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Faculty 2016

1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, kunigami-Gun, Okinawa, Japan 904-0495

Tel 81-98-966-8711 ( international) 098-966-8711 ( within japan )

OIST President

to the

While knowledge creation remains the defining role of

a research university, the manner in which education and
research are conducted is undergoing major change.
If universities are to retain their central relevance to society,
they must adapt their programs to the needs of the 21st
century. Students must be educated to be effective citizens
and leaders in a diverse and highly globalized world.
University administrators and faculty must take leadership
in providing sustainable solutions to planet-threatening
problems such as climate change, the energy supply,
human health, food and water shortages. The engine of
true innovation, basic research with long-term R&D
objectives, is arguably the most powerful tool for solving
these problems.
OIST Graduate University is at the forefront of creating
change in how research and education are practiced. We
hire world-leading faculty and we give them substantial
support and considerable freedom to pursue basic research.
By avoiding traditional administrative and physical boundaries, and by creating easy access for people to each
other and to research equipment, we have established a
very open and intimate environment which naturally promotes cross-disciplinary education and research. We are
training a new breed of students and young researchers
to become future leaders in the global world of academia
and/or industryyoung talent that is receiving strong
disciplinary training while additionally being exposed to
a truly multidisciplinary experience that challenges them
to bridge the boundaries between the physical and life
sciences. What several years ago was a vision for change
is now a successful reality.

Jonathan Dorfan

Brain Mechanisms for

Behaviour Unit

Collective Interactions Unit

Quantum Systems Unit


Gordon Arbuthnott

Assistant Professor

Mahesh Bandi

Associate Professor

BSc, PhD, The University of Aberdeen

Formerly at The Karolinska Institute,
The University of Aberdeen, The University
of Edinburgh, and The University of Otago

BEng, University of Madras

MSc, PhD, The University of Pittsburgh
Formerly at The Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Harvard University, and Brown

PhD, The University of Innsbruck

Formerly at Konstanz University,
The University of Innsbruck
Aarhus University, Dublin Institute of
Technology, and University College Cork.

Unit studies the over- or underpro-

The Collective Interactions Unit is an

The Quantum Systems Unit investi-

duction of dopamine, a reward chemical

experimental group with broad interests

gates theoretical concepts of the

produced by certain neurons in the

in soft matter physics, applied

quantum world. Drawing from ultra-

brain. Using techniques in physiology,

mathematics, mechanics, and their

cold atomic gases and other natural

molecular genetics, and anatomy to

application to biologically inspired

and synthetic quantum systems, their

investigate dopamines role in neural

problems. Unit researchers work in

aim is to devise models that explain

systems, the Unit studies the basic

the general area that concerns

quantum phenomenasuch as a

mechanisms of how animals,

macroscopic, non-relativistic matter

particle being in two places at the

including humans, interact with the

and its interactions. Current interests

same timeand develop methods to

world. The results are relevant to

include problems related to interfacial

quantify, control and engineer them.

diseases ranging from addiction to

fluid dynamics, granular solids, and


biomechanics of the human foot.

Thomas Busch


The Brain Mechanisms for Behaviour

Fluid Mechanics Unit

Spectroscopy Unit

Neuroscience Unit

Neural Computation Unit

Biodiversity and
Biocomplexity Unit

Mathematical Soft Matter Unit

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor


Pinaki Chakraborty

Keshav Dani

Erik De Schutter

Kenji Doya

Evan Economo

Eliot Fried

BEng, The National Institute of

Technology, Surat
MS, PhD from The University of Illinois
Formerly at the University of Illinois

BS (Honours), The California Institute

of Technology
MA, PhD, The University of California,
Formerly at The Los Alamos National
Laboratory and The Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory

BMed, DMed, HabMed from The

University of Antwerp
Formerly at The University of Antwerp

BS, MS, and PhD from The

University of Tokyo
Formerly at UC San Diego, the Salk
Institute, and the ATR Computational
Neuroscience Laboratories

BSc, the University of Arizona

PhD, The University of Texas
Formerly at The University of Michigan

BA (Honors), University of California at

MS, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Formerly at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, McGill University, and
The University of Washington

