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Come Worship With Us

Summer Service
9:30 am
Join us for Coffee Hour
after service in the
Gathering Space

PHONE: 716-649-8080
FAX: 716-649-8085

Web Page: www.humc-ny.org

Email: hamburgunitedmethodist1@verizon.net

It is the mission of Hamburg United

Methodist Church to make disciples
of Jesus Christ and to spread His
Gospel through the full commitment
of our resources.

Our Hearts,
Our Minds,
and Our Doors
are Always Open




Have you something newsworthy

for the Circuit Writer?
Submit your articles to the Circuit
Writer by sending attachments in
MS Word to the church email.
Please submit all articles to be
included in the August edition by
July 15, 201612 noon

The Circuit Writer

Hamburg United Methodist Church

Volume 46 July 2016

Published through the efforts of many for the benefit of all!

From the Desk of Pastor Jan Hubbard

Transitional Interim Minister

Getting to know you!


Birthday Announcements


Book Club


When I was young my mother took my twin brother

and I to a casting call for the musical entitled: The
King and I. We were to be part of the scene where
the governess meets the Kings children for the first
time while singing: Getting to Know You. Im
humming this now as I look with anticipation at getting to know you in the next few months!

Box Tops for Education


Calendar Month of July


Coffee Ministry


I dont know about you but when a new pastor and congregation meet and
greet one another for the first time it can feel like a first date. We ask ourselves, Am I making a good impression?
Do they like me? I hope to put you at ease by telling you a few things
about myself and my sense of calling to Hamburg United Methodist Church.

Cozy Quilts






I am very excited to be your pastor for the next several years. I have been
called by God and the Cabinet of the Upper New York Annual Conference
to come and work with you for new beginnings in your personal and
corporate lives, in your mission and vision as a congregation and in your
calling to be disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To
do this we will work on five tasks together. We will look at the history of the
church, its current identity, lay leadership, connections to the denomination
and we will create a vision for the future upon which your next pastor can
First and foremost, in these beginning days, I want to get to know your
personal stories of faith.
How did you become a disciple of Jesus Christ? What is a favorite Bible
verse? What Biblical story guides or informs your life right now? What
values guide your interactions with others? I believe that God has been
and is at work in your lives and in the life of HUMC in some wonderful ways
and I cant wait to hear about it.
I bring some values with me as I begin my partnership with you. I value:
* transparency and honesty in communication.
* respectful interactions with others.
*collaborative style of leadership- I value building community and unity
based on a sense of Gods calling upon us all. I believe that as we listen to
Gods Spirit and guidance, we can find common ground and live into unity
based on faith and love of God.
*Principles over personalities- I believe that when we are clear about the
mission and vision
God is giving to us as Gods people; decision making is a lot simpler.
I have many favorite Bible verses but the one that rises to the top with me
as I begin my work with you is: Luke 10:27- You shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
strength and with all your mind and you shall love your neighbor as
yourself. Im looking forward to our great adventure together!
Pastor Jan

Churches in Action
Cindys Dream Playground

Finance Committee



Flea Market


Food Pantry


Keys for Kids Choir
Matter of Balance
Memorial Plaque
Movies on the Green
Office Hours
Prayer Circle Ministry


Rev. Jan Hubbard Bio


Trustees Thank you



Unsung Angels


Vacation Bible School

Worship Schedule Month of July


Youth Group


Youth Minister


Thank you!

Thank you everyone for

saving the Campbell's
soup and the Box Tops for
education labels. PLEASE
do not cut or tear through
the label. Cut AROUND the
box top or soup label on
the dotted line. It must
remain intact to be
Please continue to
deposit the labels in the designated boxes
located in the Gathering Space. It takes a
lot of labels to fulfill the needs of GatewayLongview and Red Bird Mission. Please
keep that in mind when you open a box of
cereal or a can of soup.
Dianne Caldwell

Monday Thursday
8:30am 2:00pm
8:30am 1:00pm


For the months of July and August, HUMC
will be collecting non-perishable food items
for Primera Iglesia Metodista Unida Food
Pantry located on the lower east side of
Buffalo. Rice and beans (legumes) are
always needed. Thank you for your
support! "Whoever is kind to the poor
lends to the Lord" Proverbs 19:17

Coffee Ministry for the

month of June will be
provided by :
Church Council

Check us out on Facebook! Give our

page a "like" and share our page with
your friends! Did you know that when
you like a post, it shows up in your
friend's Newsfeed? What an easy way to
share our church happenings with one
another, family, and friends! You can
also share and invite friends to HUMC
events with the click of a button. If you
have HUMC happenings or ministry
news to share, please email Lisa Link at
lisa_link_88@yahoo.com with detailed
information and it will be posted on the
church's Facebook page and/or an
Event page will be created. Once it is
posted make sure to share, share,


