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APRIL 10th, 2010.





Saturday April 10th, 2010.

he Rite of the blessing of an Abbot by the Bishop is

referred to in the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict and attested
to a half century later under Pope Saint Gregory the Great (
604), then in the eighth century. The Bishop surrounded by other
Prelates, conferred on the new abbot his crozier and sandals. In our
day, the present Rite brings out the liturgical enrichments over
the course of the centuries.

he blessing takes place during the Holy Sacrifice of the

Mass, after the Gospel. The Rite of blessing is composed
of the presentation of the Abbot to the Bishop by two of his
Monks, a brief questioning after the homily of the Bishop, and
finally the solemn Blessing, which is preceded by the Litany
of the Saints. The Rite is concluded with the handing over of
the Rule and the Abbatial Insignia (ring, miter, and crozier)
and the kiss of peace, followed by the obedience of the new
Abbots monks.

hen Father Abbot concelebrates Holy Mass beside the



dxit Dominus ppulum

suum in exsultatine,
alleluia et elctos suos in
lttia, alleluia, alleluia.
Ps.104. Confitmini Dmino,
et invocte nomen ejus;
annuntite inter gentes pera
ejus.V. Gloria Patri.

he Lord led forth His people

with joy, alleluia; with
shouts of joy, His chosen ones,
alleluia, alleluia. Ps. 104:1.
Give thanks to the Lord, invoke
His name; make known among
the nations His deeds V. Glory

Lord have mercy. (3x)

Christ have mercy. (3x)
Lord have mercy. (3x)


be to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will.

We praise thee, we bless thee, we adore thee, we glorify thee,
we give thee thanks for thy great glory. Lord God, heavenly King,
God the almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten Son. Lord
God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of
the world, have mercy upon us; thou who takest away the sins of the
world, receive our prayer; thou who sittest at the right hand of the
Father, have mercy upon us. For thou alone art the Holy One. Thou
alone art Lord. Thou, Jesus Christ, alone art the Most High, with the
Holy Ghost, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.


omnpotens Deus: ut, qui
festa pschalia venerndo
gimus, per hc contngere ad
gudia trna meremur.

rant, we beseech Thee,

Almighty God, that we,
who have devoutly carried out
the Easter festivities may by
them be made worthy to reach
eternal joy.

For Father Abbot under the same conclusion:

Dmine, huic fmulo tuo,
ut prdicndo, et exercndo
qu recta sunt, per exmplum
bonrum perum nimas
surum instruat subjectrum:
et trn remuneratinis
mercdem a te piissimo Pastre
percipiat. Per Dominum.

rant we beseech Thee Lord,

to this thy servant, that
preaching and doing that which
is right, by the example of good
works he may instruct the souls
of those subject to him, and that
he may receive the reward of
eternal blessing from Thee, the
most gracious Pastor. Through
Christ Our Lord.

Epistle: I Peter 2, 1-10.

arissimi, deponntes gitur

omnem maltiam, et omnem
dolum, et simulatines, et
invdias, et omnes detractines,
sicut modo gniti infntes,

early beloved, laying away

all malice, and all guile,
and dissimulations, and envies,
and all detractions, as newborn
babes, desire the rational

rationbile, sine dolo

lac concupscite: ut in eo
cresctis in saltem: si
tamen guststis quniam
dulcis est Dminus. Ad
quem accedntes lpidem
vivum, ab homnibus
quidem reprobtum, a
Deo autem elctum, et
honorifictum: et ipsi
tamquam lpides vivi
superdificmini, domus
spiritulis, sacerdtium
sanctum, offrre spiritules
hstias, acceptbiles
Deo per Jesum Christum.
Propter quod cntinet
Scriptra: Ecce pono in
Sion lpidem summum
angulrem, elctum,
pretisum: et qui
credderit in eum, non
confundtur. Vobis gitur
honor credntibus: non
credntibus autem lapis,
quem reprobavrunt
dificntes: hic factus
est in caput nguli, et
lapis offensinis, et petra
scndali, his qui offndunt
verbo, nec credunt in quo
et psiti sunt. Vos autem
genus elctum, regle
sacerdtium, gens sancta,
ppulus acquisitinis:
ut virttes annuntitis
ejus qui de tnebris vos
vocvit in admirbile
lumen suum. Qui aliqundo
non ppulus, nunc autem
ppulus Dei: qui non
consecti misericrdiam,
nunc autem misericrdiam


