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11, NOVEMBER 2009


Improved Direct Power Control of a DFIG-Based

Wind Turbine During Network Unbalance
Peng Zhou, Student Member, IEEE, Yikang He, Senior Member, IEEE, and Dan Sun, Member, IEEE

AbstractThis paper proposes an improved coordinate direct

power control (DPC) strategy for the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) and the grid side converter (GSC) of a wind power
generation system under unbalanced network conditions. Two improved DPC schemes for the DFIG and the GSC are presented,
respectively. The DPC for DFIG is to eliminate the torque and
stator reactive power pulsations, while the DPC for GSC is to compensate for the pulsations of stator active power. In order to provide
enhanced control performance of the overall system, the resonant
controllers tuned at the fundamental and double grid frequency are
applied in the improved DPC to eliminate the torque and power
pulsations produced by the transient unbalanced grid faults, so
that the output power of DFIG and GSC can be directly regulated without any necessity of the positive and negative sequence
decomposition. The effectiveness of the proposed DPC strategy is
verified by the simulation results of a 2-MW DFIG system under
unbalanced grid voltage conditions.
Index TermsDirect power control, doubly fed induction generator, network unbalance, resonant controller, wind turbine.

Is, Ir
L s , L r
Ls , Lr
Pg , Qg
Ps , Qs
Rg , Lg
R s , Rr
Us, Ur
U c , c
U g , g
s , r
s , r , slip
s , r

DC-link capacitance.
GSC output current vector.
Stator, rotor current vector.
Mutual inductance.
Stator, rotor leakage inductance.
Stator, rotor self-inductance.
Electromagnetic power.
GSC output active and reactive power.
Stator active and reactive power.
Line resistance, coupling inductance.
Stator, rotor resistance.
Electromagnetic torque.
Stator, rotor voltage vector.
GSC output voltage, flux vector.
Grid voltage, flux vector.
DC-link voltage.
Stator, rotor flux vector.
Stator, rotor, slip angular speed.
Stator voltage angle, rotor angle.

Manuscript received March 3, 2009; revised July 10, 2009. Current version
published December 4, 2009. This work was supported in part by the National High Technology Research and Development of China under Project
2007AA05Z419 and by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation
of China under Grant Y1080287. Recommended for publication by Associate
Editor J. Kokernak.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China (e-mail: beatles851@163.com;
ykhe@zju.edu.cn; sundan@zju.edu.cn).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2009.2032188



Conjugate complex.
Positive, negative (dq) reference frame.

d, q
s, r

Synchronously rotating dq axes.

Stator, rotor.
Stationary axes.
Positive, negative sequence component.

OUBLY fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind turbine has become increasingly popular due to its advantage
of variable speed operation with the excitation converter rated
at only 25%30% of the generator rating. However, since the
stator of DFIG is directly connected to the grid and the power
rating of its excitation converter is limited, the DFIG system is
quite sensitive to grid disturbances. As the power penetration
from the DFIG-based wind turbines into the grid is increasing
steadily, the control and operation of DFIG under grid disturbances has become the subject of intense research during the
last few years [1][10].
Of all grid disturbances, the unbalanced grid faults happen
much more frequently than the balanced ones. The most severe
problems of the DFIG under unbalanced faults are the oscillations of stator output power and electromagnetic torque, which
are harmful to the stability of the connected power grid and the
mechanical system of the wind turbine [1]. Moreover, voltage
ripples will be produced in the dc-link as a result of power oscillations in the DFIG and the grid side converter (GSC), which
is harmful to the dc-link capacitance.
Various methods have been proposed to control the DFIG
under unbalanced grid conditions, and the response and performance of DFIG during network unbalance are now well understood [2][7]. Basically, the available unbalanced control
methods were based on the symmetrical component theory [3],
which states that an unbalanced system is a combination of the
positive and negative networks. Therefore, the decomposition
of unbalanced three phase quantities into the positive and negative sequences was inevitable when these methods were applied.
However, since the decomposition process may introduce considerable time delay and some errors of amplitude and phase
with respect to the original signals, the stability and dynamic
response of the overall control system could be seriously affected [7]. Recently, some new kinds of rotor current controllers,
such as the main and auxiliary controllers [8], the proportional
and resonant (PR) controller [9], and the proportional integral

