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Army gunners rushed in their tanks

to capture the Enemy Star, but he was gone.

Top-secret balloons and jet-bombers flew
over the crash site and well into the morne,
scouring the countryside of sagebrush and cactus
but all but lizards and jackrabbits were found.
Isis and Set hurried their baby away proudly
from the unwatching eyes of Military Policemen,
a man disguised to be a boy inhuman;
pseudonymous Isis and Set themselves too
to themselves. Good Night had a spell cast
o'er gods as well for their safety to hide
from the glaring sun, Ra and Helios awesome
suspects daring today to challenge Dark Matter.
Airmen uniform unthinking and alike
scoured vainly for any sign of they knew
not what, not where nor when, not why
unsettling Forces ill-defined'd invaded
their stable markets and religious security.
Flying Saucers. Communism. Goddess.
Dionysos grew religiously unsuspected
by Set or any of Set's Air Forces or Isis's
either in the prosperity burgeoning and ripe
sympathetic as hell to th'outrageous ideas;
a mole of sedition implanted and alien
he feigned ordinary skills and average
while movies of creatures extraterrestrial
and Superman comics by extraordinary sleuths
tried profitably to find what happened at Roswell.
Burying possibilities the resurgent years
sank boyish pursuits on both sides to
challenge: Martians & Venusians moral or not?
Zeos studied the Bible and played baseball.
Set was promoted and to Japan, Africa,
they traveled and raised a family honestly,
blessed in Rome by the Pope and Egypt Allah
fascinating the boy full grown at birth
like Lord Buddha in Tibet and beautiful.
Leaving the Hearth, popular, Superman
influenced his familiar Literature's form
superior in kind, divine Kind superior
to degrees of romance in Homer and Virgil,
John Milton brilliant categorically Shakespeare
and Mozart Michelangelo equal to Abydos
to him. To Roswell he returned in maturity,
then, to re-classify fiction heroic power.
Troubled, Set worried Horus had not obeyed
the dictates of American plans carefully laid,
nor disavowed Isis the Family's weakest,
as, shattered mother, hemorrhaging woman
She'd alienated like Rheia sisters and brothers.
Dionysos in the genealogies from Horus
by some accounts oldest was older than Zeos
(for Set established by now was Zeos then!)
mixed, provoking, to keep the tale short, War.
While Set worried for a while more on his Throne
Pretender's, comfortably Hypocrisy's, Chairman,
ambivalent in the status his oldest son quo
had built complexily conservatively political,
to rational appearances ordinary like him,
the Dangerous Revolutionary of the Ages
explored sinister recesses in earthquakes
ominous in El Capitan's caves, Flagstaff's
Peaks like two points godly and geographical
with Sweet Medicine the trickster prophet
on the third point of the Tripod - Bear Butte,
sacred crystal lodge of the Cheyennes
in sprawling islands of the northern Black Hills.
He'd already worn the passages subterranean
out past the future memories untimely and;
taking his time forward and back unreasonably
until his Wingmen disabled warheads
of Set's ultimate arsenal, underground in silos
where the Prophet would wander forth, into,
and underseas submarines, thanks to Neptune.
Non-linear modernists they of the Classics
most irreverent enjoyed breaking the rules.
Remembering tomorrow tonight Osiris
adventured ghostily inside Set's Bases
at Area 51, Dulce, Cheyenne Mountainsides,
disabling hard-drives and electronic grids,
loosening bolts and tractors monkeywrenching.
Earth and Animal Liberation Front actors
gleefully burned condominiums at Aspen
and Oregon slaughterhouses, brave lads.
Dionysos the Terrorist was afoot on the land
and loose on the sea, high and mighty was He!
Set nauseated by the betrayal distrust
sprung from his own crotch he thought
leapt into oppression and action unmerciful.
Prehistoric Egypt the Civil War recorded
hundreds of years in length and global width
internecine, the Kind above romantic Degree
worst, worst pain of families killing pain
worse pleasure love's lost all the worse.
Greeks measured it only ten years' duration.
Past and Future Akashic the Record dissolved.
Arguments of Titan ICBMs met disobedient
Agencies unwise in the media of Medeia
daughter of Hecate Goddess hundred-headed,
ally of Jason Iasion Iasius Jesous
Son of Isis derived Dionysian Prince
clever Peace. Impassive resistance subterfuge
indirectly antagonized Intel-Ad's "media"
unable to control anarchy uncontrollable
and wishing not a cent or penny from them.
