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The Polis Journal of Political Science uses the referencing style recommended by the Romanian
Academy. In this system, the bibliographical resources referred to in the text are cited in footnotes at the bottom
of each page.

[]It is a matter that the Romanian political science scholar Mattei Dogan describes both in his interwar
studies and in his recent works1. []
Mattei Dogan, Comparaii i explicaii n tiina politic i n sociologie, Editura Institutul European, Iai, 2010,
pp. 241-261

Quotes written in other languages than English should be rendered as such in the paper and translated in
footnotes, being accompanied by the mention my translation (my tr.) when they are translated by the articles
author. Bibliographical entries should be provided in the language of publication, without translation, regardless
of whether they are mentioned in footnotes or in the final bibliography.
Marta Petreu, De la Junimea la Noica. Studii de cultur romneasc, Editura Polirom, Iai, 2011, pp. 205-504

1) The first reference to a bibliographical source full citation
Whenever a new bibliographical source is introduced into the articles referencing system the
corresponding footnote should provide full bibliographical details, including the number of the page(s) from
which the quote was taken. Contrary to the final bibliography, where the order is reversed, footnotes mention
the authors first name first.
a) Books
- one author
First name Surname, Book title, publishing company, place, year, p. or pp.
Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology. On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge Mass., 2001, p. 411

- two or several authors

First name Surname, First name Surname, Book title, publishing company, place, year, p. or pp.
Anton Carpinschi, Cristian Bocancea, tiina politicului. Tratat, Editura Universitii Al. I. Cuza, Iai, 1998,
p. 100

- edited book
First name Surname (ed. or eds.), Book title, publishing company, place, year, p. or pp.
Yves Mni, Yves Surel (eds.), Democracies and the Populist Challenge, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2002,
p. 9

- translated work
First name Surname, Book title, translated by , publishing company, place, year, p. or pp.
Robert C. Tucker, Filosofie i mit la Karl Marx, translated by Emanuel-Nicolae Dobrei, Editura Curtea Veche,
Bucureti, 2011, pp. 43-45

b) Chapters or studies in edited books

First name Surname, Chapter or article title, in Book title, First name Name (ed. or eds.), publishing
company, place, year, p. or pp.
Margaret Canovan, Taking Politics to the People: Populism as the Ideology of Democracy, in Democracies
and the Populist Challenge, Yves Mni, Yves Surel (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2002, pp. 25-44

c) Articles in periodical publications (journals, magazines, etc.)

- printed publication
First Name Surname, Article Title, Journal name, volume, no., other info, year, p. or pp.
Norman Birnbaum, The Sociological Study of Ideology (1940-1960): a Trend Report and a Bibliography,
Current Sociology, vol. IX, No. 2, 1960, p. 102

- publication available on the Internet

First name Surname, Article title, Journal name, volume, no., year, http://internetaddress, p. or pp.
(accessed on...)
Liliana Stan, Elemente ale metafizicii idealului la Petre Andrei, Transilvania, Nr. 11, 2011,
(accessed on 23 February 2013)



Whenever such information is available, please provide all the data referring to the periodical quoted:
volume, issue, season, special issue, etc.
2) Subsequent references referencing using Latin abbreviations
Once a source has been cited for the first time, and the first citation has provided all the data needed to
identify it, subsequent footnotes referring to it should use Latin shortened forms, according to the following
a) Subsequent but non-consecutive references

op.cit. the work already cited (with reference to the first citation of that source)

Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology. On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge Mass., 2001, p. 411
Norman Birnbaum, The Sociological Study of Ideology (1940-1960): a Trend Report and a Bibliography,
Current Sociology, vol. IX, No. 2, 1960, p. 102
Ibid., p. 159
Daniel Bell, op.cit., p. 412

If the article cites several works by the same author, subsequent but non-consecutive footnotes will mention a
part of those works titles.
Daniel andru, Ideological aspects in Petre Andreis political sociology, Transilvania, No. 11, 2011, p. 32
Daniel andru, Reinventarea ideologiei, Editura Institutul European, Iai, 2010, p. 215
Daniel andru, Ideological aspects, p. 35
Daniel andru, Reinventarea, pp. 194-195

loc.cit. the work already cited, but at the same page as the one mentioned in the previous
citation (which is not the footnote immediately above, but a previous one)

Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology. On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge Mass., 2001, p. 411
Norman Birnbaum, The Sociological Study of Ideology (1940-1960): a Trend Report and a Bibliography,
Current Sociology, vol. IX, No. 2, 1960, p. 102
Daniel Bell, loc.cit.

b) Consecutive references
The following abbreviations are used only in the case of consecutive (successive) footnotes, as they refer
to the footnote situated immediately above.


idem or id. meaning the same, is used to avoid repeating the authors name

Daniel andru, Ideological aspects in Petre Andreis political sociology, Transilvania, No. 11, 2011, p. 32
Idem, Reinventarea, p. 215

ibidem or ibid. meaning in the same place, is used to refer to the same place (including
the same page) or the same place at a different page

Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology. On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge Mass., 2001, p. 411
Daniel Bell, ibid.
Ibidem, p. 415
Norman Birnbaum, The Sociological Study of Ideology (1940-1960): a Trend Report and a Bibliography,
Current Sociology, vol. IX, No. 2, 1960, p. 102
Ibid., p. 110

The bibliography at the end of the article assembles all the printed bibliographical sources mentioned in
the text, listed in alphabetical order, keeping the format used in footnotes with the exception of the authors
name, which, in the bibliography, should comply with the model: Surname, First name.
BELL, Daniel, The End of Ideology. On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge Mass., 2001
BIRNBAUM, Norman, The Sociological Study of Ideology (1940-1960): a Trend Report and a Bibliography,
Current Sociology, vol. IX, No. 2, 1960
ANDRU, Daniel, Ideological aspects in Petre Andreis political sociology, Transilvania, No. 11, 2011

The electronic resources referred to in the paper should be listed in a separate section.

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