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Future Perfect Tense

Tense Can Be Used To Refer To Future or Completed Actions

The future perfect tense normally is used to refer to an event or action that hasn't happened
yet but is expected or predicted to before another occurrence. In a sentence such as "By this
time tomorrow I will have left," "will have left" is in the future perfect tense.
In English, the future perfect tense is expressed, as in the example above, by using "will have"
(or "shall have") followed by the past participle.
The Spanish future perfect tense is formed in much the same way as English's: the future
indicative form of haber followed by the past participle.
It is important to note that while the future perfect tense often has the same use in Spanish as
in English, in Spanish it can be used for other purposes as well.
Using the past participle of estudiar as an example, here is the full conjugation of the future
perfect tense:
habr estudiado I will have studied
habrs estudiado you (informal singular) will have studied
habr estudiado he, she, you (formal singular) will have studied)
habremos estudiado we will have studied
habris estudiado you (informal plural, seldom used in Latin America) will have
habrn estudiado they, you (formal plural) will have studied
Here are some examples of Spanish sentences using the future perfect:
Habr visto esta pelcula un milln de veces o algo as. I will have seen this film a million
times or something like that.
La universidad habr perdido ms de 6.000 alumnos en el 2016, segn un estudio. The
university will have lost more than 6,000 students by 2016, according to a study.
Si defendemos nuestro pas habremos ganado el futuro. If we defend our country we
will have gained the future.
Casi 50 millones de trabajadores habrn muerto de sida en 2010 si no mejora el acceso
a los medicamentos. Almost 50 million workers will have died of AIDS by 2010 if we
don't improve access to medicine.
Because the future tense in Spanish can sometimes be used to indicate likelihood or
supposition, the same is true when haber is used in the future tense. In such cases, the future
perfect tense can often be translated as "must have," "may have" or "might have" to refer to
something that has already occurred:
Paula habr sabido nada de l. Paula must have known nothing about him.
No s de dnde habrn salido estos datos. I don't know where this data might have
come from.
Adnde habrn ido mis caros amigos? Where might my dear friends have gone?

Future Perfect

The Future Perfect Tense in Spanish is used to talk about situations that will happen before
another event in the future.

Future of Haber + past participle

As with the other perfect tenses, the future perfect is formed by combining the auxiliary verb
haber conjugated in the future tense with the past participle..
The future perfect tense is used to describe what will have happened in the future before a
different action takes place, or by a specific time.
I will have studied before I take the test.
He will have completed the task by six o'clock.
(Nosotros) Habremos estudiado antes de tomar el examen. We will have studied before taking
the exam.
l habr terminado su lectura para las 5:00 pm. He will have finished his reading by 5:00 pm.
Para cuando ustedes lleguen, ellos ya habrn salido. By the time you arrive, they will already
have left.
Para las 6:00 pm, ya habr terminado mis tareas. By 6:00 pm, I will have already finished my
Remember, some past participles are irregular. Also remember that the past participle never
changes form in the perfect tenses.
(yo) Habr escrito el libro antes del ao nuevo. I will have written the book before the new year.
(t) Habrs comprado una casa en un ao? Will you have bought a house in a year?
(l) Habr pagado todas las deudas para el dos de octubre. He will have paid all the debt by
October 2.
(nosotros) Habremos vuelto de Espaa para el doce de junio. We will have returned from Spain
by June 12.
(vosotros) Para cuando Juan llegue, vosotros ya habris salido. By the time Juan arrives, you-all
will already have left.
(ellos) Para cuando Mara vuelva, ellos ya habrn comido. By the time Maria returns, they will
have already eaten.
The auxiliary verb and the past participle are never separated. To make the sentence
negative, add the word "no" before the conjugated form of haber.
(yo) No habr comido. I will not have eaten.
(t) No habrs ledo el libro. You will not have read the book.
(l) No habr escrito la carta. He will not have written the letter.
(nosotros) No habremos aprendido nada. We will not have learned anything.