The Fluid Mechanics Unit studies how

substances flow, be it the turbulent

The Computational Neuroscience Unit

The Biodiversity and Biocomplexity

Unit explores how ecological and

studies how neurons and microcircuits

The Neural Computation Unit develops

evolutionary processes generate and

in the brain operate. Unit researchers

algorithms that elucidate the brains

sustain biodiversity. The Unit

The relatively new but rapidly expanding field of

churning of typhoons or oil streaming

Using intense, ultrafast laser pulses,

explore the influences of neuronal mor-

mechanisms for robust and flexible

integrates theoretical, field, and lab

soft matter focuses on materials whose basic

through a pipeline. The Unit meticu-

the Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit

phology and excitability on common

learning. The Unit focuses on how the

approaches to investigate how

structural elements consist of many atomic or

lously analyzes motion through soap

explores the optical properties of

neural functions such as synaptic

brain processes reinforcement

species evolve, move around, and

molecular subelements. These materials typically

films and pipes to learn crucial details

matter. Its members study graphene

plasticity and learning, and determine

learning, in which a biological or

adapt to their environments. Projects

exhibit structure on length scales ranging from

of how energy disperses in two and

and other two-dimensional materials

how molecular mechanisms enable

artificial agent learns novel behaviors

focus on the dynamics of ant

nanoscopic to mesoscopic and, as the name

three dimensions. Modeling these

for their potential in transparent,

these functions. Their studies focus

in uncertain environments by

communities in the Pacific islands,

implies, are relatively easy to deform. Research in

phenomena can help predict motion,

flexible electronics; research semi-

on the cerebellum, as it has a relatively

exploration and reward feedback.

global diversity patterns of all ants,

the Mathematical Soft Matter Unit focuses on

improve our response to adverse

conductors for photocatalytic and solar

simple anatomy and the physiology

Top-down computational approaches

and macroevolution of the

fundamental and applied, combining techniques

weather conditions, and management

energy applications; and investigate

of its main neurons is well known,

are combined with bottom-up

of oil-pipeline networks.

applications of ultrafast laser pulses to

allowing detailed modeling at many

neurobiological approaches to achieve

differential geometry, asymptotic analysis,

biology and medicine.

levels of complexity.

these goals.

bifurcation theory, and large-scale scientific

hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole.

from statistical and continuum mechanics,

computing. Topics of ongoing interest include

discoidal high-density lipoproteins, perforated lipid
bilayers, suspensions of self-propelled agents like
bacteria, and the contact-line dynamics of sessile
drops undergoing evaporation and condensation.

Continuum Physics Unit

Biological Systems Unit

Mathematical and Theoretical

Physics Unit

Immune Signal Unit

Microbiology and Biochemistry

of Secondary Metabolites Unit

Coordination Chemistry and

Catalysis Unit


Adjunct Professor


Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Gustavo Gioia

Igor Goryanin

Shinobu Hikami

Hiroki Ishikawa



Diploma in structural engineering,

University of Buenos Aires
MsC in theoretical and applied mechanics,
Northwestern University
PhD in solid mechanics, Brown University
Formerly at University of Minnesota,
Rutgers University, and University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign

BSc, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute

PhD, The Russian Academy of Science
Formerly at The Russian Academy of Science,
University College London, The University
of Edinburgh, and GlaxoSmithKline
Currently at The University of Edinburgh
and OIST

BSc, MSc, PhD from The University of Tokyo

Formerly at the University of Tokyo

BSc, MSc, PhD, Nagoya University

Formerly at Tohoku University and The
University of Miami

Diploma in biochemistry from the

Freie Universitt Berlin
Dr. rer. nat. from the Humboldt
University of Berlin
Formerly at the University of Tokyo, The
University of Cologne, the Humboldt
University of Berlin and the Max Planck
Institute for Molecular Genetics

B.Sc. from Kazan State University, Russia

PhD from University of Maryland, College
Formerly at Washington University in St.
and the Weizmann Institute of Science

The Biological Systems Unit is working

The Mathematical and Theoretical

Physics Unit uses mathematical

All animals and plants have an innate,

models, like random matrix theory, to

or non-specific, immune system

show that universal patterns can be

to fight infection and disease. Unlike

observed in widely disparate systems,

innate immune cells, cells in the

from theoretical systems in physics

adaptive immune system remember

to concrete biological systems.

pathogens they have encountered.

