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Astronomer/anti-nuclear activist Carl Sagan noted the irony of a

world so dominated by technology yet inhabited by people who

as a whole are almost totally ignorant of even the most
fundamental scientific knowledge. You dont have to be able to
explain what ionising radiation is or does to know that its bad for
you, in my reality, at least.


Today is the 64th anniversary of the Trinity test in New Mexico, the first
atomic explosion; three weeks later the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were obliterated in what geoscientist/nuclear researcher Leuren
Moret tells us were termed tests two and three. The implication is that
these genocidal attacks, using a destructive technology of astronomically
greater power and lethality than previous conventional weapons, were
not actually the military response to Japanese aggression the public was
led to believe, but were in truth performed as a way of testing nuclear
weapons on populations of living human beings, something that could not
legimately be done, except as an act of war.
Yesterday the Australian government announced that it had officially overturned its long-standing three mines position regarding the extraction of
uranium and that a new, fourth mine was now slated for the immediate
future, even as the Olympic Dam mine at Roxby Downs is being expanded
to become the largest open pit mine in the world, atop her largest single
deposit of uranium.
The move to expand Australian uranium mining began in the last days of
the Howard administration, when the nuclear juggernaut was unleashed;
the Rudd administration, starring luminary actician Peter Garrett, has
performed well in their real job as public relations functionaries for the
forces of imperial globalization who employ them, like Rupert Murdoch.
Their mission: look believable, seem genuinely concerned, and say
anything the public wants to hear, as long as it doesnt draw attention to
real issues or to real aspects of issues that the public is ignorant of.
The people of Australia, not to mention the world, should by now be aware
that recent regime rotations here and in America are that and only that:
new faces on the same rotting corpse of democracy and public service.
The transition from Bush and Howard to Obama and Rudd is an exact
repeat of the transition from Bush 1/Quayle to Clinton/Gore: scary
monster/moron to likable guy with nice hair/quasi-ethnic. Rudd and
Obama are truly little more than new genetically modified forms of
puppet whose strings are not cotton or nylon but cords of reward from
the New World Order: money, power, prestige, a guaranteed berth in the
Doomsday bunker of choice, free state-of-the-art anti-radiation/nano-

technology immortality drugs, and special privileges on their micro-chip

implant. Did I mention free make-up?
Correct me if Im wrong, but didnt Rudd and Garrett campaign on a
platform of no more uranium mines, not to mention stopping the
Japanese whalers? Yes and nosurely they gave a powerful impression
that this is where they stood; this is exactly what the public wanted and
needed to hear. But if we go back and analyze their exact words, we
would find it to consist of very slippery lawyer-speak. In other words, its
perfectly clear that it doesnt matter what they say; the same wheels of
corporate globalization are grinding on behind the scenes. Whales are still
getting speared and giant holes dug in the groundbut Kev and baldie
keep on smiling! You see, I take this job SERIOUSLY!
The people of Australia and the world should be aware of thisbut are
they? Based on the cross-section of people who I know or am in touch
with, Im not so sure. I used to think that as a whole, people were waking
up, but these days I regret to report that the opposite seems to be the
case: its my impression that people as a whole are sinking ever more
deeply into a kind of trance-like unreality not dissimilar to The Matrix.
And its not so much that the people dont or cant understand, its that
they dont actually want to know or understand!
Astronomer/anti-nuclear activist Carl Sagan noted the irony of a world so
dominated by technology yet inhabited by people who as a whole are
almost totally ignorant of even the most fundamental scientific knowledge.
You dont have to be able to explain what ionising radiation is or does to
know that its bad for you, in my reality, at least. In a phone
conversation with Australian film-maker David Bradbury two years ago, he
said that not only are the people ignorant, they want to stay ignorant.
His words, just after the release of his extremely important film A Hard
Rain, which details the reality of the Australian/global nuclear scenario
NOT the Orwellian/Murdochian candied disinformation being spoon-fed
into the public mind.
Interestingly, yesterdays uranium mine announcement on ABC News was
directly preceded by a story on how Greenpeace and Al Gore have
officially confirmed that global warming is now PUBLIC ENEMY
NUMBER ONEousting Osama bin Laden and swine flu! A few months ago
I was told by an Australian researcher that a scientific consensus far
greater than that on Newtons laws exists on global warming. This was
interesting, as any real scientist knows that Newtons laws are not valid in
the quantum universe!
The obvious purpose of putting the global warming story directly before
the uranium mine story was, of course, 1) to scare people into thinking
that global warming gonna get us and 2) to accept uranium mining (=
all things nuclear) as a solution.