(vosotros) No habris dormido. You-all will not have slept.

(ellos) No habrn llegado. They will not have arrived.
Again, the auxiliary verb and the past participle are never separated. Object pronouns are
placed immediately before the auxiliary verb.
Pablo le habr dado un regalo a su esposa. Pablo will have given a gift to his wife.
To make this sentence negative, the word "no" is placed before the indirect object pronoun
Pablo no le habr dado ningn regalo a su esposa. Pablo will not have given a gift to his wife.
With reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun is placed immediatedly before the auxiliary verb.
Compare how the present perfect differs from the simple present, when a reflexive verb is
Me lavo las manos. (present) I wash my hands.
Me habr lavado las manos. (future perfect) I will have washed my hands.
To make this sentence negative, the word "no" is placed before the reflexive pronoun (me).
No me habr lavado las manos. I will not have washed my hands.
Questions are formed as follows.
Habrn llegado ya las chicas? Will the girls have arrived?
Habrs comido ya? Will you have already eaten?
Here are the same questions in negative form. Notice how the auxiliary verb and the past
participle are not separated.
No habrn llegado ya las chicas? Will the girls not have already arrived?
No habrs comido ya? Will you not have already eaten?
You can use the Future Perfect Tense in Spanish to make rhetorical questions or to express
Carlos lleg 2 horas ms tarde ayer Dnde habr estado? Carlos arrived 2 hours late yesterday.
Where could he have been? (I wonder where he was.)
Pas una ambulancia qu habr ocurrido? An ambulance passed by. What could have
happened? (I wonder what happened)
El jefe quiere hablar conmigo habr hecho algo mal? The boss wants to talk to me. Could I
have done something wrong? (I wonder if Ive done something wrong)
A Juanita le fue mal en el examen s habr estudiado? Juanita didnt do well in the exam. Could
she have studied? (I wonder if she studied)
Because of the fact that there are two ways to use the questions in the Future Perfect Tense in Spanish
the context in the sentences will be quite helpful.

Future Perfect Tense In Spanish with Reflexive and Object

In order to use the Future Perfect Tense in Spanish with Reflexive verbs and Object Pronouns it
is suggested that you already have a good grasp of the Basics of the Perfect Tense.
One thing you must keep in mind is to follow the formula: Haber (Future conjugated
form)+Participle (no matter if the sentence is negative, affirmative or question)
Please verify it in the following examples:
Al finalizar el ao no habremos aprendido nada. By the end of the year we will not have learnt
habr hecho algo mal? Could I have done something wrong?
Another thing you have to keep in mind is that when you use no to turn a sentence into a
negative form you must always put it before haber (e.g.: no habremos aprendido)
The sentences that have a reflexive or object pronouns follow the same rule as the negative
sentences; the reflexive or object pronoun is placed before the conjugated form of haber and
you must use the following formula: Haber (future conjugated forms)+Participle.
If you find yourself in a situation where you will use a reflexive or an object pronoun in a
negative sentence then use this formula: no+pronoun+haber+participle
For example:
Para cuando Juan llegue yo ya me habr levantado. By the time Juan arrives, I will already have
gotten up.
El gato se cay de un quinto piso. Se habr golpeado muy duro? The cat fell from a fifth floor. I
wonder if he was badly hurt. (The cat fell from a fifth floor. Could he be badly hurt?)
Antes de Octubre me habr devuelto para mi pas. By October I will have gone back to my
Al finalizar el ao le habr dado muchos regalos a mi mam. By the end of the year, I will have
given many gifts to my mom.
Pablo no le habr contado de su viaje a su esposa? I wonder if Pablo had told his wife about
his trip. (Couldnt Pablo have told his wife about his trip?)
Para cuando Mara vuelva, los trabajadores no se habrn ido. By the time Maria comes back,
the workers will have not left yet.
Dont forget to use your formulas in order to make correct sentences; they are very useful
when you start learning the Future Perfect Tense in Spanish.

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