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Waste Management

Environmental Safety
and Health

Core Process



To provide guidance on the development and implementation of plans and procedures for
addressing solid waste management at a project site.


The scope of this E-CP includes waste management (e.g., solid waste management plans,
hazardous waste management, vegetative waste, recycling and reuse options, waste
This E-CP does not address mixed or radiological wastes.
This E-CP does not cover all the possible environmental requirements pertaining to the complex
subject of waste management at a project site. Instead it defines a work process a project may
use determine the specific waste management requirements applicable to their location. Use of
the work process outlined in this E-CP (or an equivalent process) is critical for helping to mitigate
the significant human health, environmental, and business risks posed by the improper
management of wastes.


Hazardous Waste the definition of what solid wastes are hazardous waste varies from country to
country. Some project locations (e.g., within the U.S., European Union) will be subject to specific
regulations that define certain wastes as hazardous and which prescribe particular requirements
for its storage, transport, treatment and disposal. Customer requirements may also define certain
wastes that require special handling as hazardous wastes. In addition, there are industry specific
and international standards, such as those contained in the World Bank guidelines and/or
international agreements (e.g., Basel Convention), which may apply to a Bechtel project.
Solid Waste within the context of this E-CP, solid waste means any discarded materials that are
abandoned, recycled, or inherently waste-like (including solids, liquids, gases, and sludges).


Proper waste management is one of the most important environmental issues during the
construction phase of a project. Waste materials come in all forms, volumes, and toxicities. Some
may be flammable, reactive, corrosive, and/or toxic. Others may be relatively inert and contain or
are themselves valuable as reusable or recyclable product (e.g., scrap metal, wood, paper).
However, one thing they all have in common is the potential for harm to the environment if not
handled in accordance with the applicable environmental requirements.
Project Construction Management should, at the earliest opportunity, coordinate with Qualified
Environmental Support to identify the project-specific environmental requirements pertaining to
waste management. These requirements may be found in government regulations, environmental
impact documents (e.g., EIA, EIS), permits/consents, financial institution guidelines (e.g., World
Bank), contracts, and/or customer plans and procedures. The requirements may contain
prescribed specific plans, procedures and actions to be taken when managing constructions
wastes. Many projects must meet both regulatory and customer mandated waste management
practices, including preparation and compliance with plans covering individual waste types such

Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

Management of vegetative wastes (e.g., brush, marketable timber) during site clearing

Plans for stockpiling and reuse or disposal of excess soil and rock

Management of contaminated soils or dredge spoils

Identification, segregation, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


Waste Management

Core Process

Environmental Safety
and Health


Management of used oil, solvents, and/or anti-freeze

Waste minimization including options for reuse and recycling of marketable product(s)

Management of sanitary wastes

Projects shall, at a minimum, comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well as with
contractual requirements of the customer, in the management hazardous waste. In the absence of
applicable laws and regulations or contractual requirements, project Construction Management,
in coordination with Qualified Environmental Support, should consider alternative government or
industry standards on which to base the project waste management plans and procedures as
applicable and feasible. There are several examples listed in the References/Templates section of
this E-CP for accomplishing this.
The work process for addressing waste management issues is shown in Attachment A of this ECP. Specific plans, procedures and activities should be further defined on a project-specific basis
through assistance from qualified environmental support and included in the projects CECP.


Standard Work Process Procedure No. 4MP-T81-01105: Construction Environmental Control

Plan (CECP) Development and Implementation, Attachment C

REFERENCES/ Environmental Services Guideline: Hazardous Waste Management


Environmental Services Guideline: Waste Minimization

Bechtel Environmental Bulletin (CT2000-02): Guidelines for Management of Hazardous Waste
Generated by Subcontractors on U.S. Construction Projects
Bechtel Construction Environmental Practices Handbook:

Toolkit D Hazardous Substances and Hazardous Waste Management

Toolkit E Waste Minimization and Recycling

Standard Work Process Procedure No. 4MP-T81-02102: Housekeeping

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); codified in U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency 40 CFR:
Part 260 Hazardous Waste Management System: General
Part 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste
Part 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste
Part 266 Standards for the Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific
Types of Hazardous Waste Management
Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions
Part 273 Standards for Universal Waste Management
Part 279 Standards for the Management of Used Oil
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA):
codified in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 302: Designation, Reportable
Quantities, and Notifications
U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) regulations codified in 49 CFR:
Part 172 Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials

Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


Waste Management
Environmental Safety
and Health

Core Process

Communications, Emergency Response Information, and Training Requirements
Part 173 Shippers General Requirements for Shipments and Packaging
World Bank Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook 1998: Glossary of Environmental
Terms and Management of Hazardous Waste
Basel Convention on the Control and Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and
their Disposal:
Annex I Categories of Wastes to be Controlled
Annex II Categories of Wastes Requiring Special Consideration
Annex III List of Hazardous Characteristics
Annex IV Disposal Operations

Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


Core Process

Waste Management


Environmental Safety
and Health

A tta c h m e n t A
E n v iro n m e n ta l C o re P ro c e s s # 4 1 6
W a s te M a n a g e m e n t

Q u a lified
E n viron m en tal
S u p po rt (P E L)

C o ns tru ction /S ite

M an a ge r

C u stom e r


C on tac t Q u a lifie d E nviro nm e nta l

S u pp o rt (P E L ) fo r id en tifica tio n o f
en viron m e ntal req u irem e nts fo r w as te
m a n ag e m e n t

Id en tify pro jec t-sp e cific e n viro n m e n ta l

re qu ire m e n ts

C o ord ina te o n p ro je ct-s pe cific re q uire m en ts fo r w a ste m a na g em e n t an d d e velo p

p relim in a ry e stim a te s for w a ste typ e s, vo lum e s an d trea tem e tn an d d isp os al op tio n s

B e ch te l re sp o ns ib le for
pe rm ittin g w a ste m a na g em e n t
a n d d is po sa l?


P re pa re a n d su b m it w a ste p e rm it/
a p p ro va l a pp lica tio ns

Y es

Ide n tify a nd co ntra ct w ith lic en se d h a u le rs an d d isp o sa l fac ilitie s. P re p are w as te p e rm it

ap p lic ation s a nd su pp o rtin g d oc um e nts

D e ve lop C E C P a nd oth er req u ire d

pla ns (e .g ., h aza rdo u s w a ste
m an a ge m e nt p la n, w as te m in im ization
p la n , w a ste re cycling pla n)

C oo rd ina te w / co n struc tio n m an a ge m e nt (e .g., P F E , s up e rin ten d en ts, su b co n tra ctors ) o n

im p lem e n tin g w a ste m an a ge m en t a ctiviitie s in th e C E C P an d o the r p la ns /p roc e du re s

M on itor an d a ss es s effe c tiven e ss o f

m a n a ge m en t a ctivities

A re m a n ag e m en t a ctivitie s
e ffec tive ?


R e vis e C E C P o r de ve lo p n e w pla ns /
pro ce d ure s to de fin e im p rove d
m an a ge m e nt a ctivities a n d/o r d isp os al
o ption s


Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


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