The support of our Christian family is such a comfort when we go
through illness, difficult times, or a loved ones death. Knowing that others
are praying along with us encourages us and strengthens our faith that
God is in control, loving, guiding and sustaining us for whatever the journey
Phillipians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to
James 5:16 Pray one for another
The Prayer Circle is a group of people who have committed to pray every day for the requests made by our church members for either themselves or for others. An updated list of requests is sent to members each Monday by email. Members also pray for those who have longrunning concerns, are homebound, live in nursing homes, or serve in the armed forces. When there
is an urgent request, a phone prayer chain is used. Prayer, Care and Share is a smaller group
of the prayer circle who meet on the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 in the church library.
They send cards of encouragement to home-bound members or get well cards to those experiencing lengthy illness.
If you would like to request prayer for yourself or someone else, you may call the
Church office (649-8080) or Barb Meader (648-1273). You may also fill out a prayer card thats
found in the Gathering Space and place it in the prayer box at the 8:30 service, give it to an Usher
during the 11:00 am service, or fill out the bottom of the yellow fellowship card in the bulletin. If
you would like to be a member of this prayer ministry contact Barb Meader.

Visitation and Calling

We have a visitation team who call and visit

people in our church family who are in assisted living, nursing homes, or
who have health problems that keep them from attending church. The
visitation team has been trained to give communion if requested. If you
know of anyone who might welcome a call or visit, phone Crystal at church
(649-8080) or Barb Meader at (648-1273). If you would like to be a member of the visitation team, or if you are unable to visit but would like to minister by calling people, let Crystal or Barb know.

Remember Your Loved Ones Forever on HUMCs Memorial Plaque

Have you seen our churchs beautiful Memorial Plaque that is visible when you enter the
Narthex at the Union Street entrance (off the back of the sanctuary)? You can honor your
loved one with a brass plate available for purchase for $200. The plate is engraved with the
persons name, dates of birth and death.
Your family member/friend will be forever remembered in their church among their church
family, which were so special to them, and this tribute will express how special your loved
one will always be to you.
Take a walk to the back of the church in the Narthex at the Union street entrance and see
what a beautiful memorable plaque the church has provided. The application for purchase is on our website in
the Columbarium section, http://www.humc-ny.org/Columbarium, or call the church at 649-8080 if you would
like a member of the Columbarium Committee will contact you.


Choirs~Adult Choir-Sundays @9:45 am; Youth on Tuesday
6:15 pm, Bell-Tuesday 7:15 pm
Cozy Quilt Workshop~2nd Saturday of the Month 1pm &
Tuesdays 1-3pm room 31-Moe Park 912-9625
GROW~Getting Revived On Wednesday! Wednesday
Fellowship 5-6pm, meal @ 6 pm and study to follow @
7pmChildren under 15 FREE Rick Park
Mission First Sunday~First Sunday of the Month except May and June
United Methodist Mens Group~First Thursday of each Month at ZJs Diner in
the Village Square, Rollin Shoemaker 444-5537; Dinner @ 6pm, meeting @
or study 7 pm
Qigong Tai Chi~Class every Tuesday 8:30am, register with Lisa Rood
Retired Mens Group~ZJs in Village Plaza third Tuesday of month-12 noon
Dick Caldwell 549-3139. No meetings in July and August
SPARKS~ Youth Center -Wednesday 7-8:30 PM
Sunday Service and Coffee hour!~Begins with first service at 8:30 am and
ends after 2nd service at 11:00 am
Sunday School-Its for LIFE!~9:45 am-children AND adults
United Methodist Womens Circle groups-Mary Martha Circle~3rd Tuesday
of the month in the church Parlor, Mili Lewis 627-7798 leader
Sarah Circle~2nd Thursday and location is announced in the newsletter
and bulletin Beth Stefani-co leader 649-7088
Young Adult Study~ Thursday Vintage Hot Spot 107 Main St. Doors open 7pm
Program begins 8PM
OTHER: R Gang-Respite~2nd Wednesday of the Month at 10:30 am, Lisa Rood
Concert Series~ See posters in newsletter and Gathering Space
Open Mic ~ 2nd Wednesday of the month at SPARKS from 7-9pm. All may