This is a perfect example of what media analyst Noam Chomsky calls

manufacturing consent. Its a time-honored mass-media technique of
using experts and celebrities to convince the public to want something
they dont really want or to believe something that is actually quite
incredible. Here we have Al Gore, who is both expert and celebrity.
Maybe hes the first in a new line of exlebrities. Even if you bought the
dubious science of An Inconvenient Truth, as many have, you should
have at least busted him on his attitude towards his ruined presidency
and 9/11; in the wake of the administrative and constitutional coup detat
that illegally installed Bush when Gore appeared to have won, followed
shortly by the obvious inside-job/psy-ops event of 9/11, instead of being
outraged and distancing himself from the over-throw of the government
he professes to love so much, he proved himself to be a player by
simply acquiescing and awaiting his next assignment, as the guru to
launch the global warming meme. And if you think that Greenpeace
invariably money-hungry, like all corporationsis not capable of, you
know, fudging the facts just a little in exchange for a few million dollars
of tax-free donationsId think again! RememberGeorge Orwell said that
omission is the greatest form of lying.
All of this is one of many examples of how the public of today has been
thoroughly brain-washed through decades of the mental genetics
imposed by the global domination elites using mass-media, a pervasive
agenda of mind-control which has bred a lemming-like society of
consumers who are not only scientifically ignorant in general, but who
have failed to recognize mass-media and specifically television as the
non-lethal weapons systems they were designed to be.
Albert Einstein foresaw this scenario, and warned in the Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists in 1952 that independent thought might be extinguished
due to the shrewd methods of psychic and intellectual influence brought
to bear by the concentration of political and economic power into the
hands of small elites.
This is one of the most important insights I know of concerning what is
happening in the world right now. Our thoughts, beliefs, and information
are not our own; our minds are filled with what the largest corporations
have sold us. WE are their product now.
Despite increasingly obvious and overwhelming evidence to the contrary,
the public refuses to accept the fact that almost ALL leaders, officials, and
politicians these days are not only pathological liars, they are also minions
of the global organized crime syndicates that disguise themselves as
corporations, banks, governments and trans-national entities known by
two-or-three-letter acronymsUN, G8, FDA, WHO, IMF and so on.
Mass-media in all its various forms is essentially a global propaganda
machine owned and operated by a consortium of seven or fewer corporate
entities; the faces come and go, as do the trends and styles, and the

techniques are constantly refinedbut the message remains the same:

We are the authority. Believe what we say, do what we tell you. Trust
us, we care. Conformity is cool. Muslims are not. Spend. Sleep.
Television has become the ultimate dictator and almost no one can even
see it!
Only a public who is totally ignorant could possibly believe that the global
warming scenario being described could be valid. The technologies of
manipulation have been quite effective; safeguards are built in, so that,
for example, if you question global warming then you are labelled as
either someone who doesnt care about the environment or who doesnt
think that what humans are doing to the Earth is badvery much like if
you were to criticize Israel for their genocidal attack on Lebanon, using
radiological/DU (depleted uranium) weapons, exactly three years ago now,
which I didthen youre labelled as being anti-Semitic.
Even IF the Gore hypothesis, which it really should be called, were true,
then we are faced with rising sea-levels, and possibly storms of greater
frequency and intensity. But its not going to happen overnight, and
really, its just a lot of water! People might have to move, and learn to
build boats, or their houses might get blown downbut its not like its a
poison or something. And its certainly not a catastrophe. A lot of
scientists who ARENT on the global warming payroll (or who arent
trying to capitalize on it) are quick to point out that carbon dioxide is not
only NOT a toxin, its an essential nutrient for plantsjust as essential as
oxygen is for us. The Gore-rus also fail to mention that water itself is a
far more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide! Nor do they
mention the other two of the well-known atmospheric Big 3: acid rain
and (stratospheric) ozone depletion.
But by far the most significant thing that the Gore-ru celebriperts fail to
tell us is that its our closest star, i.e., the Sun, that is an astronomically
greater influence on EVERYTHING that happens on this planet than
anything humans can do, even at their worst/best!
An unspoken dimension exists concerning global warming, one that
scientifically literate people have been aware of for many years but the
public thinks of as conspiracy theory. This is an atmospheric heating
technology called HAARP, or High Altitude Auroral Research Project.
Based in Alaska, it is euphemistically described as a research tool for
studying the ionosphere; what it really is is a microwave transmitter array
that heats the upper layers of the Earths atmosphere with giga-watt
levels of energy in order to influence air and moisture currents for the
purpose of weather/climate modification. Decades ago the U.S. Air Force
claimed that they would own the weather by 2020; HAARP was
scheduled to come fully on-line in 2006just about the time that An
Inconvenient Truth came out! It is quite possible that HAARP technology
is being used surreptitiously to melt the polar ice caps, not only fuelling
the global warming hysteria, of control through fear, but also fulfilling