milk without guile, that

thereby you may grow unto
salvation: if it so be that
you have tasted that the
Lord is sweet. Unto whom
coming, as to a living
stone, rejected indeed by
men, but chosen and made
honourable by God: be
you also as living stones
built up, a spiritual house,
a holy priesthood, to offer
up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus
Christ. Wherefore it is said
in the scripture: Behold, I
lay in Sion a chief corner
stone, elect, precious: and
he that shall believe in him,
shall not be confounded. To
you therefore that believe,
he is honor: but to them
that believe not, the stone
which the builders rejected,
the same is made the head
of the corner: and a stone
of stumbling, and a rock
of scandal, to them who
stumble at the word, neither
do believe, whereunto also
they are set. But you are a
chosen generation, a kingly
priesthood, a holy nation, a
purchased people: that
you may declare his
virtues, who hath called
you out of darkness into his
marvellous light: who in
time past were not a people:
but are now the people of
God. Who had not obtained
mercy; but now have
obtained mercy.


llelia, allelia.
Hc est dies quam fecit
Dminus; exsultmus, et
ltmur in ea.

llelia. Ludte, peri,

Dminum ; ludte
nomen Dmini. Allelia.


ictim paschli laudes

immolent Christini.

Agnus redmit oves:

Christus nnocens Patri
reconcilivit peccatores.
Mors et vita dullo
conflixre mirndo: dux
vit mrtuus regnat vivus.
Dic nobis, Mara, quid
vidsti in via?
Seplchrum Christi
vivntis: et glriam vidi
Anglicos testes, sudrium
et vestes.
Surrxit Christus spes mea:
prcdet vos in Galilam.
Scimus Christum surrexsse
a mrtuis vere: tu nobis,
victor Rex, miserre. Amen.


lleluia, alleluia. Ps.

17:24. This is the day
which the Lord has made;
let us be glad and rejoice
in it,
lleluia Ps.112:1. Praise
the Lord, you children,
praise the name of the
Lord. Alleluia.

orth to the Paschal

Victim, Christians,
bring your sacrifice of
The Lamb redeems the
sheep: and Christ the
sinless One hath to the
Father sinners reconciled.
Together, death and life in a
strange conflict strove. The
Prince of life who died,
now lives and reigns.
What thou sawest, Mary,
say, as thou wentest on the
I saw the tomb wherein the
living one had lain.
I saw his glory as he rose
Napkin and linen clothes
and angels twain:
Yea, Christ is risen, my
hope, and He will go before
you in Galilee.
We know that Christ indeed
has risen from the grave:
Hail, thou king of Victory.
Have mercy, Lord, and
save. Amen. Alleluia.

Gospel St. John 20, 1-9.

n illo tempore:Una
autem sbbati, Mara
Magdalne venit mane,
cum adhuc tnebr
essent, ad monumntum:
et vidit lpidem subltum
a monumnto. Cucrrit
ergo, et venit ad Simnem
Petrum, et ad lium
discpulum, quem ambat
Jesus, et dicit illis: Tulrunt
Dminum de monumnto,
et nescmus ubi posurunt
eum. xiit ergo Petrus,
et ille lius discpulus, et
venrunt ad monumntum.
Currbant autem duo simul,
et ille lius discpulus
prcucrrit ctius
Petro, et venit primus ad
monumntum. Et cum se
inclinsset, vidit psita
lintemina: non tamen
introvit. Venit ergo Simon
Petrus sequens eum, et
introvit in monumntum,
et vidit lintemina psita,
et sudrium, quod ferat
super caput ejus, non cum
linteamnibus psitum,
sed separtim involtum
in unum locum. Tunc ergo
introvit et ille discpulus
qui vnerat primus ad
monumntum: et vidit, et
crdidit: nondum enim
scibant Scriptram, quia
oportbat eum a mrtuis


