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Mom’s #1 All time super hero (with the usual pre-teen

flaws and dreadful D-Days), that make sure your “halo”

doesn’t get too shiny. My sun you are definitely and lovably
human. But you were born with a special awareness. You
are an old soul my child.

(1-27-95….your teacher wrote” Levi maintains his role as a

very respected role model and leader within our learning
community !) As well as heroic strides in self motivation and
personal discipline. You would voluntarily rise an hour early
and ride the city bus across town in order to continue your
progressive and outstanding study group for 2 years. You
were on student council, were a mediator on class conflict
resolution, participated in the gifted and talented program off
campus. You were involved in writing, talent, music,
comedic as well as athletic, baseball, soccer and volleyball
extra curricular activities. You earned and kept a budget of
extra monies from : babysitting, shoveling snow, cleaning
windows and several self inspired vending projects from
lemon aide to “pogs”, marbles and fantasy trading cards.
You participated as well in fantasy role playing games,
delighted and mastered intellectual puzzlers at adult level
and have remarkable sensitivity and positive supportive
interactions with others who show antisocial or unacceptable
behaviors. You almost always succeed in modifying or at
least de-fusing the situations.

All of this at 12 years old!

You have cause to be very proud of your accomplishments.

Never though, confuse what you do, with what you are. You
and all creators life expressions are from, of, and are beings
of light. The perfect light of creation , that light your source,
is simply Love and Love is all there is.
My darling youngest son, you will always be my hearts pride,
quite apart from the exceptional qualities that you are
cultivating in your created self. Value each of these
strengths (when combined with humility and the ability to
allow yourself mistakes and occasional blunders). These
are all gifts we are presented to learn more of ourselves, our
patterns and willingness to flow into new or better methods
or missions. These gifts others unenlightened to the true
nature of being would call personal achievements, such ego
giving no credit to the creator which shapes us. This “sin” of
false pride, keeps some from ever developing spiritually past
his intellectual and material achievements. So he would
believe “I am great” rather than “God is great and I am a
vessel of light.” The part of which knows our life (all Life) is
Love. This Love carries us each perfectly through all Life’s
lessons we shall need in becoming what we are destined for.
In this becoming we can but trust and know that Never does
this molding and shaping of self or who we think we should
resemble. What we choose to succeed at, win, invent,
change, charm, challenge or overcome, none the less we
can never control, change, or decide what will be or whom or
when. That is not the duty of an aware human. But we can
control what we choose to think about these and all things
and how we will act.
Only creator, that perfect Love which sculpts all that we are
meant to understand, and yes to survive until our fully
developed (on this life mission) self shines brightly. The
heart of our light beings shall have known, loved, laughed
cried, seem and done all on this planet (and Beyond) to
understand that indeed all of our Life..was a victory.

Honey, didn’t mean to travel so deep but truly, just as the

lessons you remember always, like learning to walk ( and
bumping head till learning to “duck” tables and such). Riding
a bike (skinned knees till balance was yours) and so many
things sometimes hurt a lot.

You used to cry at night as a pre-schooler when your little

legs grew so very fast sometimes that the bones throbbed
and ached. (Growing pains remember. And I would rub
them for you but it didn’t help much. All of our lifepath in a
physical world there shall be such lessons. Changing and
growing is not always comfortable, but always there is the
growth and the mastery of that which used to hurt us.
Understanding and practice taught us to stop hurting and go
on to the next step. Understanding let us enjoy all that we
had missed when pain and fear stop us from moving ahead.
For a while we did not know the pleasures of riding our
bicycles as fast as the wind, swimming in cool waters,
sleeping in powerful thick forests, slicing down snowy hills on
skis. Taking a chance, reaching for the gold ring, trying all
the amazing things that our spirit..that inner self urged us on
to champion, but mostly to embrace the Love, in others in
creation. Even in life’s disappointments, the things the other
humans (those not yet enlightened) call failures, bloopers,
problems or unjust. These things and all the joys and
wonders shape the perfect art.. Have faith in your eventual
success and know what a hearts pride you are to me, your
parent on earth, but mostly you are the pride of creation.
Glory be my Hero of Light, my son, my Levi.

Mom, January 1995

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