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## Astrology - A javascript class for sharing astrological information ##
Author: Johan Wedfelt
Project Repo: https://github.com/DaWoody/Astrology-JS.git
Version 0.4
License Url: http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0
A javascript class that initiates by loading some Astrological data to t
he instantiated class
then there are a number of public methods available to do searches on bi
rthdate etc to get
astrological information back to be printed or used within a DOM structu
re on a web-page
var Astrology = function(connectionObject){
//On class initiation
Astrology.prototype.xhrAndLoadJsonToDataArray = function(url, variable){
//XHR request help method for loading the data
var _that = this,
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xhr.readyState == 4){
if(xhr.status == 200){
var response = xhr.response;
_that.zodiacSignsData[variable] = response[variable];
xhr.open('GET', url);
xhr.responseType = 'json';
Astrology.prototype.addMonth = function(monthNumberOrMonthName){
//Add the month name or number
var monthNumber = 0,
if(typeof monthNumberOrMonthName === "number"){
monthNumber = monthNumberOrMonthName;

else if(typeof monthNumberOrMonthName === "string"){

var monthNameLowerCase = monthNumberOrMonthName.toLowerCase();
case "january":
monthNumber = 1;
case "february":
monthNumber = 2;
case "march":
monthNumber = 3;
case "april":
monthNumber = 4;
case "may":
monthNumber = 5;
case "june":
monthNumber = 6;
case "july":
monthNumber = 7;
case "august":
monthNumber = 8;
case "september":
monthNumber = 9;
case "october":
monthNumber = 10;
case "november":
monthNumber = 11;
case "december":
monthNumber = 12;
parsedNumber = parseInt(monthNumberOrMonthName, 10);
if(parsedNumber !== NaN){
if(parsedNumber > 0 && parsedNumber <= 12){
monthNumber = parsedNumber;

this.sendToConsole('Did not enter a valid month value. V

alid values include the name of month or its corresponding number');
else {
this.sendToConsole('Did not enter a valid month value. Valid
values include the name of month or its corresponding number');
this.currentSearch.monthNumber = monthNumber;
Astrology.prototype.addDay = function(date){
// Add the day of the month as a number between 1-31
if(typeof date === "string"){
try {
var dateNumber = parseInt(date, 10);
//Lets control so the date is within the range 1-31
if(dateNumber > 0 && dateNumber <= 31){
this.currentSearch.date = dateNumber;
} else {
dateNumber = 31;
this.sendToConsole('Error must provide a valid day of the month
which means a number between 1-31. Now date is set to the last in the month (31)
} catch(e){
this.sendErrorMessageToConsole('We threw and error the date we tried
to set is NOT a string that could be parsed into a number', e);
this.currentSearch.date = dateNumber;
Astrology.prototype.addFullDateString = function(dateString){
// Lets just parse out the month and the day from the full date string and t
hen use the methods
// we already have created so we can reuse the code we already have, awesome
ness ;)
var dateStringArray = dateString.split('-');
if(dateStringArray.length === 3 && dateStringArray[0].length === 4) {
//Lets try parsing the month and day, if they are strings lets proceed a
dding the date as a current date
if(typeof dateStringArray[1] === 'string' && typeof dateStringArray[2] =
== 'string'){
} else {
this.sendToConsole('Wrong date format sent to the addFullDateString
method, needs to be a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD')
} else{
this.sendToConsole('Wrong date format sent to the addFullDateString meth
od, needs to be a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD')