0885-8993/$26.00 2009 IEEE



and resonant (PIR) controller [10] have been adopted in the vector control scheme to regulate the positive and negative sequence
rotor current without involving sequential decomposition. But
actually, only the rotor current decomposition could be avoided
when these controllers were applied, the stator voltage, current,
and/or flux still had to be decomposed for the use of calculating
the positive and negative rotor current references.
This paper investigates an improved direct power control
(DPC) strategy for enhanced control and operation of the DFIG
under unbalanced grid voltage supply. The DPC for DFIG has
been studied in some literatures [13], [14] and proved to have
several advantages over the conventional vector control strategy, such as simple implementation, fast dynamic response,
and robustness to parameter variations of the DFIG [14]. The
application of DPC for DFIG under unbalanced grid voltage
conditions has also been reported in [15] and [16], yet, the sequential decomposition is indispensable. In this paper, the resonant controllers are adopted in the improved DPC to regulate
the stator power pulsations, so that the active and reactive stator
power can be fully regulated without any necessity of sequential
Besides the improved DPC for DFIG, a novel unbalanced
DPC for the GSC has also been proposed in this paper. Similar
to the DFIG, many literatures have studied the control of the
three-phase voltage source converter (VSC) under unbalanced
supply [17][20]. Generally, these methods can be classified into
two types, the voltage oriented control (VOC) and the DPC [21].
When the unbalanced VOC was applied, the sequential decomposition was requisite and hence some inherent defects were
involved, such as slow dynamic response and low bandwidth of
the current control loops [22]. The unbalanced DPC methods
for the VSC adopted some prestored switching tables to generate the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) singles [21], so that
the sequential decomposition could be avoided, but the switching frequency of the VSC was variable. Consequently, the DPC
with space vector modulator (SVM) was brought forward and
the constant switching frequency was achieved [23]. However,
few results have been reported about the application of the SVMDPC under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. Following the
idea of the improved DPC for DFIG, the resonant controllers are
adopted in the SVM-DPC for GSC in this paper, so that the active and reactive power outputs of the GSC are fully controlled.
Based on the improved DPC for DFIG and GSC, a coordinated control strategy of the DFIG and GSC is designed
to provide enhanced control and operation capability of the
DFIG-based wind turbine under unbalanced network supply.
The proposed control scheme is verified by detailed simulation study of a 2-MW DFIG system under unbalanced grid
Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of a DFIG-based wind
turbine used in this study. The stator of the DFIG is connected
to the grid through a star-delta connected transformer, while
the rotor is connected to a four-quadrant PWM converter. An
antiparallel thyristor crowbar is connected to the rotor windings

Fig. 1.

Schematic diagram of the DFIG-based wind energy generation system.

Fig. 2.

Equivalent circuit of the DFIG.

for the purpose of protecting the DFIG and converter from being
damaged under severe grid faults.
A. DPC of DFIG Under Normal Grid Condition
Detailed study on the DPC of DFIG under balanced grid
condition has been carried out in [13], so that only a brief
description is given in this section.
Fig. 2 depicts the equivalent circuit of the DFIG in the dq
reference frame rotating at the synchronous speed s .
With the motor convention applied, the stator and rotor voltage and flux vectors of DFIG can be expressed as
s = Rs I s +

d +
+ js +

r = Rr I r +

d +
+ jslip +


s = Ls I s + Lm I r
r = Lm I s + Lr I r


where Ls = L s + Lm , Lr = L r + Lm , and slip = s

r . All of the parameters in (1) and (2) are referred to the
stator side of DFIG.
Based on (2), the stator instantaneous active and reactive
power can be calculated as
3 + +
U Is
2 s

Lr + +
= U+

. (3)
2 s
Ls Lr L2m Lm s

Ps + jQs =

Under normal grid voltage condition, the stator flux can be regarded as constant in the positive synchronous reference frame,
which means that its differential equals zero. Taking into account (1), if the d-axis of the synchronous frame is fixed with
the stator voltage vector and the voltage drop across the stator resistance is neglected, the stator voltage vector can be simplified



s = js s = s sq = Usd = Us


where Us is the amplitude of the stator voltage.