Our very successful Metal for Music metal recycling fundraiser will
continue BUT on a very limited basis. Until the rate per ton of scrap
metal rebounds, the collection of steel items is not cost +effective.
fetch a good return for the time invested, BUT we will need to recruit
replacement volunteers to collect and transport these items. (Rick
and Alan are stepping down). So a good replacement funding project
even more simple: KEYS FOR KIDS CHOIRS. Most keys are BRASS; a
metal with a very respectable scrap recycling rate. A collection container
is in the Gathering Space for you to deposit all your old keys. PLEASE ask EVERYONE you
know to hunt through their homes and have them donate to this project to fund our KIDS


Youth Group Missions Trip will be July 17th21st. They will

be traveling to Perry, NY to stay at Camp Asbury. The youth
will be visiting residents in this area to build relationships
and help out the community with whatever needs they may
have. Please keep them in your prayers for safe travels and
a wonderful experience.


We are looking for all kinds of donated goods
including serviceable tables and chairs and other
furniture, as well as glassware, books, small
appliances, knickknacks, pictures, CDs, jewelry,
bookshelves, mirrors, collectibles, coins and more.
Please take a look around your attic and basement
and garage. We will be happy to sell your
stuff and give you a receipt for donated
goods (tax deductible).
Where do I leave this merchandise? In the gathering
space at church, look for the corridor to the right of
the coat room, and place your donations at the very
end, back by the window.
We can arrange for pickup for very large
items. Thank you for helping us make our annual
flea market successful once again.

Rev. Jan Hubbard- Elder- Upper New York Annual Conference

LMSW- State of New York;
Board Certified Chaplain- APC;
Masters in Supervision;
Trained and Experienced Transitional Interim Minister- Lake
Junaluska- 2005-2006
Years in Ministry: 25
Ordained Elder in 1994 in Western North Carolina
Served Congregations in the former Western New York Annual Conference since 1994
Since 2009- Elder in Upper New York Annual Conference.
Work Related Experience:
Extension Ministry as Transitional Interim Minister- Hamburg Presbyterian Church.- 2
PT Chaplain at Tyson Food Company- Buffalo for 8 years. 2004-2012.
Family Justice Center of Erie County- Director of Chaplain Services and Volunteer
Training Specialist- 1 year.
Mental Health Counseling- Crisis Services, Jewish Family Services.
Samaritan Counseling Center- Counselor
When not working: I love to run and have done 4 half marathons. Other past times
Walking my golden retriever, biking, gardening, reading, relaxing with my husband and
family in the back yard while sipping coffee and eating chocolate.
Vacation Favorites: Adirondacks and Cape Cod; Favorite food- anything I can swallow.
I love butterflies, Golden Retrievers and Australian Shepherds ( the dog-J ), my son
Daniel and my daughter Bethany and my little cat Zoe who prays with me every

VBS- The Brightest Week

of the Summer!
July 25 -29th 9:30am-12:00pm

New friends
Amazing experiments
Spelunker Sports
Lip-smacking snacks
Surprising adventures
Incredible music
Register Online:

or call 649-8080

You know the team building exercise some people do where you sit on the floor back to
back with person and you have to link your arms and stand up together? I feel like our
church is trying to do that exercise.
I mean think about it. We can all agree that we are not exactly where we want to be as a
church, and we all agree we need to get up, but we are differing on how that is to
This is how I picture our current situation:
Imagine there is one person representing each ministry of the church and those not
involved in a ministry. Every ministry is arguing the same point; we need to get up. So,
we all turn around with our backs to one another and link arms, because we all need to
get up in order for this to work. However, one person starts the count, but then someone
says Who made you in charge?, then another person starts the count, and so on and so
forth. Someone just tries standing up, figuring if they just do it then everyone else will
eventually have to follow, but they either break their link with someone or get off balance
and fall down because no one is following. The result is, no one goes anywhere and there
is possibly greater division than when this all started.
Let me clarify, we are ALL guilty of this, myself included. This doesnt make us horrible
people; it makes us human. We need to stop thinking that one person holds all the
answers to our problems. God created us to be in communion with one another, and
what I mean by that is this definition: the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts
and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level. That means
communicating and actually intentionally listening to what everyone else is saying.
Theres been a lot of talking, but how much listening and consideration are we giving one
another? Again, I am throwing myself in here, Im no better than anyone else.
Now, we have the privilege of having an outside perspective coming into our family in the
form of Janet Hubbard. I believe she is going to have good things to say and we owe it to
her to be open to what she has to say and actually intentionally listen to her. Will she
magically fix everything that needs fixing? No. God has, however, granted her the skills
to be able to do what needs to be done. Just remember Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the
plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give
you a hope and a future. If you trust nothing else, trust that. Trust God.
This team building exercise is a good one. Why? It forces you to trust that the person
behind you is going to work with you, even when you cant see them; even in a group
doing it, you cant see everyone. Youre linked together so that if one falls you all do. It
doesnt matter how strong or weak one person is, because youre working together. Open
communication is key, and knowing just how hard to push and when to let up. You cant
do this exercise alone. Both parties have to make the conscious decision to trust one
another and set all other things aside, even if its just for that moment.
I know we are more than capable of doing this.