t that time, on the first

day of the week, Mary
Magdalene came early
to the tomb, while it was
still dark, and she saw the
stone taken away from the
tomb. She ran therefore
and came to Simon Peter,
and to the other disciple
whom Jesus loved, and said
to them, They have taken
the Lord from the tomb,
and we do not know where
they have laid Him. Peter
therefore went out, and the
other disciple, and they
went to the tomb. The two
were running together, and
the other disciple ran on
before, faster than Peter,
and came first to the tomb.
And stooping down he
saw the linen cloths lying
there, yet he did not enter.
Simon Peter therefore came
following him, and he went
into the tomb, and saw the
linen cloths lying there,
and the handkerchief which
had been about His head,
not lying with the linen
cloths, but folded in a place
by itself. Then the other
disciple also went in, who
had come first to the tomb.
And he saw and believed;
for as yet they did not
understand the Scripture,
that He must rise from the


His Excellency bows to the altar,and sits on the faldistorium
(without crozier), and then follows the Presentation and
interrogation of Father Abbot.
The new Abbot accompanied by Dom Prior and Dom Subprior,
comes before Bishop Slattery, they bow
and Dom Prior says:

Bishop Slattery:
Scitis illum rite elctum

Do you know if he has he been

duly elected?

dest, Reverendssime
Pater, Elctus nostri
monastrii Bet Mar
Clari Rivi, rdinis Sancti
Benedicti, dicsis Tulsnsis,
quem ex parte convntus
eisdem monastrii dximus
prsentndum, humliter
postulntes, ut ipsum in
Abbtem prdicti monastrii
benedicere dignris.

Father Prior:
Scimus et testificmur.

ost Reverend Father,

here before you is Dom
Philip Anderson, who has
been named the first abbot of
our monastery of Our Lady
of Clear Creek, of the Order
of Saint Benedict, in the
diocese of Tulsa. We present
him to you on behalf of the
Community of this monastery
and humbly ask that you bless
him as abbot of this monastery.

We know and we testify that

he has been duly elected.

Bishop Slattery:
Deo grtias.

Thanks be to God.

His Excellency, Bishop Slattery

delivers his Homily.

After the Homily the interrogation of the Abbot-elect by His

Excellency, Bishop Slattery, follows:

ntqua sanctrum
Patrum instittio docet
et prcipit ut is, qui ad
rgimen animrum vice
Christi elgitur, examinri et
interrogri dbeat de divrsis
causis et mribus, qu huic


oly Mother Churchs

Ancient Tradition teaches
and prescribes us to question
him who has been chosen to
lead his brethren in the name
of Christ: the Bishop himself
must ascertain whether the

regmini cngruunt ac
necessria sunt. Edem
igitur auctoritte te, frater
carssime, interrogmus.

new abbot is determined to

fill his charge fittingly. That
is why, very dear Brother,
following her wise guidance,
I now ask:

Father Abbot:

I will.

is sanctum propsitum
tuum et sancti Benedcti
Rgulam observre atque
frtres tuos ut idpsum
fciant dilignter instrere
et ita ad amrem Dei,
ad vitam evanglicam et
ad carittem fratrnam

ill you remain faithful

in your monastic
commitment to observe the
Rule of Saint Benedict and
will you incite your brothers
to do the same, and lead them
thus to the love of God, in
the life of the Gospel, and
fraternal charity?

Bishop Slattery:
is conversatine morum,
doctrna et exmplo,
factis magis quam verbis,
fratres tuos edocre?

Father Abbot:

I will.

ill you teach your

brothers by your
constant dedication to
monastic life, by sound
doctrine, and by the good
example of your own deeds
rather than by mere words?

Bishop Slattery:
is, saltem animrum
tibi commissrum non
parvipndens, fratres tuos
ad Deum perdcere?

Father Abbot:

I will.

Bishop Slattery:
is res monastrii tibi
commssi fidliter
custodre et ad usum
fratrum, puperum et

ill you lead your

brothers to God taking
to heart the spiritual good of
those entrusted to your care?

ill you be faithfully

watch over the goods of
your monastery with the duty
of using them wisely for the


peregrinrum sapinter

benefit of your brothers, of the

poor, and of the pilgrims?

Father Abbot:

I will.

