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Help Gaia Ascend into the Golden Age of unconditional Love by

working together with the Stone People (Crystals), the Tall People
(Trees), the Sky People (our Galactic Brothers and Sisters), 13
Ancient Ethereal Crystal Skulls and Gaia !

A short background story:

July 2009 during a global meditation I saw a picture /

movie / vision / insight (you give it your proper name) in
my mind of trees that had an energy field around them.
I was walking between them and could activate them
using Ethereal Crystals. I saw this would create an energy
field around the tree. Their energy would overlap each
other if they stood within their common range.
I started to put Ethereal Crystals (pure crystalline energies
that have a much higher frequency then earth crystals) in
several trees.
After a while I turned entire trees into giant antenna’s.
Crystalline energy was implanted from their deepest root
to the highest branch.….. (Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz).
Later on I began to energize the ground around them with several crystalline energies
expanding them up to 1 km per tree.
Then, a few months later I learned that I could connect them, forming a grid
Within this grid I am able to activate one big energy field, using the trees as anchor
points. The boundary being determined by the trees that stand on “the edge”. Within this
Grid I activated (with the help of St. Germain and Quan Yin) the Silver-White-Violet
Flame (transmutes lower vibration energies into a higher vibration)
In another meditation, I put 3 giant crystal rods through Gaia. Again; Amethyst, Rose
Quarts and Clear Quarts. Each with a 10 km radius. With the help of Archangel Michael
and several Ascended Masters the rods were filled with Divine light and connected to the
Light Grid around the planet. I used my Bison drum to connect to Gaia’s heartbeat and
anchor it in all 3 rods. This way the rods would resonate with the right frequency and
create a field of Unity, Love and Gratitude that will slowly grow around Gaia!
Then, one week later I obtained a great Chembuster / Orgonite Collector that a dear
friend of mine made for me. I connected all the trees that I crystallized to this Chembuster
/ Orgonite Collector. Also the Silver-White-Violet Flame is activated in this device with the
help of St. Germain and Quan Yin and Archangel Zadkiel.

 The last weekend of January 2010, I was granted a new insight. The Tall People (trees),
Stone People (Crystals), 13 Ancient Ethereal Crystal Skulls from 13 dimension and Gaia
showed me something important. And I need many people who can help me realize this
massive undertaking. For doing this alone is impossible on a Global scale. And, in
working together we can do what needs to be done!

The project:

“Create a global network of as many Tall People as possible. They will be connected
to Gaia’s core. This way WE: Gaia, the Two Legged people, Tall People, Stone people,
Sky people, Inner Earth people and 13 Ancient Ethereal Crystal Skulls from 13
dimensions, will work together in Gaia’s (and therefore our own!) Ascension!
Mitakuye Oyasin, AHO!“
How will we do that and what can you do to help realize this? How can this be done in a
easy, simple and manageable way, so we can all still work on our own ascension process?
And, how will I make sure that all will be connected with your help? Here’s how it works:

Your part:
Print a small copy of my Chembuster / Orgonite collector (see photo,
use: select tool in Adobe to copy the photo) that you can hold in
your hand. Laminate it if you want to, so it will last a long time.... ;)
Go to as many trees as you want to. Hold or touch them and use
YOUR INTENTION to connect the individual tree to my
Chembuster / Orgonite Collector while holding a small picture of
my Orgonite collector in your hand.
Example affirmation (say out loud or in your mind):
o “I hereby connect this tree to the Orgonite Collector
that I hold in my hand.” .... It’s very simple but effective
o Or use any other affirmation that feels right for you
You can also use photo’s (from holidays etc.) to make a proper connection. Or, connect
trees that way indoors at home, if you feel uncomfortable doing this outside where other
people might see you. Again: use YOUR INTENTION, YOU can do it !
You may connect 6 intentions if you desire to do so. I will always imbue the following 3
intentions: Love (Rose Quarts), Unity (Amethyst) and Gratitude (Clear Quarts) to each
individual tree ! This adds another 3 intentions with a maximum of 3 intentions per crystal
3+3+3 = 9 intentions per tree. Of course there will be no room for negative intentions. I
will make sure of it ;) !!
Do you have a Chembuster or any other kind of Orgonite device you would like to have
linked and intensify the Global Grid even more? Use the same intention to connect it to
my Chembuster / Orgonite Collector .

My part:
I will put a giant Crystalline formation in Gaia’s core!
With the help of Gaia, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Father-Mother God, I will
activate a Silver-White-Violet flame (to be used when needed or called upon) within this
formation, as well as 7 different Rays of Light.
I will shield the crystal formation from bad intentions or negative/dark energies, with the
help of all Galactic Brothers and Sisters! Simply put: it will be impenetrable.
If a tree were to die or cut down, Gaia will connect with that specific tree and transform
the energies to the nearest suitable tree. They will know what to do!

