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1.The best description of the multidimensional integrative approach to understanding psychopathology

is that it is based on
a. biological and psychological causes.
b. biological causes only.
c. learned helplessness and social learning theory.
d. the physical structure and chemical processes of the brain.
2. Within the multidimensional integrative approach to understanding psychopathology, learned
helplessness is considered a(n) ______ dimension.
a. biological
b. psychological
c. emotional
d. cognitive
3.According to the multidimensional integrative approach to psychopathology, the following statement
is true for most psychological disorders:
a. If one monozygotic twin has a particular disorder, the other twin will definitely
have the disorder as well
b. Monozygotic twins are no more likely to share psychological disorders than any
other siblings
c. Monozygotic twins are no more likely to share disorders than any other two people
selected at random from the population
d. If one monozygotic twin has a particular psychological disorder, the other twin is
more likely to have the disorder than the rest of the population
4. The most accurate way to think of genes is that they
a. set boundaries for our development.
b. determine both our physical and psychological characteristics.
c. determine physical but not psychological characteristics.
d. actually have very little to do with any of the characteristics that we display.
5. Referring to behavior and personality as polygenic means that both are
a. influenced by only a few genes, but each has a large effect.
b. influenced by many genes, with each individual gene contributing a relatively
small effect.
c. influenced by individual genes only rarely.
d. a result of our genetic structure only.
6. In the diathesis-stress model, "stress" refers to
a. life events, in combination with an inherited tendency, that trigger a disorder.
b. inherited tendencies, in combination with life events, that trigger a disorder.

c. defective genes.
d. exposure to very unusual and extreme environmental conditions.
7. The model that describes the development of psychopathology as a combination of an inherited
predisposition and the events that have occurred in the individual's life is called _____________.
a. diathesis-stress
b. Genetic
c. bio-behavioral
d. Psychoanalytic
8. The idea that our inherited tendencies influence the probability that we will encounter stressful life
events is a characteristic of the _________________.
a. diathesis-stress model
b. reciprocal gene-environment model
c. genetic model
d. psycho-social model
9. Some people may be genetically predisposed to seek out difficult relationships. These difficult
relationships may contribute to their experience of depression. This is an example of the
a. diathesis-stress model
b. reciprocal gene-environment model
c. genetic model
d. quantitative genetics model
10. Recent research suggests that
a. environmental manipulations early in life may do much to override the genetically
induced tendency to develop undesirable behavioral activities.
b. environmental manipulations early in life may do much to override the genetically
induced tendency to develop undesirable emotional activities.
c. an interaction between genes and environment plays an important role in every
psychological disorder.
d. all of these

11.Inga is a charming and intelligent young lady who is well-liked by family and friends.
Approximately ______ of Ingas enduring personality traits and cognitive abilities can be
attributed to genetic influence.
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%

12.The most recent estimates are that genetics contribute approximately __________ to the
development of personality characteristics such as shyness or activity level.
a. 10-20%
b. 30-50%
c. 75-85%
d. nothing
13.The brain and the spinal cord comprise the
a. peripheral nervous system.
b. somatic nervous system.
c. parasympathetic nervous system.
d. central nervous system.
14. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Glial cells are passive cells that serve to connect and insulate neurons.
b. There are less glial cells than there are neurons.
c. There are different types of glial cells with several specific functions.
d. None of these
15. The synaptic cleft is the area between the
a. soma of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron.
b. axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron.
c. axon of one neuron and the soma of another neuron.
d. somas of two neurons.

Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

1. The process of clinical assessment in abnormal psychology has been equated to using a _________
to determine the source of the problem.
a. funnel
b. hose
c. bucket
d. plow
2.If the short version of a test yields the same results as a longer version, then you could conclude that
the brief version had _________ validity.
a. concurrent
b. divergent
c. predictive
d. excessive

