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Name in full

January 21 ^ 1961

Thomas Richard Edwards

r^y Male

Comple!e^aidre^s on fiplH. Thoing.s R. Edwards; Alaska Ghrlatlan Home; Hmnfir, Alasl^

Complete -fo^lSliUg aHrirpwR. Th.omas R. Edwards; R.F.D. 1-^ Box 277: Vincennes. Indiana
Name and address of sponsoring or endorsing church (or churches):

Reel Avenue Christian Church: Reel Ayenug and First Street:

Vincennes, Indiana,

Name and address of hometown nflwcpapftr.Vincennes Sun-CnTrmip-polal ; 3Pn Rnggg^-nnn S-h

Vincennes, Indiana
Names and addresses of other papers which might carry stories of your work. . .

Tri-County News, Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee

WngVitngt.nn Dn-fty TimeSj Washington, Indiana

Place of T^irth.Vincennes, Indiana


Month_^ Year^li^

Reel Ave, Christian Church

Where haptis^H? Vincennes, Indians



On back of page, please describe any special circumstances regarding conversion

Marital status: Marriedi

SingleJt- Divorced


Date of Marriage

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:


Day Month Year

Please list places of previous Christian services. Give approximate dates. . .

Jnat work 1n College snd Home Church

Personal File - Page 2 -

Thomas R. Edwards

Schooling (High school and later):

Name and Location of school

Number of Years

Lincoln High Snhool

Major Degrees with dates



Vineennes, Ind,

jQhnPQTI Bible ConcgR



.^pnlng of tA?

Knoxville, Tennessee

What things Influenced you to become a missionary? Your own story in some detail might
be influential in leading others into fulltime service (use back of sheet for more space)?
This was just a development of events over e neriod of time,
and I know of no special details. I thought it over for about
six months before I did anything. I made a statement of the fact
duning"my second year at Johnson.

Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field.
My work will be that of working on the Building program of

The Alaska Christian Home, landscaping, and youth work with the
Children of the home, (summers work) I hope in the future to work

as a flying missionary in Southern Alaska and out the Aleutian Chain,

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?

Bible College teacher


Public School teacher.

Social worker_ Office wnrk-pr


Name ntbpr Helper

Father's name and home address (if living) Richard T, Edwards

R.F.D. 1 - Box 277: Vincennes. Indiana

His occupation,

a ss cutter

Is he a Christian? .

What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

El d^r, teacher, suoerintendent

nnw -hViA Chairman of the Christian Education Dept. ^ on Pulpit Committg

Mother's full maiden name. Julia N. Brocksmith

Is she living?
works at a

Is she a Christian? Yea

Her occupation if employed outside of home Parsing Home

What leadership positions has she held in the local church? - Deaconesses & Teacher

Personal File - Page 3 - Mamp. Thomas R. Edwards

Name of forwarding agent


What duties are performed by your forwarding agent?

Should money be sent to forwarding agent nniy?


form?. "" , If it can be

mailed to you, please indicate how in ^^iiat form? ^heck^ etc.

Money can be sent to me at my Home
Does your forwarding agent receive a salary?

Use the remainder of this sheet to supply other information v^ich you think might be helpful
to the staff of Mission Services in preparing news stories about your ministry:
I sm vjorking on a Board of Directors who are:
1, H.'A, Bourne, Bridgeport, 111.

Richard L. Bourne, Vinceiines, Ind.

Kenny Overdorf,
Knoxville, Tenn.
Walter Clerk, Vincennes, Ind,
George Menefee, Vincennes, Ind.
Melvin McCord, Vincennes, Ind.
I will have this list finished before I mall this or will let

you know as soon as it iS done.

My trip to the Alaska Christian Home this time will be just for
the three summer months.

I will be working with Bill Gates to

help him and the others finish the building they now have so

they will be Sree to start a new building in the summer-of 1962^

I hope to have a picture to send you before I mail this letter.
Brother Gates hadr-one to send to yu, but it was not glossy, he
also has a letter from my home Church for you.

Keel Mvenue Ghristian Ghurch



'A friend to man - A servant of God'




January 27, 1961



Box 968
Joliet, Illinois

Dear Mr. McGilvrey:

letter ^'^nd note.

Thank you very rrtuch for your

I sm glad that there is someone like

you workin?: for the Kingdom of God.

I have used seme

of your services in the past, and I hope to be using

more of them in the future, V/ould you please let me
know more about the services you offer.
I would like to receive the

"Horizons Magazine". Would you please let me know the

cost or send me a bill,and I will send Xou a check.
I have a complete black and

white photo lab and darkroom. If there is any way that

I can help you or any other missionary between now and

the last of* ifey (when I will be going to Alaska) please

let me know.