Many organisms produce small

Catalysis Unit focuses on designing

The Coordination Chemistry and

Continuum Physics Unit members

on devices in which microorganisms

carry out theoretical and experimental

break down waste, releasing energy in

The Immune Signal Unit studies how

molecules called secondary

new catalysts for reactions relevant to

research in the mechanics of

the process. Key Okinawan industries

cells in the adaptive immune system

metabolites. Some have specific

renewable energy production like

continuous media, including cellular

such as awamori distilleries, pig and

are activated by the innate system

purposes: plants pack them into

electrochemically converting carbon

materials, granular materials, and

chicken farms, sugar manufacturers,

and form memories of pathogens, with

leaves to deter grazing, and

dioxide into a liquid fuel, and in

complex fluids, with applications in

and municipal wastewater treatment

the aim to design more and better

Penicillium fungi use their famous one

developing green, environmentally

geophysics, materials science,

facilities stand to benefit economically


to ward off bacteria. The Microbiology

friendly methods for synthesizing

hydraulics, and structural engineering.

and environmentally from this

and Biochemistry of Secondary

organic compounds. The Unit is also


Metabolites Unit is investigating why

interested in studying the

organisms like toxic algae evolved to

electrochemical behavior of hybrid

create these chemicals, and which

compounds consisting of organic

genes express them, in a broad effort

parts and metallic parts, and

to understand these compounds

elucidating the relevant mechanisms

roles in ecosystems.

using spectroscopic methods.

Integrated Open Systems Unit

Quantum Dynamics Unit

Optical Neuroimaging Unit

Membrane Cooperativity Unit

Genomics and Regulatory

Systems Unit

Information Processing
Biology Unit

Adjunct Professor

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Professor (Adjunct)

Adjunct Professor


Hiroaki Kitano


Bernd Kuhn

Akihiro Kusumi


Ichiro Maruyama

BA, International Christian University

PhD, Kyoto University
Currently at Sony Computer Science
Laboratories, The Systems Biology Institute,
Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute
and OIST

BSc, MSc, Moscow Institute of Physics

and Technology
PhD, Brown University
Formerly at the Institute of Physical and
Chemical Research (RIKEN) and Brown

Diploma, University of Ulm

Dr rer. nat., Technical University of Munich
Formerly at the Max Planck Institute of
Biochemistry, the Max Planck Institute for
Medical Research, and Princeton University

In the nanoscopic world, electrons

develops novel techniques to

BA (Honours), MA, The University

of Cambridge
PhD, University College London
Formerly at Yale University, EMBL-European
Bioinformatics Institute and the University
of Cambridge
Currently at University College London,
Cancer Research UK, and OIST

PhD, The University of Tokyo

Formerly at National Institute of Genetics,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
The Scripps Research Institute,
Molecular Sciences Institute
and Genome Institute of Singapore

Healthcare and sustainability are

B.Sc., Kyoto University

D.Sc., Kyoto University
Formerly at Kyoto University, The Medical
College of Wisconsin,
The University of Tokyo, Nagoya University,
and the ERATO and ICORP projects of
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Currently at Kyoto University and OIST

critical issues in global agenda that

can exist in many places at oncea

investigate two fundamental questions

we are facing today. Both deal with

feature that, if harnessed to encode

in neurobiology: how behavior arises

The Membrane Cooperativity Unit strives

To function normally, organisms must

environment in various ways. The

integrated open systems, such as

data, could revolutionize information

from cellular activity, and how the

to understand how cellular plasma

ensure that genes are switched on

Information Processing Biology Unit

biological systems and complex

processing. The Quantum Dynamics

brain processes information. Kuhn,

membranes work at very fundamental

and off at the right times and

explores how sensory organs detect

social systems, including energy and

Unit is exploring the behavior of

the Unit head, has built two-photon

levels. For this purpose, the Unit is

locations. Gene expression control is


transportation. They are highly

complex quantum systems, using high

laser scanning microscopes that

dedicated to developing unique

a complex process that requires the

nicate, and how the brain processes

integrated, yet open-ended complex

magnetic fields and ultra-low

enable him to reconstruct 3D images

methodologies of single-molecule

coordinated action of many regulatory

information at the molecular level.

