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Day 24: Tafsir Part 19


This video discusses the 9th ayah of Surah Kahf.

The meaning and Implications of the word from Classical Tafaseer

Al Shawkaani

here is actually cutting off from the previous speech and it implies or

which means instead did you think that the people of the cave and the inscription so
instead did you think


some say there is no just instead you thought this was the case its kind of like a critical comment
and the puspose and meaning is to transfer from one conversation to the other and it is not done to
undermine what was first talked about as is the case of bal originally

Ibn Ashoor

is to break away from one mode of speech to another mode of speech


the fundamental goal of the story is to tell the story, but this is not meant to portray that the surah is
in a hurry to get to the story. The is used as a preamble or intro that leads you to the introduction
based on the fact that the correlation of this transition

somehow ayah 9 is connected with


given the fact that their belief that life after death is impossible and this was the idea that led them
away from iman, so therefore the story of the people of the cave and how Allah raised them after their
long sleep is a proof that Allalh can give life after death


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this kind of transition away from what came before is there to draw your attention to what is coming after
o and the idea of asking questions is to draw attention

Abu Zahraa
The purpose of asking a question was to draw attention to the fact that they were a strange thing.
Not agreed upon by most scholars the agreed upon opinion was posing it as a question is suggesting that it
wasnt that strange.
Dr. Zuhaili
The address is to the Prophet (pbuh) but the intent is beyond him.
Through him everyone is being addressed.
o Many examples in the Quran.
o When Allah teaches the Prophet we need to pay attention because sometimes He is actually
teaching us.

Linguistic Analysis of

used for precise calculation

incredibly precise calculation but also means a precisely timed destruction

also means nobility that is established amongst ancestors

to account for something

kasra when you consider something to be of a certain quantity, did you assume

that He is enough for us and the only thing we need to consider and count on

adjective something is full in its count and complete

a grant that is as fully counted as it can be, reaches full max count

we will give him , so much, that will be enough for him and he will say I cant handle anymore

I have figured it out from every angle and considered every factor when putting this plan together

confident assumption, or knowledge, did you actually know that the people of the cave were a
remarkable things

beautiful word because much of the surah will have to do with calculation; how many years? How many

were they?

the idea of imagining and counting them to be such and such

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Linguistic Analysis of

- root word origin refers to something that has things that are comparable to each other

Suggests closeness to something so the of the cave the cave is suitable for them and they are going to

be closely associated with it. The cave will become their friend

finding closeness, compatability and comfort

when you protect someone by bringing them closer to you


the people of the cave are being protected by it

when you hold on to a book and make it your companion and not let go

maf3ool means someone who is company to themselves talks to themselves

Al-Asfahaani says that is someone that commits themselves to another human being or animal

or place.
o This association is considered physically but can also be figuratively because you care for them. Your
heart is with them
Naturally in Arabic this word is used only for whose commitment to you is abundant when you hang out with
someone all the time. Not used for someone you accompanied a short time
Someone who owns something and someone who is owned

Linguistic Analysis of the Word Kahf

Cave in a mountain but it has to be vastly wide open.
o It is not as the Christians picture it as tight

The cave is big but Its got a wide open gate ( )castle-like structure

If it was small it would be called Hira when the prophet and Abu Bakr were in it

A she-camel has lots of kahfs because she got really fat and has lots of meat on her
o Has many stomachs and needs to be fed
A house that has been carved into a cave
Figurative meaning a person is known to be the kahf of someone else i.e. the refuge for comfort and

Meaning And Implication of Al-Raqeem

Scholars have differed about the meaning in this ayah

It was said that

is the name of their dog

is a land in rome

It is the mountain that the cave was in

Or they valley in which the cave was

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Most dominant of these opinions in accordance with the Arabic language and in consideration of other ayaahs
of the quran means that which is marqoom that which is etched or stitched in

Permanent writing carving into stone or leather.

Writing that is supposed to last a long time

your deeds arent completely etched and unchangeable. Its a strong record but your destiny

isnt completely relegated to Allah.

inscribed and wrote the book, inscribed into

It might be that this raqeem is a book that they had that had their shariah, it was a scripture

Or it was a tablet of gold in which their names, lineage and story was written. And their entire account.
Or it was a boulder in which their names were etched in.
The obvious meaning is that the companions of the cave and the companions of the inscription are one people.
o The inscription and they both survived timeless and lasted

It is not a concern to us who wrote the inscription. That concern is taken away when the word
is used.

People that lamented Over their loss and carved It in a rock in front of the cave

Some say kahf were one group and Raqeem were other people

and multiple

Grammatical Analysis of

It's the of

And also a and the is and it is or something else before it

is an idea. Feminine form is

To use the idea as a is for emphasis - ibn Ashoor says He told us about their affair using the masdar (idea)
out of hyperbole

is to suggest a partial or from within the arsenal of Allah's miracles

The story of the people of the cave is not unique amongst all the other ayahs and signs of Allah

Allah is saying it shouldn't be to you

You can also analyze is in a figurative placement - as if Allah is saying they thought that this was so miraculous
even though they have something in front of them that is more worthy of being considered far more strange,
shocking, and He is referring to Quran

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Liguistic Analysis of

When u look at something and you think of it as grand and you cannot under stand the origins of where it came
from; it is shocking
Also something that is rarely ever going to be repeated

Quran uses the words

is the most powerful of all three. Then then

Abu Zahra, Ibn Ashoor, Shinqeeti, Al-Saadi all come to the same conclusion that they (the people of the cave) are not
that strange.

2015 Bayyinah TV

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