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5/20/2010 dreamtwo.


Dream Two.

Details on life before the war.

After the first dream I did not know what to

expect. But I dreamed again, this time the same
entity came to me. But this time I started seeing
everything through someone’s eyes, as if I was
living it myself.

The time was in the future but before the war of


He / I was living in the USA in Washington State on

the coast. He / I was a retired financial analyst /
accountant. The life is good, the climate is
acceptable in the winter and great in the summer,
the area was beautiful with beaches, lakes, rivers,
fir trees, mountains and nice people. Pensions and
social security covered my modest expenses.
Being a computer geek I have a good computer,
high speed internet, satellite high definition
television, and all the latest gizmos within my
fixed income. I have savings, a good home, grown
children / grandchildren, and a good loving wife.

I watched the news on TV and on the internet and

tended to vote socially conservative, but liberal
economically. I had had it with being screwed by
big business, big banks, and being ripped off by
insurance swindles. I was getting less money
while the price of everything doubled. I had been
taken by phony health insurance and owed the
hospital tens of thousands of dollars for services
that should have been covered.
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At the same time I had little time for the agendas

of the media and pressure groups trying to get
public acceptance for various immoral practices. I
saw that some minorities had changed the
emphasis from the rights they had striven for, into
a power or money grab. I believed class, racism,
sexism, and discrimination of all types was part of
the human DNA and could not be changed by
unenforceable laws, social programs, money,
lawsuits, or political correctness. Most people
played along as long as they were being watched,
but then reverted back to discrimination, but they
did it covertly, to avoid trouble.

Meanwhile church organizations got more

interested in politics, money, television, buildings,
and super star pastors than real moral issues.
Their messages were tolerance, do good, pray
more, get healthy and wealthy by using some
formula to force God to give it to you, work harder,
some sin is not so bad, also God grades on the
curve so almost everybody will get to heaven, hell
is for extremely bad people, and give more to the
church – they will help the needy. Each group had
their contradictory buffet of do’s and don’ts,
traditions, beliefs, and rituals. Needless to say
they all became irrelevant. But I have to be fair; a
small minority of Christians were preaching about
God’s love and backing it up with helping the
spiritually needy and the financially needy. Well
meaning organizations were really helping others.
And the gospel was being spread just like in the
book of Acts, in the bible. There were miracles,
changed lives, and turning from sin and immorality.
We only found about this if we watched odd
channels on the satellite. Mostly, this was missing
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from the news media broadcasts.

The local news was so full of crime, violence,

scams, identity theft, crooked politicians, and
swindles by big business. It kept getting worse
every year. Every day there was a litany of
disasters, gangs, drugs, shootings, fires, car, train,
and plane crashes. Social services were being cut
back, the schools were failing and full of violence
and teachers in trouble. The weather was getting
more violent also. Record heat, cold, rain, floods,
wind storms, global warming and images of the
damage were from everywhere.

The scientists were shown to be corrupted by the

money paid for their studies so every result was
suspect and/or contradictory. Great ideas were
dumped because they might piss off the sponsor.
Bad results that showed the sponsor’s product
was dangerous or did not do what it was supposed
to do were hidden. Natural scientists had to bow
down to the alter of godless evolution every time
they wanted a paper to be published. Physics and
astronomy sciences were mystified by dark matter
and energy. The fact that their dead instruments
could not find it frustrated them. The fact that it
was just matter and energy in the unknown
dimensions around us, could not be grasped by
scientists who denied the existence of the

The fine arts were corrupted to the point that most

were full of filth and pornography. Music,
sculpture, painting, dance, theater, television,
movies, children’s media, computer games, and
books were filled with so much sex, violence,
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immorality, perversion, occult practices, monsters,

and hellish images. It was so bad that nothing
would become popular without the above. Their
heroes were criminals, killers, witches, vampires,
prostitutes, cannibals, or drug dealers. Or else the
hero had demonic, scientific, or inherited powers
that destroyed worse evildoers.

The government; state, local, and federal were

strangled by petty partisanship and pressure
groups and could do very little without a
tremendous effort. And what they did accomplish
was so compromised that the result was
sometimes worse than if they did nothing. The only
thing they did well was spend and raise taxes. The
waste was made worse by the paid influence
lobbyists. Big banks and big business called the
shots. The public paid.

The international scene seemed better in the past

years. The good was; the fall of communism in
Russia and China. The Israeli / Palestinian
problems were resolved with a commonwealth
type arrangement and this area prospered. Nasty
states continued to oppress their people but the
power of NATO, Russia, and China kept the
oppression within their borders.
The bad was; the Moslem unrest, increased
terrorism, and the new dictatorship in Iran
oppressing its people, persecuting unbelievers,
building up and arming its army with ICBMs, and
bullying its neighboring states. Everything non-
Moslem was subject to attack. And instead of
rejoicing about the resolution of the Israeli /
Palestinian problem, more rhetoric was generated
about each small issue that remained. The problem
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of the Iranian atom bomb aggravated all Middle

Eastern issues. Now every diplomatic move was
viewed as an attack on Iran and the Moslem

This was all background noise. The main

ingredient was fear.

The stage was being set for another world war and
this one would be a religious war. These radical
Moslems wanted to conquer the world and force
their beliefs and customs on everyone. All who
refused would die. They tried this several times in
the Middle Ages and failed. Now the dictator of
Iran was going to try again. The first campaign
would be to wipe out Israel. Then they would take
over the local oil regions and force the West to
capitulate by cutting off the oil. They had to act
fast since oil was slowly being replaced with other
energy sources.
The west continued to use diplomacy, boycotts,
and financial pressure to no avail. The past wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan were so costly that the
military options were limited. Iran and its allies
would not be a push over. If an invasion happened
there would be a nuclear war. And if the west was
victorious there would be years of terrorism and
unrest just like in Iraq and Afghanistan. Political
unrest in Iran was brutally suppressed, so a covert
Coup was impossible. This time another Hitler was
on the scene and now he has the bomb.

With this deep fear, I awoke and wrote this down

before I forgot the details.

Dream 3. The war.

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