systems. The Integrated Open

temperatures to observe and control

of neurons with micron resolution and

observation-manipulation in living cells,

biological molecules. Defects in the

Results of this research can improve

Systems Unit aims to understand

electrons in certain conditions, to find

to observe neuronal activity, both in

and elucidating the mechanisms for the

process can lead to many diseases,

our understanding of the

the fundamental principles which

how to regulate them for applications

awake mice.

plasma membrane organization and

such as cancer. The Genomics and

mechanisms of cognitive diseases in

governopen complex systems, and

in quantum computing.

function, enabled by cooperative

Regulatory Systems Unit combines

humans, help in drug design, and

apply such knowledge for real world

interactions of molecules in/on the plasma

computational and experimental

lead to better computers, sensors and

applications through a series of

membrane, with particular emphases on

methods to study principles of gene

other information processing devices.

global activities, such as the Garuda

signal transduction and neuronal network

regulation during early organismal

Alliance and Sustainable Living.

formation, by extensively using


The Optical Neuroimaging Unit

All life, from bacteria to humans,

senses and responds to its

single-molecule technologies.

Neurobiology Unit

Ecology and Evolution Unit

Physics and Biology Unit

Marine Biophysics Unit

Light-Matter Interactions Unit

Energy Materials and Surface

Sciences Unit

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Ichiro Masai


Jonathan Miller

Satoshi Mitarai

Sle Nic Chormaic

Yabing Qi

BSc, MSc, PhD, the University of Tokyo

Formerly at the University of Tokyo,
Kings College London,
and the Institute of Physical and
Chemical Research (RIKEN)

BA, Cornell University

MS, The Florida State University
PhD, The University of Texas

BS, Yale University

PhD in Biology, The University of
Cambridge (MRC LMB)
PhD in Physics, The California Institute
of Technology
Formerly at Baylor College of Medicine,
Princeton University, NEC Research
Institute, The University of Chicago, and
Bell Laboratories

BS, MS, Osaka Prefecture University

PhD, The University of Washington
Formerly at The University of California,
Santa Barbara

BSc (Honours), MSc, St. Patricks College,

NUI, Ireland
PhD in Physics, The University of Paris XIII
Formerly at The University of Innsbruck,
The University of Melbourne,
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics,
and University College Cork

BSc, Nanjing University

MPhil, The Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology
PhD, The University of California, Berkeley
Formerly at Princeton University

Evolution is the unifying principle of life

sciences. Recent technological
advances have revolutionized the way

The Developmental Neurobiology Unit

it is studied, providing new insights

uses the zebrafish as a model system

into historical questions. The Ecology

to study the mechanisms that control

and Evolution Unit utilizes cutting-edge

cell development and tissue building.

technology to address a wide range

OISTs high-capacity aquarium system

The Marine Biophysics Unit examines

how ocean currents affect the marine
life of hydrothermal vents and coral reefs

The Energy Materials and Surface

Sciences Unit is developing cost-

around Okinawa. Using buoy deploy-

Interactions between light and matter

efficient, large-area solar technology

ments, population genetics, computer

occur all around us, from the lenses in

out of organic materials. These

The Physics and Biology Unit

modeling, remotely and wave-operated

our eyes to photosynthesis. The

organic solar cells are lightweight,

of research questions. The Units

develops physical science based tools

vehicles, and physical oceanographic

Light-Matter Interactions Unit isolates

flexible, and can be printed roll-to-roll

houses some 200,000 fish in 4,800

investigations have included coevolution

aimed primarily at the study of

measurements, the Unit is mapping

and studies small numbers of particles

like newsprint to cover windows,

tanks to maintain mutant and

of mutualists, landscape genetics of

biological systems. Major interests

the Kuroshio current circulation, track-

as small as atoms using optical

walls, and many other surfaces. They

transgenic lines of zebrafish for projects

adaptation by herbivores to host

include genome evolution and

ing larval dispersal, hunting for the

nanofibers as an interface tool between

also use state-of-the-art ultrahigh

that investigate how the vertebrate

plants, genomic changes in little fire

population genomics, to obtain new

source of an invasive coral-eating sea

light from lasers and the sample under

vacuum instruments and a clean-room

retina develops.

ant castes that influence invasiveness,

insight into how genetic variation

star, and monitoring plankton health.

investigation. The ultimate goal is to

device fabrication facility to investigate

coevolution of leaf-cutting ants and

couples natural selection and evolution.

better understand photons, atoms,

properties of individual materials and

their cultivated fungi, and proteomics

cells, and proteinsthe building blocks

their interfaces to optimize the solar

of pit viper venoms. Future projects

of the world.

cells structure for better performance.

will employ massive sequencing of

environmental samples and museum
collections to link major themes in
ecology and evolution.

