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Liquid liquid extraction experiment was the technique used to separate

a desired organic product from a reaction mixture or to isolate an organic
substance from its natural source. The technique works well if your target
c o m p o u n d i s m o r e s o l u b l e i n o n e o f t w o i m m i s c i b l e s o l v e n t s . An accurate and
simple titration method was used for determining of the concentration of carboxylic acid in the both
liquid phases at equilibrium.
T he e xp e ri me nt i n Pa rt A, 50 ml of t ri c h o roe t h yl e n e wa s mi xed wi t h
5 0 m l w a t e r a n d 5 m l o f p r o p i o n i c a c i d i n t h e c o n i c a l f l a s k . T h e n t h e e xtraction
was shacked so that, the solution that contains the target with an immiscible solvent in which the
desired substance is more soluble than it is in the starting solution. Upon standing, the solvents form
two layers that can be separated. T h e m i x t u r e t h e n w a s s e p a r a t e d t o t h e o r g a n i c a n d
aqueous solution. Each of the sample was titrated with 0.1M of NaOH.
The titration was using the different volume of propionic acid. The first
titration was by using 5.0ml of propionic acid. The volume of NaOH needed
to neutralised organic sample of propionic acid of was 72.0ml while for
aqueous sample was 53.0ml. The second titration was by using 3.0ml of
propionic acid. The volume of NaOH needed to neutralised organic layer
sample of propionic acid of was 57.5ml while for aqueous layer sample was
22.0ml. The third experiment was by using 1.0ml of propionic acid. The
volume of NaOH needed to neutralised organic sample of propionic acid of
was 72.0ml while for aqueous sample was 53.0ml.
The data was calculated to find the propionic acid concentration by
using the formula M1V1 = M2V2
M1 =

Concentration of NaOH (moles)

V1 =

Volume of NaOH (ml)

M2 =

Concentration of Propionic acid (moles)


Volume of Propionic acid (ml)

Th e p rop io n ic acid con cen t ra t ion in a qu eo u s la ye r,Y f o r 5. 0m l p rop io n ic acid

was 1.06M, for 3.0ml of propionic acid was 0.73M and for 1.0ml propionic
acid was 0.4M.
W hile th e p ro p ion ic acid co n ce nt ra t io n in o rga n ic la ye r,X f o r 5. 0m l p ro p ion ic
acid was 1.44M, for 3.0ml of propionic acid was 1.92M and for 1.0ml
propionic acid was 2.5M.
The Distribution Coefficient, K was calculated. The formula was:


K = Concentration of the solute in the extract phase,Y

Concentration of the solute in the raffinate phase,X

The Distribution Coefficient for 5.0ml of propionic acid was 0.736, for 3.0ml
of propionic acid was 0.380 and for 1.0ml of propionic acid was 0.160.
From the experiment in Part A, the higher the volume of propionic acid, the
higher the number of distribution coefficient.

The distribution coefficients and selectivity factors were presented to evaluate the efficiency
of the solvents for extraction of carboxylic acid from water. The results show that chloroform and
diethyl ether are satisfactory solvents for extraction of carboxylic acids from water. Trichloroethylene
separates propionic acid from water; however, it cannot be used as a solvent for separation of acetic

From the experiment in part B, 100ml of propionic acid was added to

10L of trichloroethylene and then the mixture was filled into the organic
phase tank. The water tank also was fillled with the 15L of clean
d em i ne ra l i s e d wa t e r. Af te r 2 0 m in u te s , th re e b at c h e s of 3 0m l s am p le we re
taken from the feed, raffinate and extract streams. 10ml of each sample
was titrated against 0.025M NaOH.
From the data collected, 103.5ml of NaOH was needed to neutralise feed,
43.0ml of NaOH was needed to neutralise extract and 1.20ml of NaOH was
needed to neutralise raffinate.
The concentration of Propionic Acid was calculated by using the
formula: M1V1 = M2V2

M1 =

Concentration of NaOH (moles)

V1 =

Volume of NaOH (mL)

M2 =

Concentration of propionic acid (moles)


Volume of propionic acid (ml)

The concentration of Propionic Acid at feed was 0.165M, at ectract was

0.002M and at raffinate was 0.047M.
The flow rate of aqueous and organic phase = 0.0033 L/s.
The mass balance of propionic acid extracted from the organic phase
(raffinate) was calculated by using the formula Vo (X1 X2). The mass
balance was 0.0005379 kg/s.
The mass balance of Propionic
(extract) was 0.0001551 kg/s.






T h e a ve ra ge d i s t ri b ut i o n c o eff i c ie n t, K wa s 0 .4 27 a nd X 1 * = 0. 11
Log mean driving force was 0.0824,calculated by using the formula

Mass transfer coefficient (based on the raffinate phase) was 3974.


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