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Relative Pronouns Pronomes Relativos

So palavras que se referem a termos

Eles introduzem oraes
adjetivas ( restritivas ou explicativas) e tm
uma funo dentro dessa orao ( Essas
oraes definem, limitam ou acrescentam algo ao
significado do antecedente.).
So eles:

WHO (que, o qual, a qual, os quais, as

e whom referem-se

The girl that arrived is beautiful.( A menina que

chegou lindo.)
The girl that I saw is beautiful.( A menina que eu vi
The dog that you saw is sick. (O co que voc viu
est doente.)

The girl who I saw is beautiful. (A menina que eu vi

The girl whom I saw is beautiful. (A menina que eu
vi linda.)

WHICH ( que, o qual, a qual, os quais, as

quais) refere-se a objetos e animais;

The dog which entered the room is sick. (O co ,

que entrou na sala est doente.)
The dog which you saw is sick. (O co que voc
viu est doente.)

THAT ( que, o qual, a qual, os quais, as

quais) pode se referir a pessoas, objetos e

WHOSE ( cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas, de quem,

do qual, da qual, dos quais, das
quais) indica a relao de posse, isto
, seu

possuidor.No pode ser omitido.

Thats the girl whose car was stolen.( Essa a

garota cujo carro foi roubado .)
The car whose door is open is very old. (O carro
cuja porta est aberta muito antigo.)
I know the author whose stories you like. (Eu
conheo o autor cujas histrias voc gosta.)
I have the book whose stories you like. (Eu tenho o
livro cujas histrias voc gosta.)

1st. Leia o texto depois faa o que se pede
Gypsies are a nomad people who came from the Indian subcontinent. They started
westward in the year 1,000 A.D. Nowadays there are about 8 million gypsies all over
the world. Gypsies,ciganos,gitanes,zingare,bohemians are some of the names we use
to call this nomad people. Each of their groups hs a natural leader who is not
hereditary. The most important member in the family,the mother,hs authority over her
children and owns the familys properties. The same principle applies to the tribe which
has the tribal mother, the puri da, guardian of the moral code. A council of ealrs
judges every gypsy who breaks the law. They punish the most serious cases with banishment from the tribe.
Throughout the centuries there has always been a variety of traditional occupations and crafts among the
gypsies. Music and dance, as well as roadshows,fairs, and circus are part of their tradition. The men have
been horsekeepers and craftsmen: the women, fortunetellers. Yet,they were forced to adapt their way of life to

the changes of their economic situation.Some have totally abandoned nomadism; others have temporarily
settled somewhere.

westward:em direo ao oeste-

have been: tem sido

A.D.: Anno Domini: depois de Cristo

horsekeepers:tratador de cavalos

nowadays: nos dias de hoje


who breaks the law: quem transgride a lei

fortunetellers: sortistas

throughout: atraves de

settled:estabelecido, fixado residncia

centuries: sculos
1st. Retire do texto as seguintes frases em ingls:
a) Cada um de seus grupos tem um lder natural que no hereditria.
b) O mesmo princpio se aplica tribo que tem a me tribal.
c) .....todos os ciganos que quebram a lei.
d) Os ciganos so um povo nmade que vieram do subcontinente indiano.
2nd. Marque um x no pronome que completa corretamente cada frase.
1. My neighbor, _________ name is Peter, will arrive tomorrow. ( Meu vizinho , _________ nome Peter ,
chegar amanh.)
a) whose

b) what

c) what

d) when

e) of whom

f) her

2. My sister, _____ lives in Italy, speaks Italian fluently. (Minha irm, _____ mora na Itlia , fala italiano
a) which

b) who

c) who

d) that

e) what

3. My oldest sister, ________ books you borrowed, is looking for you. (Minha irm mais velha , ________
livros voc emprestou, est olhando para voc.)
a) what

b) which

c) who

d) whom

e) whose

4. My uncle Harry, ___________________ I havent seen for years, is coming for Christmas. (Meu tio Harry,
___________________ eu no tenho visto h anos, est vindo para o Natal.)
a) that

b) what

c) which

d) whom

e) whose

5. rico Verssimo is a writer ___________ style I appreciate very much. (rico Verssimo um escritor
___________ estilo eu aprecio muito.)
a) whose

b) that

c) who

d) of that

e) of wh

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