Bishop Slattery:
is sanct Ecclsi
ac Romno Pontfici
eisque successribus fidem,
obdintiam et reverntiam
devte et fidliter per mnia
perptuo exhibre?

Father Abbot:

I will.

Omnes dicunt: Amen.

All: Amen.

ill you always and in

all matters be loyal,
obedient, and reverent to holy
Church and to our Holy Father
the Pope and his successors?

ay the Lord grant you

these and all good things,
and guard you always and

c mnia et univrsa
bona trbuat tibi
Dminus, ac te semper et
ubque custdiat.

Then all rise and His Excellency, Bishop Slattery, (without miter)
turned towards the faithful says:

rmus, fratres carssimi,

ut Deus et Dminus
noster hunc fmulum suum
Philppum, qui ad fratrum
surum rgimen electus est,
dono su grti prosequtur.

early beloved, let us pray

the Lord our God, to fill
with his grace his servant
Philip, who has been chosen to
rule this monastery.

Father Abbot lies prostrate in the middle of the Sanctuary. When

the Bishop is turned toward the altar, and all kneel, the cantors
intone the Litany of the Saints:


Christe, audi nos.

Christ hear us.
Christe, exudi nos,
Christ graciously hear us,

Pater de clis, Deus.

Miserre Nobis.
Fli, Redmptor mundi, Deus.
Spritus Sancti, Deus.
Sancta Trnitas Unus Deus.

ancta Mara, Dei Genitrix,

Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Mchal,
Sancti Angeli Dei,
Sancte Jonnes Baptsta,
Sancte Joseph,
Sancti Petre et Paule,
Orte pro nobis
Sancte Andra,
Sancte Jonne,
Sancte Philppe,
Sancti Joachim et Anna,
Orte pro nobis
Sancta Mara Magdalna,
Sancte Stphane,
Sancte Laurnti,
Sancte Ignti Antiochne,
Sancta Agnes,
Sancta Ccilia,
Sanct Perptua et
Orate pro nobis
Sancte Gregri,
Sancte Augustne,
Sancte Athansi,
Sancte Basli,
Sancte Martne,


God, the Father in heaven,

have mercy on us.
God, the Son,
Redeemer of the world,
God, the Holy Ghost.
Holy Trinity, One God,

oly Mary, Virgin Mother

of God,
Pray for us.
Saint Michael,
All ye Holy Angels of God,
Saint John the Baptist,
Saint Joseph,
Saints Peter & Paul,
Saint Andrew,
Saint John,
Saint Philip,
Saints Joachim & Anne,
Saint Mary Magdalen,
Saint Stephen,
Saint Lawrence,
Saint Ignatius,
Saint Agnes,
Saint Cecilia,
Saints Perpetua and Felicity,
Saint Gregory,
Saint Augustine,
Saint Athanasius,
Saint Basil,
Saint Martin,

Sancte Apollinris,
Sancti Vtne et
Orte pro nobis
Sancti Antni,
Sancte Prosper,
Sancte Pater noster
Sancti Maure et Plcide,
Orte pro nobis.
Sancte Columbne,
Sancte Beda,
Sancte Romulde,
Sancte Mjole
Sancti Odo, Odlo et
Orte pro nobis
Sancte Bruno,
Sancte Bernrde,
Sancti Francsce et Antoni,
Orte pro nobis
Sancti Domnice et
Orte pro nobis
Sancta Scholstica,
Sancta Gertrdis,
Sancta Clara,
Sancta Tersia,
Sancta Tersia a Jesu
Omnes Sancti et Sanct
Intercdite pro nobis.

Saint Apollinaris,
Saints Vitonus and
Saint Anthony,
Saint Prosper,
Our Holy Father Saint
Saints Maurus and Placid,
Saint Columban,
Saint Bede,
Saint Romuald,
Saint Mayol,
Saints Odo, Odilo, & Hugh,
Saint Bruno,
Saint Bernard,
Saints Francis and
Saints Dominic and
Saint Scholastica,
Saint Gertrude,
Saint Clare,
Saint Teresa,
Saint Therese of the Child
All ye Saints of God,
Intercede for us.