Dionysos never once picked up a gun,
infuriating pacifist and ascetic ungreedy
uncaring of survival for Survival's own sake.
Neutral Provocateur however He
cheered gun-lovers on both sides on
intolerantly monotheistic evangelicals
murdering each other in the name of the Same.
Raging, Conflict reflexive, babboons in trees,
interior too disturbing Young Osiris in
approaching sleep his Old Self felt
the buzzing shock of the mental illness.
Sorcery vibrating and Witchcraft, at home
the man the baby could not possibly
have known knew the Terror staggering
haunted Gaia with Set her accomplice
mendacious, impulsive, in torture beds.
The whole town in hate accessory to it
enraging abetting Uranus and Old Horus
drunken with failure and frustration unjust
like babboons poking a bear with a stick.
While violence meanwhile worldwide
flared at home the baby exemplary Horus
worthy of the man took on the man's burden
in the heat of the night, silent, holy night
when a star from the east delivered the west
misaligned in the order and laws of Men.
Enlightenment darker than darkest visions
convulsed from baby to man and then back;
grandfather grandson in seizures wracked
by tormentors unseen though real in dreams;
dreams realer and remembered more than light,
Sunlight on the Moon brighter and blinding.
Horus in night-sweats awoke in horror
surer of Hera's earthly Presence at his side;
Set in visionary invisibility insane
beside the black eyes unblinking in his room
Interrogators of Osiris with their scythes
sharpened like a midwinter's Darkest Moon,
to threaten to kill too many times over.
Insidious Lord Set, however, didn't know
how to stop his dead brother's communications
nor his son's reception of them, however dire;
all the guns and money in the world
weren't enough to delay excommunicative
this wizardry, resurrection, doubtless ties
geosynchronous Civilizations alternate.
Further enraging th'impatient Armies and Navies
murdering and raping at will whenever
potency challenged opposing Great States,
Air Forces of satellites and Saucers alike
governed by decent Patriots and Churchgoers
proudly noble Merchants looted and burned,
lied and stole, manufactured heavy by-products
of Gross Domestic Goods and re-centered Trade.
Babboons smashed open their heads
and monkey brains spilled out on television.
Allah and Jehovah to the Throne Pretended
while Zeos humbly applauded their fatality.
The more Seth massacred innocent Masses
the more Set blamed it on God indifferent
and impotent to stop His own rampant crimes,
powerless, impersonal God indivisibly One
and without any redeeming qualities,
or components in His Nature random first
and last in a Universe unfamiliar with Family.
Omnipotent God Set argued overly often
didn't need help to order his thoughts supremely
impartial and unbiased to life and death.
God feigned no feelings marked by concerns
apathetic and atheistic for or against anything.
He was characterized by unutterable Power
so far beyond Uneven Nature as not to notice,
let alone hear, the insignificant pleas of men.
To make of IT supreme and aloof a HE
with parents, wives, and recognizable children
as the Greeks and Egyptians in infancy did
denigrated the sublimest efforts superior
in the Bible, Talmudic Torah, and Qu'ran
divinely inspired in the maturity of Light.
Horus or Dionysos were ludicrous rhymes
in the storybook nursery of the animal subtle
enough. The Blessed Virgin Mary's enough.
Poetry from the Genesis and the Christ soared
along with The Wheel, fire harnessed, and wine.
Osiris grinned, and so well pleased
at smug pieties ignoring Revolution wild
was he that he relaxed in the shady grove
and sipped half-caffeine coffee with vanilla
cream, gaining weight, confident of his success.
Set's lieutenant his foster Dad was dead,
significantly loosening the restraints of love,
or silence respectful to the Old Man's Country.
Ruthless warrior he was a sorceror non-violent
exceptional for his appreciation of violence.
Ineffective God he wasn't whatsoever
what Set said he was, or what Set was;
for Horus as Osiris accurately reincarnate
was a fighter as masculine as Isis's father
knew him to be, and her to be him known.
His foster dad th'offending lieutenant also
taught the boy challenging sports courage
tackling Primates and competitions of all kinds,
healthy, strong, tall and very clear of mind,
purpose, calculations well taught by Rome.