Substituting (4) into (3), the stator active and reactive power
can be given by
Ps = k Us r+d

Lr Us
Qs = k Us r+q +
Lm s

where k = 1.5Lm (Ls Lr L2m ) 1.5/(L s + L r ).
Based on (5), during a constant sampling time period of Ts ,
the changes of rotor flux can be calculated as
1 dPs
1 Ps Ps
k Us dt
k Us
1 dQs
1 Qs Qs
k Us dt
k Us


where Ps and Qs are the stator active and reactive power references, respectively.
Substituting (5) and (6) into (1) results in the required dand q-axis rotor control voltages in the stator-voltage-vectororiented reference frame

Lr Us

Ur+d = kp (Ps Ps ) slip

+ Rr i+
k Us
Lm s
Ur+q = kp (Qs Qs ) slip

+ Rr i+
k Us


where kp is the gain of the proportional controller, which is

adopted to reduced the power errors.

Fig. 3. Various components of the stator, rotor current, and flux and the electromagnetic torque of DFIG under transient unbalanced grid fault.

where U s (0) is the original stator voltage, while U s+ (0+)

and U s (0+) are the positive and negative components of the
stator voltage as soon as the fault happens. sdc is the zero
sequence (dc) component of stator flux, which is determined by
the theorem of constant flux linkage and will be damped with
the stator transient time constant Ts [1].
Because of the magnetic coupling between stator and rotor,
the sequential components of stator flux will induce their corresponding sequential flux components in the rotor windings.
Substituting these mixed stator and rotor flux vectors into (2), it
can be deduced that the undesired flux components will cause
different kinds of components in the stator and rotor currents
and, subsequently, in the electromagnetic torque of the DFIG,
as shown in Fig. 3 [16].
The unbalanced stator voltage and fault current will further
cause stator power pulsations, as described in (10)

B. Dynamic Response of DFIG Under Grid Unbalance

In this section, the dynamic response of a DFIG to transient
unbalanced grid fault is investigated. If the grid supply is unbalanced, the stator voltage of the DFIG can be separated into the
positive and negative sequence components as
U s (t) = U s+ + U s =

js t
s+ e

js t
+ jUsq
+ )e

+ (Usd

j s t
+ jUsq

Then the stator active and reactive power can be given as


U s (0) U s+ (0+) + U s (0+) Tt

e s
U s+ (0+) j s t U s (0+) j s t


Ps = Psa + Ps2 s + Ps s

s (t) = sdc + s+ + s

3  + js t
j s t
U s I s =
U s+ e
+ U
s e

(I s+ ej s t + I s ej s t + I sdc ).

j s t
s e

Under balanced grid voltage supply, the stator flux vector s

rotates at the synchronous angular speed of s , which means that
s consists of a pure positive component. However, if the stator
voltage becomes unbalanced abruptly because of a sudden fault
occurring on the grid, negative and zero sequence components
will be induced in the stator flux [1]. Based on (8) and assuming
that the grid fault begins at the time of t = 0, the transient stator
flux vector can be expressed as [16]

Ps + jQs =


Qs = Qsa + Qs2 s + Qs s


3 +

(U s+ I s+ + U
s I s )

+ j 2 s t )
= (U +
I s ej 2 s t + U
s I s+ e
2 s+
j s t

= (U +
I sdc ej s t + U
s I sdc e
2 s+

Psa + jQsa =
Ps2 s + jQs2 s
Ps s + jQs s

Based on (10) and (11), it can be found out that under the
transient unbalanced grid supply, the stator power includes not
only the average terms, but also the double grid frequency
(100 Hz) and fundamental grid frequency (50 Hz) pulsations.
According to Fig. 2, the electromagnetic power is equal to the
sum of the power outputs generated by the equivalent voltage



sources of js +
s and jslip r [8], as shown in (12)

Pe = Pes + Per = Re js s I s + jslip r I r

r = Pea + Pe2 + Pe . (12)
= k r
Re j s

Thus, the electromagnetic torque of the DFIG is calculated

Te =

= Tea + Te2 s + Te s .


