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3rd. Ray of God Love and Selfless Giving.

Life Lesson:-- “ Become Love in Action. “

The energy of the 3rd. Ray :--

--enables you to make contact with your Spiritual Self, your I Am

Presence, through your threefold flame, the divine spark, which
God has placed in your heart.

--enables you to change or “alter” aspects of yourself, including

your sense of identity , when you go within to the altar of your

--gives you the impetus to :--

--do random acts of kindness;

--accept God’s plan for yourself and loved ones;
--actively appreciate others;
--forgive others;
--be sensitive to needs of others;
--be understanding.

The energy of the 3rd. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use
the energy of the HEART CHAKRA correctly:--

--by loving your I Am Presence with constancy and faithfulness.

--by cultivating mercy and compassion;

--by using right speech, by realizing that whatever is in your heart

will be expressed through your spoken words.
Only love can be the instrument of right speech.

--by seeing that challenging circumstances in your life can be

opportunities to keep your heart open.
--by exercising your heart through devotion and meditation.

--by letting the heart chakra be the open door for the expression
of Divine love in its purest form---unconditional love.

--by letting the heart chakra radiate the perfect love that will
cast out all fear.

--by guarding the heart against all negativity, hatred, mental

criticism, hardness of heart, envy and the death wish.

--by acknowledging and appreciating the beauty in yourself and


--by setting healthy boundaries in your relationships.

--by recognizing the power of softness, that a soft answer turns

away wrath.

--by nourishing and expressing your caring, feminine side, the

side of yourself that has to do with the building of relationships,
coaching and team work.

--by expanding your heart chakra through listening to waltzs and

music played on a harp.

Positive Qualities of the 3rd. Ray .

--love --compassion

--beauty --creativity

--generosity --selflessness

--comfort --appreciation
Unbalanced expressions of the 3rd. Ray.

--hatred --dislike

--selfishness --self-pity

--human sympathy --negligence

Compassion :--

--empowers and supports others but does not smother them.

It empowers because it helps us to learn the spiritual lessons
which are inherent in all of life’s challenges.

Your support and caring should never cushion others from

learning their own lessons and growing from them.

Sometimes those we love the most , need a dose of reality in

order to wake them up.
Sometimes ,all you can do is release them and let them go so
they can learn their lessons.
If they ask for advice you can share with them the knowledge of
God’s laws ( Law of love; Law of free Will; Law of Cause and
Effect ---see notes on 1st. Ray) so they can begin to see how the
world works.

--Compassion does not blame others for the circumstances of

life. The most important thing to realize is that it is our reaction
to those circumstances that will help us grow spiritually or go
backwards or even come to a halt.

--Compassion will always lift up others so that they can realize

their full potential.
It supports them while they refine their soul.

--Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When you look at someone , you can choose to see their human
frailties and mistakes or you can choose to see that behind all
outer appearances there is the beauty of the inner Spiritual being
and treat them accordingly.

--The ability to create beauty in some form is necessary for the

nurturing of each soul.


--Love is the flowing essence , the ephemeral quality of God that

holds everything together.

--Human beings cannot generate love. They have to receive it

from their Source--their I Am Presence ---before they can express
it towards others.

--You can increase your capacity to release love through

disciplining your energy, your supply, your expression, the hours
of the day, and your service to life.

--You are loved by God because he created you as an

individualization of His own being.
Love God as your Spiritual Self--your I Am Presence.
--To love others as yourself, you must know that they too are
extensions of God. Therefore they are extensions of your own
Greater Self and therefore you are connected to them through
your own connection to God.

--Love all people unconditionally. Do not judge them or look down

on them because they have made mistakes or expressed
imperfections. We are all here on Earth to learn our lessons and
grow spiritually.
--Realize that in every situation, the goal should be to produce
the maximum spiritual growth for every person.

--Respond to all situations and people with Divine Love--

unconditional love---a love that does not accept any imperfection
as ultimately real or as permanent.


--Light or energy is the basic substance from which everything in

this universe is created.

--God’s light is constantly flowing through your being.

A stream of spiritual energy flows from your I Am Presence and
you can use this enery to co-create in this material world.
You are a co-creator with God.
He provides the light/ energy and you create through the power
of your imagination and your attention.

