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Home Made Bun ( Roti Burger )

My son, like many children, love McDonald burger and even KFC chicken burger.....well it
is time to have a healthier burger....home made burger. I started by learning on you tube and
google how to make good burger buns. Besides I got oven gloves and apron from one of our
relative for my Christmas present, that inspire me to do more baking. Many thanks Carole.....
I have tried some recipe, but this recipe that I adapted from many recipes makes very good
buns, soft as well as nutritious.
Ingredients / yand diperlukan
240 ml lukewarm water
air hangat

50 gr butter

1 large egg
420 gr high protein Flour
tepung berprotein tinggi (saya pakai tepung cakra)
20 gr wheat bran
wheat bran (beli di Mr Ben )
1 tbsp sugar
sdm gula
1 1/4 tsp salt
sdt garam
1 1 gr ( 1 sachet) instant dry yeast
1 bungkus instant yeast, (saya pakai fermipan)
50 gr butter, melted for brushing
butter dilelehkan untuk olesan
1) Mix and knead all of the dough ingredients by hand, mixer, or bread machine to
make a soft, smooth dough.
Campur dan uleni semua bahan, dengan tangan, mixer atau bread machine (saya
pakai kitchen aid, lebih praktis), sampai menjadi adonan yang lembut dan halus.
2) Cover the dough, and let it rise for 1 to 2 hours, or until it's nearly doubled in bulk.
Tutupi adonan dengan kain lembab dan biarkan mengembang selama 1 - 2 jam atau
sampai berukuran dua kali lipat dari adonan semula.

3) Gently deflate the dough, and divide it into 12 pieces ( or you can divide into 8 for bigger
buns). Shape each piece into a round ball; Place the buns on a lightly greased baking tray,
cover, and let rise for about an hour, until noticeably puffy.
Kempeskan adonan dan bagi menjadi 12 potong (kalau bisa sama besar....boleh juga
ditimbang kalau anda perfectionis), Tapi kalau ukuran mau lebih besar (sebesar yang
di Mc Donald bagilah menjadi 8 ). Bentuk masing-masing bagian menjadi bola-bola,
kemudian letakkan di baking tray yang telah diminyaki. Dan biarkan mengembang
sekali lagi selama 1 jam atau sampai tambak benar-benar mengembang
4) Brush the buns with about half of the melted butter. (Brushing buns with melted butter
will give them a soft, light golden crust. Brushing with an egg-white wash (1 egg white
beaten with 1/4 cup water) will give them a shinier, darker crust. For seeded buns, brush
with the egg wash; it'll make the seeds adhere)

Olesi roti denan 1/2 bagian dari butter

yang dicairkan. ( Olesan butter cair, akan membuat kulir roti lembut dan berwarna
keemasan. Untuk roti yang ditambahi biji -bijian, misalnya wijen, poppy seeds atau
flax seeds, olesi dengan telur supaya biji lebih melekat.
5) Bake the buns in a preheated 180C oven for 18-20 minutes, or until golden. Remove
them from the oven, and brush with the remaining melted butter. This will give the buns a
satiny, buttery crust.
Panggang roti di oven yang telah dipanasi sebelumnya 180C selama 18-20 menit atau
sampai berwarna kekuningan. Keluarkan dari oven dan olesi dengan sisa butter (akan
membuat kulit roti mengkilat)
6) Cool the buns on cooling rack.
Dinginkan diatas cooling rack

Membuat Burger Sendiri (Home Made Beef Burger)

This is all to do with my teenage son's love of burger, instead of the fast food burger, this home
made burger taste better and you know what you put in it i.e. no preservative and made of lean
When he came back from school, he can smell the fragrant of pan fried burger, made him even
hungrier. He had two lots....., well he must have enjoyed it more then fast food one.

The ingredients / bahan-bahan

400 gr lean beef, minced

daging tak be rle mak, giling

1 small onion chopped
bawang bombay kecil, cincang
3 cloves garlic, chopped
siung bawang putih, cincang
3 slices bread
potong roti
150 ml milk
1/2 tsp black pepper
sdt merica hitam

salt to taste
garam s ucukupnya
enough oil for sauting and pan fried the burger, or if you prefer you can put them on bbq
minyak secukupnya untuk menumis dan menggoreng burger, boleh juga dipanggang
Condiments / pelengkap
Slice tomatos
tomat dipotong bulat tipis ( 0.5 cm )
daun salad
Pan fried sliced onion
bawang bombay potong bulat, goreng dengan sedikit minyak
slice cheese (optional)
Keju slice (jika suka)
HP bbq sauce (optional)
HP bbq sauce (jika suka )
Method / cara me mbuat
Soak the bread in milk until soft, then mashed by using a fork, set aside
Rendam roti dalam s usu sampai lunak, kemudian hancurkan dengan garpu, sisihkan
Sautee the onion and garlic until fragrant.
Tumis bawang bombai dan bawang putih sampai harum

Mix well the minced beef and sauted onion and garlic, add salt and pepper to taste.
Campur rata daging giling dan bumbu tumis, tambah garam dan merica
Shape the mixture in to a patty almost the same size to the bun, and pan fried until
golden and ready.
Bentuk campuran daging berbentuk bulat pipih dengan ukuran hampir sama
dengan roti burger, dan goreng dengan sedikit minyak sampai kekuningan dan

Arrange the beef burger with sliced tomato and lettuce, sliced cheese and HP bbq
Susun burger dengan tomat dan daun salad, keju slice dan HP bbq sauce
Ready to serve to your love ones
Siap disajikan untuk orang-orang yang anda sayangi.

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