Molecular Genetics Unit

Trafficking Unit

Marine Genomics Unit

Plant Epigenetics Unit

Theory of Quantum
Matter Unit

Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit

Professor (Visiting, Adjunct)

Associate Professor


Assistant Professor

Associate Professor


PhD, University of Illinois at

Formerly at Harvard University and the
University of Washington

Daniel Rokhsar

Fadel Samatey

Noriyuki Satoh

Hidetoshi Saze

Nic Shannon

A.B. from Princeton University

M.S., Ph.D. from Cornell University
Formerly at IBM TJ Watson Research
Currently at University of California-Berkeley,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
US Department of Energy Joint Genome
Institute and OIST

Bacc, Joseph Fourier University

MPhys, Louis Pasteur University
PhD, Joseph Fourier University
Formerly at Osaka University, JST, The High
Energy Accelerator Research Organization,
The National Centre for Scientific Research
and the Institut LaueLangevin

PhD, The University of Tokyo

Formerly at Kyoto University

BSc, MSc, Kyoto University

PhD, The University of Basel
Formerly at the National Institute
of Genetics

Work in the Molecular Genetics Unit

BSc (Honours), The University

of Birmingham
PhD, The University of Warwick
Formerly at The University of Bristol, The
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
The Max Planck Institute for the Physics
of Complex systems and Atomic
Energy and Alternative Energies Commission
(CEA), Saclay

Sequencing the genomes of the major

marine phyla helps explain relationships

Amy Shen

The Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit focuses

between organisms, both in terms of

Genes dictate many aspects of how

large-scale evolution and within their

living things look and act, but genes are

ecosystems. The Marine Genomics

also controlled. Epigenetics, is the

Despite advances in the tools used to

Units ability to quickly sequence large

study of mechanisms that determine

combines comparative genomics,

study how living things work, the

genomes has made the lab the first

whether a gene is active or not, and

population genetic modeling, and

study of cell membranes embedded

to decode the genetic sequences

thus whether it has any effect on

Quantum materials are governed by

employs lab-on-a-chip platforms with

genetic mapping. The Unit uses new

with many notoriously difficult-to-

of a coral and a mollusk. The Unit also

an organism. The Plant Epigenetics

how their electrons interact. In metals,

analytical capacity to study the physics

approaches for sequencing and

characterize proteins, remains very

has found evidence of a common

Unit studies epigenetic regulation in

such as copper, electrons largely

of flow, the transport of mass,

analyzing genomes to investigate the

challenging. Samateys Trans-

ancestor that links humans to sea stars.

Arabidopsis and rice. It is also improving

ignore one another, but in quantum

momentum, and energy, and reactive

evolution of morphological and

Membrane Trafficking Unit uses X-ray

traits of rice crops by applying

materials they have a social life. The

processes at nano- and micron length

functional complexity among related

crystallography to solve the 3D

genomic information obtained by high-

Theory of Quantum Matter Units main

scales. Novel device designs have the

animals, so as to be able to

structure of membrane proteins of the

throughput sequencing technology.

goal is to uncover new laws of physics

potential to significantly enhance

illuminate the key transitions in their

flagellar systemwhich, since they

that explain interactions of electrons

understanding of single-cell behavior,

evolution. Current focus is on

resemble those that build the needle

in groups.

developmental biology, and

cephalopods how their unique

complex in pathogenic bacteria,

neuroscience. These strategies can be

nervous system emerged

could help treat related infections.

used to address challenges in drug

on using complex fluids and complex

flows to create objects with morphology
and structure tailored precisely for
applications in biotechnology,
nanotechnology, and energy. The unit

independently of vertebrates and the

screening and the development of

genomic underpinnings of their

bio- and chemical-sensors for disease,

capacity for complex behaviors.

security, and environmental monitoring.

