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Modern science confirms that the presence of free radicals can lead to disease, decay and
degeneration in the body. Normal cell functions produce a small percentage of free radicals. But
free radicals can trigger a chain reaction leading to cellular damage. External factors like
smoking, air pollution, water pollution, pesticides present in food and various other toxins can
generate free radicals rapidly.
Cleansing the body of these toxins is of utmost importance to arrest damage, disease and rapid
aging caused by free radicals. Yoga has many proven techniques to cleanse the body of toxins
accumulated in the respiratory and digestive system at the cellular level.

Yoga for Beginners

Free radicals v/s antioxidants

Free radicals are atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons which appear as a result of certain
reactions in the cell. They are highly unstable and tend to attack other cells to bind with
electrons. Free radicals adversely alter lipids, proteins, and DNA in the cells and trigger a
number of human diseases.

Antioxidants are molecules which interact with free radicals to stop the chain reaction of attacks
on other cells. A balance between free radicals and antioxidants is necessary for proper
physiological function. A disturbance in this balance leads to oxidative stress in the body.
The physical and psychological stresses of day to day life are known to subject the body to
oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is now thought to make a significant contribution to all
inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,
hypertension, neurological disorder (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease), and many others.

Yoga for Women

Pranayama can help fight the oxidative state

A diet rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene is essential to equip the body with
antioxidants. Research conducted in the early 2000s has proven that pranayama or yogic
breathing techniques not only help in relieving oxidative stress but also improve the antioxidant
status of the individual. An improvement in the antioxidant status is helpful in preventing many
pathological processes in the body.

There are various types of kriyas and shatkarmas (purification techniques) which help rid the
body of toxins which cause free radical damage and significantly decrease free radicals.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness
Shaucha or cleanliness is a part of niyama which is the second limb of the eight fold path of
yoga. The other aspects include santosha (contentment), tapas (austerity), swadhyaya (self-study)
and ishvar pranidhan (surrender). Yogis have devised techniques such as bhastrika, kapalbhati,
tratak , jal neti, sutra neti, to cleanse the frontal lobe of the brain, eyes, nasal and respiratory
Techniques such as kunjal kriya, bhasti, nauli, dhauti, shankaprakshalana help in cleansing the
abdominal region which includes stomach, colon, liver and intestinal tract. These techniques
must be learnt and practiced under the guidance of a teacher.
Anulom vilom or nadi shodhan pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) is a unique practice
which helps in purification of the body and strengthens the pranayama kosha, the pranic body for
spiritual pursuits.
Cleanse your body to purify the mind
Yoga emphasises on the importance of keeping the body clean inside-out. This helps purify the
mind of anger, greed, delusion and various other disturbances of the mind. When the mind is
purified to a certain extent, it can become one pointed or unidirectional without distractions.
A healthy diet and regular sleeping habits are equally important to rid the body of toxins and stay
stress free. You can feel energetic and younger with regular physical and emotional cleansing.
This will have a great impact on your health, personality and well-being.
Practice yoga under the guidance of a teacher to pick the right techniques for you.

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