3.The process of clinical assessment results in narrowing the focus to

a. concentrate on problem areas that seem most relevant.
b. consider a broad range of problems.
c. cover all possible problems.
d. concentrate on all problem areas equally.
4.Mr. J., a 40-year-old recent immigrant to the United States comes from a working-class background
and is just learning to speak English. He applies for a job and is given a test. His score is
compared to others who have taken the test, mostly young college graduates whose native
language is English. Mr. J. thinks this is unfair. In fact, this is an issue of __________.
a. reliability
b. classification
c. Validity
d. Standardization
5.When Abernathy went to a psychologist for the first time, the clinician asked him what the date was,
what time it was, what year was it, and where they were. Which category of a mental status exam
do these questions cover?
a. Thought processes
b. Appearance and behavior
c. Sensorium
d. Intellectual functioning
6.Which of the following people would make a good candidate for a behavioral assessment?
a. A very verbal adult
b. A young child
c. A person with a cognitive deficit
d. Both b and c
7.An observation that involves identifying specific behaviors that are observable and measurable is
called a(n) _______________.
a. informal observation
b. formal observation
c. unstructured observation
d. self-observation
8.The projective type of psychological tests is based on _____________ theory.
a. Behavioral
b. Cognitive
c. humanistic
d. psychoanalytic

9. A measurement which is consistent is considered to be _____________.

a. Valid
b. Reliable
c. standardized
d. Accurate
10. If the short version of a test yields the same results as a longer version, then you could conclude that
the brief version had _________ validity.
a. concurrent
b. Divergent
c. Predictive
d. Excessive
11. Clifton had been experiencing a number of psychological issues, so he decided to go to a
psychiatrist to see what was wrong. Dr. A told him he had major depressive disorder. He decided
to seek a second opinion. Dr. B diagnosed him with generalized anxiety disorder. Wanting yet
another opinion, he went to Dr. C who told him he was obsessive-compulsive. This demonstrate
poor _______________.
a. test-retest reliability
b. concurrent validity
c. descriptive validity
d. inter-rater reliability
12. In order to develop useful standards for a test, it is important to use a normative group that
consists of a
a. small group of people who are very similar to each other.
b. large group of people who all share a key characteristic.
c. large group of very diverse people.
d. small group that differs from the population at large.
13.In terms of psychological assessment, which of the following describes the concept of validity?
a. Two or more "raters" get the same answers
b. An assessment technique is consistent across different measures
c. Scores are used as a norm for comparison purposes
d. An assessment technique measures what it is designed to measure
14. Observing appearance and behavior during a mental status exam
a. is simply done to give the appearance that the clinician is paying attention.
b. rarely yields useful information.
c. can yield clues regarding the presence of certain disorders.
d. may just confuse the diagnostic process.

15. When Abernathy went to a psychologist for the first time, the clinician asked him what the date
was, what time it was, what year was it, and where they were. Which category of a mental status
exam do these questions cover?
a. Thought processes
b. Appearance and behavior
c. Sensorium
d. Intellectual functioning

1.Although not classified as developmental disorders, many, if not most, psychological disorders can be
considered developmental because they
a. appear early in life and change over the lifespan.
b. have a genetic component.
c. lack biological causes and are influenced by learning.
d. are unique to children.
2. The main reason that it is so important to identify children with developmental disorders as early as
possible is that
a. medications are most effective when administered at an early stage of the disorder.
b. skill deficits can be identified and addressed before they impact later development.
c. family functioning often declines as the developmental disorder progresses.
d. children are more receptive to therapy when they are young.
3.Johnny is a 2-year-old boy who has no motivation to interact with other people. His absence of
interest in people may also lead to severe deficits in his ability to ______________.
a. amuse himself
b. Think
c. Communicate
d. Walk
4. Which of the following is the most likely reason for a child to be referred for mental health
a. Tourettes syndrome
c. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
d. Bipolar disorder
5. The inattention cluster of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms is characterized by
a. careless mistakes
b. fidgeting
c. not waiting one's turn to answer questions
d. all of these
6. Neurotransmitters implicated in the cause of ADHD include all of the following EXCEPT
a. dopamine
b. endorphins
c. norepinephrine

7. Non-medication treatments for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder usually involve

a. interpersonal therapy.
b. behavioral programs and parent training.
c. brief, inpatient treatment at a specialty hospital.
d. cognitive behavioral therapy and diet control.
8. Which of the following is NOT an example of a communicative disorder?
a. Stuttering
b. Selective mutism
c. Tic disorder
d. Developmental disorder
9. Samantha is a sixth-grade girl who has great difficulty in school. She pays attention and works hard
but appears to have trouble remembering facts and concepts that she has read about. Before we
can determine whether Samantha has a learning disability, it is most important to know her
a. family history
b. social skills
c. math skills
d. IQ
10. Studies with identical twins have indicated that reading disorders
a. run in families.
b. have no genetic component.
c. are influenced more by learning than genetics.
d. have a smaller genetic component than mathematics disorders.
11. One intriguing finding from research involving reading disordered individuals who speak multiple
languages is that
a. reading disorders are independent of culture/language.
b. individuals who speak more than one language rarely have learning disorders.
c. evidence of the reading disorder may exist for one or two languages, while the
individual may be completely free of the disorder in another language.
d. the complexity of the English language may contribute to the higher rate of reading
disorder in English-speaking countries.
12.One of the most characteristic patterns for autistic children is that they are generally
a. uninterested in people.
b. very intelligent.
c. extremely talkative.
d. hyperactive.

