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########Latin Maxims Legis interpretation legis vim obtinet.Judicial cons truction
and interpretation of a s tatute acquires the force of law.Contemporanea expos ition
es t optima et fortis s imo in lege.Contemporary cons truction is s tronges t in law.
Optima es t legum interpres cons uetudo.Cus tom is the bes t interpreter of a s tatute.
Regula pro lege, s i deficit lex.In default of the law, the maxim rules .Optimus
interpres rerum us us .The bes t interpreter of the law is us age.Communis error facit
jus .Common error s ometimes pas s es as current law.Quod ab initio non valet in tractu
temporis non convales cit.That which was originally void, does not by laps e of time
become valid.Ratihabitio mandato aequiparatur.Legis lative ratification is
equivalent to a mandate.Stare decis is et non quieta movere.Follow pas t precedents
and do not dis turb what has been s ettled.Interes t republicae ut s it finis litium.
The interes t of the s tate demands that there be an end to litigation.Index animi
s ermo es t.Speech is the index of intention.Animus hominis es t anima s cripti.The
intention of the party is the s oul.Verba legis non es t recedendum.From the words of
the s tatute there s hould be no departure.Maledicta et expos ition quae corrumpit
textum.It is bad cons truction which corrupts the text.Littera s cripta manet.The
written word endures .Claus ula rebus s ic s tantibus .Things thus s tanding.Abs oluta
s entential expos itore non indigent.When the language of the law is clear, no
explanation is required.Dura lex s ed lex.The law may be hars h but it is the law.Hoc
quidem perquam durum es t, s ed ita lex s cripta es t.It is exceedingly hard, but s o
the law is written.Aequitas nunquam contravenit legis .Equity never acts in
contravention of the law.Aequum et bonum es t lex legume.What is good and equal is
the law of laws .Jus ars boni et aequi.Law is the art of equity.Ratio legis es t
anima legis .The reas on of the law is the s oul of the law.Littera necat s piritus
vivificate.The letter kills but the s pirit gives life.Verba intentioni, non e
contra, debent ins ervice.Words ought to be more s ubs ervient to the intent, and not
the intent to thewords .Benignus leges interpretandae s unt, quod voluntas eraum
cons ervetur.Laws are to be cons trued liberally, s o that their s pirit and reas on be
pres erved.Qui haret in littera haret in cortice.He who cons iders merely the letter
of an ins trument goes but s kin deep into its meaning.Quando verba s tatute s unt
s peciali, ratio autem generalia, s tatum generaliteres t intelligendum.When the words
us ed in a s tatute are s pecial, but the purpos e of the law is general, it s hould be
read as the general expres s ion.Ces s ante rationi legis , ces s at et ips a lex.When the
reas on of the law ceas es , the law its elf ceas es .Interpretatio talis in ambiguis
s imper fienda es t ut evitetur inconveniens etabs urdum.Where there is ambiguity, the
interpretation of s uch that will avoidinconveniences and abs urdity is to be
adopted.Legis cons truction non facit injuriam.The cons truction of the law will not
be s uch as to work injury or injus tice.Argumentum ab inconvenient plurimum valet in
lege.An argument drawn from inconvenience is forcible in law.Verba nihil operari
melius es t quam abs urde.It is better that words s hould have no operation at all
than that they s houldoperate abs urdly.Lex s imper intendit quod convenit rationi.The
law always intends that which is in accordance with reas on.Ubi eadem ratio ibi idem
jus .Like reas on doth make like law.Argumentum a s imili valet in lege.An argument
drawn from a s imilar cas e, or analogy, prevails in law.De s imilibus idem es t
judicium.Concerning s imilars , the judgment is the s ame.Ubi eadem es t ratio, ibi es t
eadem legis dis pos ition.Where there is the s ame reas on, there is the s ame lawEa es t
accipienda interpretation quae vitio caret.That interpretation is to be adopted
which is free from evil or injus tice.Lex injus ta non es t lex.An unjus t law is not a
law.Fiat jus titia, ruat coelum .Let right be done, though the heavens fall.Nemo es t
s upra legis .Nobody is above the law.Nulla potential s upra legis es s e debet.No power
mus t be above the law.Jurae naturae aequum es t neminem cum alterius detrimento et
injuria fierilocupletiorem.It is certainly not agreeable to natural jus tice that a

s tranger s hould reap thepecuniary produce of another mans work.Surplus agium non
nocet.Surplus age does not vitiate a s tatute.Utile per inutile non vitiatur.The
us eful is not vitiated by the non-us eful.Fals a demos tratio non nocet, cum de
corpore cons tat.Fals e des cription does not preclude cons truction nor vitiate the
meaning ofthe s tatute.Nil facit error nominis cum de corpora vel pers ona cons tat.