Ab omni peccto,
Lbera nos, Domine.
A morte perptua,
Per incarnatinem tuam,
Per mortem et
Per effusinem Spritus

From all sin,

Deliver us, O Lord.
From everlasting death,
Through thy Incarnation,
Through thy Death and

Te rogmus audi nos.

We sinners,
We beseech thee hear us.

Ut Ecclsiam tuam sanctam

regre et conservre

That thou wouldst deign to

govern and preserve thy Holy

Ut domnum apostlicum
et omnes ecclesisticos rdines
in sancta religine
conservre dignris,

That thou wouldst deign to

preserve in Holy religion the
Pope and all the hierarchy,

Ut cunctis ppulis pacem et

veram concrdiam donre

That thou wouldst deign to

grant peace and true concord to
all peoples,

Ut, omnes qui evanglica

profitntur conslia, peri
redemptinis plnius
socire dignris,

That thou wouldst deign to

make those consecrated to
thee, share in a greater way, in
thy work of salvation,

Ut in mnibus famliis tibi

dictis Christi carittem
et Fundatrum spritum

That thou wouldst deign to

preserve and increase in all
religious families the love of


By the sending of the Holy


conservre et augre

Christ and the spirit of their


Ut nosmetpsos in tuo
sancto servtio confortre et
conservre dignris,

That thou wouldst deign

to strengthen and conserve us
in thy holy service,

Ut hunc abbtem elctum

benedcere et adjuvre

That thou wouldst deign to

bless and aid this new Abbot,

Jesu, Fili Dei vivi,

Te rogamus, audi nos.

Jesus, Son of the Living God,

The deacon invites all to stand :


All rise.


Father Abbot kneels in front of the Bishop, who sings the
following prayer with extended arms and without Miter:

eus, Pater omnpotens,

qui Flium tuum
unignitum in mundum
missti, ut homnibus
ministrret, et, pastor
bonus, vitam suam pro
vibus trderet, spplices
te rogmus, ut hunc
fmulum tuum Phlippum,
Abbtem huius monastrii
elctum, benedcere
et confortre dignris.
Concde, qusumus, ei,
ut prclra conversatine
eum se ostndat esse qui


lmighty God and Father,

Thou didst send thine
only begotten Son into the
world to become the servant
of all men, and as the Good
Shepherd to lay down his
life for his sheep, we humbly
beseech thee, to deign to
bless and fortify thy servant
Philip, who has been chosen
to be abbot of this monastery.
Grant him, we pray, that
he may show himself, by
exemplary life, worthy of
the title he bears, so that by

dcitur, quo salbrius

doctrna ipsus fermntum
divn iustti in
discipulrum mntibus
conspergtur. Scit quidem,
Dmine, quam diffcilem
rem ipse suscpiat, et quam
rduum sit onus rgere
nimas multormque
mribus servre; scitque
sibi oportre prodsse
magis quam prsse.

his teaching, the leaven of

divine justice may penetrate
more deeply the souls of his
disciples.Let him come to
know, Lord, how difficult is
the task he now assumes, and
how arduous the duty to lead
souls and to adapt himself to
the various dispositions of his
subjects. May he also come to
know that his role is to serve
more than it is to rule.

agnpere gitur,
te inspirnte,
sollicitdinem gerat, et
omni sagacitte curet et
indstria, ne de vibus
sibi commssis ullam
amttat; sed cuncta semper
tmperet atque dispnat,
ut omnes, in amre Christi
et caritte fraternittis
igiter procdentes, in
via mandatrum turum
dilatto corde festnent.

pritus tui, Dmine,

ipsum implre dignre
munribus, ut ad glriam
tuam Ecclesique servtium
et se xcitet, et fratres
indesinnter impllat.
Christo nihil mnino
prpnat, nihil dceat
prponndum, qutenus,
illus die adveninte
suprmo, priter cum
frtribus suis regnum tuum
cnsequi meretur. Qui
vivit et regnat in scula
R. Amen.


nder thy inspiration, may

he be very attentive, and
may he act with all sagacity
and industry so as not to lose
any of the sheep confided
to his care; rather may he
rule and dispose all things
in such manner that all may
continually make progress
in the love of Christ and in
fraternal charity, and that thus
they may make haste, with
enlarged hearts, on the
path of thy commandments.
eign, O Lord, to fill him
with the gifts of thy Spirit,
so that himself enflamed, he
may lead unceasingly his
brethren so as to procure thy
glory and serve thy Church.
May he prefer nothing at all
to Christ, and may he teach
others also to place nothing
before Christ, in such wise that
he may obtain, in the company
of his brothers, when the day
of judgment dawns, to merit to
be received into thy kingdom.
Thou who livest and reignest
world without end.
R. Amen.

