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Gmail - FW: Energy Independence - Support for Councilor Hartmann https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=954e193168&view=pt&q=sen.lau...

M Z <zesc1971@gmail.com>

FW: Energy Independence - Support for Councilor Hartmann

1 message

David Hartmann <david@slatiwonk.com> Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 10:15 PM

To: "zesc1971@gmail.com" <zesc1971@gmail.com>

From: David Hartmann [mailto:dhartmann@ci.troutdale.or.us]

Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 6:35 PM
To: sen.lauriemonnesanderson@state.or.us
Subject: Energy Independence - Support for Councilor Hartmann

Senator Monnes-Anderson,

I want to express the humble gratitude I felt when I received word from one of my local developers that you are
willing to accept my call for bipartisan support for Energy Independence. I have put tremendous amounts of effort in
understanding what was once a seemingly unreasonable liberal agenda. Now I stand on firm ground knowing the
system is broken and requires change. American's local and nationwide want America to work economically and
with healthy stewardship in the policies and practices Government provides. I am one who is willing to make that
happen, but my city colleagues don't comfortably share this viewpoint, and are reluctant take a stand on 'federal
issues'. In spirit of helping them understand this is a local issue to Troutdale and Oregonians your help is greatly
appreciated. Thank you.

I reviewed the draft Ms. Zollinger submitted and modified it appropriately to my intentions and purpose. Please see
the draft language below my signature. Also, I would be pleased to be added to your email blast:


David Hartmann
Troutdale City Councilor


Troutdale City Councilor David Hartmann has made an impassioned plea on behalf of local renewable energy
developers. He requests bipartisan cooperation in order to assist local developers in receiving equitable treatment
and financing performance at the federal agencies. The power of the bi-partisan representation will successfully
fund local and green economic development in East County. The republican Councilor has strongly endorsed
Senator Wyden's platform of full BTU "parity" in the tax code (Wyden's Senate Bills 1090 and 1094). Wyden's
legislation would allow renewable energy producers the same favorable tax treatment to their investors as fossils
investors. Councilor Hartmann believes that our nation's tax code should not favor one technology over another, and
should treat them equally; more importantly, the tax code should never give more favorable tax treatment to weaker

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Gmail - FW: Energy Independence - Support for Councilor Hartmann https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=954e193168&view=pt&q=sen.lau...

energy options which sustain outdated and environmentally harmful practices. Councilor Hartmann further believes
the sacrifice in our current practices is economic sustainability and energy independence. As a result of existing
taxation models and federal agency discretion, investors turn away from energy independence and the ability for our
economy to recover.

To learn more about his passionate plea for bipartisan support, go to his report to read his bold stand: http://
He also has a facebook fan page. If you are a Facebook user, FAN it in support! Energy independence isn't a
democrat or republican issue --- it is an American issue! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Declaration-

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