Quantum Wave
Microscopy Unit

Biology Unit

Structural Cellular
Biology Unit

Nanoparticles by
Design Unit

Biological Physics
Theory Unit

Cellular and Molecular

Synaptic Function Unit


Associate Professor


Associate Professor

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Distinguished Professor (Fellow)

Tsumoru Shintake

Robert Sinclair

Ulf Skoglund

Mukhles Ibrahim

Greg Stephens

Tomoyuki Takahashi

BSc, PhD from Kyushu University

Formerly at The Institute of Physical and
Chemical Research (RIKEN)

BSc (Honours), Monash University

Physik-Diplom, the Freie Universitt Berlin
Doktor der Mathematik from ETH Zrich
Formerly at ETH Zrich, The University of
Basel, The Technical University of Denmark,
The University of Melbourne and the
University of the Ryukyus

BSc, PhD, Stockholm University

Formerly at the Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm University and Uppsala

BSc, Yarmouk University

MSc from The University of Jordan
PhD, Hebrew University
Formerly at Al-Quds University and
Stanford University

BSc, Ohio University

MSc, Syracuse University
PhD, The University of Maryland
Formerly at Princeton University and
The Los Alamos National Laboratory
Currently at VU University Amsterdam
and OIST

MD, PhD, Tokyo Medical and Dental

Formerly at Kyoto University, the University
of Tokyo and Doshisha University

The Quantum Wave Microscopy Units

newly assembled, low-energy electron
microscope uses lensless technology
to construct crisp holograms of DNA

The Structural Cellular Biology Unit

combines microscopy and computation

The Nanoparticles by Design Unit has

to visualize molecules and cellular

developed an ultra-high vacuum

Function Unit strives to understand

the mechanisms that regulate neuro-

and viruses. It is hoped that this

The Mathematical Biology Unit works

structures in 3D. A 300 keV

system to study and custom-build

new technology will obviate the need

across boundaries, creating new

transmission electron microscope,

nanoparticles. Atoms of up to three

While physicists have long searched

for time-consuming crystallographic

methods of analysis, even when the

Titan Krios, is used to understand the

different materials can be sputtered

for universal laws that explain the

techniques, and that it will yield single-

biological questions cannot easily be

dynamics of macromolecules in situ

from the source simultaneously to

nature of matter and energy, until

molecule images at sub-nanometer

expressed mathematically. The Unit

and to investigate how they bind

form nanoclusters, which pass through

recently the complexity of biological

resolution. A very different project,

constructs mathematical approaches

and interact with each other. This

a mass filter that selects those in

systems proved daunting. The

denominated Sea Horse, aims to

to problems in vertebrate evolution,

work has potential for drug delivery, as

a certain size range to be deposited

Biological Physics Theory Unit

generate 1GW of electricity from ocean

morphology, neuroscience, microbiology

it offers molecular details of protein

on a solid surface or harvested

searches for simple, unifying principles

currents using 300 huge propellers

and virology, usually in collaboration

binding, virus structures, and receptor

for applications such as novel cancer

in the brains and behavior of living

tethered to the sea floor in the Kuroshio

with other research units.

interactions in cell membranes.

therapies, drug delivery systems,

systems. Working closely with experi-

infrared detectors, and sensors.

mentalists, Unit members combine

Current near Okinawa.

The Cellular and Molecular Synaptic

quantitative biological measurements

with theoretical ideas drawn from
statistical physics, information theory,
and dynamic systems.

transmitter release at synapses by

studying the calyx of Held, a synapse
large enough to enable simultaneous
measurements of presynaptic and
postsynaptic electrical signals.
Insights into synaptic transmission
should lead to a better understanding
of neuronal communication.

Chemistry and Chemical

Bioengineering Unit

Human Developmental
Neurobiology Unit

Formation and Regulation

of Neuronal Connectivity
Research Unit

Evolutionary Neurobiology Unit

Neurobiology Research Unit

Molecular Cryo-Electron
Microscopy Unit

Associate Professor


Visiting Professor

Assistant Professor

Dean of Graduate School

Assistant Professor

BMedSc, MBChB, PhD, The University

of Otago
Formerly at The University of Otago

MPharm, The University of Innsbruck

PhD, Brandeis University
Formerly at Harvard Medical School,
Childrens Hospital Boston, Brandeis
University and the University of Innsbruck