After the prayer all sit. The new Abbot kneels before His
Excellency during the following rites. Bishop Slattery, in miter,
presents the Holy Rule to Father Abbot.

ccipe Rgulam a
sanctis Ptribus
trditam ad regndos et
custodindos fratres tibi a
Deo commssos, quantum
Deus ipse te confortverit,
et fraglitas humna

eceive the Rule of Saint

Benedict, handed on by
the Holy Fathers, to govern
and preserve the brethren who
are confided to you by God,
as much as God gives thee
strength and human frailty

His Excellency places the ring on Father Abbots right hand.

ccipe anulum, fidei

signculum, ut hanc
monachrum famliam,
constnti virtte
prcnctus, in fratrna
caritte custdias.

ake this ring, the seal of

fidelity so that sustained
by firm courage, you may keep
this monastic family in the
bond of brotherly love.

In silence Bishop Slattery places the Miter on Father Abbot.

Next he presents him with the Crozier and says:

c cipe bculum
pastorlem, et fratrum
tibi commissrum gere
sollicitdinem, pro
quibus redditrus es

ake this shepherds staff

and take loving care of the
brothers whom the Lord has
entrusted to you; for whom
you will render an account
before God.

The newly blessed Abbot (kneeling) receives the kiss of peace from His
Excellency, Bishop Slattery.
Father Abbot goes to the middle of the Sanctuary and turned towards
the Faithful remains standing.
The Bishops, and the Abbots present, offer Father Abbot the kiss
of peace. The Abbot goes to his seat and the Monks of his Abbey
offer him the kiss of peace and pay him homage and obedience (as
they place their own hands between Father Abbots hands).


Holy Mass continues with the CREED.



BELIEVE in one God, the almighty Father maker of heaven and

earth, and of all things visible and invisible.And in one Lord Jesus
Christ, only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages;
God from God, light from light, true God from true God; begotten,
not made, of one substancewith the Father; through whom all things
were made. Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down


from heaven, Here genuflect, and was made incarnate by

the Holy Ghost from the Virgin Mary; AND WAS MADE
MAN. He was also crucified for our sake under Pontius
Pilate: suffered, and was buried. And the third day he rose
again according to the Scriptures. And he ascended into
heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will
come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, and
of his reign there will be no end. I believe too in the Holy
Spirit, Lord and life-giver, who proceeds from the Father
and the Son; who together with the Father and the Son is
adored and glorified; who spoke through the prophets.
I believe in one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I
acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And I
look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of
the world to come. Amen..
Offertory Antiphon:
Ps. 117:26-27.

enedctus qui venit in

nmine Dmini:
benedximus vobis de domo
Dmini: Deus Dminus, et
illxit nobis, allelia, allelia.

lessed is He Who comes

in the name of the Lord;
we bless you from the house
of the Lord. The Lord is
God, and He has given us
light, alleluia, alleluia.

After the singing of the Offertory Antiphon the concelebrating Prelates

come before the altar, bow and take their places on the sides.


Dmine, semper nos
per hc mystria paschlia
gratulri: ut contnua nostr
reparatinis opertio,
perptu nobis fiat causa


rant, O Lord, we
beseech Thee, ever
to rejoice through these
paschal mysteries, so that
the unceasing renewal of
the work of our redemption
may be for us the source of
everlasting happiness.

For Father Abbot under the same conclusion:

nera nostra
qusumus, Dmine,
sscipe plactus, et hunc
fmulum tuum semper et
ubque misericrditer prtege.
Per Dominum.

aving been appeased,

receive, O Lord, our gifts
and this thy servant always and
everywhere mercifully protect.
Through Christ Our Lord.


oly, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth

are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed
is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the


Agnus Dei:

amb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have
mercy on us
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant
us peace.

