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Rhinoplasty (Greek: rhis, nose +plassein, to shape), a nose job, is

a plastic surgery procedure for correcting and reconstructing the form,
restoring the functions, and aesthetically enhancing the nose, by resolving
nasal trauma (blunt, penetrating, blast), congenital
defect, respiratoryimpediment, and a failed primary rhinoplasty.
In the surgeries closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty
an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist), a maxillofacial
surgeon (jaw, face, and neck specialist), or a plastic surgeon, creates a
functional, aesthetic, and facially proportionate nose by separating the nasal
skin and the soft tissues from the osseo-cartilaginous nasal framework,
correcting them as required for form and function, suturing the incisions, and
applying either a package or a stent, or both, to immobilize the corrected
nose to ensure the proper healing of the surgical incision
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a method involving filler injections to alter the
shape of the nose, without invasive surgery. The surgery is usually done
through a cut made inside the nostrils. In some cases, the cut may be made
from outside, around the base of the nose. This type of cut is used to perform
work on the tip of the nose, or if you need a cartilage graft.
A splint (metal or plastic) may be placed on the outside of the nose. This
helps maintain the new shape of the bone when the surgery is finished. Soft
plastic splints or nasal packs also may be placed in the nostrils to keep the
dividing wall between the air passages (septum) stable.

Why the Procedure is Performed

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. It can be

used to:

Reduce or increase the size of the nose

Change the shape of the tip or the nasal bridge
Narrow the opening of the nostrils
Change the angle between the nose and the upper lip
Correct a birth defect or injury
Help relieve some breathing problems
Nose surgery is considered "elective" when it is done for cosmetic reasons. In
these cases, the purpose is to change the shape of the nose to one that the
patient finds more desirable
Risks The risks of any anesthesia are:
Reactions to medications
Problems breathin
The risks of any surgery are:
After surgery, small burst blood vessels may occasionally appear as tiny red
spots on the skin's surface. They are usually minor, but are permanent. There
are no visible scars if the rhinoplasty is performed from inside the nose. If the
procedure narrows flared nostrils, there may be small scars at the base of the
nose that are not usually visible.
After the Procedure
The patient will usually go home on the same day as your surgery.
Immediately after surgery, nose and face will be swollen and painful.
Headaches are common.
The nasal packing is usually removed after 3 to 5 days and the patient will
feel much more comfortable.

Full recovery takes several weeks.

Healing is a slow and gradual process. The tip of the nose may have some
swelling and numbness for months. You may not be able to see the final results
for up to a year.

Side Effects
Because rhinoplasty surgery is a highly individualized procedure, the side effects
experienced will vary by each patient.
Pain after Surgery
Nose surgery is one of the most powerful ways to enhance your appearance.
However, because it
requires extensive alterations of nasal bone and
cartilage, patients may experience pain or discomfort following the procedure.
For patients who are particularly sensitive to pain, rhinoplasty surgeon may be
able to prescribe stronger pain medication.
One of the most common side effects from rhinoplasty is swelling around the eyes
and nose. The swelling is most noticeable in the days following surgery, but largely
subsides after about two weeks. It is important to note, that some minor swelling
may be present for up to six months following rhinoplasty surgery.
The final results of rhinoplasty are typically seen in one year.
Bruising is another side effect that is often associated with rhinoplasty. The degree
of bruising that follows surgery will vary depending on patient sensitivity and the
extent of the surgery itself. This bruising is usually contained to the area around the
eyes and can last for up to ten days

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