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GMOs in China.

Review and Critical Thinking

Geno modified organisms (GMOs) in China..............................................................................3
Types of GMOs...........................................................................................................................4
Advantages of GMOs.................................................................................................................4
Disadvantages of GMOs.............................................................................................................4
Experimental results on mice fed with GMOs............................................................................4
GMOs environmental impact......................................................................................................5

The number of population of the Earth over the last century has increased from 1.5 to 5.5 billion; by
2020 its expected to reach 8 billion. Thus there is a huge challenge facing humanity. The problem is the huge
increase of food production, despite the fact that over the last 40 years production has increased 2.5 times, it is
still not enough. Another problem is increasing of medical treatment application. Recently, drugs are so
expensive that the world's population is now relying on the traditional methods of health treatment, especially
homeopathic as it generally applied in China.
In developed countries, 25% of medicines consist of natural substances isolated from plants. Recent
discoveries (antineoplastic agents) suggest that the plants will remain a source of biologically active agents
(BTA), and that the ability of plant cells to the synthesis of complex BTA is still far superior to synthetic
capacity of chemical engineering. Thats why scientists started creating transgenic plants.
Recently, production of Geno modified (GM) food is the most important and controversial task.
Advantages of GM food are obvious: they are not susceptible to the harmful effects of bacteria, viruses, and
characterized by high fertility and long shelf life. Non-obvious consequences of its use: its not studied well so
scientists cannot answer yet whether Geno modified foods harmless to human beings.

Geno modified organisms (GMOs) in China

First I would like to mention recent news on GMOs in China. Recently China refuses to import Geno
modified corn from the United States. Over the past 2013, the Chinese government refused imported products
made from transgenic corn in a total amount of 601,000 metric tons.
Why GM food is so bad? Where did it all start? In my opinion, it all started in 2008 from so-called
"golden rice". This genetically modified rice rich in beta-carotene (source of vitamin A) was established in the
United States, which held its GMOs trials on Chinese people since 2008.
In December 2012 this news hit newspapers headlines, not only in China but in the whole world. The
fact is that this corn was secretly from parents tested on children; Because of this situation, Chinese officials
who participated in the testing of the "golden rice" on children have been dismissed.
Even then, China began to vigorously discuss the ethics of such research, non-governmental and governmental
organizations took part in the discussion of the legality of such studies and in general how much can be
dangerous to humans and the environment such tests. The Chinese government has been studying public
attitudes towards GMOs. Scientists in China have become more and more openly to declare that it is necessary
to prohibit the importation of genetically modified crops in the country, and have even been calls for a
moratorium on GMOs.
Then there were reports of the deaths of tens of thousands of pigs in the province of Anhui, and that this was
supposedly the fault of corn Xianyu 335 manufactured by Pioneer. But as far as this is true, I find it difficult to
judge, as the final conclusions have not been made public. This was the second to push the Chinese government.
And the final consequence was that in July 2013 the Ministry of Agriculture of China has allowed to import
three varieties of transgenic American soya. Immediately in the Chinese equivalent of Twitter - Sina Weibo,
began to discuss the government's decision. On the Internet quickly spread photos of mice with swollen bodies
involved in the testing of soybeans. Among the population were conducted independent surveys, and found that
78% of Chinese people believe that GMOs may negatively affect human health, and 85% do not believe these
products are products.
And judging from the above, the Chinese government still has listened to public opinion and was to avoid the
importation of genetically modified foods into the country.

Types of GMOs
Genetically modified organisms appeared in the late 80s of the twentieth century. In 1992, China began
to grow tobacco, which is "not afraid" of harmful insects. But the beginning of mass production of GM products
placed in 1994, when the United States emerged tomatoes that are not spoiled in transit.
GMO combine three groups of organisms:
- Genetically modified micro-organisms (GMM);
- Genetically modified animals (GMZH);
- Genetically modified plants (GMPs) - the most common group.
In today's world, there are several tens of lines of GM crops: soybean, potato, maize, sugar beet, rice,
tomatoes, canola, wheat, melons, chicory, papaya, squash, cotton, flax and alfalfa. Mass cultivated Geno
modified soy, which in the US has replaced conventional soy, corn, canola and cotton.
The crops of transgenic plants are constantly increasing. In 1996, the world's transgenic crops under the
Plant Varieties were occupied 1.7 million hectares. In 2002 the figure was 52.6 million ha (of which 35.7
million. Ha - in the United States) in 2005 GMO- crops were already 91.2 million ha. In 2006, GM crops were
grown in 22 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia,
Mexico, South Africa, Spain, United States. Major global manufacturers of products containing GMOs - United
States (68%), Argentina (11.8%), Canada (6%), China (3%).

Advantages of GMOs
Advocates of genetically modified organisms claim that GMOs - only the salvation of mankind from
hunger. Scientists predict the Earth's population by 2050 may reach 9-11 billion. Naturally there is a necessity of
doubling or even tripling of the world's agricultural production.
For this purpose, genetically modified plant varieties are excellent - they are resistant to disease and
weather, mature faster and longer stored, are able to produce their own insecticides against pests. GMO plants
are able to grow and produce a good crop, where old varieties simply could not survive due to certain weather
But the interesting fact: GM is positioned as a panacea for hunger for the salvation of African and Asian
countries. But that's why some African countries the past 5 years are not allowed to import into their territories
of products with GM ingredients. Is not it strange?