Galatians 3,27.

mnes qui in Christo

baptizti estis,
Christum industis,

ll you who have

been baptized into
Christ, have put on Christ,

Catholics in the state of grace alone, are permitted to receive Holy

Communion. All are welcome to receive a blessing at the altar rails: in
this case, please kneel with your arms folded across your chest.



trengthened by the gift

of our redemption, we
beseech Thee, O Lord, that
this help for eternal salvation may always increase
true faith.

edemptinis nostr
mnere vegetti,
qusumus, Dmine: ut
hoc perptu saltis
auxlio, fides semper vera

For Father Abbot under the same conclusion:

ay this communion,O
Lord,cleanse us from
sin, and by thy gracious piety
preserve this thy servant.
Through Our Lord

c nos commnio,
Dmine, purget a
crmine; et hunc fmulum
tuum bengna piette
consrvet. Per Dminum.

Father Abbot Philip Anderson makes a short allocution.

Then Bishop Slattery and Father Abbot Philip Anderson together,

impart the Pontifical Blessing.

V. Sit nomen Dmini

Bened ctum.
R. Ex hoc nunc et usque
in sculum.

V. Blessed be the name of

the Lord.
R. From now and forever.

V. Adjutrium nostrum
in nmine Dmini.
R. Qui fecit clum et

V. Our help is in the name

of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and

Benedcat vos
omnpotens Deus Pater,
et Flius, et Spritus
R. Amen.

May Almighty God the

Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit bless you,
R. Amen.

After the final blessing the following Antiphon is sung and the
Procession returns to the Sacristy.

Regina Cli:

ejoice Queen of Heaven, allelluia,

For He whom thou wast meet to bear, alleluia,
Hath risen as He said, alleluia,
Pray for us to God, alleluia.



Coat of arms of
Clear Creek Abbey:

The Abbatial coat of arms of

Father Abbot Philip Anderson:
The blue (azure) background, besides
being often seen as a Marian color,
represents truth and loyalty. The sixpointed, gold star has several meanings.
It represents Christ Himself, who says in
the book of the Apocalypse (22:16), I am
the root and stock of David, the bright and
morning star. It mainly represents in this
blazon, however, the Blessed Virgin Mary,
whose name has often been interpreted
by Christian Saints as Star of the Sea.
Finally, it reminds us of Peter of the Star,
the founder of Fontgombault Abbey in
France, Mother house of Clear Creek

The green background represents

northeastern Oklahoma, often referred
to as Green Country. The color green
in heraldic language stands for hope, joy
and loyalty. The crown of thorns evokes
Christs Passion and the dura et aspera
(the hard and rugged ways by which
we walk towards God, chapter 58 of the
Rule). It is also meant to suggest Our
Ladys Fiat at the Annunciation. The
stylized rose in the center represents Our
Lady of the Annunciation, in the Ecce
that is explained below in the Motto. The
silver lines below symbolize Clear Creek.
The Anchor Cross in gold suggests that
the abbey is anchored through the Cross
of Christ in hope of eternal life as in the
expression taken from the Letter to the
Hebrews (6:19): [Hope] which we have
as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm, and
which entereth in even within the veil


The Motto: ECCE, FIAT

These are the first words of a phrase used

by Saint Benedict in his Rule (Chapter
4, Instrument 21) that has been a central
inspiration of the monastic life, going back
to the earliest centuries of the Christian
faith. To prefer nothing to the love of
Christ. More excellent even than the
moral virtues of humility and obedience,
the love of Christ belongs to the theological
virtue of charity. This is what the monk
attains to after having climbed the ladder
of humility (Chapter7).

These are the key words (in Latin) of

Marys response to the Archangel Gabriel
at the Annunciation. Our Lady of the
Annunciation is the patron Saint of Clear
Creek Abbey.
Ecce (Behold the
handmaid of the Lord) evokes the great
monastic virtue of humility, upon which
Saint Benedict founds his spirituality.
Fiat(Be it done to me according to thy
word) suggests the virtue of obedience,
which, along with that of abandonment to
Gods will, is the practical application of


Clari Rivi 2010 A.D.



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