two other elitist agendas: depopulation through weather-war, and

allowing access to mineral deposits that have been buried under ice.
Some people even think that HAARP may have been involved in the
Melbourne fires earlier this year, which displayed previously unseen heatlevels and other anomalies; a symposium on extreme weather was
being held in Melbourne that very week-end, and it is rumoured that both
Tony Blair and Rupert Murdoch were in town at the same timeto witness
what the latest technology is capable of?
Climate change is a lot more intelligent and less hysterical way to
describe these scenarios than global warming, which to me sounds like it
has elements of swine flu and Osama bin Laden, two media-entities
that hardly ever existed outside the tv. Climate change, as any
reasonably informed person knows, is a fact of life on this planet; the
Earth has undergone and will always undergo climate changes, all
fundamentally driven by fluctuating energies from the sun, as well as
being affected by the occasional volcanic eruption or asteroid impact.
Human-induced climate change is an experiment were living in, with
almost totally unknown dynamics and outcomes. Global warming, on the
other hand, is made to sound as if it could kill us all tomorrow! The reality
is that we ARE killing each other and ourselves RIGHT NOWbut its not
through global warming.
That human industrial civilization is harming the Earth and all her lifeforms is a vast under-statement; au contraire, we appear to be
destroying in a few decades what Mother Earth has caringly nurtured for
billions of years! Our planet seems to have undergone mass extinction
events several times since the genesis of life, but this is the first time
that such an event has been caused by the actions of a single species.
That would be us, homo sapiens, man, the wise. Yet, the fact remains
that we are a part of nature.
Despite the fact that all our knowledge of past events, particularly the
extremely distant past, is quite abstractits not hard data like measuring
the weight of a rock, its models and simulations extrapolated from
evidence we find here and nowwe can be fairly certain that these mass
extinctions were real; but the time-frame they occurred over is harder to
pinpoint. When youre talking geological time then a few tens or even
hundreds of thousands of years isnt very long.
Today, however, through the use of our most advanced technologies, were
making dozens of species go extinct every day; were destroying in weeks
habitats and wilderness areas that have been developing for tens of
millions of years; here in Australia old-growth forests continue to be
clear-felled and uranium mining is expanding to unprecedented levels. In
summation, we are rendering the planetary biosphere unfit for life as we
know it.

Chief Seattle said, What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves. Chief