According to (13), there will also be 100 and 50 Hz pulsations

in the electromagnetic torque, as shown in Fig. 3.
When the conventional unbalanced control methods [5][10]
were applied, besides the average stator power Psa and Qsa ,
either Ps2 s or Qs2 s could be selected as the control target so
as to eliminate the 100 Hz active or reactive power pulsations.
But Ps2 s and Qs2 s could not be eliminated simultaneously,
because there were only four controllable rotor current components [8]. Moreover, Ps s and Qs s were ignored and not
considered as the control targets since there were no extra control variables to regulate them. As a result, the 50 Hz pulsations
of the stator power will be damped naturally with the stator time
constant Ts . However, since Ts is relatively big (about a few
seconds) for a MW-class DFIG, the attenuation speed of the
50 Hz pulsations is rather slow.
C. Improved DPC of DFIG Under Unbalanced Condition
In order to overcome the problems highlighted in Section II-B,
a new control design is developed for directly regulating the
stator average power and the pulsations, as shown in Fig. 4.
In order to eliminate the stator power pulsations, two resonant
controllers, which are designed to have a large gain at the known
pulsation frequencies (50 and 100 Hz), are applied in the DPC
introduced previously.
Based on (7), when the resonant controllers are applied, the
rotor control voltages could be calculated as
Ur+d = Vr+d + Er+d
= CP R (s)(Ps Ps ) + slip

Lr Us

Lm s
k Us

Ur+q = Vr+q + Er+q = CP R (s)(Qs Qs ) slip

k Us

where V +
r is the output of the proportional plus resonant (PR)
controllers, while E +
r is the equivalent rotor back electromagnetic force. Since the rotor resistance is relatively small for a
MW-class DFIG, the voltage drop across the rotor resistance is
neglectable [13].
The transfer function of the PR controllers is
kr 1 s
kr 2 s
+ 2
+ 2c1 s + s
s + 2c2 s + (2s )2
where kr 1 and kr 2 are the gains of the resonant controllers, while
c1 and c2 are the cutoff frequencies that adopted to widen the
CP R (s) = kp +


frequency bandwidth of the resonant controllers and make them

less sensitive to the frequency variations [24].
In order to avoid the rotational reference frame transformation and sequential decomposition, the stator active and reactive
power can be calculated in the stationary reference frame
Ps + jQs = U s I s
= [(Us Is + Us Is ) + j(Us Is Us Is )] .
Based on the proposed DPC described by (14), the schematic
diagram of the control system is depicted in Fig. 5. An improved
phase-locked loop (PLL), as shown in Fig. 6, is designed to track
the frequency and phase angle of the positive sequence stator
voltage. A resonant controller tuned at double grid frequency
is adopted to compensate for the phase angle error between the
unbalanced stator voltage and its positive sequence component,
so that the effect of the negative sequence component on the
PLL is greatly reduced and then the frequency and phase angle
of the positive sequence component can be tracked accurately
without sequential decomposition. The resonant frequency s
in (15) is detected by the improved PLL, so that the resonant
controllers can resonate accordingly with the possible variations
of the grid frequency during transient conditions.
Simulation studies of the proposed DPC for the DFIG were
conducted by using the MATLAB/SIMULINK software, and
the results are shown in Fig. 7. The DFIG is rated at 2 MW, and
its parameters are tabulated in Table I (see Appendix).
As shown in Fig. 7(A), the power and torque pulsations of 50
and 100 Hz are generated by the transient unbalanced grid fault,
as analyzed previously. After the fault is cleared, the 50 Hz
pulsations, which are caused by sdc , will still exist because
they are not under control. In Fig. 7(B), when the improved DPC
is applied, the stator active and reactive power pulsations can be
eliminated simultaneously, which has not been reported by the
existing literatures with unbalanced control methods applied.
However, the torque pulsations, although being reduced, are not
eliminated since they are not selected as the control targets.
The torque pulsations will cause durative stress concussion to
rotor shaft, which is harmful to the mechanical system of wind
turbines. According to (12) and (13), in order to eliminate the
torque pulsations, the electromagnetic power Pe , instead of the
stator active power Ps , should be selected as the control target of
the PR controllers in (14). However, since Pe is the sum of stator
and rotor electromagnetic power, a better choice is to replace Ps
by the stator electromagnetic power Pes , which can be given in
the stator stationary reference frame as
s Lm (Is Ir Is Ir ).
As clearly shown in (17), if the pulsations of Pes could be
eliminated, the goal of constant electromagnetic torque can be
Fig. 7(C) shows the dynamic performance of the improved DPC with the stator electromagnetic and reactive power
Pes = s Te =


Fig. 4.