Astrology.prototype.fetchZodiacSign = function(){
//Fetches the zodiac sign from the data that has been loaded into the class
//and the data provided by the user
var monthNumber = this.currentSearch.monthNumber,
date = this.currentSearch.date,
twoSignsArray = [],
zodiacSign = '',
zodiacNumber = 0,
zodiacSigns = this.zodiacSignsData.signs;
for(var i = 0, length = zodiacSigns.length; i < length; i++){
// First lets compare the months, will always just be two possible mont
hs that can
// be passed in to the two arrays
if(monthNumber === zodiacSigns[i].start.monthNumber || monthNumber === z
//If the months end or start in the specific month number we have a
go and should
//save the date in our temporary array awesomeness ;)
//Ok now lets check the two different signs
for(var j = 0, length = twoSignsArray.length; j < length; j++){
//First lets see if the month is in the start or in the end
if(twoSignsArray[j].start.monthNumber === monthNumber){
if(date > twoSignsArray[j].start.date){
zodiacSign = twoSignsArray[j].zodiacName;
zodiacNumber = twoSignsArray[j].zodiacNumber;
else if(twoSignsArray[j].end.monthNumber === monthNumber){
if(date <= twoSignsArray[j].end.date){
zodiacSign = twoSignsArray[j].zodiacName;
zodiacNumber = twoSignsArray[j].zodiacNumber;
return zodiacSign;
Astrology.prototype.fetchZodiacSignDescription = function(){
//Fetches the zodiac sign description
var zodiacSign = this.fetchZodiacSign(),
returnDescription = "",
descriptions = this.zodiacSignsData.descriptions;
if(typeof zodiacSign === "number"){
//A number lets fetch the description through a zodiacNumber check
for(var i = 0, length = descriptions.length; i < length; i++){
if(descriptions[i].zodiacNumber === zodiacSign){
returnDescription = descriptions[i].description;

} else {
//We have a string we are checking against lets do this ;)
for(var i = 0, length = descriptions.length; i < length; i++){
if(descriptions[i].zodiacName === zodiacSign){
returnDescription = descriptions[i].description;
return returnDescription;
Astrology.prototype.sendToConsole = function(message){
//Helper message method
var consoleMessage = "=================================" + "\n";
consoleMessage += "# Astrology" + "\n";
consoleMessage += "# Version: " + this.classData.version + " \n";
consoleMessage += "# Message: " + message + " \n";
consoleMessage += "=================================" + "\n";
Astrology.prototype.sendErrorMessageToConsole = function(message, error){
//Helper message method
var consoleMessage = "=================================" + "\n";
consoleMessage += "# Astrology" + "\n";
consoleMessage += "# Version: " + this.classData.version + " \n";
consoleMessage += "# Error: " + message + " \n";
consoleMessage += "=================================" + "\n";
Astrology.prototype.initConnectionObject = function(connectionObject){
//Lets initiate the connectionObject
var dateDataUrl = '/js/astrology_data/astrology_data.json',
descriptionDataUrl = '/js/astrology_data/astrology_data.json',
returnObject = {
dateDataUrl: dateDataUrl,
descriptionDataUrl: descriptionDataUrl
if(connectionObject === undefined){
//Lets do nothing since we have already defined the paths to where t
else {
returnObject.dateDataUrl = connectionObject.dateDataUrl || dateDataU
returnObject.descriptionDataUrl = connectionObject.descriptionDataUr
l || descriptionDataUrl;
} catch(e){
//Do nothing since we already have the object instantiated with default

return returnObject;
Astrology.prototype.init = function(connectionObject){
//The init function, does the work and sets up the rest of the instantiated
class object
//Setup the connectionObject
var connectionObjectModified = this.initConnectionObject(connectionObject);
//Declare some objects and variables used within the instantiated class
this.connectionObject = {
dateDataUrl: connectionObjectModified.dateDataUrl,
descriptionDataUrl: connectionObjectModified.descriptionDataUrl
this.classData = {
this.zodiacSignsData = {
signs: [],
descriptions: []
this.currentSearch = {
//Load the data
this.xhrAndLoadJsonToDataArray(this.connectionObject.descriptionDataUrl, 'de
this.xhrAndLoadJsonToDataArray(this.connectionObject.dateDataUrl, 'signs');
//Print an instantiation message to the console
this.sendToConsole('Object instantiated with dateData url ' + this.connecti
onObject.dateDataUrl + ' and descriptionData url: ' + this.connectionObject.des

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