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Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Get close to the people affected by your work. Seek out perspectives different from your own. And
work to bring others close with you. Know that history is not in a hurry, but that you can help speed
it up. And recognize that while the journey will be long - and you will lose and lose again - it is the
struggle itself that will define you.
It saddens me that in the 21st century, with all our knowledge and power, we are hearing more and
more stories of possible extinctions due to people's choice. We are responsible for our choices and
the only ones capable of changing our future.
Gisele Bundchen
Fashion model, actress, goodwill ambassador for the UN Environment Programme
It goes against the grain of Siliconiers, with the upcoming presidential primaries in California, when
Donald Trump declares that he "will make America great by building walls." He is okay operating on
the edge of legal boundaries, filing for bankruptcies numerous times without remorse, which we find
not quite acceptable.
Vinita Gupta
Silicon Valley Entrepreneur. First Indian-American woman to take her company public. Twice
National Champion of bridge.
When you visit My Mate Nate's channel, you really get the sense that Bartling's motives are pure.
Straight up, they're fun, they're happy, and have a thread of wholesomeness woven throughout.
Sara Ruthnum
Outspeak Contributor, in partnership with The Huffington Post
Erie, Pennsylvania-- not exactly a teeming metropolis, but not exactly a one horse town, either-- is
considering closing all of its high schools. Yes, at a meeting last week, the district's leaders were
asked to consider if it might be more doable to just send all of Erie's teenagers to neighboring school
Peter Greene
Teacher and writer; blogger, curmudgucation.blogspot.com
Women political leaders have passed more legislation and been able to bridge partisan divides more
often than men. According to Bloomberg, women's willingness to spend time together outside the
House and Senate chambers paves the way for policy-making efficacy.
Riane Eisler
Founder of the Center for Partnership Studies' Caring Economy Campaign

Is Senator Elizabeth Warren actively auditioning for the role of Hillary Clinton's vice presidential
pick? At this point, it's rather hard to come to any other conclusion, since Warren has been so
outspoken of late on the subject of how horrible Donald Trump would be as president.
Mullah Mansour's assassination is a great setback for Pakistan's army and a major vindication for
the Afghan government, which has claimed all along that Pakistan, through its Taliban and HQN
proxies, is waging an undeclared war against Afghanistan.
Dylan's off-and-on engagement with politics is intriguing. But his peace and justice songs have had a
life of their own. "Blowin' in the Wind" and "The Times They Are a-Changin'" in particular will
forever be linked to the progressive movements of the 1960s and used to rally people to protest for a
better world.
Peter Dreier
E.P. Clapp Distinguished Professor of Politics, Occidental College
Dismissing the gap year concept as another privilege of the 1 percent does a disservice to us all, as
society would gain substantially from a generation of more engaged, self-directed and academicallymotivated young people.
Julia Rogers
Founder, EnRoute Consulting, professional gap year Same Day Dentures Jersey city advisor,
traveler, writer, experiential learning advocate
As it seeks to modernize its nuclear arsenal, the United States faces a big choice, one which Barack
Obama should ponder before his upcoming Hiroshima speech. Should we spend a trillion dollars to
replace each of our thousands of nuclear warheads with a more sophisticated substitute attached to
a more lethal delivery system?
The Conversation US
Independent source of news and analysis, from the academic and research community.
Silicon Valley often thinks that it can live by a different set of rules than corporate America because
it is developing world-changing innovations and start-ups need the freedom to innovate. Yes, we
need to allow entrepreneurs to take risks and break some rules so that they can do their magic. But
these rules cannot be ethical ones. The lines on ethics are usually clear as they were with Theranos
and there can be no compromise.
Without the love I have found with my future spouse, all of the wedding-related things and
experiences wouldn't bring an ounce of joy. The root of my happiness is Craig and our commitment -not the tangible items.
Rolling out a 1996-era campaign that primarily targets Bill Clinton instead of Hillary, Donald Trump
continues to wallow in all kinds of conspiracies that were once eagerly promoted by right-wing
"Clinton Crazies" two decades ago.
What do you need to know -- about the new world of work, but also about yourself -- as you graduate
and launch yourself into the world of work?

Robert Reich
Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley; author, 'Saving
Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few''
Thousands of children in Indonesia, some just 8 years old, are working in hazardous conditions on
tobacco farms, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
Don't get me wrong, the stories of those who have made it on their own are inspiring and deserve to
be applauded. But for the vast majority people, they're far from reality. We need more voices,
perspectives and opinions from all kinds of creative people.
There is no sense of honor or patriotism in the way the majority of Americans vote. It's just a game
to most. They like the way their favorite candidate looks, they recognize them from the Celebrity
Apprentice or the WWF star they idolized as a child, and they vote for them because of they're
To anyone contemplating taking a gap year: I cannot urge strongly enough that there is no better
way to transform yourself from a lost high school kid who thinks they've got a clue, to a young adult
who's starting to get the idea that cluelessness is a necessary part of life.
Piper Jenne
Traveler, reader, animal lover, adventure seeker, movie watcher, outdoors enthusiast.
When British Prime Minister David Cameron was overheard calling Afghanistan and Nigeria
"fanatically corrupt" countries on the eve of an anti-corruption summit in London, the incident was
labeled as "embarrassing" and "unfair" by some in both countries.
Once incarcerated, Latinxs face limited economic opportunity, family trauma, turmoil, and
deportation -- consequences that do not in any way reflect reasonable punishment for the often
minor infractions that occur.
A non-nuclear world means a lot to the Japanese people. While many Americans say that the atomic
bombs shortened the war and saved numerous lives, Japanese people think of it as a supreme
While we appreciate the noble intentions of Free Basics, Facebook's actions and strategic business
investments in Africa need to reflect its vision of bringing internet access to all Africans. Not just a
slice of the internet, but all of it.
John-Paul Iwuoha
Author, business strategist, and champion for entrepreneurship in Africa
Our first job is to stop corporate lobbyists from convincing Congress to pass the TPP. Let your
representatives know that trade agreements should be used to help us achieve our climate goals -not take us in the opposite direction.
Last Thursday, immigrants' rights advocates received yet another unexpected chapter in United
States v. Texas. This twist came from the federal district court, which issued a blistering order that

raised legal eyebrows even among those who support Texas's anti-immigrant position.
There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for your child, but it's about wanting the best for them
at their pace and at Godspeed. So at this point in my life, I have learned to live in the present and be
excited about what is happening right now.

Unfortunately, as the president ponders the past, his policies are increasing the risk that nuclear
weapons may be used again in the future.
Gregory Kulacki
China Project Manager for the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists
There's a serious consequence of student loan debt that we don't hear much about: how high debt
payments in the early working years could have a devastating impact on the retirement security of
today's young people.
Bailey Childers
Executive Director of the National Public Pension Coalition.
Clarence Henderson recently wrote a guest commentary in the Charlotte Observer suggesting it was
offensive to compare the Civil Rights Movement to LGBT movement today.
In the early months of the primary season, Donald Trump's personal reputation and his awkward
attempts to bond with Christian conservatives persuaded political pundits that he'd be unlikely to
attract the support of "values voters." The pundits were wrong.
Cynthia Burack
Political theorist and professor of women's, gender and sexuality studies

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