Disadvantages of GMOs
Specialists-GMO opponents argue that they are the three main threats:
1. Threat to human body - allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, the appearance of gastric microflora
resistant to antibiotics, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.
2. Threat to the environment - the appearance of vegetating weeds, pollution research sites, chemical
pollution, reduction of genetic and other plasma.
Global Risks - activate the critical virus economic security.

Experimental results on mice fed with GMOs

Almost all studies in the field of safety of GMOs funded customers - foreign corporations "Monsanto",
"Bayer" and others. On the basis of such studies it is GMO lobbyists claim that GM products are safe for

However, according to experts, studies the effects of eating GM food conducted on dozens of rats, mice
or rabbits for several months cannot be considered sufficient. Although the results of such tests are not even
always clear.
First study of GM plants on the safety for humans, conducted in the US in 1994 on GM tomatoes, it
served as the basis for resolving not only the sales in stores, but also for the "lite" testing the next GM crops.
However, the "positive" results of this study criticized by many independent experts. In addition to numerous
complaints about the testing methods and results, it also has a "flaw" - within two weeks after the meeting 7 of
40 experimental rats died and the cause of their death is unknown.
According to an internal report, "Monsanto", promulgated with the scandal in June 2005, in
experimental rats fed GM corn MON 863 new variety, any changes in the circulatory and immune systems.
British immunologist Putstai Armand (Armand Putztai) in a television interview said the lowered
immunity in rats fed the modified potatoes. Also, "thanks to the" menu of GM products in the experimental rats
found a decrease in the brain, liver damage and immune suppression.
According to the report of the Institute of Nutrition, 1998, in rats fed transgenic potato company
"Monsanto" as one month and six months after the experiment were observed: a statistically significant weight
loss, anemia, and degenerative changes in the liver cells.
But do not forget that testing on animals - is only the first step, and not an alternative to human studies.
If the producers of GM foods argue that they are safe, it must be confirmed by studies in human volunteers
using a double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, like the test drug.
Judging by the lack of publications in peer-reviewed scientific literature, clinical trials of GM food
products in humans has never been carried out. Most attempts to establish the safety of GM foods are indirect,
but they make you think.
In 2002, the United States and the Scandinavian countries, a comparative analysis of the frequency of
diseases related to food quality. The population of the compared countries is fairly high standard of living close
food basket, comparable health services. It appeared that a few years after the broader output GMO on the
market in the United States were recorded 3-5 times more nutritional diseases than, in particular, in Sweden.
The only significant difference in the quality of food is the active consumption of GM products the US
population and their virtual absence in the diet Swedes.
In 1998, the International Society "Doctors and scientists for the responsible use of science and
technology" (Physisians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST))
adopted the Declaration, which states the need to declare a global moratorium on the release into the
environment of GMOs and products supply of them as long as there is no sufficient knowledge to determine
whether the operation is justified by the technology and how it is harmless to health and the environment.
As of July 2005, under the document were signed 800 scientists from 82 countries. In March 2005, the
Declaration was widely distributed in the form of an open letter calling on the world's governments to stop the
use of GMOs, as they "pose a threat, and do not contribute to the environmentally sustainable use of resources."

GMOs environmental impact

In addition to the risk to human health, scientists are actively discussing what potential threats are
biotechnologies for the environment.
Acquired GMO plants resistant to herbicides may do a disservice if transgenic crops will spread
uncontrollably. For example, alfalfa, rice, and sunflower - its characteristics are very similar to the weeds, and
their arbitrary growth will be difficult to handle.
Canada - one of the major producers of GMO products, such cases are already fixed. According to the
newspaper The Ottawa Citizen, Canadian farm occupied by genetically modified "super weeds" that have arisen

as a result of random mating the three types of GM oilseed rape, resistant to different types of herbicides. The
result is a plant that, according to the newspaper, is stable for almost all agricultural chemicals.
A similar problem arises in the case of transfer of herbicide resistance genes from crop plants to other
wild species. For example, it is seen that the growth of transgenic soybean leads to genetic mutations related
plants (weeds), which are impervious to herbicides.
It does not exclude the possibility of transmission of genes which encode the production of proteins that
are toxic to insects. Weeds that produce their own insecticides get a huge advantage in the fight against insects,
which are often naturally stopping their growth.
In addition, under the threat do not just pests and other insects. In the authoritative journal Nature
published an article whose authors have declared that transgenic corn crops threatened populations of the
protected species of butterflies, monarchs; it turned out to be toxic pollen for their larvae. Such an effect, of
course, does not assume the creators of corn - it was only to scare away pests.
There is concern that all of these effects in the long run can cause disruption of entire food chain and, as
a consequence, the balance of ecological systems within the individual, and even the disappearance of some

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