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Day 1

1. Accept 2 numbers as command line arguments from user. If user supplies less t
han 2 arguments supply error message & terminate. .If all correct, compute avara
ge & display the same.
2. Accept any no of arguments from user as command line args.Display these argum
ents in reverse manner.
Day 2
3. Display food menu to user. User will select items from menu along with the qu
antity. (eg 1. Dosa 2. Samosa .......10 . Generate Bill ) When user enters 'Gene
rate Bill' option, display total bill & exit.
2.1.Consider the following. What will happen? MUST understand with memory diagra
class Tank {
private int level;
Tank(int l)
public void setLevel(int level1)
public int getLevel()
return level;
public class Assignment {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Tank t1 = new Tank(10);
Tank t2 = new Tank(20);
s.o.p("1: t1.level: " + t1.getLevel() +
", t2.level: " + t2.getLevel());
t1 = t2;
s.o.p("2: t1.level: " + t1.getLevel() +
", t2.level: " + t2.getLevel());
s.o.p("3: t1.level: " + t1.getLevel() +
", t2.level: " + t2.getLevel());
s.o.p("4: t1.level: " + t1.getLevel() +
", t2.level: " + t2.getLevel());
2. Create Java Application for the following .
Create Point class Point2D in package "geom" : for representing a point in x-y
co-ordinate system.
2.1Create a parameterized constructor to accept x & y co-ords.
Add show method to Point2D class : to return the x & y coords .(public String s
2.2 Add isEqual method to Point2D class : boolean returning method : must ret. t

rue if both points are having same x,y co-ords or false otherwise. :
2.3 Add a method to Point2D class -- to create and return new point having given
x & y offset.
(eg Point createNewPoint(int xOffset,int yOffset))
2.4 Write TestPoint class with a main method in the separate package "tester"
2.5 Create 2 points by taking data from user. Use show method to display the coords of 2 points.
2.6 Use isEqual method : to chk the equality of 2 points.
2.7 Accept x offset & y offset from user & call createNewPoint method.Display x,
y co-ords of new point.
2.8 Create TestPoints class with main method.
Prompt user for --no of points to be created.
Create suitable array & store points.
Display all points.
Display the value of largest x-coord & y-coord.

Day 3
1. Complete all earlier assignments & revise
method overloading vs method overriding
Apply inheritance & polymorphism to organization scenario
Create Emp based org structure in package com.app.dmc
---having classes Emp , Mgr and Worker
Emp state--- id(primary key-unique), name, deptId , basic
Behaviour --- get emp details --by overriding toString
Mgr state ---id,name,basic,dept,perfBonus
Behaviour ----get mgr details, compute net salary (formula: basic+perfBonus)
& getter for performance bonus.
Worker state ---id,name,basic,dept, hoursWorked,hourlyRate
Behaviour--- get worker details, compute net salary (formula: = basic+(hrs*rate
getter hrlyRate of the worker
Design classes based on above info.
Create a TestOrg class in tester package to create org structure having 2 manag
ers & 2 workers.
Display all employee details & net salary , from single for-each loop.
Day 4
1.Create Java application for fixed stack & growable stack of employees function
1.1 Create Employee class -- id,name, constructor,toString
1.2 Stack interface -- push & pop functionality for Emp refs.
1.3 Create implementation class -- FixedStack
1.4 Create implementation class -- GrowableStack

From tester class --- display Menu

1 -- Choose Fixed Stack
2 -- Choose Growable Stack
Accept following options only after initial selection.
3 -- Push data
4 --- Pop data
5 -- Exit
Day 5
Apply exception handling to Account scenario.
1.0 Create Custom Exception class AccountHandlingException
1.1 Create Account class in bank package.
1. data members --- acct ID,customerName,type,balance
2. Add Account class constructor.
Add methods 1. withdraw(amount) -- in case of insufficient funds , raise custom excs.
2. deposit(amount)
3. transfer funds (Account dest, double amount) --in case of insufficient funds
, raise custom excs.
4. toString
1.2 Create AccountValidation class
Validation Rules(added via static methods)
1. Account balance > min balance(declare constant MIN_BALANCE)
2. valid account types -- saving,current,fd.
3. Customer name must be min 5 chars & max 10 chars long.
If rules are not satisfied , raise custom exception.
Do not handle exceptions in AccountValidation class , BUT handle them in Tester
in centralized manner.
3. Create a TestAccount class in "tester" package.
Using scanner -- accept a/c info --in case of success --display a/c summary else
--via exc -- show err mesg to customer
(using catch & getMessage)
Test Withdraw,Deposit,Funds transfer
Day 6
0. Complete pending work.
1. Revise & complete testing of String class API
2. Add overriding form of equals method to Account class(MUST use @Override ann
Treat 2 accounts same if & only if --account id & customer name is same.
3. Write TestEquals class .Create 2 account objects & test the equals method.
Day 7
1. Modify Account class to add account creation date field.
validation rules -- Account must be created in the current year
(Add this rule in AccountValidation class)

Test this from Tester.