Once a week:
I will crystallize all newly connected trees entirely with Amethyst, Rose Quarts and a
double pointed Clear Quarts to strengthen the collective awareness, as I have explained
earlier. Like you I will use my own intentions (among other things like sound, ceremony
and meditation) and my Chembuster / Orgonite Collector to whom all new trees are
In a 10 km radius of each tree I will put several Ethereal Crystal plateau’s (made up of
different kinds of crystals) into the ground, all the way down to the crystalline formation in
Gaia’s core. More trees in a common radius of 10 km’s will result in a more powerful
crystalline field. So don’t hold back ;), connect as many trees as you can!
I will also connect all trees to the Light Grid that surrounds our Planet, strengthening the
Grid even more. This way the crystalline energy will constantly flow through and around
the planet.
Other information; not necessary to read. Just my thoughts and a few nice lines here
and there that I borrowed from wise people that fit in perfectly....

“The current web of life that Grandmother spider has woven for many thousands of years is almost
complete. When this web is completed a new web will be woven. Some people think that we are stuck
in this web and that our lives and energies are being sucked dry by an evil dark spider called “The
Government”. This is only true if you believe it to be true. Remember: nothing is what it seems! For, if
you decide to become a spider as well, you can help The Grandmothers, help weave the web of
your/our life and move over the web as you see fit! You can play a vital role in the process of creation
and ascension. It is up to you to decide what role you want to play in the grand plan! ...Wake up ...
Step out of the BOX...... NOW !!!”

The ancient pre-technical societies have known for many millennia that we are all connected. All that
lives on Gaia (aka.: Mother Earth or Pachamama) is connected. The Native people of Turtle Island
(USA) have a prayer, honouring Pachamama. It is a small, easy to learn but very powerful prayer:
“Mitakuye Oyasin”, meaning ;”we are all related”, or “we are all one”, or “all one tribe”. Many other
cultures have similar sayings, so it does not matter what culture you are from! Believe what you want,
name it as you please. God, Allah, The Creator, Vishnu, The Source, The Almighty, Divine presence,
etc. etc …. Don’t we all mean exactly THE SAME ??!!!
“Namaste” is used in India, Nepal and Tibet meaning: “I honour the divine in you”
“Salaam Aleikum” the Middle East/Muslim society meaning: “Peace be upon you”
“Shalom” is Hebrew meaning: “Peace, completeness and welfare”
“In Lak'ech” is traditional Mayan meaning: ”I am you and you are Me“

This knowledge of interrelatedness comes as a sense of oneness or wholeness with all facets and
beings of life. It is a deep knowing that each action of each individual or group has significant
consequences for the whole of life. Such understanding shifts the focus, of the individual or of the
group, to a truly world view.

The more humanity begins to live this way and embraces this ancient knowledge, the less we will think
in terms of our separateness. There can be no competition, jealousy or envy between us, because we
are pieces of each other. We can share and help each other with our connections, ideas and
resources without fear that there will not be enough to go around. When we live the reality of unity,
abundance and wholeness, there will be unity, abundance and wholeness! Duality will fade away and
we will become one again!

Many light workers have been assisting Gaia and humanity for a long time in their own special way.
Even more are working together today, raising the collective energies and helping Gaia in her
ascension process. True Warriors of the Light know that when we help Gaia ascend, we directly help
all other beings who reside on her with their own ascension. If “these others” realize it or not, it does
not matter to Light Bringers as what they do comes straight from the heart. Light Warriors fight in the
best way possible by sending their intentions of Unconditional Love, Peace, Harmony and a intense
desire of Unity all over the planet and into the Galaxy. In doing so the collective awareness and higher
vibrational levels of Gaia and her residents is being raised in a phenomenal rate. It is essential for our
survival and we know it! Help is also being offered and abundantly available from all over the universe
by All Christ Light beings, (Arch-) Angels and Ascended Masters to all who’s intentions are pure. For
they are our Galactic Light Brothers and Sisters and they are here to assist all of us. All you need to do
is ask them for help and they will assist you. Just remember that we are ALL Angles. We chose to be
in this 3D world and we are all here for a reason. I believe we are here to help Gaia evolve into 5-th
Era and in successfully doing so, we will evolve into the next stage of our evolution. Homo Luminous

Gandhi once said:

 Be the change that you want to see in the world.
 A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
 Each one prays to God according to his own light.
 Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God
alone reads our hearts.
 I believe in the fundamental truth of all great religions of the world.
 Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
 In a gentle way, you can shake the world....

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