Cozy Quilt is expanding its workshop opportunities! Along with the
standard 2nd Saturday of the month from 1-4pm, we will also be
meeting EVERY Tuesday from 1-3 (or 4 if it's a great day!) Don't
quilt? Neither do I but there's plenty to do. Come for some serious
fun and mission work - 2nd floor, room 32 (The bright yellow
For more information call the "I hate to quilt lady" at 912-9625.
(Cozy Quilt Ministries is a 501c3 tax deductible ministry)
* Prayers are promised with the gift of each quilt, book and bag.

The next meeting of the UMW Book Club will be
Monday, September 26,2016 at 10:30 am in the library.
Please take this opportunity to read a book or two of interest and tell
us about them at the September meeting. We will schedule through
December and select a facilitator for each month.
Anyone interested in Book Club should contact
Judy Engberg at 655-2583

Thirty-seven members of the congregation participated in the "All

Church Clean Up" on Sunday, June 12. For about two hours,
men, women and some youth raked, trimmed bushes and tree
limbs, swept, hauled garden debris, added flowers to entrance
pots and scrubbed the kitchen. It was a real team effort and our
grounds and kitchen look so much better! A hot dog lunch
followed. Thank you everyone for your help! There are still a few
things to do prior to the big "HUMC Garage Sale" which is the
same day as "Burgerfest". We will be planning another two hour
"All Church Clean Up Day" prior to July 16. Your volunteer help is
greatly appreciated. Alan Adema and The Trustees

While enjoying the summer dont forget .Churches in Actions Undie Sunday!
Back to school sales are a great time to stock up on mens, womens and childrens
socks and underwear for our annual mission to supply the areas
shelters with these important essential items. September will
again be our collection month and we hope that you will support
those needing our support!


Deepen your faith, enrich your life, and gain a better understanding of basic
United Methodist beliefs by reading the book Key United Methodist Beliefs by
William J. Abraham and David F. Watson. This book is part of the United Methodist
Womens 2016 Reading Program in the area of spiritual growth.
Abraham and Watson have written this book simply because, in their view,
belief matters. Our beliefs determine how we think about ourselves and other
people, about life and death, what we should value in life, and what kind of person we
should hope to become. Basic ideas are discussed in the light of John Wesleys
theological insights. It is helpful for established believers and for newcomers to the
Right belief does matter as it helps us to know and love God more completely
which in turn helps us to become the people God wants us to be. The goal is to love
and God is love therefore we should do all we can to know God. We can no longer
afford to ignore or denigrate doctrine but must use it to develop disciples of Jesus
Take time during the relaxing days of summer to read one or more of the books
from the UMW section of the church library. You can also find copies of Response and
New World Outlook magazines there. Check out a book and/or magazine and be
informed, enriched and blessed by what you read and learn.
Contact me if you need assistance.
Dianne Caldwell


Dear HUMCers,
At the May 26 meeting of the Finance Committee we reviewed the most up-to-date
projected budget for 2016. You may recall that our first such budget of several
months ago contained an alarming shortfall of $100,000. The most recent updated
budget actually shows a very small surplus. The changes between the two budgets
are roughly as follows:
Increased pledges


Fundraisers (based on the great success of our

Fish Fries and Concert Series)


Reduced total Personnel costs


This budget, with a couple of remaining small adjustments, will be considered for
approval by our Church Council at its June meeting.
Both budgets contained and still contain the full annual repayment of our internal
debt (owed to the Endowment and Parsonage Funds) and our full Fair Share Giving
assigned to us by the Conference.
As we proceed with the transformation of HUMC, let us all do all we can to continue
down this road of success to reach our full potential as a congregation.
May God continue to bless us all.
Your Finance Committee


SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016
ADD YOUR FOURSOME NOW! Call: 716-649-8080 or
Register by e-mail bob5784@roadrunner.com


Tee off begins at 12:04 pm

This is also a great event and the weather is always perfect.
This is your chance to round up a foursome, pack your clubs
in your car and head out for a day of relaxation, competition,
drinks and good food.
***Dinner for non-golfers$40.00*****
We are also looking for sponsors. Promote your business and help
our church with their fund-raising efforts! To add your name/
business just contact Bob Montgomery.
Email him at: bob5784@roadrunner.com or
call him at 716-432-3769.