The plan that I now have is to

go to Homer about the last of May and work until late

August. At that time I will return to Johnson Bible
College and finish my work there.
It will be with joy that I will

put you on my mailing list, I plan to start sending a

letter out very soon. Do you know of anyone else using
the name of "KIE ALASKAN" for their news letter? If so
please write me, and I will find a new name.
May God bless you in your work,
and I thank you very much.
In Christ,

Thomas R. Edwards


Jant2a73r, 1961

It has loQg been our convietion that In eonneetion vlth the work of
Alaska Christian Hob^ there should be an itinerate type of sdnistry
on among the many small villages of Alaska* Ihese villages are too
for a missionary to feel jfustified in spending full time vith them
there are precious sotiLis vho hpve never had the opport\anity to hear
pure Gospel of our Lord Jesus Cf^rist*


^d!iy in conjunction with the work of the Alaska Christian Home? We have found
that there are very few actual orphans in Alaska* Children from homes
broken by disease or drink come to live within the shelter of our walls*
In the ease of disease the parents, under our modem treatment for Y*Bt

often get well and ask for their children* In the ease of drunkeness. If
the court has not taken the child from the parents, he may at any time
demand the return of his children.

In either case we find it necessary

many times to send children back to Godless homes in villages whera there-
is no representative of our Lord^s church* The effectiveness of the teaching
of the Home is impaired because of this* If we had a missionary to go to
these villages and follow up the teaching that has been started surely a

freater work for Christ could be doneI Furthermore, there are many needs

n these villages for care such as we have to offer, but we have no way of
knowing of them and they of us* Communication in Alaska is very limited*
An itinerate missionary would ceme across these needs and put us in contact
with them* Right now we have room foiLtwelve children and there are no
doubt children in need of our services; yet because there is no point of
contact the need continues in spite of our room*

Such is not the case with the Rcaaan Catholic church*

effectiveness of a work such as this*

They realize the

They have children's homes

throughout Alaska and they have itinerate priests that touch most of the

In our April, 1958 newsletter we made a plea for such a missionary and for
prayers to this end* Late in that year or early in 1959 we heard from a
expressing his desire to carry on such a ministry* His were long
range plans because he still had several years in Bible College ahead of him*
In order to fully prepare himself for this work,whlch will require a plane,
he had also made plans for entering a school for flying and mechanics trains
ing as well as further plans for a medical missionary course* He has been
working toward this end ever since* How after almost three years he is
ready for another step in his preparation for this work* It is with this in
mind that we would like to present Tom Bdwards, senior at Johnson Bible
College, to God's people*

In order to gain a better insight into Slaska's people ^ her problems and
her needs^
3 planning to spend the
work of the Alaska Christian Home* Not
his preparation for his chosen field of
also be able to help us to take another

svmmer of 1961 helping with the

only will he be helping himself in
service but, in so doing, he will
step in our own long range plans

for our physical plant. Suaimer workers for the past three years have prooved
beyond a doubt that the amount spent in sending such workers to Alaska
accomplishes more for the
because of the donated labor, than probably
thrAe times that amount could do in actual cash gifts to the Home*

^ Imoif that Christians interested in the canse of Christ in Alaska

will thrill with us that this young man is willing to undertake this
Bid task for God Many'will want to ha^e a part in sending Mw to us
for the s\amier, not only because of the help it will give us but
mainly because it is a step towards his ultimate goal in evangelizing
for Christ in Alaska. Write direct to Tom SdwandSt Bt. 1 Box B77,
Vincennes^ Xnd


JTebruary I5, 196^


TOM emahds 10 Emm


Since early 1959. Tom Edwards of Txncenne. r.^-

Inaiana and Johnson Bible


- ' "'

-itt u n '' "*"""

The Gates wrote: "In our A-nril iQ<fi ht

1958 newsletter we laade a plea for a

H- ..... ...,
J.. .
to carr. on .cH a .Iplotr.. His were lon.^a^e plans lecause He still Had


Carrxr nrt

wooxij^ UiS C


several .ears In BlHle

ofMiTln^f o full, prepare nr.self for-

tMs worn. WHICH will re.nlre a plane. He Had als^de plans for entering a scHool
^or finn, and s^cHanlos training, as well as fnrtHer plans for a .edicaa nleslonar.

course. He Has Heen worHin. toward this end ever since. . .m order to gain a

setter lnsl,Ht Into AlasHa-s people. Her proHle^s and Her needs. To. Is plann^n. to
opend tHe snrrser oT I96I Helpln, wltH tHe worH o/AlasHa CHrlstl^ Ho.e. Hot onl.

WUI He He Helpln, HLself In His preparation for His cHosen field of service. Hnt

doing. He will also He aHle to Help us to taie anotHHr step in our own long/range

plans for our physical plant/^

Brother Edwards'home church - tbe Beel Avenue Christian Church. Tincennes,

Indiana, HioHard L. Bourne. preacHer - cosMends Hi. for tHis worH.

^cutline^ "Other Tillages Also"
Tom Edwards Eor Alaska

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