Seattle didnt speak English, but the point is clear. Ironic or
paradoxical hardly do justice to the fact that it is UShumanitywho
have become the only agent of mass-extinction to have originated from
within the ranks of life herself. And not only are we a threat to the health
of all the life-forms with whom we share this planet, as well as to the
health of the Earth herself; we are our own greatest enemy. Whether or
not this is our nature or just a phase were going through could be the
question of the millennium.
This article is not the place for an in-depth discussion of human nature,
nor for a cataloging of devastation, and not even for a foray into the limits
of human knowledge.
But common sense tells us that WEthat is, the totality of all humansare
wreaking inestimable and irreversible destruction on life as we know it and
on the Earthand we ALL are responsible. We are not some kind of alien
invader, nor are we as yet a trans-genic parasite; we are a unique
member of the kingdoms of life, and of no greater or lesser importance
than any other species. That we seem to believe differently of ourselves
is a testament to the species dementia in whose grip we now flounder on
the brink of extinction.
That as a whole we seem to have lost the plot is clear. We are NOT the
only species of life that really matters, with everyone else subordinate;
the Earth, her body and children are not resources for us to consume at
willthey are sacred members of the family of life; global warming,
even if it were real as presented by the exlebrities, is NOT EVEN
CLOSE to being as much of a catastrophe as many other things
that humans are doing to the Earth and to each other.
The Earth and pretty much all of life, with the exception of the microbe
kingdom, is under the knife of industrial civilization; in a literal nanosecond of geological time, this single-species artifact of creativity-gonecrazy has become one of the greatest threats to life this planet has ever
experienceda true doomsday device. And most of the really dangerous
stuff is happening NOW, in our life-times, in our generation. WE are the
ones who are doing it, or, just as bad, allowing it to happen.
The side-effects of industrial civilization are bad enough. This would
include things like deforestation, desertification, loss of habitats; the
killing and enslavement of animals; mono-culture; excess carbon dioxide
(the evil son-of-bin-Laden) is of course a by-product of fossil fuel
combustion, and, although non-toxic, is indeed a greenhouse gas. The
mega-machine basically runs on fossil fuels.
But there are many other far deadlier substances in automotive or coalfired power plant emissions; moreover, millions of toxic compounds and
substances are produced and released into the biosphere every day, in

unbelievable quantities, into soil, air and water. This is chemical

pollution, and Rachel Carson warned us about this in 1962.
Since then other technologies inimicable to life have proliferated, in
particular electromagnetic pollution. Biomedical researchers have long
been aware of the destructive and mutagenic effects of fields generated by
high-tension power lines, for example; with the advent of mobile phones
and wi-fi, a whole new level of energetic saturation of the biosphere has
occurred, bringing with it a wave of disease.
Other biomedical researchers have realized that the reality behind the
pharmaceutical industry has never been to make people well; au
contraire, these drugs as a whole were designed from the beginning to
create illness.
In Carsons day DNA had just been discovered, but the intent of genetic
engineering was already there: to use as a eugenics technology. The
uninformed might think its just an advanced form of breeding but this is
not the case; genetic engineering involves inserting or splicing genetic
material between radically different forms of life. The result is frankenfoods and monstrous life-forms with no precedent in nature. Genetic
engineering is very similar to how a virus functions; self-replicating
biological pollution is the result, and its already been released globally.
When Rachel Carson released Silent Spring, the world had become acutely
aware of the danger of the nuclear scenario; but the threat was that of
nuclear war using B-52s or ICBMs. Only recently, decades later, has it
slowly been revealed that the actual danger from the nuclear scenario is
NOT that of a war as such, but from the continued production and
release of nuclear materials into the biosphereon-going since 1945,
EVERY reactor creates thousands of tons per year of the most deadly
substances known to mansubstances which are safe ONLY if
successfully isolated from the biosphere. This problem has NO solution;
there is literally NO WHERE to put it that is safe and from where it cant
escape. Thousands of tons of high-level waste are generated each day
from the 400+ non-military (alone) reactors around the world. Over 75%
of Frances electricity is nuclear in origin. They simply bury it in the
groundthat is, until they can complete the deal with the Rudd
administration to allow the waste to come into Australia, via the ports of
Darwin and Fremantle, and be transported via rail to unspecified sites on
sacred Aboriginal land in the central desert.
We all know of the 2000+ above ground/atmospheric nuclear tests that
have taken place since 1945, and the assorted fission products and
isotopes in our bones and tissues. What most people arent aware of is
that these tests werent really tests of how the warheads were going to
explodethey were different kinds of testsbiological teststo irradiate
the human population and global biosphere and to study the effects.
Leuren Moret has charts that show the wind distribution patterns from

