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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
For Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16th Avenue

Portland, OR 97214

Parish Office 503-231-4955

Fax 503-736-1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the

Paulists, committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be
welcoming to all, we, the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to
reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all Gods creations
through worship, education, and service toward the common good.

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ May 29, 2016


Bingo is this Sunday, May 29, 12-3pm in Carvlin

Hall. $5 gets you a pack of cards with an additional
set for $1. Lots of enticing refreshments & laughter
for an entertaining afternoon. If you havent joined us
before, come give it a try! Its a BLAST!

As they prepare to leave the parish, Frs. Charlie, Michael,

& Bill are cleaning out the residence. They will be putting
items out on tables and counters in the foyer for anyone
who is interested. There will be books and other items
over the coming weeks. Stop by and check it out and take
what you like.

The next Senior Gathering will be Tuesday, June 7, 12-2pm,
in Carvlin Hall. We will be watching the movie, Mama Mia
and putting together the Blessing Bags. The lunch is potluck
so bring a dish to share, drinks, or dessert. Dont cook, just
pick up a favorite at the deli or a package of cookies or
chips. Join us for a fun movie and help us put our Mercy
project together. See you there!
Questions? Contact Rose rosew@stphilipneripdx.org or


Just a reminder that the June Parish Breakfast will be on
the 2nd Sunday due to Fathers Day on the 3rd. Plan now to
join the summer crew as they get into the swing of things!


The Altar Society is once again raffling off two baskets
of goodies:
Cena e Italiana - $30 DeNicoloas gift
certificate, lots of Italian sauces, olive oil, oil &
cheese dispensers, biscotti & chocolates, &
Coffee, Chocolates & a Cup o Tea - $25 La
Petite Provence Caf gift certificate, coffees,
teas, gourmet shacks, and of course chocolates!
Plus much more.
Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5 and are on sale in the
foyer after all Masses. Drawing will be held at the parish
picnic on June 26.


If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or other parts of the world, we welcome &
thank you for worshiping with us! If you have any questions or would like more information, please fill out a Welcome
Card found in the pews, or call the office, 503-231-4955. Cards can be dropped in the collection basket.

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ May 29, 2016

Sat. May 28th:
Sun. May 29th:
Mon. May 30th:
Tue. May 31st:
Wed. June 1st:
Thu. June 2nd:
Fri. June 3rd:
Sat. June 4th:
Sun. June 5th:

8:00am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00pm Mass
12:10pm Mass
8:00am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass

Christopher Chung-Han Oh
Jim Froning
Jo Spada <B>
Deaf Community
Josima Espino
Helena Michalska
All Brothers & Sisters
Andres Espino
Dick Nass
Stephen Chung-Seop Oh
Rosalia & Giuseppi Greco
People of St. Philip Neri
Deaf Community

Bona Oh
Alice McNassar
Marietta & George Spada
Dorothy Bruck
Sandra Wolicki
Ly Do
Dorothy Bruck
Dorothy Bruck
Bona Oh
John & Joan Henkel


If you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday, marriage, or other special event,
please fill out a Mass Intention form (located in foyer of the Church) or call the office.
Parish Office Hours
Monday 9am Noon
Tuesday Friday 9am 4pm
503 231-4955
Parish Staff
Pastor & Director of NW Paulist
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP .x118
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP .x114
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP ..x113
Director of Faith Formation
Barbara Harrison .x107
Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson ..x103
Office Manager
Rose Wolfe .x101
Maintenance & Grounds
Ed Danila edwardd@stphilipneripdx.org

May 30: Memorial Day
Office Closed
June 1:
7:15pm, B- Catholics, Chapel
June 3:
7pm, Open Sanctuary, Church
June 7:
12pm, Senior Gathering, Carvlin
June 12:
10:30am, Parish Breakfast, Carvlin

Church Cleaning, May 30 June 3, Jerry & Priscilla Steward

Please pray for:

Fr. Charlie Kerry Czuba Bona Oh Anna Marie Henderson
Frank Kavanaugh Mary Schleich Vocations
Paulist Fathers Peace in transitions
Holy Spirit Guide the pastor selection committee
[Know someone we should pray for? Contact Rose in the office.]


