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IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJCS/IIJCS.htm

Email: editoriijcs@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-5992

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2016

Implementing Web Browser that Delete and Block

Phishing Attacks
Priyanka R. Raut
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Ballarpur Institute of Technology Ballashah(M.H.), India

Phishing is a significant security threat to the Internet , which causes tremendous economic lost every year. Phishing is a way of
attempting to acquire sensitive information such as username, password, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy
entity in an electronic communication.This is similar to Fishing, where fisherman puts a bait at the hook, thus, pretending to be a
genuine food for a fish. This paper present a new end-host based anti-phishing algorithm, TF-IDF, by utilizing the characteristics
of the KEYWORD RETRIEVAL and LOGO-detection technique.Our experiments verified that TF-IDF and LOGO detection is
effective to detect and prevent both known and unknown phishing attacks.

Keywords:- Web-Browser, TF-IDF, LOGO, Phishing Detection.

The word Phishing initially emerged in 1990s. The early Hackers Often use ph to replace f to produce new words in
the hackers community, sincethey usually hack by phones. Phishing is a new word produced from fishing, it refers to the
act that the attacker allure users to visit a faked website by sending them faked e-mails(or instant messages) , and stealthily
get victims personal information such as user name, password, and national security ID etc.These information then can be
used for future target advertisementsor even identity theft attacks(e.g.., transfer money from victims bank account). The
frequently used attack method is to send e-mails to potential victims, which seemed to be sent by banks, online organization,
or ISPs. In some e-mails they will make up some causes, e.g .the password of your credit card has been mis-entered for
many times, or they are providing upgrading services, to allure you to visit their websites to confirm or modify your account
number and password through the hyperlink provided in the e-mail. You will then be linked to a counterfeited Website after
clicking those links. The style, the functions performed, sometimes even the URL of these faked Websites are similar to the
real Websites. Phishing itself is not a new concept, but its increasingly used by phishers to steal users information and
perform business crimes in recent years. According to Gartner Inc., for the 12 month ending April 2004, "there were 1.8
million phishing attack victims, and the fraud incurred byphishing victims totaled $1.2 billion" [1]. APWG provides a
solution directory at (Anti-Phishing Working Group) [2] which contains most of the major anti-phishing companies in the
However, an automatic anti-phishing method is seldom reported

Figure 1: The Top countries who are under the threat of phishing attacks

Volume 4 Issue 4 April 2016

Page 6

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2016

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJCS/IIJCS.htm

Email: editoriijcs@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-5992

In an organization, different people hold information that can be considered sensitiveor else can be particularly used to
outside parties.A phishing attacker will make use of non-technical(such as social engineering) methods to gain that
information. Although financial gain is the major motivating factor for phishing, but phisher also target other factors like
industrial espionage, malware distribution etc...
Phishing attacks usually target:
Bank information- such as VISA and PayPal accounts.
Username and password information.
Social security numbers.
Mother maidens name or other information which can be used to retrieve forgotten or lost credentials.
The above information allows scammers to:
Make fraudulent charges on your credit or debit card.
Make use of your credentials on different online services, such as eBay, Amazon and others to commit crime without
being caught ( making it appear as though you committed the criminal action).
Various anti-phishing technique has been evolved to protect our website/link and personal information from phishing
attacks.[1]List Based Approach is possibly the most straightforward solution for anti-phishing. A white list contains
URLs of known legitimate sites. This antiphishing result would generally deploy similarly as toolbars or extension of web browsers should remind those clients if they
would scan a sheltered websites. Blacklist undergo from a window of vulnerability between the time a phishing site is
launched and the sites addition to the blacklist as it requires frequent updating which is the case for white list
also.[2]PhishZoo can detect current phishing sites if they look like legetimate sites by matching their content against a
saved profile. In order to avoid detection, a phishing site must gaze fundamentally unique in relation to a genuine
website.[3] PwdHash is a well-known anti-phishing solution in literature. It generates domain-specific passwords that are
rendered unusable if they are submitted to another domain (e.g., a password for www.hotmail.com will be different if
submitted to www.phisher.com).In comparison Antiphish takes an alternate methodology and stay with track about the
place sensitive data is, no doubt submitted. That is, if it detect that confidential information such as a password is being
entered into a form on a fake web site, a warning is generated and the pending operation is canceled. The main
disadvantage of AntiPhish is that it requires user interaction to specify which sensitive information should be captured and

