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Instructions for repairing DA Integra seat foam








Here we have a taken apart 1993 Acura Integra seat. Follow our previous instructions of how to take apart the seat to get to
this point. As you can see on Fig.1 and 2 one side the foam is completely gone and metal frame is exposed. These are one of
the worst but can still be restored to oem shape. First step to insure proper adhesion and repair is to clean areas where foam
is worn down with a plastic brush. Do it so as to remove any loose foam particles. If metal frame is exposed and is rusted
please clean off rust with wire brush or sand paper. Then spray metal frame not foam with any color paint so as to seal bare
metal, please allow 1 hour to cure before proceeding.
Fig.3 Fig.4

Here we will start with the bottom seat cushion. In Fig.3 you can clearly see that foam is missing, now that the area is clear of
any loose foam you can begin repairing and filling. With the provided foam, you can roughly cut out a shape that will fit
inside the gap as in Fig.5. Please be aware that if the hole is big you will have to layer the repair foam so as to achieve rigidity
and durability.

Fig.5 Fig.6

In Fig.6 you can clearly see that the metal frame is peeking through the foam. To make this repair durable and too make sure
foam stays in place a slit has to be made in the section of foam as shown in Fig.7 and 8

Fig.7 Fig.8
Fig.9 Fig.10

Now spray adhesive to both seat and foam section Fig.9 (please note; glue has to be allowed to tack or to allow exposure
to air to become sticky before joining both pieces) Now position slit of foam so that seat frame sits in foam. This will
prevent foam from moving and allow other pieces of foam to stay on firmly.

Fig.11 Fig.12

Fig.13 Fig.14

Now cut another piece to layer on the bottom one Fig.11. Spray glue on both areas Fig.12, allow to tack and then apply to seat
foam Fig13. Use more foam until gaps and worn down areas have been filled in. They do not have to be perfect seat sleeves
provided will finish and smooth it out for you. If seat has flared use masking tape so that foam can stay in place Fig.14. Let glue
cure for about 30 minutes. While you wait, start with the backrest cushion.
Fig.15 Fig.16

Fig.17 Fig.18


Now that the seat is fully dry you can now install the provide sleeves. Before doing any gluing please separate the provided
sleeves, which are labeled, to each seat and back rest cushion Fig.15. One way to make sure each will be used in correct
location is to test fit them. Letter will be on the inside and seam joint also. Once you know that you will be gluing correct
sleeve, please spray adhesive to both pieces and allow to tack Fig.16 17. Then join the seam of the sleeve with the edge of
the seat cushion, this will allow the sharp lines of the seat to reappear Fig.18. Then slowly work the sleeve downward making
(Fig.19)sure it adheres evenly and smoothly allow 10 minutes to cure before continuing to next step.
Fig.20 Fig.21

Fig.22 Fig.23

Now that the side is glued on firmly, you can spray adhesive to the top part of the cushion and sleeve. Allow glue to tack
them firmly but carefully pull the sleeve up Fig.20 so as to restore the seat sagging seat and start adhering it to seat cushion
starting from the back to the front Fig.21. Smooth out any bubbles Fig.22 and cut off any excess Fig.23. Please note how seam
of the sleeve follows the contour of the seat Fig23 red arrow. Yours should be this way also. Fig 24 is the finished product and
now the seat cushion is ready for cover installation. Follow these instructions for the back rest as well.


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