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Unit 3 Final Speech Assignment









You are to create and present a final speech incorporating one of the themes from To Kill A
Mockingbird. These themes include: race, social class, gender, education, superstition, religion,
courage, Civil Rights, Jim Crow laws, the Great Depression, coming of age, and loss of innocence.
What you will find in this document are details on how to progress through this speech. The
process will be completed in several steps that create a building block for the final presentation.
The easiest way to organize this is through a portfolio.
After choosing a theme, you must narrow the scope by making your speech about a particular
person, a current or past event, an era of time, or a particular movement. OR you could change
it into a relevant subcategory of any of these topics.
Before researching you will be required to provide a one page Statement of Belief. This takes
your topic and tells us everything you know about the topic WITHOUT any research. The point
of this is to make you realize this speech should be YOUR WORDS backed by research, not a
compilation of facts taken from your sources.
At this point you will begin looking for sources. You must have a minimum of three sources, one
of which must be a multimedia source. For the most part, the more sources, the better the
grade as long as it is not overwhelming.
Working with your Statement of Belief, create a thesis statement (argumentative based) and
pull out a minimum of three areas you will develop through your source. Use this as an informal
outline. Color code these.
Go to your sources and color code (highlight) each source based on where the information
would fit in the outline.
Create a topic and sentence outline. With these outlines you will document your points by using
the last name of author of your source. At this point, attempt to incorporate the vocabulary
words from the unit. You must also note in the sentence outline, the type of rhetoric used in
your speech. (Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
Using five 4x6 notecards, present a 5-10 minute speech explaining your topic and relating it back
to themes of To Kill A Mockingbird.
You will write a one page paper reflecting about the process of researching your topic, the
construction of your speech, and the presentation of your speech. Reflection is a major part of
any learning because it demonstrates how far you have traveled to where you are now.

You will have rubrics for each part of this. You will be graded on:
Content: thesis, cited sources, original ideas, and use of digital media.
Organization: Thesis, major claims, supporting facts, logical, emotional and ethical reasoning.
Time: 5 minutes minimum
Delivery: volume, eye contact, and posture.

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