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STATE OF MINNESOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF scort FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT First National Bank of Montgonery, Minnesota, Plaintift AFFIDAVIT i. FOR ATTACHMENT Jerome Daly, Defendant i YOR HR IT EG RH HR I STATE OF MINNESOTA ) : COUNTY OF LE SUEUR } a Theodore R. Mellby, being duly sworn, on oat’ says; that he is the attorney for the plaintiff in the action above entitled; that a cause of action for unlawful detainer exists against said defendant in favor of said plaintiff; that the amount of the claim of plaintiff in said action As possession of the following desoribed tract of land, to-wit: lot 19, Fairview Beach, according to the recorded Plat thereof on file andof record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Scott, State of Minnesota; that the ground of said claim and the nature and basis thereof is as follows, to-wits Complaint in the above entitled action is made a part hereof as Behibit "a", That judgnent for defendant was entered in Justice Court, Credit ‘River Towmship, County of Scott, State of Minnesota, on December 9, 1968. Plaintiff duly appealed therefrom to the above Court. The, Justices of the Peace who heard said cause of action wrongfully refused :te make return on appeal to the above Court. Authority for attachment proceedings ‘is’feund in H.8.A, 566.1%. Further affiant saith not, save that he prays that a writ of attachment iesue against the transcript of all entries made in the docket of the Justice Court, Credit River Township, Scott County, Minnesota, to~ gether with all process and other papers relating to the above action and filed with the said Justice Court. Said transcript, process and other papers, are in the possession of either Wn. E, Drexler, Minnesota, or Martin V, Mahoney, Credit River Township, Scott County, Minnesota, tad hoe tL or both, or Jerome Taly, Savage, Minnesota. Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this 17th day of July, 1969. {lima V. Fortney, Notary Miblic Le Sueur County, Minnesota My Commission expires November 23, 1971 TO THE CLERK OF SAID COURT: On filing the within affidavit and a Bond approved by me in the within entitled cause, it is hereby ordered that Writ of Attachment issue as prayed for in the within affidavit Dated: July 22, 1969 EEE nary LEG Cane ‘Of said Court. STATE OF HINNZSNTA : TY gUSTIC eT COUNTY OF scoTT TONSHTP OF FATA CRE Fleat National Seas af Yontgomers, Minnesota Pinintite OMe pat Jerome valy, berendsat aaion of Lot 19, Mairulew Seach, That the defendant Ie in pre according t+ ise racarded Plat theron? file and of record In the erin ty of Seott and Stace nt -tnnen of the Sraister of Sneda in and Sota, nad was the urner in fee to steor ay the tue of the execution at the aortcace hereinafter mentioned. » defendant made and deltvered ty nlaint itt That on vay hy 196 ure tne payment of @ prow! seni ante a wortoane of sald premizes to for Fourteen Thousand and no/nunaredths {°11,909,00) hollaca, then aade and delivered by defendant to alaintiff: that om April 71, 1167, ante of Seeds fae ant aortcane was recorded in the office of the avi et County as document #119731, ur : That thereafter, default having been ande fs the sa caent of the principal and tnterest of said note ant aortoane, niaintiff ru + tere iaaed ment under a power therein. and duly said mortonce by advertl sam to be sold by the Sheriff of sai county at publi auetinn on tune 1967, in conforalty with the Statute in such case ‘ande ant provided; that at said sate pialat{ff mas the purchaser of xaid premises and anid sheriff uly made and dellverad hia official certiticate of sasd ante as ornvises by Minnesota Statutes SAN.17: that en Rly 7, 19K, add vertitieas wan recorded in the office of the Togleter of Deeds for seid County ax documents #114393 and #114594, Ww, Thar more than one (1) v yr has elapsed aince that date a no redemption has been aade therefrow and the time for redeapt ion’ from han expired. w That by reason thereof and of the Statute in euch case aade and provided, plaintiff (s the owner in tee and entitled to the taandiare fon of aatd nreela: That defendant withholds po: anion thereof from plaintif?. wornaroRe, plaintiz! demands fotament for the restitution of eatd preatena and caste and disbur ent MOGUTRR & MRLLEY /ed_Theodore P. Metiby Theodore R, H=llby Attorney for Piaintirt Montgomery, Minnascta $640 Telet 364-7977

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