Jeanette Kofahl - Unsung Angel

Jeanette Kofahl has been a member of HUMC for 25
years. Prior to joining HUMC, she was married to Rev.
Wesley F. Kofahl for 40 years. Rev. Kofahl was a United
Methodist Church Pastor who served in many churches
in upper New York. He passed away in 1991. Jeanette
has served HUMC in many ways. She enjoyed singing in
the choir, has been active with U.M.W. for many years,
is active in Martha Circle and the Prayer, Care and
Share Ministry, taught Sunday School, helps with the
annual church Bazaar and has helped with the annual
Fish Fry Dinners and many church luncheons over the
years. She has many friends in the church and they
keep each other busy with a variety of activities. She
has one son, David, who is District Superintendent of
the Binghamton District of the United Methodist Church.
She has three grandchildren and four great- grandchildren. Two of her grandchildren
belong to U.M.W. Circle Groups. Jeanettes two grandsons also serve in the Ministry and
her granddaughter is a dental hygienist. Jeanette is a very proud Mother, Grandmother
and Great-Grandmother! She and her husband dedicated their lives to Christ and
spreading His word. Following their teaching and example, their family have followed
them to be Disciples of Jesus and to spread love and caring to all. Please join me in
celebrating Jeanette as this months Unsung Angel.
Please let Pat Adema know of anyone that you would like to see honored
as an Unsung Angel.

Summer Fun at the Playground!

Families with Preschool aged children are invited to join us for some fun, free events over
the summer at Cindys Dream Playground. Help us spread the word, as it is open to the
Teddy Bear Day
Tuesday, July 12th
10 11 AM
Bring your favorite teddy bear and enjoy a craft, snack, story and a Teddy Bear
The BIG Dig!
Thursday, August 4th
10 11 AM
Calling all truck lovers! Bring your favorite truck or Digger to the playground for
some activities with your trucks and a special story time! Come dressed for dirt
and water!
Color, Color everywhere!
Tuesday, August 23rd
10 11 AM
Come ready to add some color to our playground! Wear your Art Class
If you use Facebook, please let us know you are coming by responding on the specific
event at the Cindys Dream Playground page. Events are weather permitting.


Hamburg United Methodist Church

116 Union Street


All Movies will begin at sunset - approximately 8:30pm

July 22 - Despicable Me
July 29 - Despicable Me 2
August 5 Max
August 12 - Big Hero 6
All movies will have
Old Fashioned Candy is available at 1950s prices!
PARENTS- Please monitor the ratings and view movies with your family accordingly!
Bring a blanket or lawn chairs
and don't forget the bug spray

Rain moves us to the Fellowship Hall

inside the church
TO VOLUNTEER: Call Rick at 912-9465


Managing Concerns About Falls

Have you turned down a chance to go out with
family or friends or cut down on a favorite
activity because you think you might fall? If so, A Matter of Balance: Managing
Concerns About Falls is a program for you. People who develop a fear of falling
often limit their activities, which results in severe physical weakness, making the
risk of falling even greater. This program helps people improve their quality of life
and remain independent.
Designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older
adults, participants learn to set realistic goals to increase activity, change their
environment to reduce fall risk factors, and learn simple exercises to increase
strength and balance.
Erie County Senior Services/NY Connects is offering A Matter of Balance: Managing
Concerns About Falls. Led by Lisa Rood & Jordan Weixlmann, classes are held once
a week for 8 weeks for 2 hours each at Hamburg United Methodist Church, 116
Union St., Hamburg from June 28 August 16, 2016 on Tuesdays from 2 4 pm.
A workbook is provided. There is NO CHARGE for this course, but you must
register at: Senior Services/NY Connects (716) 858-8526 or nyconnects@erie.gov.


Dr. Donna Tomaka
July 15
5750 Armor Duells Corner Rd.
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Mrs. Barbara Lockwood
4484 Clark Street
Hamburg, NY 14075
Mr. Vern Sisson
4704 Pinecrest Terr.
Eden, NY 14057

Mrs.Norma Meyer
July 16
101 Sterling Dr. F6
Orchard Park, NY 14127

July 18

Mrs. Betty Barr

25 Buffalo St. Apt 406
Hamburg, NY 14075

July 23

July 19

They would be thrilled to receive Birthday wishes from their church family!



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