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Six Mudras to Heal Common Ailments Sonali Bansal Spirituality 6

When reflex points of the fingertip are pressed, these healing

substances are released and one can rebalance any diseased area of
the body. ~ The Healing Art of Mudras, Deborah Nasca Mudras are
hand gestures or simple formations of the fingers and hands which
stimulate specific energy pathway that can unlock higher levels of
awareness and bring about healing when held with focus for
extended periods of time. Each finger represents an element of
nature and when that is brought into contact with the thumb, it
brings about balance in that element and helps cure the disease
caused by the imbalance. Mudras start electromagnetic currents
within the body which balance various constituting elements and
restore health. Deborah Nasca in The Healing Art of Mudras said,
Mudric finger positions tie in with healing arts such as acupressure,
acupuncture, hand and foot reflexology, and massage therapy, as all
of these work with the release of the human bodys own natural
biochemical healing substances endorphins and dopamine that
assist in the healing process. When reflex points of the fingertip are
pressed, these healing substances are released and one can
rebalance any diseased area of the body. For example it is a
common response to clench the fists when experiencing stress or
tension. This reaction actually creates a mudra, which activates
certain reflex points, thus helping the individual to calm down. Lets
look at six mudras that can be practiced to cure common diseases
and ailments: Gyan (Knowledge) mudra for stress How to: Join the
tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger to form an O shape,
while all the other fingers are straight & relaxed. Imagine the thumb
and the index finger to be one and not detached, uniting the
Brahma (thumb) and individual consciousness (index finger). Why
to: This hand gesture works with the air element in the body, and is
often used during pranayama and meditation. It helps in managing
stress, increasing concentration levels and calming the entire
nervous system. Activating the pineal gland, Gyan mudra helps with
headaches and keeps you calm. Duration: Practice the mudra either
for 45 minutes at a stretch or distribute it to 15 minutes three times

a day. You can start with 5 minutes and extend gradually. Linga
(Phallus) Mudra for cold and cough How to: Interlock your fingers
and keep the left thumb straight and upright. While the right thumb
should encircle the left thumb from the outside. Why to: Linga
mudra is known to increase the fire element or bodily heat in the
body. It is often used to overcome chills or cold due to increase of
kapha element or cold weather. It reduces overproduction of phlegm
due to cold, sinusitis and other respiratory disorders. Although it is
suggested not to overdo this mudra and stop using it when cold
leaves the body, as it can cause excessive heat in the body.
Duration: Practice the mudra either for 45 minutes at a stretch or
distribute it to 15 minutes three times a day. You can start with 5
minutes and extend gradually. Shankh (conch shell) Mudra for
immunity and throat-related problems How to: Place your hands just
before your chest. Use your left hand to grasp the right thumb with
your fingers wrapped firmly around it. Now bring the remaining
fingers of the right hand into place so that they make contact with
your left thumb. The shape of your hands will now resemble a conch
shell or shankh. Maintain this formation with your hands at chest
level and keep your eyes closed for as long as you can. Why to:
Shankh Mudra is effective to treat problems related to the throat
chakra. It also relieves speech-related issues like stammering. It also
balances the Thyroxine secretion from Thyroid gland. Working with
all 72000 nadis, this mudra strengthens the entire body and
increases immunity levels. Duration: Practice Shankh mudra either
for 45 minutes at a stretch or distribute it to 15 minutes three times
a day. You can start with 5 minutes and extend gradually. Prana
(vital energy) mudra for eye problems How to: Join the tip of the
thumb to the tip of the ring finger and the little finger while keeping
the rest of the fingers straight. Why to: As the name suggests, Prana
mudra increases the vital energy in the body. It brings a sense of
clarity in our aural field, creates inner focus, greater clarity and is
beneficial for eye problems. Apart from this, it increases the energy
levels in the body, reduces fatigue and nervousness. Duration:
Practice Prana mudra either for 45 minutes at a stretch or distribute

it to 15 minutes three times a day. You can start with 5 minutes and
extend gradually. Shunya (sky) Mudra for ear ailments How to:
Gently bend the middle finger and press it against the ball or mount
of the thumb. Now, with the thumb, press the first phalanx bone of
the middle finger by the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining
fingers straight up and loose without any tension. Why to: The
Mudra of Emptiness reduces the space element in the body, and is
known to help hearing problems, ear aches and pain. Also it cures
numbness in any other part of the body. It is suggested to stop doing
the mudra as soon as the symptoms of the disease vanish. Duration:
Practice Shunya mudra either for 45 minutes at a stretch or
distribute it to 15 minutes three times a day. You can start with 5
minutes and extend gradually. Agni (fire) Mudra for indigestion How
to: Bend the ring finger and place it at the base of the thumb and
place the thumb on the second phalanx bone of the ring finger. All
the other three fingers will remain straight. Why to: As the name
suggests, this mudra works with the fire element of the body, so it
increases the heat in the body, and speeds up the process of
digestion. It reduces the Earth element, which is responsible for
weight gain and lethargy. Agni mudra increases metabolism and
relieves digestive issues. Duration: Practice the mudra either for 45
minutes at a stretch or distribute it to 15 minutes three times a day.
You can start with 5 minutes and extend gradually. Come into a
seated position, either cross-legged or Lotus pose, whichever is
convenient before you perform any of the above mudras. An ailing
person can perform the poses in a lying down position as well.
Practice these hand gestures to experience the healing power in
your hand.
Read more at:
http://fractalenlightenment.com/35868/spirituality/six-mudras-toheal-common-ailments | FractalEnlightenment.com

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