--God’s law states that you will create what you allow your
attention to dwell upon.

--You can never stop creating. You are either creating

consciously or unconsciously.
So you need to use your free will, your willpower , to make the
decision that you will create consciously.
You must be aware of what you want to create by first purifying
your motives. Your motive should always be promoted by love for
others and by your desire to raise up the All and not just your
separate self.
You can only do this when you know and accept the Oneness of
all life.

--You need to know how you create and the importance of

creating within the framework of God’s laws, especially the Law
of love; Law of free will; Law of Cause and Effect. ( see notes on
1st. Ray)
You create by using your creative powers correctly.
You have the gift of free will, the gift of awareness, the ability to
imagine , and the ability to focus your attention on your desire

By focusing your attention you direct your images on to the the

light/energy of God which will manifest in the physical world in

But before this spiritual energy reaches your conscious mind, it

must pass through your subconscious mind where it will be
influenced by the beliefs you have about yourself, your identity,
about God and about the world in which you live.
Many of these beliefs do not serve you and do not allow you to
reach your full potential. Therefore, if you want to grow
spiritually , there is need for you to purify your beliefs.
You also need to purify the energy that you have misused in the

This can be done through the giving of Violet Flame decrees and
the Aquarian Age Rosaries .
( www.transformnet.org www.mothermarysgarden.com )

--You can also purify your creative efforts by taking note of what
you are creating, what the cosmic mirror is reflecting back to you
, to teach you where you are misusing your power, wisdom , love
and creative powers.

--When you are creating you must ensure that you do not violate
the free will of other people, that you do not take away their
freedom to be, to do and to create their own reality.
Release all desire to control and manipulate others.

--When you are co-creating you must be in harmony with you own
Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence and your spiritual brothers and
sisters with whom you feel oneness.

--To be generous means that :--

--you are unselfish;

--you are ready to give freely what you have received;
--you are free from pettiness of mind and character.

--Why should you be generous ?

--Because it is in your own self interests to do so.

Foe we are all One and what you do for others --you are
ultimately doing for yourself.

--As you freely give, you will also freely receive, for the Law of
Cause and Effect will return to you whatever you send out.


--offer comfort to those who need it, those who are grieving or

--Comfort springs from the love which is in your heart.

--When you give comfort to someone who is in distress , you bring

ease into the situation. You enable the distressed person to
express how they feel in a loving and accepting way.
But do not encourage them to wallow in self-pity but give them
hope and spiritual truths which will help them.

--As you offer comfort to others , by the law of return, you will
receive comfort when you need it.
The Heart Chakra :--

--is the spiritual energy centre that is the very centre of your four
lower bodies.

--is the centre of the energy field that you truly are here in the 4
planes of matter.

The light of God , the light from your I Am Presence, descends

into your four lower bodies, and this very light gives you life and
the ability to co-create the abundant life.

This light enters your lower being through the Secret Chamber of
the Heart Chakra which is a chakra hidden behind the heart

This spiritual centre has been placed there by your Spiritual Self,
your I Am Presence.
This is your connection to God.
This light is the pure white Mother Light and it springs forth in a
threefold manifestation , a threefold flame .

--It is called the threefold flame because it has three aspects

which express the three main qualities of Spirit.

--The blue aspect represents Divine love expressing as power or

the “ will to Be .”

--The yellow aspect represents Divine Love expressing as

wisdom or balance or the “ direction to Be. “

--The pink aspect represents Divine love expressing as love

which sets life free from bondage and restrictions.

--The size of this flame determines how much spiritual light can
flow from your I Am Presence ( which resides permanently in the
spiritual realm ) into your lower being, here on Earth.
Its size also determines your creative powers.

--To increase your creative powers, you need to enable your

threefold flame to grow and expand. This can happen only as you
balance each of the three aspects of that flame.

--If one of the aspects of that flame in unbalanced, you will tent
to misuse your creative powers. This will reduce the size of the
flame which will then restrict the flow of spiritual light into your
being, thus restricting your creative powers.