Error in name does not make an ins trument inoperative when the des criptionis
s ufficiently clear.Certum es t quod certum reddi potes t.That is s ufficiently certain
which can be made certain.Ibi quid generaliter conceditur, ines t haec exception, s i
non aliquid s it contras jus bas que.Where anything is granted generally, exemption
from rigid application of lawis implied; that nothing s hall be contrary to law and
right.Summum jus , s umma injuria.The rigor of the law would be the highes t
injus tice.Jus s ummum s aepe, s umma es t militia.Extreme law is often extreme wrong.
Nemo tenetur ad impos s ibilia.The law obliges no one to perform an impos s ibility.
Impos s ibilum nulla obigatio es t.There is no obligation to do an impos s ible thing.
Lex non cogit ad impos s ibilia.The law does not require an impos s ibility.Lex non
intendit aliquid impos s ible.The law does not intend the impos s ible.Ex neces s itate
legis .By the neces s ary implication of law.In eo quod plus s it, s imper ines t et
minus .The greater includes the les s er.Cui juris diction data es t, ea quoque conces s a
es s e videntur s ine quibus juris diction explicari non potuit.When juris diction is
given, all powers and means es s ential to its exercis e areals o given.Ubi jus , ibi
remedium.Where there is a right, there is a remedy for violation thereof.Ubi jus
incertum, ibi jus nullum.Where the law is uncertain, there is no right.Ex dolo malo
non oritur action.An action does not aris e from fraud.Nullius commodum capere
potes t de injuria s ua propria.No one may derive advantage from his own unlawful
act.In pari delicto potior es t condition defendentis .Where the parties are equally
at fault, the pos ition of the defending party is the better one.Quando aliquid
prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur et per obliquum.What cannot, by law, be done
directly cannot be done indirectly.Generalia verba s unt generaliter intelligenda.
General words s hould be unders tood in their general s ens e.Generis dictum
generaliter es t interpretandum.A general s tatement is unders tood in its general
s ens e.Verba accipienda s unt s ecundum s ubjectam materiam.A word is to be unders tood
in the context in which it is us ed.Verba mere aequivoca, s i per communem us um
loquendi in intellectu certos umuntur, talis intellectus preferendus es t.Equivocal
words or thos e with double meaning are to be unders toodaccording to their common
and ordinary s ens e.Verba artis ex arte.Words of art s hould be explained from their
us age in the art to which theybelong.Verba generalia res tringuntur ad habilitatem
rei vel pers onam.General words s hould be confined according to the s ubject-matter
orpers ons to which they relate.Ubi lex non dis tinguit necnon dis tinguere debemus .
Where the law does not dis tinguis h, the courts s hould not dis tinguis h.Dis s imilum
dis s imilis es t ratio.Of things dis s imilar, the rule is dis s imilar.Nos citur a
s ociis .A thing is known by its as s ociates .Ejes dem generis .Of the s ame kind or
s pecie.Expres s io unius es t exclus ion alterius .The expres s mention of one pers on,
thing or cons equence implies theexclus ion of all others .Expres s um facit ces s are
tacitum.What is expres s ed puts an end to that which is implied.Argumentum a
contrario.Negative-Oppos ite Doctrine: what is expres s ed puts an end to that which
is implied.Cas s us omis s us pro omis s o habendus es t.A pers on, object or thing omitted
from an enumeration mus t be held to havebeen omitted intentionally.Ad proximum
antecedens fiat relatio nis i impediatur s entential.A qualifying word or phras e
s hould be unders tood as referring to the neares tantecedent.Reddendo s ingular
s ingulis .Referring each to each, or referring each phras e or expres s ion to its
appropriate object, or let each be put in its proper place.Exceptio firmat regulam
in cas ibus non exceptis .A thing not being expected mus t be regarded as coming
within the purviewof the general rule.Optima s tatute interpretatrix es t ips um
s tatutum.The bes t interpreter of the s tatute is the s tatute its elf.Ex tota materia
emergat res olution.The expos ition of a s tatute s hould be made from all its parts
put together.Injus tum es t, nis i tota lege ins pecta, de una aliqua ejus particula
propos itaindicare vel res pondere.It is unjus t to decide or to res pond as to any
particular part of a law withoutexamining the whole of the law.Nemo enim aliquam
partem recte intelligere pos s it antequam totum interumatque interim perlegit.The

s ens e and meaning of the law is collected by viewing all the parts together as one
