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Enzymes I: General Properties,

Kinetics, and Inhibition

This chapter deals with enzyme catalysis, kinetics, inhibition,
and mechanisms. Enzymes are catalysts and
are functional units of cellular metabolism. Enzymes
are usually proteins but may include RNA molecules as
well. This chapter and the following two chapters discuss
protein enzymes. RNA molecules are ribonucleases
(ribozymes) that recognize specific nucleotide sequences
in the target RNA and hydrolyze phosphodiester
bonds. Ribosomal RNA functions as a peptidyl transferase
in protein biosynthesis (Chapter 25). Some RNA
molecules also undergo a self-splicing process. One example
is the transformation of pre-mRNA to mature,
functional mRNA by the splicing out of intervening sequences
(introns) and ligation of the coding sequences
(exons). The splicing-ligation process requires small nuclear
ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) and other
proteins. Enzymatic RNA also can act on other RNA
molecules. An example is ribonuclease P (RNase P),
which is involved in the conversion of precursor tRNA
to functional tRNA by generating 5'-phosphate and 3'hydroxyl termini. RNase P contains both a catalytic
RNA moiety and an associated protein (Chapter 25).
Many enzymes are bound either covalently or noncovalently
to nonprotein components essential for enzymatic
activity. The term prosthetic group is generally reserved
for those nonprotein components that are bound
tightly, whereas the term coenzyme applies to less
tightly bound nonprotein components. The coenzymes
are complex organic compounds, frequently derived
from vitamins. The term eofaetor is used for metal ions and
simple organic compounds that partipate in enzyme catalysis.
The protein portion of an enzyme is the apoenzyme,
and the fully functional enzyme with its attached nonprotein
component is the holoenzyme (i.e., apoenzyme +
coenzyme = holoenzyme).

6.1 Nomenclature
Enzymes are generally named for the substrate or chemical
group on which they act, and the name takes the
suffix -ase. Thus, the enzyme that hydrolyzes urea is
named urease. Examples of exceptions to this terminology
are trypsin, pepsin, and papain, which are trivial
names. Systematic nomenclature for the enzymes has been
developed by the Enzyme Commission of the International
Union of Biochemistry. This system provides a
rational and practical basis for identification of all enzymes
currently known as well as for new enzymes.
The systematic name describes the substrate, the nature
of the reaction catalyzed, and other characteristics. A
unique numerical code consisting of four numbers separated
by periods (e.g., EC. is designated. The
prefix "EC" denotes "Enzyme Commission." The first
number in this designation specifies the class to which
the enzyme belongs. All enzymes are assigned to one


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