Diagram of the improved DPC for DFIG based on resonant controllers.

According to Fig. 8, the relationship between the grid (stator)

voltage and the GSC output voltage can be expressed as
g = Rg I g +

Lg dI +
+ js ( +
g c ) + U c


where the voltage and flux are given as follows

Fig. 5.

g =

d +
+ js +

c =

d +
+ js +
c .


Substituting (20) into (19), neglecting the line resistance Rg

and integrating (19) on both sides, yields

Schematic diagram of the improved DPC for DFIG.

g = Lg I g + c .


Referring to (4), if the d-axis of the synchronous frame is fixed

with the grid voltage vector, under normal network supply, the
grid voltage can be expressed as
g = js g = s g q = Ug d = Ug .

Fig. 6.

Block diagram of the improved PLL.

Based on (21), the output power of the GSC can be calculated


selected as the control targets. As can be seen, the torque and

reactive power pulsations are quickly eliminated when the proposed scheme is applied. However, compared with Fig. 7(A),
the stator active power pulsations are even bigger in Fig. 7(C).
Nevertheless, the active power pulsations, which are harmful to
the stability of the connected power grid, can be compensated
through coordinated control of the GSC to ensure a constant
active power output from the overall DFIG-based wind turbine
system [6], [8].
A. DPC of GSC under Normal Grid Condition
Fig. 8 depicts the equivalent circuit of the GSC in the dq
reference frame rotating at the synchronous speed s .
Similar to the flux definition in the DFIG, the flux linkages
of GSC can be defined as [23]

g = U g dt

c =

U c dt.



Pg + jQg =

3 + +
1 + +

U g Ig = U +
g c . (23)

Substituting (22) into (23), the active and reactive power outputs are expressed as
3 Ug +

2 Lg cd

3 Ug
Qg =
cq +
2 Lg
Pg =


Following the idea of the DPC for DFIG introduced previ+

ously, the GSC flux +
c and its differential d c /dt can be
expressed in terms of the active and reactive output power of
GSC [23]. Substituting +
c and d c /dt into (20), the GSC
output control voltage can be gained as

 2 s Lg
= kp Pg Pg
Qg + Ug
3 Ug

 2 s Lg
= kp Qg Qg
3 Ug
where kp is the gain of the proportional controller.




Fig. 7. Simulation results of the improved DPC for DFIG under 10% grid voltage unbalance during 0.10.2 s at the rotor speed of 1.2 p.u. (a) Stator voltage
(in p.u.), (b) stator current (in p.u.), (c) rotor current (in p.u.), (d) stator active power (in p.u.), (e) stator reactive power (in p.u.), and (f) electromagnetic torque
(in p.u.). (A) Conventional DPC, (B) improved DPC with resonant controllers, and (C) improved DPC with the stator electromagnetic and reactive power chosen
as the control targets.

Fig. 8.

Equivalent circuit of the GSC.

B. Improved DPC of GSC Under Unbalanced Condition

Similar to DFIG, if the grid voltage becomes unbalanced
abruptly, negative sequence and dc components will be generated in the flux linkage and the output current of the GSC.
Referring to (10), the instantaneous output power of GSC can
be calculated as

3  + js t
j s t
U g+ e
+ U
Pg + jQg = U g I g =
g e

I e s + I ej s t + I g dc .

And then, the active and reactive power outputs from the GSC
to the grid can be expressed as
Pg = Pg a + Pg 2 s + Pg s
Qg = Qg a + Qg 2 s + Qg s


where Pg a and Qg a are the average power outputs of the GSC,

while Pg 2 s , Qg 2 s and Pg s , Q2 s are the double and fundamental grid frequency pulsations, respectively.
In order to eliminate the pulsations in the GSC output power,
two resonant controllers are also applied in the DPC system of

Fig. 9.

