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Title: Electrical Efficiency Public Lighting Using LED Technology - Impacts on Power

Quality and Environment.

Topic of Discussion: Energy quality and its efficient use.
Name of Author or Authors: Rodrigo Esteves Ascurra, Bismarck Castillo Carvalho.
Institution Affiliation: UFMT Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Full Address for Correspondence (including fax/phone numbers and E-mail).
Rua Estocolmo, 300 Cond. Alphagarden
Bairro Rodoviria Parque
Phone: 55(65)8401-6843
Email: rodrigoascurra@gmail.com
Abstract - Este trabalho apresenta uma comparao entre o emprego da tecnologia LED
e a lmpada de vapor de sdio na iluminao pblica existente no canteiro central da
UFMT, com vistas a avaliar o impacto sob a tica da eficincia energtica. Atualmente
este sistema consta com 40 postes de 20 metros de altura e luminrias de 3 ptalas
dotadas de lmpadas de vapor de sdio de 400W. A substituio ser por lmpadas da
tecnologia LED Ligth Emitting Diode, para desta forma, auxiliar na diminuio do
consumo e demanda de energia eltrica e tambm aliviar o sistema em horrio de ponta,
tornando-o, assim como as instalaes eltricas existentes, ainda mais eficientes. Ser
abordada tambm a questo da qualidade da iluminao e aspectos ambientais. Conceito
sobre a utilizao da atual tecnologia em iluminao pblica ser revisada e estudada de
forma a realizar uma comparao das caractersticas das luminrias e lmpadas
existentes com o novo sistema proposto, inclusive no tocante expectativa de vida til
das lmpadas, luminrias e acessrios. Com esta finalidade, complementarmente aos
estudos tericos, apresentam-se resultados de medies em laboratrio, com relao
demanda de energia eltrica e qualidade de energia eltrica nos sistemas utilizados. Por
ltimo, via medio em campo, so apresentados os nveis de iluminncia antes e aps a
adoo da tecnologia LED.
Abstract - This paper presents a comparison between the use of the LED lamp and
sodium lamp street lighting in existing median UFMT, in order to assess the impact
from the viewpoint of energy efficiency. This system currently consists of 40 poles 20
feet tall and 3 petals luminaires fitted with sodium lamps of 400W. The replacement
bulbs will be LED technology - Ligth Emitting Diode, for in this way, help to reduce
consumption and electricity demand and also relieve the system in peak hours, making
it, as well as the existing electrical installations, further efficient. It will be also
addressed the issue of quality of lighting and environmental aspects. Concept on the use
of current technology in public lighting will be reviewed and studied in order to make a
comparison of the characteristics of existing fixtures and lamps with the proposed new
system, including in relation to the expected life of the bulbs, lamps and accessories.
With this purpose, in addition to theoretical studies, we present results of laboratory
measurements, with respect to electricity demand and power quality systems used.
Finally, with field measurements, are presented illuminance levels before and after the
adoption of LED technology.

Keywords: LED, Lamps, sodium lamp, Electrical Efficiency, Public Lighting, Power

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