Restrained also and self-disciplined long
in military training at home and parochial
Horus deliberately analyzed contradictions
in strategies, policy, and implementation,
logistics, morale, supply routes in force,
transportation, communication, Command.
Ostracized, he for a lifetime had learned
in defeat to grow stronger, unbeatable,
outlasting failure, overcoming discouragement
lifted him bodily from every setback.
Returning to Flagstaff and Roswell the Soul
found in the ancestors lost power guardian
angels grateful to be honored again.
Retreat advancement, the past came ahead
and America suddenly untimely staggered
under the blow in its markets and wars
of speculators and capital international
deficits, incompetent governments and Law.
Unassailable until then trillionaire Seth
overconfident as always placed his bets
on men, waving flags and Advertisements
proclaiming their Destiny happy and good
every minute of every day on th'airwaves
industriously slick for customers to see.
Unseen, to all but Horus godly it seemed,
satanic control of advertising NSA agencies
wiretapping their phones, monopolizing,
owning every piece of dirt left on earth
slavery in essence of what was left of
souls men lost long ago disappearing
in th'extraction by Aliens of the Lost.
Oblivion'd always been for them instinct,
but this was Intent previous and future:
not since the Cyclops and Typhonic Argus
disrupted Xaos had Xaos'd un-Settled
Seth Lucifer himself, Order-loving Cronos.
"Horus loathful!" Saturn in panic cried
(melodramatically so his captains themselves
didn't know if he He knew it was true),
"has to the brink brought us all in defeat
rather than succumb to inevitable loss.
He's antagonizing bestial forces to ruin!"
Relentless imbalance and Beauty indeed
brought seemingly Outer Space in assault.
("How can He do it?!" gasped Set to himself.)
Greater Black Holes and galactic Wheels
in illusion defied Set's momentary ability
to distinguish truth from Optics indistinct;
cosmic darkness uninhibited by gravity
from Mass, Matter, Weight, without Vision.
Measurement ceased to exist for a moment.
In the briefest of nano-seconds memory
retrieved Intent's presence, a grandfather's:
and Horus handcuffed Set unguarded
as he was indefensibly in that briefest Summon.
Unholy Hell screamed, but it was no use;
unsecured spirit had of its essence caged
inseparable electricity in magnetic rock.
"RAGE!" Evil raged, trying to get loose.
But it was no use. Lucifer Promethean
by God's Power and great Force of Osiris
held Earth's Son firstborn Cronos fast in stone,
out-tricked by the Trickster of Epic Art.
"This cannot hold! But why is it, why is it,
mere rock and manacles inferior to me?
Iron Spirit, you claim 'tis yours over me,
treacherous traitorous, you're no son of mine!
Spirit? SPIRIT! you mutter repeatedly Fool,
telepathic pathetic delusions of Liars!
It cannot be. I Am What Is and Will Be!
You can't perfect what you can't even see.
Idealistic Clown and fat, imperfect most
of all you are what your mother will be."
Horus grinned calmly. "Shut up, Prisoner.
Take him away, good Michael and Gabriel.
Nail him to a mountain fastness forever.
See, insubstantial General sneering at me
and merciful compassion, I'm as harsh as Thee.
Always I've been what most you've wanted,
fulfilling this day all you've ever taught
therefore, thus, negating my faults too.
God be with you, ungodly creature forgotten."
Breathless, unbelieving, Evil incarnate
was dragged away from the Grove sacred
where a Serpent once Eve surprised alone;
this time hissing and manacled inescapable
It vanished off the face of the Earth
in the clutches of iron Archangels unpitying.
Mankind nowhere meanwhile believed it,
for Godkind wrestled still with the news;
and apes in the trees never could perceive
what other entities for them first acknowledged.
The planets and the stars incapable of Faith
therefore spun for a while misdirected
without inertia or momentum's guidance -
morality, Ethical Law's Zeos's achievement
so new its parameters in those moments
unknown, endless, mattered energetically.
War stopped. Death paused. Time stood still.
Maggots and reptiles, green eggs of newts
putrid in swamps made poisonous by Set
devitalized of their malevolent parent,
sagged limply for lack of carbon dioxide
and babboons in cities empty of Intent
fundamental purpose laid down their weapons.
The Fight had gone out of them, Men
desireless unworrying of Survival anymore
only they wanted out of their bodies
and hunger, delicate skin, ambition
were forgotten in the momentary winds.

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