Fujie Tanaka

Gail Tripp

David Van Vactor

BS, Gifu Pharmaceutical University

PhD, Kyoto University
Formerly at The Scripps Research Institute

BSc (Honours), PhD, PGDipClPs,

The University of Otago
Formerly at the University of Otago

The Chemistry and Chemical

The Human Developmental

Bioengineering Unit develops methods

Neurobiology Unit investigates the

and strategies for the construction

nature, causes and management of

of organic molecules. The strategies

ADHD. Unit members study why

that this unit investigates include

children diagnosed with ADHD

BA, The Johns Hopkins University

PhD, the University of California,
Los Angeles
Formerly at The University of California,
Berkeley, Harvard Medical School,
Woods Hole Institute and Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratories
Currently at Harvard Medical School
and OIST

asymmetric synthetic methods and

respond differently to reinforcement,

organocatalytic methods. The

and they work with colleagues

molecules that this unit designs and

Hiroshi Watanabe

B.S., Tokai University

M.S., Ph.D., Tokyo Institute of Technology
Formerly at Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of
Medical Science, Heidelberg Institute of
Zoology and The Centre for Organismal
Studies (COS) at The University of

Jeff Wickens

The goal of the Neurobiology

Matthias Wolf

Research Unit is to understand neural

mechanisms of learning in the brain.
The Unit studies physical changes that

The Molecular Cryo-Electron

Research projects of the Evolutionary

take place in synapses due to learning

Microscopy Unit investigates the

Neurobiology Unit include (1) anatomical

experiences, and how these changes

structure of macromolecular

The synapses in our brains communi-

and physiological dissections of nervous

depend on dopamine, a chemical

complexes with an emphasis on

overseas conducting fMRI and drug

cate via chemical signals billions

systems of the basal metazoans, mainly on

that plays a key role in motivation. This

viruses, ion channels and membrane

creates include enzyme-like catalysts

studies to explore the disorders

of times per second in order to sense

diffused and regionally condensed nervous

research has the forward goal of devel-

proteins. The Unit seeks better

and functionalized small molecules.

underlying neurobiology. The Unit is

and respond to the world around

systems of cnidarians, and (2) analysis of

oping better treatments for disorders

understanding of macromolecular

Studies undertaken by this unit

also studying the social problem

us. The Formation and Regulation of

genetic mechanisms underlying

such as Parkinsons disease and

functions that govern important

contribute to the creation of molecules

solving skills of children with ADHD

Neuronal Connectivity Research Unit

development of the regionalized

attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

processes such as infection and

necessary to elucidate biological

and developing a skills program for

studies the assembly and mainten-

(semi-centralized) nervous system of

cellular signaling, as well as improve-

mechanisms and the control of bio-

Japanese parents dealing with ADHD.

ance of healthy synapses, using the

cnidarians. The unit also carries out (3) a

ments in specimen preparation and

fruitfly model to explore the genetics

comprehensive analysis of chemical

image processing. In addition, the

regulating neural development.

neurotransmission among the basal

Unit explores novel techniques to

metazoan lineages. They combine

obtain a detailed three-dimensional

cutting-edge genetic, neuroscientific and

map of brain tissue at unprecedented

neuroimaging techniques on cnidarians and


logical systems.

other basal metazoans, and phylogenetic

analysis to reconstruct the early evolutionary
processes of the nervous system.

Cell Signal Unit

G0 Cell Unit

Neuronal Mechanism for

Critical Period Unit

Nucleic Acid Chemistry and

Engineering Unit

Bioinspired Soft Matter Unit

Other Faculty



Assistant Professor

Associate Professor (Adjunct)

Assistant Professor

Executive Vice President for
Sustainable Development of

Tadashi Yamamoto

Mitsuhiro Yanagida


Yohei Yokobayashi

Ye Zhang

Robert Baughman
BSc, PhD, Osaka University
Formerly at the University of Tokyo and
the National Institutes of Health

DrSci., the University of Tokyo

Formerly at Kyoto University
The G0 Cell Unit investigates molecular

BSc, Japan Womens University

MSc, PhD, Sophia University
Formerly at Sophia University, Duke
University and the Institute of Physical
and Chemical Research (RIKEN)

B.Eng., M.Eng., The University of Tokyo

PhD, The Scripps Research Institute
Formerly at the California Institute of
Currently at the University of
California-Davis and OIST

BS, Nankai University

PhD, Hong Kong University of Science and
Formerly at the University of Turin and Ecole
Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL)
and Brandeis University