tests in America; according to her research, the scientists claimed to have

irradiated every single person living in America who was alive during a
window of years in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Leurens big
realization, after years of digging plus being mentored by Dr. Marion Falk,
who was a scientist on the Manhattan Project, was that nuclear weapons
were designed from the beginning not to be used to blow up buildings or
countries but to spread ionising radiation as a biological warfare
weapon to depopulate the world and to destroy the human
Its interesting to note that television was originally referred to as the
atomic bomb of the mind by military strategists. Few people in todays
world who watch several hours of tv per day actually realize what they are
exposing themselves to: a form of electromagnetic irradiating
technology which from its inception was known to induce a hypnotic
trance-line state in which the viewer uncritically assimilates whatever
message is there AND, while giving the appearance of choice and
diversity, is actually highly centralized in control, to the point of being
totalitarian in the extreme, and essentially is the voice of the few huge
corporations who control it. Sure, some of it seems like benign
entertainment, but the main effect is physiological, regardless of content.
Statistics on television consumption are mind-boggling; I remember
reading that something like 99.99% of all homes on the planet who have
electricity, have at least one tv. And who watches five minutes a dayits
more like five hours! So if we say theres five billion people out of 6.4
billion who have access to tv (its probably a lot more) and they spend five
hours per day watching, thats a staggering 25 billion person-hours
of waking time PER DAY spent absorbing what is essentially a
corporate/military-industrial complex media agenda. Thats
approximately HALF of all the waking consciousness of humanity.
I think that NOW were getting at the root of the problem. All of this time
weve been spending in front of the tube since the 1950s has rotted our
collective psyche to the point that now well believe ANYTHING as true and
real. Weve become so conditioned to getting our reality from tv that
now, no matter how ludicrous, absurd, disturbing, violent or diseased it is,
we just slurp it down like just another chunk of ground brown!
When you step back and look at the big picture, a scenario even more
sinister than the side-effects of industrial civilization comes into focus,
especially in the decades since World War 2. The basic idea here is that
all through the 20th century the elites, as they like to call themselves,
have been implementing hidden agendas throughout the spectrum of
world affairs. Their mission: who knows, if youre not one of them
youre an outsider BUT awareness has been created through various
means. What we can piece together, however, is a picture of the fruits
of their actions. Plus, if you know where to look, they pretty much say it
in their own words.

One of their first big projects was the creation of the Federal Reserve
system in America in 1913, which replaced the gold-backed currency with
their own fraudulent notes that the American government had to BORROW
and REPAY WITH INTEREST using more of their fraudulent money.
Logically, a little on the dishonest side, plus a guarantee of permanent
debt incurred.
Then, their next two big projectsWorld Wars 1 and 2. This was after
they (and not only can they be named, their plans to this effect are a
matter of public record) took over the money supply, and therefore the
government, of America.
According to minutes from meetings of top brass of the Ford Foundation in
the early 1900s, one of their biggest concerns was how best to manage'
humanity. You know, like a resourceor a pest. It was around this time
that the eugenics movement was not only popular, but didnt need to
disguise itself. Researchers like William Engdahl, in his book Seeds of
Destruction, have thoroughly documented the history of eugenics. But
essentially, the elite foundationsFord, Carnegie, Rockefellershared a
common interest in managing humanity and made it a top priority.
The Third Reich was the result of their efforts to create the worlds most
powerful depopulation apparatus. The Nazis were the first example of
what H.G. Wells called a scientific dictatorship, a totalitarian regime
using and actively developing every conceivable means for enslaving and
ultimately destroying life as we know it. The spectrum of their research
and development efforts is a horrific and almost unbelievably diabolical
smorgasboard of scientific perversion and debasement.
After World War 2 Operation Paperclip rescued thousands of Nazi
scientists, planners and researchers and safely relocated them into
positions of power in both America and Russia, where they continued to
be funded by the same sources. From this, the global depopulation
apparatus grew exponentially and spread like the insidious virus it truly is,
until today, we can increasingly discern the modern manifestations of this
same endeavour: chemical insecticides that are almost identical to
nerve gas; GE/GMOs in food that act as viruses and create disease;
microwave radiation emitted from mobile phones; pharmaceutical
drugs whose side-effects are far worse than the illness they purport to
treat; ionising radiation being leaked from every reactor that exists,
being transported through populated areas in metal drums and rail cars;
hundreds of thousands of tons of DU (depleted uranium), consisting of
high-level radioactive waste, being spread into the biosphere, disguised as
bullets and artillery shells; and most dangerous of all, as it affects our
very ability TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ONa full-spectrum and ongoing attack on the human mind using every possible form of
psychological warfare and mass-media mind-control technique known!

