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Whats suicide? Suicide, also known as completed suicide, is the act of intentionally
causing one's own death. Attempted suicide or non-fatal suicide behavior is self-injury with the
desire to end ones life that does not result in death. Assisted suicide is when another person
helps another person bring about their own death indirectly via providing advice or the means to
the end.
It is usually caused by a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder,
schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, alcoholism, or drug abuse. Stress factors such as
financial difficulties and interpersonal relationships also play a big role. Mental disorders are
often present at the time of suicide with an estimate ranging from 27% to more than 90% of
those whom have been admitted to a psychiatric unit, their lifetime risk of completed suicide is
about 8.6%. Half of all people who die by suicide may have major depression disorder, leading
depression as the main caused
The most commonly used methods of suicide varies by country and is partly related to
availability. The common methods include: Hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms.
However suicide rates have been found to be greater in households with fire arms than those
without them. Socio economic poverty, homelessness and discrimination also may rigger
suicide thoughts.
Statics have showed a result in 842, 00 deaths on 2014 up from 712,000 deaths in 1990.
This makes it one of the leading 10th cause of death worldwide. Rates are higher in, me than in
women, with males three to four times more likely to kill themselves than female. On the other
side, there is an estimate of 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year. Non-fatal
suicide attempts may or might not lead to injury and long term disabilities. Attempts are more
common in young people and females.
Suicide has been an ongoing problem among all types of people globally for decades.
Through the years, the trends of suicide have continue to increase. In spite of the fat that this
trend of suicide has many causes and can be difficult to know what the exact source is, the
number one cause of suicide is untreated depression which can result in mental health problems.
Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects the way a person thinks, feels and acts. Its not
just feeling "blue" for no necessary reason for a day or two. It is a lengthily pit of despair where
hope is just a memory and suicide appears to be a reasonable real choice.

The risk for suicidal behavior also is associated with changes in brain chemicals called
neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which is also associated with depression. Lower levels of
serotonin have been found in the brains of people with a history of suicide attempts. Suicide will
end a persons emotional suffering instantly, and it makes the person fuel like they are removing
one of the courses of pain and suffering for others in their lives as well.
A history of previous attempts is the greatest predictor of eventual completion of suicide.
Approximately 20 % of suicide have had a previous attempt and those who have attempted
suicide, !% complete suicide within a year and more then 5% commit suicide with in 10 years
Acts of self harm are not usually suicide attempts and most whom self harm are not a high risk
of suicide.
One significant difference between suicide and self harm is intent...Many people
who self harm view hurting themselves as a way of coping with lifeSelf infliction of pain
reassures them they are still alive...Suicide intent is to bring end to ones life, to end pain and
suffering. Conversely, with self-harm the intent is one of trying to find relief and release from
emotional pain and distress. ( Raychelle, 2012)

Pre adolescence suicide is a broad topic to many, no one would really expect such an
innocent mind to have very dark mind, not many people accept it because its also the beginning
of their life. However suicide in children is also insistent. Pre- adolescents lack the abstract
thinking skills to allow them to fully appreciate the finality of death. Young children are also
inherently impulse and may lack the cognitive skills necessary to imagine a better future or
realize the fleetingness of many of their troubles. these pre- adolescents also lack the strategies
older kids have to seek help or cope with problems. Almost ninety percent of young children
who commit suicide have some kind of mental health disorder, usually major depression,.
They're also likely to be victim s of sexual or physical abuse and to engage in antisocial
behavior, such as shoplifting, fighting or starting fires. On the down side, many parents and
teachers ignore warning signs, such as talking about or threatening suicide, because they think
kid dont understand suicide and wouldn't attempt it.

"University of Iowa graduate student Kari Shaw said most pre-adolescent

suicides involve hanging, with a minority involving firearms, asphyxiation and
poison" (Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Vol. 37, No. 5).