BA, New College

MA, PhD, Harvard University
Formerly at Harvard Medical School
and NIH National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Using a mouse model, the Cell Signal

mechanisms of cell regulations in

Unit explores the cause of various

division, called the vegetative cell cycle,

diseases that include cancer, neuronal

and arrest, known as the G0 phase,

When we are young, our brains adapt

disorders, immunological diseases,

using post-genomic methods in

at the whim of our sensory environ-

Nucleic acids DNA and RNA are

Nature designs materials as hierarchical

at Harvard Medical School and

and diabetes/obesity at the molecular

combination with genetic approaches.

ments. The Neuronal Mechanism for

fundamental building blocks of life.

architectures with complex composite

Associate Director in a division of the

level. Practically, the Unit studies

The Unit is also investigating the

Critical Period Unit studies how this

These biomolecules display

structures spanning the nano to

National Institute of Neurological

biochemical reactions that cells use to

health benefits of Okinawan produce

critical period of malleability in the

remarkable chemical functions such

near-macro length scales to create

Disorders and Stroke, in the US

respond to environmental cues with

and the origins of Okinawan longevity.

young is orchestrated within the brain.

as information storage, catalysis, and

unique combinations of properties

National Institutes of Health. In 2007

special emphasis on mechanisms by

Zebra finches, the Units model

molecular recognition. The Nucleic

that are often difficult to achieve with

he joined OIST as Vice President and

which unneeded RNA copies are

organism of choice, learn to sing from

Acid Chemistry and Engineering Units

synthetic materials. The task of the

Executive Director of the OIST

destroyed to silence gene expression.

their auditory experiences as young

goal is to harness the versatile

Bioinspired Soft Matter Unit is to

Promotion Corporation, where he

birds, allowing researchers to explore

chemistry of nucleic acids to design

understand such amazing

guided OISTs development from the

what is happening during this

and engineer functional nucleic acids

mechanisms and develop new

arrival of the first staff to full

marvelous period.

(DNA, RNA, and their synthetic

man-made materials to mimic the

accreditation as a graduate university

analogs) that operate in test tubes,

structure, properties or performance

in November 2011. Baughman is

devices, and living cells.

of natural materials or living matters.

now OISTs Executive Vice President

Prof. Baughman was a neurobiologist

for Sustainable Development of


Advanced Medical
Instrumentation Unit

Distinguished Professor

Sydney Brenner

MSc, MB, BCh (Medicine), The University

of Witwatersrand
DPhil, Exeter College, Oxford University
Formerly MRC Laboratory of Molecular
Biology, MRC Molecular Genetics
Unit, Molecular Sciences Institute and
Salk Institute

Visiting Professor
Special Advisor to the Dean

David Dorfan

PhD, Columbia University

Formerly at SLAC, The University of
California, Santa Cruz
Prof. Dorfan has had a distinguished
career as a particle physicist. He was

Distinguished Professor

Hirotaka Sugawara

PhD, The University of Tokyo

Formerly at Institute of Nuclear Studies,
University of Tokyo, The KEK Japanese
National Laboratory for High Energy
Physics, and The Graduate University of
Advanced Studies (Sokendai)

Professor of Physics at the University

of California, Santa Cruz, and was

Prof. Sugawara has held academic

Sydney Brenner has led a distinguished

influential in setting up its highly

positions at Cornell, Berkeley, Tokyo

research career in the field of genetics.

regarded Department of Physics,

University of Education, University of

In 2002 he was awarded the Nobel

where he subsequently served three

Tokyo, University of Chicago and

Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his

mandates as Dean and the Chair.

University of Hawaii. He was Director

founding work in developmental biology.

Professor Dorfan spends several

General of the KEK Japanese National

Brenner served as President of the

months a year teaching at OIST.

Laboratory for High Energy Physics

OIST Promotion Corporation from 2005

and Executive Director of the

2011 and his determination and drive

Graduate University of Advanced

were essential factors in the creation of

Studies (Sokendai). He most recently

the Graduate University. He visits OIST

served as the Director of the

regularly as a Distinguished Professor.

Washington D.C. office of the

Japanese Society for the Promotion
of Science.

Design by Sandbox Studio, Chicago

Photography by Vanessa Schipani
Micheal Cooper, Laura Petersen
and Olga Garnova
Media Section, Communication and
Public Relations Division

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