Schematic diagram of the improved DPC for GSC.

GSC described previously. Then (25) can be rewritten as

= CP R (s)(Pg Pg )
= CP R (s)(Qg Qg )

2 s Lg
Qg + Ug
3 Ug

2 s Lg
3 Ug


where CP R (s) is the transfer function of the PR controllers, as

defined in (15).
Similar to (16), the instantaneous active and reactive power
outputs are calculated in the stationary reference frame as
Pg + jQg =

U g I g .


Based on the DPC scheme for GSC, described by (28), the

schematic diagram of the control system is shown in Fig. 9.
The active power reference Pg is gained by a PI controller,
whose input is the difference between the dc-link voltage and
its reference.



Fig. 10. Simulation results of the DFIG system under grid voltage unbalance of 10% during 0.050.25 s at 1.2-p.u. rotor speed. (a) Stator voltage (in p.u.),
(b) stator current (in p.u.), (c) rotor current (in p.u.), (d) stator active power (in p.u.), (e) GSC active power (in p.u.), (f) total active power (in p.u.), (g) stator
reactive power (in p.u.), (h) GSC reactive power (in p.u.), (i) torque (in p.u.), and (j) dc-link voltage (in Volt). (A) Conventional vector control, (B) vector control
with PIR controllers, and (C) proposed DPC.


outputs from the DFIG and GSC, which can be expressed as

A. Coordinate Control Strategy

Ptotal = Ps + Pg = r T.

As shown in Fig. 1, if the copper loss of DFIG and the switching loss of the converter are neglected, the dc-link voltage of the
back-to-back converter can be given as [8]

= Pg P r = Pg P e + P s .


Therefore, in order to eliminate the dc-link voltage ripples,

the GSC output active power should be controlled as
Pg = Pe P s = r T e P s .


According to Fig. 1, the total active power generated by the

wind power generation system is the sum of the active power


As a result, if the torque pulsations of DFIG are eliminated

and the GSC output active power is controlled as in (31), there
will be no pulsations existing in both of the dc-link voltage
and total active power [8]. Thus, in order to provide enhanced
control performance of the overall system, the DFIG and GSC
should be controlled as follows.
1) The stator electromagnetic power Pes and reactive power
Qs are selected as the control targets for the improved
DPC of DFIG, so that the torque and stator reactive power
pulsations are eliminated.
2) The improved DPC, as shown in Fig. 9, is applied for the
GSC. But the active power reference Pg is gained by (33),



so that the dc-link voltage and the total active power can
keep constant.

Vdc ) + r Te Ps
Pg = CPI (s)(Vdc


where CPI (s) is the transfer function of the PI controller,

which is given as
CPI (s) = kp +



B. Simulation Studies
Simulations of the proposed coordinated control strategy for
a DFIG-based wind turbine were carried out with MATLAB/
SIMULINK. The parameters of the DFIG system and the proposed improved DPC are tabulated in Table II (see Appendix).
Fig. 10 compares the dynamic response of the DFIG system
with different control schemes for DFIG and GSC applied. In
Fig. 10(A), the conventional vector control strategy is adopted
for both of the DFIG and the GSC. Since the conventional control system is designed to deal with normal operation conditions,
the PI controllers used in this control design cannot provide effective regulation for the negative sequence and dc currents,
which will result in severe oscillations in the torque, power, and
dc-link voltage, as shown in Fig. 10(A) (d)(j).
In Fig. 10(B), the PIR controllers are adopted in the vector control scheme to regulate the unbalanced currents of the
DFIG and GSC, in order to achieve the control target of constant electromagnetic torque and total active power [10]. The
PIR controller has been proved to be superior to the dual PI controllers [7] in the control of unbalanced current due to its infinite
gain at the selected resonant frequency. Therefore, the positive
and negative sequence currents can be regulated simultaneously
without steady-state errors and thus the rotational transformations and sequential decomposition in the inner current control
loops can be avoided, which results in a faster dynamic response
than the vector control with dual PI controllers applied [10]. As
to the outer power control loops, however, the grid voltage, current and/or flux still have to be decomposed by some proper
designed filters, such as the notch filter to calculate the positive
and negative current references. Since there will be some time
delay before the outputs of the filters become stable, the control
performance of the whole system will be degraded after a sudden change of grid voltage and thus results in big transients in
the power and torque. As shown in Fig. 10(B) (i), the 100 Hz
torque pulsations are eliminated soon after the voltage unbalance happens. However, the 50 Hz pulsations will be damped
slowly along with the decaying dc stator flux sdc , because
there are not enough controllable current components to regulate
When the coordinated control scheme is applied in Fig. 10(C),
the dynamic behavior of the DFIG system is much quicker and
smoother. As can be seen, the torque pulsations are immediately eliminated during and after the fault. However, although
the pulsations of the total active power and dc-linkage voltage
are greatly reduced, they are not completely eliminated under
unbalanced grid condition. The reason may be that Pg is not

