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From: Nancy Vietinghoff http://myfatcure.com/cmd.php?


In short, I'll tell you some about this amazing diet I‟m doing that even resets our
metabolism. Dr, A. T. W. Simeons found this complex molecule, hCG, that is
minutely in all of our cell‟s . Back in the 1950‟s he thought it was a hormone
because at first Dr. Simeons noticed it mainly in pregnant women where one of
hCG‟s main big jobs is to make available the mothers fat stores allowing the fetus
to pull his/her nutritional needs from Mom. When hCG is used with a strict diet it
taps into the Hypothalamus (a part of the brain which in part, is in control of fat
storage). Using the hCG or what I'm using the HHCG along with a strict diet
tricks the Hypothalamus into thinking that your body is in starvation mode, which
causes it to unlock the calories from the abnormal fat stores so our bodies can
have enough nutrition and energy.

Therefore while only eating a 500 calorie diet your body is actually burning
2,000 to 4,000 calories each day. So in essence, during the first 43 days (while
using the HHCG Spray) of this protocol we are living off those abnormal fat stores.
If you follow the protocol closely you don't get hungry for more than what is
allowed. No necessary fat or muscles will be affected!

The diet of 2 proteins, 2 fruits, 2 veggies (and 2 Melba Toast if you want carbs) and
the necessary water are very important to follow precisely~~~ for you to be able to
melt away the most of that unwanted fat. There is also an alternative diet for
vegan’s. Dr. Simeons, through decades of intense research precisely let us know
which foods we can enjoy, so it is all laid out for us.

Three differences in this HHCG Protocol compared to other ways of trying to

get the excess weight and inches off are:

 1 It resets the Hypothalamus (therefore resetting your metabolism) so

you don't gain the weight back after carefully completing the Protocol.
 2 It targets the abnormal fat (that fat, which you just can't seem to lose
and keep off with diet and exercise).
 3 The skin retracts as you lose the fat!

The difference in hCG and HHCG is;

 1 The cost! hCG injections can cost thousands of dollars for the protocol.
 2 HHCG is homeopathic and kosher, it contains the 'Magnetic Energy
Signature' of hCG
 3 Dosage: 2 sprays on the roof of the mouth then 2 sprays, 12 hours later.
 4 The “My Fat Cure HHCG Spray” is consistent and promotes better
absorption not requiring you to try and hold drops under your tongue.
 5 The HHCG Protocol is very simple and the support is amazing!!!

A Little of My Personal Story: I am 50 years old, 5'9" and my starting weight

was 224.4 lbs. When I read the manuscript “Pound‟s and Inches” by Dr. Simeons, I
had that AHA moment! “This Make‟s Sense, Here‟s My Answer!” For years I
had known that my metabolism was stalled though I had no solution, but
this hCG Protocol made total sense. I had been eating very healthy for the last 3-4
years and since May 2009, I‟ve been a lot more active with walking and hiking, but
to no avail. That was the only diet I had any interest in trying, a healthy diet and a
healthy lifestyle. I had done the „Master Cleanse‟ trying to get the toxins out and
hopefully some of the unwanted weight with them. But it didn‟t work for me like it
did my husband. I could see this HHCG Protocol was different and too, many of my
friends are losing weight on it!

My „start date‟ on the HHCG Protocol was 3.30.2010. In 6 days I am 13 lbs.

lighter and have melted 8 inches away!!! Two nights ago I went shopping in my
bedroom, I just wanted to see what I 'almost' could wear and to my amazement I
was able to fit into my size 16 and 18 pants and skirts! I was floored!!! Every time
I tried on something and it fit… I couldn't help but to go out and show my husband
what else I could fit into, so it turned into my own little fashion show! lol I hadn‟t
been able to wear those clothes for 1½ years! I started my journey wearing size
20. So my conviction was reinforced and I am going to keep on going! UPDATE:
in 22 days I‟ve melted away 18 lbs and Tuesday is my day to measure (I like to
measure weekly) so at 20 day‟s I had melted away 17”!!! One unexpected thing
that is amazing me ~ I‟m getting rid of my most dangerous fat first; 5 inches
from my waist, 5 inches from my chest, 1.75 inches from my neck, I haven‟t had to
wear my C-Pap machine (for Sleep Apnea) since the end of that first week! I‟m
willing to let my thighs and arms wait a little longer until the fat that is most
harmful to my health is greatly reduced! That tape measure has become a
really good friend! lol
UPDATE: 5.4.10
DAY 36 I have now melted away 23 pounds and 23 inches [I‟m holding a bit of
water today], (the inches are combined from my thighs, bum, waist, neck, upper
arms and under my breasts).

UPDATE: 5.12.10 I‟m now done with my first, Phase 2 (43 days of the spray).
My LSW (last spray weight) is 195.6 pounds ~ that is 28.8 pounds lighter
than I was 43 days ago!!! I have melted away 25 inches. WOW!!! Now I
have started into my six weeks of enjoying more foods while resetting my
metabolism, then in July I‟ll starting my next protocol.  !!!(-:
Click on the URL to further check this Protocol out. Then be sure to click on the
grey lettered „FAQ‟s Page‟ so you can get answers to the most asked questions. If
you too, want to really start your weight and inch melt down check it out. On this
site you can hear an amazing testimonial of the man who is responsible for
providing us with this HHCG Spray and others who have been doing this HHCG
Protocol much longer than I have.

A single bottle will last you for 43 days (which pays for itself by the food you‟re not
spending your money on) then you slowly change your diet back to normal over 6
weeks, resetting your metabolism. The average weight melt in the 43 days
is 30 lbs with usually the same amount of inches melted away. Sorry
ladies ~ for men, the average melt is 45 lbs. (If you have less than 15
stubborn pounds to get rid of you can do a ½ protocol (I hate to say lose because I
don’t plan on finding those pounds and inches again and I’m sure you don’t want to
either!)) . If you need to get rid of more than 30 pounds, you can immediately
start the protocol over after completing the first one. So for me, my goal started
out to get rid of 60 lbs, which would put me at a healthy weight, so I ordered 2
bottles. Though now, I will likely continue on with a total of three protocol‟s, to get
rid of all of the abnormal fat stores which are also full of toxins from my 50 years.
That is one of the nice things about this protocol, once you are to your body‟s
natural weight you can no longer lose weight, it will just stop and you will naturally
get hungry for more calories.

If after going to the web site~~~you are interested in reading Dr. Simeons‟
manuscript, "Pounds and Inches" which is very wise before ordering, follow the
directions and you will receive a copy ~ for free. Enjoy reading the science behind
this amazing diet.

Nancy Vietinghoff


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