3. Methodology
3.1.TheWebGuard Algorithm
This WebGuard algorithm works first by analyzing the difference between the visual link and the actual link and then to
reduce the false positives and negatives it works by calculating theweights of different terms and then comparing the
phishing site with the legitimate site based on the highly scored terms.This approach also makes use of the TF-IDF and
LOGO detection for detecting phishing sites. TF-IDF is a well known information retrieval algorithm that can be used for
comparing and classifying documents, as well as retrieving documents from a large corpus.
The Working of WebGuard
The WebGuard algorithm works as follows:
Step1: Inits main routine WebGuard, it first extracts the DNS names from the actual and visual links. It then compare the
actual and visual DNS names. If their names are same, then this is in phishing of category1.
Step2: It then check for dotted decimal. If dotted decimal IP address are directly used in actual DNS, then it is possible of
phishing category2.
Step3: Then if actual and visual link is encoded(categories 3 and 4), we first decode the links present in our database
(whitelist and blacklist).
Step4: When there is no destination information (DNS name or dotted IP address) in the visual link (category5). LinkGuard
,therefore, handles all the 5 categories of phishing attacks.
3.2.Functions of Subroutines
In the subroutine AnalyzeDNS, if the actual DNS name is contained in the blacklist, then we are sure that it is a phishing
Similarly, if the actual DNS is contained in the whitelist, it is therefore not a phishing attack . If the actual DNS is not
contained in either whitelist or blacklist, then
Step5: Go for LOGO detection, which checks pixel to pixel characters.
Step6: Calculate the TF-IDF scores of each term on that web page
Step7: then generate a set by taking the five terms with highest TF-IDF weights

Volume 4 Issue 4 April 2016

Page 7

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2016

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJCS/IIJCS.htm

Email: editoriijcs@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-5992

Step8: then feed this set to a search engine, which in the case is Google
Step9: If the domain name of the current web page matches the domain name of the N top search results, it will be
considered a legitimate web site. Otherwise, it will be considered a phishing site.


In general the structure of the hyperlinks is as follows: <a href=URI> anchor text </a>
where denotes for uniform resource identifier. URI basically provides the resource information about the hyperlink and the
anchor text provides the information about the URI. Here the point tobe noted is we could only see the anchor text and the
URI is hidden. So the phisher takes advantage of this point and succeeds in their mission. Let us call the URI in the
hyperlink actual link and the anchor text the visible link.
The following 5 categories of hyperlinks used by the phishers (according to APWG reports [1]) in the phishing attacks can
be seen:
Category1: The hyperlinks provide the DNS domain name in the visible link but the visible link in the hyperlink doesnt
match with the real link. For example the hyperlink <a href=www.phishing.com>www.onlinesbi.com</a> seems to be
linked to SBI online net banking but it is actually linked to a phishing site www.phishing.com.
Category2: In place of DNS domain name, dotted IP address is used in the URI or anchor text.
For example
<a href=>click here</a>
Category3: Now-a-days attackers use encoded hyperlink to trick the users
a. The DNS name in the hyperlink is encoded into their corresponding ASCII codes.
Consider link<ahref=http://%34%2E%33%34%2E%31%39%35%2E%34%31%34%39%30%33/%6C%6
9%6E%64%65%78%2E%68%74%6D>www.onlinesbi.com</a>. Here it seems that it is linked to the online SBI site but it
is actually linked to a phishing site
b. Phishers also use special characters (such as @ in the visible link) in order to make the users believe that the email is sent
from some legitimate site. For instance consider the link
It seems this is an legitimate
Amazon site but is actually linked to the phishing site
Category4: Sometimes the hyperlink doesnt provide the destination information in its anchor text and uses DNS name in
its URI. The DNS name in the URI is similar to some companies or organization. For instance consider the link <a
href=http://www.sbionline.in/webscr.php?cmd=LogIn>Click here to confirm your account</a>. This seems to be
sent from SBI online, but is actually registered by the phisher to let the users believe that it has something to do with SBI.
Category5: The attackers also utilize the vulnerabilities of the target website to redirect users to their phishing sites. For
instance the following link:
clicked on the link this will redirect the user to the phishing site due to vulnerability of

Phishing has become a severe problem of internet security. We propose a phishing web page detection method using the TFIDF and LOGO detection technique. This approach works at the pixel level as well as text level of web pages, and can thus
detect phishing web pages. Our experiments also show that our method can achieve satisfying classification precision and
phishing recall, and the time efficiency of computation is acceptable for online users.


The Anti-phishing working group, http://www.antiphishing.org
Juan Chen and ChuanxiongGuo, Online Detection and Prevention of phishing attacks, IEEE conference,2009.
Y. Zhang, J. Hong and L. Cranor , A Content based approach to detecting pharming websites in proceedings of
international world wide web conference(WWW),2007.
[5]. Georgina Stanley, Internet Security- Gone Phishing http://www.cyota.com/news.asp?id=114.
[6]. Jonathan B.Postel, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol RFC821:

Volume 4 Issue 4 April 2016

Page 8

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2016

Web Site: http://www.ipasj.org/IIJCS/IIJCS.htm

Email: editoriijcs@ipasj.org
ISSN 2321-5992

[7]. Microsoft. Sender Framework.http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/saftey/technlogies

[8]. MengWeng Wong, sender ID SPF, http://www.openspf.org/whitepaper.pdf
[9]. TheHubPages,tomsum.hubpages.com/hub/What-are-Phishing-Emails
[10]. C.E. Drake, J.J. Oliver, and E.J. Koontz.Anatomy of a Phishing Email. In Conference on E-mail and Anti-Spam, 1841
page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, 2010, MailFrontier, Inc.
[11]. E. Kirda and C. Kruegel, Protecting users against phishing attacks, The Computer Journal, 2005.
[12]. E. Kirda and C. Kruegel, Protecting users against phishing attacks, The Computer Journal, 2005.

Volume 4 Issue 4 April 2016

Page 9

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