whole and not of one part only by its elf.Ex antecendentibus et cons equentibus fit
optima interpretation.A pas s age will be bes t interpreted
by reference to that which precedes andfollows it.Verba pos terima propter
certitudinem addita ad priora quae certitudineindigent s unt referenda.Reference
s hould be made to a s ubs equent s ection in order to explain aprevious claus e of
which the meaning is doubtful.Interpretatio fienda es t ut res magis valeat quam
pereat.A law s hould be interpreted with a view of upholding rather than des troying
it.Pari materia.Of the s ame matter.Interpretare et concordare leges legibus es t
optimus interpretandi modus .Every s tatute mys t be s o cons trued and harmonized with
other s tatutes as toform a uniform s ys tem of law.Dis tingue tempora et concordabis
jura.Dis tinguis h times and you will harmonize law.Tempora mutantur et leges
mutantur in illis .Times have changed and laws have changed with them.Mutatis
mutandis .With the neces s ary changes .Salus populi es t s uprema lex.The voice of the
people is the s upreme law.Statuta pro publico commodo late interpretantur.Statutes
enacted for the publc good are to be cons trued liberally.Privatum incommodum
publico bono pens atur.The private interes ts of the individual mus t give way to the
accommodation ofthe public.Actus non facit reum nis i mens s it rea.The act does not
make a pers on guilty unles s the mind is als o guilty.Actus me invito facturs non es t
meus actus .An act done by me agains t my will is not my act.Privilegia recipiunt
largam interpretationem voluntate cons onem concedentis .Privileges are to be
interpreted in accordance with the will of him who grants them.Renunciatio non
praes umitur.Renunciation cannot be pres umed.Strictis s imi juris .Follow the law
s trictly.Nullum tempus occurit regi.There can be no legal right as agains t the
authority that makes the law onwhich the right depends .Vigilantibus et non
dormientibus jura s ubveniunt.The law aids the vigilant, not thos e who s lumber on
their rights .Potior es t in tempore, potior es t in jure.He who is firs t in time is
preferred in right.Lex pros picit, non res picit.The law looks forward, not backward.
Lex de futuro, judex de praeterito.The law provides for the future, the judge for
the pas t.Nova cons titutio futuris formam imponere debet non praeteritis .A new
s tatute s hould affect the future, not the pas t.Leges quae retros pciunt, et magna
cum cautione s unt adhibendae nequeenim janus locatur in legibus .Laws which are
retros pective are rarely and cautious ly received, for Janus has really no place in
the laws .Leges et cons titutiones futuris certum es t dare formam negotiis , non ad
factapraeterita revocari, nis i nominatim et de praeterito tempore et adhuc
pendentibus negotiis cautum s it.Laws s hould be cons trued as pros pective, not
retros pective, unles s they areexpres s ly made applicable to pas t trans actions and to
s uch as are s tillpending.Nullum crimen s ine poena, nulla poena s ine lege.There is
no crime without a penalty, there is no penalty without a law.Favorabilia s unt
amplianda, odios a res tringenda.Penal laws which are favorable to the accus ed are
given retroactive effect.Leges pos teriores priores contrarias abrogant.Later
s tatutes repeal prior ones which are repugnant thereto.Generalia s pecialibus non
derogant.A general law does not nullify a s pecific or s pecial law.Ignorantia legis
neminem excus at.Ignorance of the law excus es no one.In obs curis ins pici s olere quod
vers imilius es t, aut quod plerumquefieri s olet.When matters are obs cure, it is
cus tomary to take what appears to be morelikely or what us ually often happens .
Ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verificatione excluditur.A patent ambiguity cannot
be cleared up by extrins ic evidence.Ad ea quae frequentibus accidunt jura
adaptatur.Laws are unders tood to be adapted to thos e cas es which mos t frequently
occur.Jus cons titui oportet in his quae ut plurimum accidunt non quae ex
inordinato.Laws ought to be made with a view to thos e cas es which happen mos t
frequently, and not to thos e which are of rare or accidental occurrence.Quod s emel
aut bis exis tit praetereunt legis latores .Legis lators pas s over what happens only
once or twice.De minimis non curat lex.The law does not concern its elf with
trifling matters .Nigrum Nunquam Excedere Debet Rubrum.The black (body of the act
printed in black) s hould never go beyond the red(title or rubric of the s tatute
printed in red).









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