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Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Math Grade: 6th

Lesson Topic: Expressions and Equations

Candidates Name: Ian Frasier ID #: 023019277

Site Supervisor: Marilyn Sugimoto

NU Supervisor:

Date: 10/5/2015
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s),
rationale, focus learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
Standard 6.EE.B.5: Understand solving an
equation or inequality as a process of answering as
a process of answering a question: which values
from a specified set, if any, make the equation of
inequality true? Use substitution to determine
whether a given number in a specified set makes
an equation or inequality.

For students to prepare themselves
for the lesson they will need to
know exactly what they are doing.
Knowing what the lesson content
will be will also give them the tools
needed to succeed.

In chapter one the class focused heavily on

identification and simplification of algebraic
expressions. In lesson one of chapter two we will
be identifying and solving algebraic equations. To
bridge that learning to chapter two I will touch on
what makes an algebraic expression, and how
these expressions can be turned into algebraic

It is necessary to bridge previous

learning, especially when dealing
with math, due to the fact that each
lesson builds upon itself. By
bridging concepts already taught to
my students in lesson one I am
allowing them to actively engage
their memory of past learning,
which will ultimately help them
learn these new concepts within
chapter two, lesson one.

My behavior expectations will be consistent with

past lessons and an emphasis will be placed
maintaining a supportive atmosphere for all
students. Also, I will remind the class that
participation is necessary and something I will be
looking for from everyone. Furthermore, I will
make it clear, as I always do, that making mistakes
is part of learning, and they are welcomed within
the classroom.

Behavior expectations will be set

prior to the start of the lesson and
will be an important aspect of the
success of this lesson as a whole.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson?
How will you measure mastery of the outcome?)
By the end of this lesson students will be able to
reason about and solve one variable equations and
Mastery of this outcome will be measured by
having each student complete an exit ticket that
will have a small number of sample problems
dealing with the topics covered within the lesson.

This outcome will all be met
through the activities involved with
this lesson. Furthermore, these
outcomes directly relate to the
specific content standard being
The exit ticket will act as a
formal assessment, and thus be a
measure of the level of mastery
each student has achieved.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner

Outcome and prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background,
academic language abilities, content knowledge, cultural and health considerations,
interests and aspirations, physical development, social development, emotional
development. )
The pre-assessment will be given to students as a
warm-up. This pre assessment will consist of
questions pertaining to the material presented in
chapter one that relates to what will be covered
within chapter two. This assessment will be
corrected after students have finished in order to
provide immediate feedback.

By providing students with this preassessment I will be able to gauge
my students understanding of
previous material learned from
chapter 1 that will be applied in
chapter 2. This will also allow me
to see if a quick reteaching
intervention is in order before
moving into the first lesson of
chapter 2.

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the preassessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the
needs of ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving
The differentiation for this lesson will consist of a
varied delivery and assessment of the topics
To help my lower achieving student who has a 504

By differentiating my instruction of
the content in this lesson I will
ensure that all student-learning
types are being benefitted. For

plan for dyslexia I will do specific things during,

and after the lesson to differentiate and help her
develop mastery for the lesson content. During the
lesson I will frequently check on her to make sure
she is reading the problems correctly and
understanding what is being asked of her. During
group activities I will also make sure to provide
one-on-one teaching for her, and if needed, read
the problems to her. Furthermore, I will also allow
her extra time to turn in her exit ticket
assessment. Finally, I will have her write down any
question pertaining to the lesson she may have in
her notebook or on a piece of paper. I will then
schedule a time to meet with her in a student
teacher conference and I will go over these
questions with her one-on-one to help further her

example, having students work with
manipulatives will benefit those
students who learn kinesthetically.
Using the overhead projector will
cater to those students who learn
better visually, and holding
discussions will benefit my
auditory learners.
The differentiation I will provide
for this student will ensure she is
receiving the information in a way
she understands, and the help she
needs in order to be successful with
the curriculum.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying
degrees of skill level)
Overhead projector
Candy manipulatives
Individual whiteboards and materials
Math textbooks

These resources will be used to
help guide students to efficiently
meet the standard this lesson has
been built around.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model,

Demonstrate, Check for Understanding)
To begin the lesson I will introduce the topic of the
lesson and the new vocabulary word. I will then
lead the students in a group activity that will
provide a visual representation of equations by
using pieces of candy. In the activity I will have

Providing students with a clear
explanation of the concept being
covered within this lesson will give
students an understanding of what

students use pieces of candy to represent

equations, and then solve them. For example
3+ x=9 would be represented by having
students form a group of 3 pieces of candy, and a
group of 9 pieces of candy. Once they have done
this I will have each group figure out how many
pieces of candy x represents. I will have
students model a couple of examples that I have
created, and then students will be asked to create
their own equation to solve using the pieces of

we will be working with within the
lesson. I will use this activity to
introduce the lesson in order to give
students the option to visualize the
concept. This activity will do this in
a fun and engaging way that will
work to spark a greater interest and
overall understanding of the lesson.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for

understanding and provide feedback and re-teaching)
Students will be asked to take out their math books
and open to lesson 2-1 on page 48-49. At this
time I will also ask three students to pass out
individual whiteboards, markers, and erasers. Once
everyone has their materials as a class we will
complete the visual learning practice. After we go
through the visual learning practice we will
continue with the guided practice examples while
using individual whiteboards.

I will carry out the guided practice
by using individual white boards in
order to efficiently assess the
students understanding of the
material. This will act as an
informal assessment, and provide
me with a clear understanding of
how students are progressing with
the lesson concept.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome.

Note: Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the
concept well enough to work on their own.)
Once we have completed the guided practice
together, I will have students complete the
independent practice problems (#10, #11, and #13#15). While students are completing these
questions I will walk around the room to provide
help to students who are in need. Once everyone
has finished I will also go over these practice
problems with the class to provide immediate

After thoroughly covering the
material within the lesson, students
will need to show me they can
solve these problems on their own.
This will also be a time where I can
visit with students individually to
check their understanding and
provide intervention or reteaching
if necessary. The exit ticket will be
given in order

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the
students learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for
ELL, special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)
Assessment of the concepts introduced in this
lesson will be ongoing throughout the lesson
activities. Students will be assessed both
informally through questioning, and formally
through the use of individual whiteboards, and an
exit ticket.

Assessment will be ongoing
throughout the lesson, whether
formal or informal, in order to
constantly check for understanding.
Using whiteboards is an efficient
way for me to see how each student
is completing their practice
problems. The exit ticket will act as
a formal assessment of the lesson as
a whole

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
As a closure for this lesson we will briefly discuss
the concepts of the lesson, and I will go over the
homework assigned to them.

The closing discussion will recap
on what was being introduced and
taught within the lesson, and will
also allow students to share their
thoughts and opinions regarding the
lesson material. This will be a time
for students to ask any further
questions they might have on the
concepts covered within the lesson.

11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine:

What went well? What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What
activities will you add, change, modify in the future? What can be done to follow up
on the learning from this lesson? Who needs additional help? Who needs
enrichment or higher level work?)

Revised: 10/23/2008
Note: An electronic copy of the Lesson Plan Design may be found on the Nu-Fast
http://www.nu-fast.com . Links: Fileshare - SOE TED TED 629 Student/Faculty

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