According to data from 1006 culled from the National Center for Injury Prevention and
Control, pre-adolescent boys are also more likely to complete suicide than pre-adolescent girls
(45 boys:11Girls) Evidence suggest that sexual orientations might also be a factor, with suicide
risk relatively high among young boys who suspect they might be gay. Duel to the experience
chapter of this children we cannot take the same preventions, their cognitive experience of the
world is very different from adolescents and adults due to their still-developing brains and
inability to generate multiple solutions to problems.
Therefore, teachers and parents can foster early coping skills in children, especially those
who have histories of abuse or especially stressful lives. Also, psychologist can raise awareness
among media procedures of the glamorizing effect television, films and books have on kids
perception of suicide.
Adolescents and young adults, including college students, are among those most at risk
for suicide and recent reports have suggested that the rates of suicides in these groups are
increasing. Suicide amongst this specific risk group can come from depression, hopelessness,
alcohol use, alcohol related problems, body image, sexual attraction statues, intimate partner
violence, perceived burdensomeness, and thwarted belongingness.
The risk of suicide increase dramatically when kids and teens have access to firearms at
home, and nearly 60% of all suicides in the United States are committed with a gun. That's why
any gun in your home should be unloaded, locked, and kept out of reach of children and teens.
Overdose using over-the0counter,prescriptions and non-prescriptions medicine is also very
common method for both attempting and completing suicide. Also be aware that teens will
"trade" different prescription medications at school and carry them (or store them) in their locker
or backpack. Teen Suicide is higher in boys than it is in girls, perhaps because boys tent to use
more lethal methods, such as firearms, hanging, or jumping from heights. While girls tent to
overdose on drugs or cut themselves.
Suicide in adults in compressively less likely to happened but in facts it is also one of the
highest leading deaths. The suicide rates among both men and women aged 35-64 years increase
substantially amongst the years, 1999-2010. The increases were geographically widespread and
occurred in states with high , as well as average and low suicide rates. Possible contribution
factors for the rise in suicide rates among middle-aged adults include the recent economic

The media, which include the internet plays an important role. How it presents depiction
of suicide many have a negative effect, when detailed descriptions of how to kill oneself by a
specific mean helps the suicidal person reach the goal towards completing suicide.Younger
people seem to be most vulnerable to the influence of the media, although limited evidence also
shows an impact on elderly people.
Another factor is similarity between the media stimulus or model and the observer in
terms of age, sex, and nationality. An important aspect of the presentation of suicide in the media
is that it usually oversimplifies the causes, attributing the act to single factors such as financial
disasters, broken relationships, or failure in examinations. The most common factor leading to
suicide, mental illness, is often overlooked.
The way media displays suicide, makes many teens think its like a trend or some kind of
magical power that makes them seem more popular.Copycat and cluster suicides are played out
on a national level when a famous person commits suicide. Media coverage of the event is
nonstop, which often leads to more tragedy.
For example, when Marilyn Monroe took her life in August 1962, the suicide rate in the
following month rose by twelve percent, which was an additional 197 suicides. Research has
shown that the way the media handles the reporting of suicides can be critical in reducing
copycats and clusters. A study was conducted in Vienna. Between 1984 and 1987, there were a
large number of suicides by people who jumped in front of trains. The media coverage was
overly dramatic and graphic. A campaign urging the media to change its coverage of these
tragedies -resulted in an 80 percent decrease in incidents of this type of suicide.
Substance abuse is the second most common risk factor for suicide after major depression
and bipolar disorder. Both chronic substance misuse as well as acute intoxication are associated
when combined with personal grief, such as berearment, the risk is further increased,
Additionally substance misused is also associated with mental health disorder
A suicide attempt is a clear indication that something is gravely wrong in a persons life.
No matter the race or age of the person; how rich or poor they are it is true that most people who
die by suicide have a mental or emotional disorder. People who are suicidal are usually in the
grips of a serious and untreated depression episode. Many people can hide such emotional pain
very well, and pretend to be okay, but underneath they maybe in extreme agony and need of

Suicide appears like an answer to all or most of their problems. No money, no job? End
my life and stop being a burden on society. The cause of pain to someone you love? End my life
and stop being a source of pain to that person. Feelings of depression that seem not only to never
end, but get worse with every passing day? End my life and stop feeling so much emotional pain.

The challenge with getting help, though, is acknowledging the need for help not only to
yourself, but to others in your life. People often feel ashamed or that theres something wrong
with them if they need to go see a therapist or psychiatrist. These are simply old stigmas that
have hung around, even as our understanding of mental health issues and treatments has
increased for the better in the past decades.
One way is to help those whom are thinking of suicide to lower the rates of suicide
attempts. Listen to the person and connect them with support. Take the other person seriously,
show the other person that you are a good person to talk to. trust is very important, show that you
understand that they have a serious problem. take the following systems accountable and help
out someone who is thinking of suicide.

Warning signs of suicide

Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself.

Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun.
Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
Talking about being a burden to others.
Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
Sleeping too little or too much.
Withdrawn or feeling isolated.
Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
Displaying extreme mood swings.

Preoccupation with death.

Suddenly happier, calmer.
Loss of interest in things one cares about.
Visiting or calling people to say goodbye.
Making arrangements; setting one's affairs in order.
Giving things away, such as prized possessions.

If you know anyone with the following symptoms or someone that is thinking about suicide,
contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1(800) 273-8255 or contact their website at

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