--To balance your threefold flame, consider:--

--the need to align your being with God’s laws ( especially the
Law of Love; the Law of Free will; the Law of Cause and Effect.)
(see notes on 1st. Ray.)

--Study the characteristics of each of the three aspects of this


--Reflect on which characteristics you are already manifesting.

See which you are lacking.
See where there is an imbalance and then work on balancing the
missing characteristics.

Blue Aspect of Power.

--patience in pursuing goals --perseverance

--strong desire to succeed --determination
--leadership qualities --efficiency
--responsibility --hard-working
--productive -- competent
--independent --organized
--self-disciplined --accountable
--practical --self-confident
--motivated --self-controlled
--self-directed --enthusiasm
Yellow Aspect of Wisdom.

--orderly --make wise decisions

--imaginative --intuitive
--resourceful --detailed
--learns quickly --adaptable
--communicative --precise
--moral --thirsty for knowledge
--think and act quickly -- systematic
--neat --honest
--discerning --creative
--insightful --thorough

Pink Aspect of Love.

--dutiful --devoted
--loving --obedient
--sociable --tender
--supportive --optimistic
--motherly --trustworthy
--gracious -- grateful
--loyal --sensitive to others
--dependable --warm-hearted
--artistic --co-operative


“ Beloved I Am Presence,
I demand and command a balanced flow of power, wisdom and
love in my being. “

“ My heart chakra now radiates the perfect love that casts out all
“ My heart chakra is balanced. “

“ My heart chakra is the open door for the expression of Divine

love in its purest form. “

“ I release all misqualified energy of my heart chakra into the

Violet transmuting Flame---NOW !

“ My heart chakra is a chakra of Violet Fire !

My heart chakra is the purity God desires ! “

“ My threefold flame is balanced. “

Master the 3rd. Ray through Balance.

The 3rd. Ray can be mastered by balancing it with the qualities of

the other 6 rays,---willpower, wisdom, purity, vision, service and

Use your free will , your willpower, to choose to see every

situation in your life as an opportunity to express more love to
God and unconditional love to all life.

Learn the difference between human love and divine love.

Divine love cannot be generated from within yourself but only
from the Source of love---God.
When you love with divine love , you will always seek to raise up
others by giving freely of yourself.

Learn to respond to all situations and all people with divine love.
Realize that your heart is the centre of your being.
It is the very centre of your creative powers which are filtered
through the heart chakra , thus colouring whatever conditions
exist in that energy centre.

keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of
life. “ ( proverbs 4: 23)
Whatever is in your heart will be expressed through your mouth.
So it is important to clear the heart of all imperfections and
impurities, such as, fear, anger, hatred and anxiety.

To do this effectively, you can use--

-- “ Rosary for Clearing the Heart “-- a powerful spiritual
technique, found at:--

Balance your Threefold Flame by balancing the qualities of love,

wisdom and power in your being.

In every life situation, your aim should be to ensure that all

concerned have the best possible opportunity to grow spiritually
and learn their spiritual lessons.

See that you are an extension of God and that all other people
are also extensions of God.
At the deepest level of your beings , you are all connected.
You are all One.
Thus, what you to do to another, you have also done to yourself
and thus you will surely reap what you have sown.

Give service to life, to others, to God because:--

--you love God.
--you love all others as extensions of God.
--you want to help raise up others and not just your lower,
separate self.
--you want to help bring God’s Kingdom to Earth.

Give others the freedom to be, to do, to have, to create their own
reality---by always being aware that we all have been given the
gift of free will. If you violate, or go against this basic spiritual
law, you will reap negative experiences for yourself.

“ I open my Being to Love.

I allow this Love to take me where I need to go in order to fulfil
my divine plan.”

“ I Am The Flame of Love. “

“ I Am the open door for the Flame of Love. “

“ I claim my God love ! “

“ I Am God Love ! “

“ I Am in alignment with the Love of Christ. “

“ I have the victory of the Love Flame in my heart. “

“ I Am Love in action ! “

“ I Am God’s unconditional; Love manifest here ! “

“ God’s Love is unconditional and non-judgmental. “

“ The essential quality of Divine Love is ---Self-transcendence

--the drive to BE MORE ! “

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