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forma de invlitamAnt
Mode of study

Competentele asigurate pnn programul de studu
Learn1ng outcomes of the programme of study)


I . Competente generate :
- Elaborarea de studu necesare conduceru organrzatulor pnn utilizarea analize1, s1ntezei ~i interpret~ru fenomenelor $1 proceselor econom1c0
- Evaluarea s d,ar;~nostocarea srstemetor economoco-socoale, elaborarea de strategu s adoptarea de decozu pnn aplrcarea on:egrata a
conceptelor, :netodelor Sl modetelor spec,fice ~tllntelor econom,ce;
- Fundamentarecl, omptementarea $1 monotonzarea de proecte $1 programe complexe pnn utohzarea cunostntetor teoret1ce so cepnndenlor

11 Competen1e de spectalrtate:
- Utohzarea Sl dezvoltarea de metode Sl in'strumente cant1tatove de analiz~ $1 prelucrare a lnformatulor, 1nclus1v s1steme $1 produse software,
pentru genera rea cunost1ntelor $1 fundamentarea decoz1iiOr, pnn procedee proprii ctbernetJcii, statiStiCII $1 lnformat1cll economice.
Ill. Competente spec1f1ce:
- Prelucrarea $1 onterpretarea log 1c~ a informati1lor $1 cunostontelor necesare elaborario de modele de afacerl Ia nlvel m1cro, mezo $1
mdcroeconom ic;
- Modelarea performantl! a mecanlsmelor Si proceselor feedback de reglare d1n sistemele econom1ce $1 sociale d1namice complexe,
Ut1lizarea metodelor moderne (economice, matematcce, econometnce, 1nformatice, de s1mulare) in anal1za donamidi multldimensionaiJ,
procesele de negoc1ere $1 l1c1tare in condltii incerte spec1fice mecan1smelor p,etelor compet1t1ve, precum $1 in prediCtla fenomenetor soc1al
econom1ce (nat1onale $1 globale),
- Elaborareo studulor de fundamentare ~i pro1ectarea polltoc,lor economlco-financrare Ia nivel nat,onal precum $1al econom1e1 Unoun1i
Pro1ectarea s realrzarea de arhotectur. S soster1e specofoce socoet~l" bazate pe c"noa~tere: intrepnnderea i:'ltegrata, agla ~~ ontelogent~.
organ,zatule vortuale, ecosostemele d1gota1e <ie afaceri, ecosostemele cunoa$teru;
- Elaoorarea de pro1ecte de cercetare ~toint;foca in domen1ul ccbernet,cu economoce so al s,stemelor adaptive complexe (d1n economoe).

I. General Competencoes:
- Developong stud1es for organozlltlons management usong analySIS, synthesis and 1nterpretot1on of the econom1c and social processe~ and
- DiagnOSIS and evaluat1on of econom 1c and socoal systems, designonr;t strateg1es and decis1on mak1ng procedures through ontegroted
applocat1on of the concepts, methods and models spec1fic to the economic sc1ences;
- Substantldtong, 1mplementong and monotonng complex projects and programs usmg theoretical knowledge and practical skolls.
ll. Spec1alrty Competencres
- Us1ng and develop1ng q"antotat1ve methods and tools for ana lyzing and processrng informatoon, 1ncludu1g software programs and systems,
1n order to generate knowledge and decis,on-making support, through procedures specofic to economiC cybernet,cs, stat1strcs and
Ill . Competencces Specofic to the Master Program:
Processong and log,cal use of onformatton and knowledge necessary to workcng out m,cro. rr>ed1um and macro bus1ness models;
- Performong modellcng of feedback mechan1sms and processes w'thcn the economocal and socoal dynamrc complex systems;
Usrng modern tools (econom1cal, mathematical, econometncal, lnformatoonal, somulatmn) on the multodomensoondl data analysos, for the
processes of negot,at,ons and auct1ons under uncerta1n cond1toons proper to competotive markets. and also on forecastcng the socroeconomocal phenome:>a;
- Workrng o~t the stud,es of substant1at1ng and desogncng the economtc-fonanc,al pohcoes for nat anal and also EU's economy level;
- Descgnong and ach,evnr;t architectures and systems for knowledge-based soc,ety: totally rntegrate, agde and rnte111gent enterpnses, VIrtual
organ1zatoons, bus1ni!SS J1g1tal ecosystems, knowledge ecosystems;
- Developrng research projects 1n the f1eld of economic cybernetccs and complex adapt1ve econom1c systems.

Ll5tat cu SIMUR .ver. 5.1.1 25, (C) Academia de Studll Economice, Bucurest1 2008, 2009, 2010


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