13. Jean is a 14-year-old autistic girl who seems compelled to run around touching each door every
time she comes home. If she is prevented from touching each door, Jean has a tantrum. This is an
example of
a. restricted behavior pattern.
b. social impairment.
c. ritualistic behavior.
d. maintenance of sameness.
14. The diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability include an assessment of adaptive functioning
because an IQ score is
a. not a measure of intelligence.
b. an insufficient measure of impairment.
c. is not adjusted statistically for people of different ages.
d. score is always highly inaccurate.
15.Which of the following is NOT a communication disorder?
a. Expressive language disorder
b. Selective mutism
c. Aspergers disorder
d. Stuttering
1. Which of the following characterize the disorder known as schizophrenia?
a. Delusions and hallucinations
b. Inappropriate emotions
c. Disorganized speech and behavior
d. All of these
2. Which of the following is accurate in regard to the long-term outlook for schizophrenic patients?
a. About 50% of people diagnosed with the disorder eventually recover.
b. Recovery is possible only if the person stays on medication.
c. Recovery is possible only if the patient receives psychotherapy.
d. Complete recovery from schizophrenia is rare.

Which of the following is the best description of schizophrenia?

a. Schizophrenia is characterized by symptoms common to everyone with the
b. Schizophrenia is characterized by multiple personalities.
c. Schizophrenia is characterized by behavior and symptoms that arent necessarily
common to everyone with the diagnosis.
d. The course of schizophrenia is always predictable.

4. In working with schizophrenic patients, mental health professionals typically distinguish between
_________ symptoms (an excess or distortion of normal behavior) and ___________ symptoms
(deficits in normal behavior).
a. positive; negative
b. negative; positive
c. manic; depressive
d. dysmorphic; dysfunctional
5. Which of the following is the persecutory type of psychotic delusion?
a. A familiar person is actually a double
b. One is a famous or important person
c. People are out to get you
d. A body part has changed in some impossible way
6. Which of the following describes a delusion of grandeur?
a. A familiar person is actually a double
b. One is a famous or important person
c. People are out to get you
d. A body part has changed in some impossible way
7. A woman diagnosed as schizophrenic announces that she has a plan to end poverty and
homelessness in the world and that the Pope has given her secret instructions on how this can be
accomplished. Her thinking is indicative of a delusion of _________.
a. persecution
b. thought insertion
c. grandeur
d. reference
8. The most common type of hallucination experienced by psychotic individuals is ____________.
a. visual
b. auditory
c. tactile
d. olfactory
9. People who experience hallucinations appear to be
a. listening to voices outside themselves.
b. listening to their own thoughts.
c. misinterpreting voices from the sources such as the radio and television.
d. making up the experience.
10. The negative schizophrenic symptom called avolition is defined as
a. inability to initiate and persist in activities.
b. inability to experience pleasure.
c. lack of emotional response, blank facial expression.

d. lack of speech content and/or slowed speech response.

11. Mort has displayed a number of schizophrenic symptoms. An obvious one was his lack of speech
content manifested in nonsensical ramblings and slowed speech response. This symptoms is
called ______________.
a. anhedonia
b. avolition
c. clanging
d. alogia
12. The negative schizophrenic symptom called anhedonia is defined as
a. inability to initiate and persist in activities.
b. inability to experience pleasure.
c. lack of emotional response, blank facial expression.
d. lack of speech content and/or slowed speech response.
13. Match the following negative symptom of schizophrenia with its definition: flat affect,
a. inability to initiate and persist in activities.
b. inability to experience pleasure.
c. lack of emotional response, blank facial expression.
d. lack of speech content and/or slowed speech response.
14. According to research, a schizophrenic who exhibits flat affect
a. is incapable of experiencing emotion.
b. can display emotion a certain times.
c. is capable of experiencing emotion.
d. none of the above
15. Which of the following is the definition of catatonia?
a. Silly and immature behavior
b. Early madness
c. Immobility or agitated excitement
d. Delusions of grandeur or persecution

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