatic conditions.

- Does not affect sleep patterns

Low tannin

- Gentle to your stomach

Low calories
No colorants, additives / preservatives
Contains trace minerals

- Calcium, magnesium, iron

Rich in antioxidants
El t rooibos es una hierba natural y de alta calidad de Sudfrica. El Rooibos planta nica (Aspalathus
linearis) slo se encuentra en las escarpadas montaas de Cederberg 250 kilmetros al norte de Ciudad
del Cabo, Sudfrica.
Rooibos crecen en clima extremoso, donde el descenso de la temperatura alcamza los 0 C durante el
invierno y se sube a 48 C durante el verano. La planta requiere de suelo arenoso profundo para facilitar la
ampliacin de las races con el fin de absorber los nutrientes de las profundidades. Por lo tanto son ricas en
antioxidantes y nutrientes para resistir los cembios extremos dureza del clima.

a) SOD (Superoxide Dismutase)

- reduces oxidative stress
- reduces internal inflammation
b) Aspalathin, nothofagin, chrysoeriol
- reduces LDL - cholesterol & lipid
- lower blood sugar level

No Contiene Cafena

- No afecta a los patrones de sueo

Baja taninas

- Suave para el estmago

Bajo en caloras
Sin colorantes, aditivos ni
Contiene trazas de minerales

Good manufacturing practice

Buenas medidas de fabricacin

- Calcio, magnesio, hierro

Rico en antioxidantes

a) SOD (Superoxido Dismutase)

- Reduce el estrs oxidativo

- reduce la inflamacin
b) Aspalatina, Notofagina, Crysoeriol
- Disminuye niveles de azcar en sengre

- Colesterol de alta densidad

Quality control
control de calidad

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