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the Mijjertein country whilst I was on the march at Tahevl and the Mullah's scouts

were in front of me. Your second letter informing me that it would not be advisable to

move down the Nogal reached me at Cour Gerad, when I had caught up the Mullah's

rear-guard, and I was compelled to go on for water. I complied with your wishes that

I should return immediately I had driven the Mullah across the frontier, and returned

the same day to Cour Gerad, covering some 35 to 40 miles on the 17th instant.

To-day I move to Eyl Maado for water, and thence proceed towards the coast via


The Nahmud Gerad horsemen joined the expedition and looted the Mullah's

camels after we had broken his resistance. They would not, however, face his rifles.

I fear that our sudden return to the coast will encourage the Mullah at a time when our

continued pursuit would have resulted in his eventual capture. The tribes cannot withstand

him, and as he has now a number of Mijjertein riflemen with him, swelling the number

of his rifles to some 600 or so, he will, I have no doubt, overrun the Dolbahanta country

after my return.

As regards Burao, I think your suggestion to keep 2o0 men will meet the case, but

there should be some 600 or 700 militia available for emergencies.

I have, &c.

(Signed) E. J. E. SWAYNE, Licuttnant-Colonel,

Co n i man ding Somaliland field Force.

P.S.I am deeply grieved at Captain Friedrichs' death. He was a very clevei

officer, hard working and keen, and his death was a pluckv one.

E. J. E. S.

No. 12.

Consul-General Sadler to the Marquess of Lunsdoicne (Received August 17.)

(Telegraphic.) August 15, 1901.

MULLAH reported to be inactive on border of Mijjertein country where he was driven

last month. Colonel Swayne, on behalf of the force, tenders his respectful thanks to your

Lordship for your kind congratulation?.

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No. 13.

Consul-Genera I Sadler to the Marquess of Lansdowne(Received August 19.)

(Extract.) Camp, Sheikh. August 1, 1901.

J HAVE the honour to submit proposals for the temporary occupation of Burao,

and the location there of a movable force to watch the Dolbahanta, and prevent invasion

by the Mullah Muhammad-bin-Abdullah.

Annexed are two despatches from Lieutenant-Colonel Swayne. That written

on the 26th ultimo is supplementary to his despatch of the 18th idem reporting on the

operations at Berctable. In that of the 31st ultimo he records his views on the situation

in the eastern province and on its border as left afler those operations, and notes the

strength of the force he considers if. necessary now to retain at Burao. The expedition

returned to Burao on the 28th July, and Lieutenant-Colonel Swayne came on at once here,

and is now in my camp. I have had several conversations with him on the situation, and

1 am quite in accord with him as to the measures we should now take in connection with

the location of a force at Burao and the strength at which it should, for the present, be

maintained. These proposals are framed with the object of insuring a imfficient safe-

guard without incurring more expenditure than is absolutely necessary, in view of a

possible state of affairs which will be fraught with considerable danger to the [shak tribes

and the nearer portion of the Protectorate. We cannot yet predict what the results of

the series of reverses the Mullah has sustained will be, but he has the whole of the

Dolbahanta again open to him, and we must be prepared to repel any attack from that

quarter, and protect our lshak Iribes from further molestation by the Mullah's raids.

It is interesting to note that after twice traversing the whole breadth of the

Dolbahanta, and after our expedition has thrice encountered the Mullah's forces ami

routed them, the facts recorded by Lieutenant-Colonel Swayne in the two inclosures to-

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