Something FAR SCARIER than global warming is Zbigniew Brzezinski. A

founder of the Trilateral Commission, he was Secretary of State under
Carter and has been a very influential strategist and policy-maker ever
since. Now he is one of Obamas top advisors. What is scary is that he is
actually one of the visionaries of the elite agenda for total world
domination; hes in there now because theyre ready to implement their
next level of electronic mind-control, using science-fiction-like
technologies coupled with what Brzezinski calls charismatic personalities
to guide the public thought process. One of Brzezinskis prophecies back
in the early 1970s was that soon it would be possible to use new
forms of electronic technology to impair or destabilize the thought
process of entire populations. I think were there now.
The increasingly pervasive sense of unreality that I am sensing in people
could in fact be due to the implementation of these Brzezinksian
technologies. Beyond the use of HAARP for mere weather war and climate
modification lurks an even darker purposeto irradiate whole populations.
This scenario is no longer in the domain of science-fiction.
What Ive tried to do in this article is to share some thoughts about what
is really happening in the world with humanity and the Earth. I write on
the anniversary of the birth of the most destructive technology yet
devised by human beings. I have attempted to shed some light on the
reality of the nuclear scenario: nuclear power is really just an extremely
expensive way to boil water, with the added bonus of producing prodigious
quantities of the most deadly substances known to man. A typical nuclear
power plant would have to operate for many years to generate enough
clean (clean as death!) electricity to compensate for the astronomical
amount of fossil fuels required to get to that point.
Mining uranium and all that comes from it is the shortest path we know to
depopulation and ecocide. Other trails have been blazed to the same
destination, but Australian journalist John Pilger concurs that the nuclear
scenario is on top of the list.
Mining uranium is exporting cancer in the words of Dr. Helen Caldicott,
and is also supporting the terrorism inherent in the possession of
nuclear/radiological weapons by ANY country or group.
Mining uranium is extremely bad karma for a land already suffering from
two hundred years of genocide; What we do to the Earth we do to
ourselves. Its extremely bad karma for all of humanity, for our planet.
We are not only killing ourselves indirectly, but also directly. The worlds
largest institution, the military-industrial complex, exists for this very
necrophilous purpose. Depopulation is now an official agenda for which
consent is being constantly manufactured.

We are suffering from a low-grade dementia or mass-delusion driven by

our steady consumption of corporate unreality delivered by mass-media,
especially television. We are cut off from nature and entranced by a
global non-lethal weapons system through which we hear one voice only,
that of globalization.
We can STOP doing all the destructive things we are doing, individually
and collectively. The question is whether or not we will.
One of the most powerful and healthful things we can do is to SHUT IT
ALL DOWN. Its even possible to live almost entirely without electricity.
The world can productively support all of us who are alive now IF those of
us in the upper echelons of privilege/consumption choose to live more
simply and intelligently. This is a far more truly spiritual solution than
trying to kill off everybody you dont want. Volunteers for depopulation?
Today is the 64th anniversary of the birth of nuclear weapons; we are
living in the psychic shadow of mind-control. General Electric was
involved in manufacturing both the first reactors and the first televisions;
today they own NBC and are the seventh largest media corporation in the
world. Mussolini said that fascism was a complete merger between state
and corporate power.
Are we there yet? Ultimately, any they is a subset of us. Highly
paradoxical, but true.
By the way, watch out for the giant ice-berg floating down from the
Arcticremember its GLOBAL WARMING we need to worry aboutits
PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE. Soon, perhaps, even this terror meme
will be replaced by yet another, even scarier onethe fear of
extraterrestrial catastrophe! So, have you heard about 2012?
Jeff Phillips
Albany WA
16 July 2009

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