2. Revise quickly code samples of wrappers & non-generic code.
3. Solve code samples(for wrappers & method overriding atleast)
4. MUST go through , all ArrayList based code examples from day7\lists
Day 8
Objective --- Create simple List(ArrayList) of Account & test complete API
Create Empty Arraylist of Accounts
1.2 Accept a/c info from user till user types "stop" & populate AL.
1.2.1 -- Display AL content using for-each
----------------Account equality --id & type
Add some account data in fixed(hard coded) manner
1.3 Accept account id,type & display summary or error mesg
1.4 Accept src id & type , dest id & type & funds transfer.
--------------------1.5 Accept acct id n type & remove a/c -Must use public boolean remove(Object o)

Apply interest on all saving a/cs

rate of interest
Sort accounts as per asc a/c ids. -- use natural ordering
Sort accounts as per desc a/c ids. --use custom ordering

2.0 Sort a/cs as per bal --use custom ordering

Day 9
Create a BookShop using suitable data structure.
Book -- title,author,price,publishDate
Display available books to Users.Then supply following options
1. Add Book to The Cart
I/P : Book Title
2. Remove Book From the Cart
I/P : Book Title
3. Show Cart Contents
4. Check out
Should display Total cart value & titles of the books purchased by the user.
& terminate.
Day 10
0. Write a java application for
1. Store Account info in suitable collection
2. Sort account info as per creation date.
3. Before exiting from appln --- store acct details in a text file in a buffered
manner.(different account records should appear on separate lines)
4. If time permits
restore account information from text file into suitable collection.
Ask user for acct no & display a/c summary or error message.
1. Accept strings from user till user enters "exit".
Display the word having highest no of repeatations.
2. Revise I/O overview & solve.
Create a text file containing numbers(space separated).

Write java application to display highest & lowest.

(Hint : Collection & I/O)
Day 11
Customer sign-in & sign-up utility
0.Address ---city,country,zipCode,constr,toString
1. Customer -- email(PK),password,dob,regAmount,address(city,country,zipCode)
Customer ---HAS A --Address
constructor,setter for address, toString,readDat,writeData
storeData -- DOS---BOS--FOS-bin file
restoreData ---DIS--BIS--FIS--bin file
3. RegisterCustomer --- accept cust data from user(scanner), populate it in a su
itable collection.
At the end of application --- storeData
4. ValidateCustomer
restoreData inot suitable colleciton
Using scanner , prompt user for --email & password
If success --display user details
or exc --- err mesg
Day 12
1. From earlier assignment , replace Data I/O streams by Object streams.
0. Make Customer & Address -- non -- serializable
1. Make Customer & Address -- serializable
2. Make Customer --Serializable & Address -- non-serializable
Upon observing error --fix it by using "transient" keyword.
2. Take existing Emp class(having id,name,salary)
Treat 2 employees same iff --their id & name is same.
Accordingly modify hashcode & equals .
Add emps to HashSet & check its behaviour.
Day 16
1. Complete single bouncing ball assignment
2. Solve code samples from <test_synchro> to differentiate between static & non
static synchronized methods.
3. Refer to <no_itc> & understand need of inter thread communication.
4. Understand problems in <itc_with_sleep> & <itc_with_wait> & then solve <itc_w
5. Solve <thrd_safe_coll>
6 Read Object class API
wait,notify & notifyAll
Day 20
1. Revise JDBC API for --Statement,PreparedStatement,CallableStatement.
2. Create standalone JDBC application for Student Utility --using layers --To di
splay all course names in JComboBox & display student details of the selected co
Tester,DAO,DTO & DB .
(Hint : can take readymade DB tables)
3. If time permits, split step 2 in 2 parts
3.1 TCP client --having GUI front end
3.2 TCP Server -- having DB connectivity.

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