Turn in your stories and photos by June 6 for our Paulist Memory Book. We
will have copies available at the Farewell Weekend events. Looking for stories
of the Paulists, personal immigration stories, and photos especially older
photos of priests from earlier days. Turn in to Rose rosew@stphilipneripdx.org
or drop them by the office.


We need volunteers to help with the reception on Saturday, June 25 and on
Sunday, June 26th for the parish picnic. Signup sheets are on the counter in
the foyer of the church or you can email Rose: rosew@stphilipneripdx.org or
call the office.
o 10am, food prep & setup
o 3pm, final setup & prep
o 5pm, serve & monitor, cleanup & tear down
o 8am, food prep & setup
o 9:15am, receive food from parishioners before Mass
o 10:30am, picnic begins, kids activities
o Monitor tables
o 12:30pm (or end of picnic), cleanup and tear down
Sign up so we know we can count on you to help us celebrate with the
Paulists as they leave Portland and the Northwest. You will be contacted the
week before the events to give you more information.

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ May 29, 2016

Pastoral Corner
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ
In truth I tell you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life within you. With
these words Jesus challenged the people who had just been fed in the multiplication of the loaves to go deeper in their
The reaction to these words is astonishing. After extolling him and wanting to make him king, now they turned their
back on him and soon would want to kill him. Virtually everyone left him, saying: This is intolerable language. How
can anyone accept it?
What was intolerable about his words? Ronald Rolheiser has written a wonderful book called The Holy Longing, in
which he examines this question. There are two words for flesh in Greek. The first, Soma, refers to the whole person,
body, mind, and spirit, in a positive or at least neutral way. (The Holy Longing by Ronald Rolheiser.)
The other word is Sarx, which refers to the human person in a negative way. I am a sarx when I am ill, or injured, or
going through some smelly bodily process involving fluids or elimination of waste. I am a sarx when I sin or die. I am
a soma when I am healthy, attractive, strong, virtuous, or when I rise from the dead.
When Jesus said you must eat the flesh of the Son of Man, he used the word Sarx for his flesh. No wonder many of
his followers turned away and said, This is intolerable language. They wanted the heavenly Jesus. They wanted his
risen body and blood, not his messy and weak humanity. They wanted his soma. What he offered them was his sarx.
Inasmuch as we are the Body of Christ in the world, our sarx is connected with Jesus sarx. To accept that communion
is the sarx of Jesus means to accept not only the sarx of Jesus, but that of each other as well. When the Eucharistic
Minister says, The Body of Christ and we say, Amen, we are affirming our embrace of human life in all its messiness
both in ourselves and in our brothers and sisters.
This brings the Eucharist down to earth.
I close with these words of Saint Augustine on the Eucharist:
If then you are the Body of Christ and his members, it is your sacrament that reposes on the altar of the Lord.
It is your sacrament which you receive. You answer Amen to the words the Body of Christ. Be, then, a
member of the Body of Christ to verify your Amen. (Sermon 272)
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP



This exposition of the interior life will be an integral
point of their mission, in this way the spiritual life will
receive a rational interpretation, and the note of sanctity
will receive a more complete expression. For the general
work of the priesthood is to place sinners in the way of
salvation; but their special mission is to open the way
for them and for all Christians to Christian perfection
[On the Mission of New Religious Communities , 1876]
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another
person who is ill, and you believe something miraculous has
happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP at 202-2692519 and tell him your story.

Inquiry classes are now being planned for the fall. These
classes are designed for those interested in learning more
about the Catholic faith and joining the church. Those who
are looking for an update are also welcome to attend these
informative sessions. Contact Barbara Harrison for more
information: barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org.

Next Sundays Readings

10 Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 5, 2016
Reading 1: 1Kings 17:17-24
Responsorial: Psalm 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13 (2a)
Reading 2: Galatians 1:11-19
Gospel: Luke 7:11-17

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