Fig. 11. Simulation results of the DFIG system under grid voltage unbalance
of 15% during 0.050.7 s with rotor speed variation. (a) Stator voltage (in p.u.),
(b) stator current (in p.u.), (c) rotor current (in p.u.), (d) stator active power
(in p.u.), (e) GSC active power (in p.u.), (f) total active power (in p.u.), (g) stator
reactive power (in p.u.), (h) GSC reactive power (in p.u.), (i) torque (in p.u.),
(j) dc-link voltage (in Volt), and (k) rotor speed (in p.u.).

constant but contains the pulsation components of Ps , as shown

in (33). And it takes some time delay for the PR controllers to
track the ac components in Pg , which means that there is a little
phase error existing between Pg and Pg , so that the pulsations
of Ptotal and Vdc cannot be fully eliminated as desired.
Simulations with machine parameter variation during variable rotor speed are carried out in Fig. 11 to further test the
improved DPC. The lumped inertial constant of the system is
set to be 0.5 s in the study to reduce the simulation time and provide better illustration. The magnetizing inductance Lm used in
the control system is set to be 20% bigger than its real value.


As can be seen, the DFIG system maintains superb performance

under both balanced and unbalanced conditions even with such
a big inductance error. The impact of the stator and rotor leakage
inductance variations has also been tested and found to be negligible, as has been proved in [13], but the results are not shown
here owing to the space limitations. The pulsations of total active power and dc-linkage voltage are bigger than in Fig. 10(C),
as shown in Fig. 11(f) and (j). This is due to the fact that the required active power has exceeded the capacity of the GSC under
such big voltage unbalance. However, the dc-linkage voltage is
still regulated effectively during the fast speedup of the wind
This paper has presented an improved coordinate DPC strategy for the DFIG and GSC of a wind turbine under unbalanced
network conditions. The dynamic response of DFIG and GSC
to transient network unbalance was analyzed and the improved
DPC schemes for DFIG and GSC were introduced, respectively.
Based on the improved DPC schemes, a coordinate DPC strategy was designed and the improved control performance of the
overall wind power generation system was achieved. Compared
with the existing unbalanced control methods, the proposed one
provides: 1) simple implementation without any complicated
reference current calculation and carefully tuned inner current
control loops; 2) fast dynamic response owing to the avoidance
of any sequential decomposition; and 3) well restraint of the
fundamental grid frequency pulsations in power, torque, and
dc-link voltage of the DFIG-based wind turbine system.



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Peng Zhou (S08) was born in Hanchuan, China, in

1984. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in 2006 from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
China, where he is currently working toward the
Ph.D. degree.
His current research interests include machine
drives and power electronics in renewable energy conversion, particularly in grid-connected wind
power generation systems, and their low-voltage ridethrough technique.

Yikang He (SM90) was born in Changsha, China, in

1941. He graduated from the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in
Since graduation, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China, where he is currently a Professor.
His research interests include electric machinery, motor control, power electronics, and renewable energy

Dan Sun (M05) received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, China, in 1997, the M. Eng. degree in
control theory and its application from Hohai University, Nanjing, China, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree
in electrical machinery and apparatus from Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou, China, in 2004.
In 2004, she joined the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, where she is currently
an Associate Professor. From 2002 to 2004, she was
a Visiting Researcher at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Since 2009, she has been a Visiting Researcher at the
University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her research interests include the control of
doubly fed electrical machines and permanent magnet synchronous machines.

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