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#NoFilter Politics

Democratic Party Presumptively Nominates First

Candidate Under Criminal Investigation By FBI

Last night was truly an historic night in

American politics. The Democratic Party has
presumptively nominated Hillary Clinton,
which marks the first nomination of a
investigation by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). 1 Worse still, a recent
Rasmussen poll found that 71 percent of
democratic voters think Hillary should keep
running if she is indicted.2
The message this sends about the modern
Democratic Party is grotesque, and depicts
what many, especially those on the right and
right-leaning independents, have always
thought about the Democratic Party
namely, that it is filled with a smug,
pretentious, and elitist group of people
preaching a gospel of do as I say, not as I
dos, and who think the law and rules are
merely selectively applicable. That is,
applicable to everyone else, but not
applicable to them, especially when their
hand is caught in the cookie jar.
Ironically, one of Hillarys most prominent
defenses for her private server was that
other secretaries of state did the same
thing. First, that notion is factually
incorrect; no other secretary has exclusively
used a homebrew private server to conduct
official government business.3 Second, taken
to its logical extreme, Hillarys justification
allows someone to justify murder, because
outrageous position. Third, this defense
encourages rule breaking in the first
instance. If the threshold for ignoring a rule
is that it has been broken before, then no

June 8, 2016

plausible existence for the rule of law could

Hillary even lied about the most basic and
devastating factthat she send and received
classified information. In that very first
press conference on March 31, 2015, when
Hillary said she did not email any classified
material to anyone on [her] email,4 she was
obviously lying, because if she exclusively
used her private email for official
government business as Secretary of State, it
is inconceivable that our nations top
information over email.
Then Hillary successfully planted a red
herring with which the media could run
that she never sent nor received information
marked classified. 5 But that defense
subsequently failed, when it was revealed
that Hillary signed a Nondisclosure
Agreement with the State Department,
information is marked or unmarked
classified information[.]6
This all boils down to one thing: Hillary
cannot be trusted to tell the truth. We can
never assume that what Hillary says is
factually correct or not some form of
intentional deception. To be sure, Hillarys
situation is much different than when
Donald Trump lies by exaggerating. Hillary
has been caught intentionally orchestrating
the deception of the public. Accordingly,
America will not be safe if Hillary claims the
reigns as leader of the free world. If that does
happen, we will never know what is fact or
fiction for at least four years.



See, e.g., Guy Benson, FBI: Yes, Our Probe Into Hillarys Email Scheme is a Criminal
Investigation, TOWN HALL (Aug. 7, 2015),
http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2015/08/07/report-yes-the-fbis-investigation-intohillarys-email-is-a-criminal-probe-n2035654 (last visited Jun. 8, 2016); Pete William, FBI
formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clintons email server, MSNBC (Feb. 8, 2016),
http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/fbi-formally-confirms-its-investigation-hillary-clintons-emailserver (last visited Jun. 8, 2016); Julian Hattem, FBI head challenges Clintons description of
email probe, THE HILL (May 11, 2016), http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/279552-fbihead-challenges-clinton-on-email-probe (last visited Jun. 8, 2016).
2 Aaron Bandler, Poll: Most Democrats Dont Care If Hillary Is Indicted, The Daily Wire (Jun. 1,
2016), http://www.dailywire.com/news/6202/poll-most-democrats-dont-care-if-hillary-indictedaaron-bandler (last visited Jun. 8, 2016).
3 Eugene Kelly, IG Report on Clintons Emails, FACT CHECK (May 27, 2016),
http://www.factcheck.org/2016/05/ig-report-on-clintons-emails/ (last visited jun. 8, 2016).
4 Washington Post Staff, Complete text of Hillary Clintons remarks on e-mails, Iran, THE
WASHINGTON POST (Mar. 10, 2015), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/postpolitics/wp/2015/03/10/transcript-hillary-clinton-addresses-e-mails-iran/ (last visited May 26,
5 Terence P. Jeffrey, Hillary Clinton Says She Did Not Send or Receive Emails With Material
Marked Classified, CNS News (Aug. 15, 2015), http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-pjeffrey/hillary-clinton-says-she-did-not-send-or-receive-emails-material (last visited Jun. 8, 2016).
6 United States Department of State, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement (Jan. 22,
2009), https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/HRC-classified-NDA1.pdf (last visited
Jun. 8, 2016) (emphasis added).

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