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Religion - unified systems of beliefs and practices

Forms of Rituals:
a) Prayer meeting
b) Worship Services
c) Religious Feast
Symbols - religions has different symbols.
Christianity - Cross
Islam - Moon and Star

pertaining to the supernatural and norms about

the right way to live that is shared by a group of

World's Religion
1. Christianity - mostly practice around the
world. Bible is the important document of

the christianity. Believing that they are

Beliefs System
a) Animism - spirit actively influences

been guided by God.

2. Islam - adherence of Islam are called

human life. Spirit seen as

supernatural forces (ex. are

Muslims. Concentrated in North Africa,

Shamanism, they believe to

West Asia and Southeast Asia. Founded

communicate with the spirits, cure

by Prophet Mohammad (SAW). 5 Pillar of

sickness and predict the future,

3. Judaism - religion of Jesus. Believers live

practice in Asia and Totemism, they

believe that Totem is watching over

all over the world. Jews or the chosen

them, practice in Australia)

b) Theism - believes in God.
c) Monotheism - believes in one God

4. Hinduism - practice in India, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, South Africa and Southeast Asia.

(Judaism, Christianity and Islam)

d) Polytheism - believing in two or more

They believe on personal Gods, to myths

and abstract. Theological system. They


consider brahmans as noble class. They

God (examples: Hinduism)

Ethicalism - it is based on idea that
moral principle has a sacred quality.
Set of principle such as Truth,

believe in reincarnation.
5. Buddhism - Founded in India, 16th

Honor and Tolerance.

Century. Four noble truths:

a) misery is a major features in life
b) misery originates from within from

Examples of religion are

Buddhism, Confucianism,

the craving for pleasure

c) such as craving can be eliminated
d) elimination of desires can occur by

and action and they lives

the eight fold pain involves, right,

seeing, thinking, action, speech,

living effort, meditation and

mostly in Asia)
Goal: Reach their highest
human potential

They prohibits, lying, sexual activity

and drinking liquor.

6. Confucianism

(Meditation, Purity of thought

Organizational Structure
Ecclesia - muriatic organization closely
allied to the government. Like Bishops

Function of Religion
Social Cohesion - strength the bonds of

Social Control - do not be like this and that
Emotional Support - we pray for them in

established organization. Example are

concerning beliefs. Examples is

which the believer experience the sacred.

Baptist Church.
Sects - they are small religious
organizations because of different

times of grief.

3 Basic Elements
Rituals - establish pattern of behavior thru

holds the position in the government.

Denominations - they are well

Jehovah witnesses and Hasidic Judaism

Cults - lead by charismatic figures
claims they have extraordinary
qualities. Mostly short live.

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