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This lesson plan is designed to last for 1 week

Developmental Level: 2nd Grade
Lesson Focus: Throwing Frisbee
Alabama Course of Study Standards: 2:2, 2:10,

Learn a backhand throw

Learn a underhand throw
Thumb up catch
Thumb down catch
Sandwich catch

Introductory Activity (2-3 minutes daily): If students become bored with the introductory activity an
alternate activity can be substituted.
Name of activity: Through the Jungle
Description: Have the students spread out evenly throughout the activity space. The teacher stands in
the very front of the space and has the students pretend like they are running through a jungle by jogging
in place. Explain to them you are their eyes and youll tell them if anything is coming. Kids stay in self
space and do their movements in space.
Then the teacher begins calling out things like:

A low tree branch is up ahead! Duck!

A fallen log! Leap over it!
A banana peel! Dodge to the right!, etc.

Numerous other obstacles can be added to give students plenty of opportunity to practice dicking,
dodging, and leaping.

Fitness Development (5-7 minutes daily):

Activity Name: Jump and Stick
Preparation: Students line up in their spots
Rules: With the whole class tell a story while the students act it out. The story may include a baseball
game, track and field competition, fire rescue, building construction, hike, or fairy tale.

Include a lot of actions in the story that describe jumping, bending, supporting, turning and twisting.
Optional equipment may be added to suit the theme; e.g., hula hoops represent rocks to climb over.
Encourage movements with one and two foot hops and jumps and solid landings.
Lesson Focus (15-20 daily):
Skill set 1: Backhand throw
Organization: Students need to form a line on the baseline
Description: The backhand grip is the most common grip, the thumb is on top of the disk, the index
finger along the rim, and the other fingers underneath. To throw the Frisbee with the right foot towards the
target. Step toward the target, and throw the disk in a sideways motion across the body, snapping the
wrist and trying to keep the disk flat on release
1. Students will stand on the baseline
2. They will then practice their performance cues by throwing against the wall.
3. Once a solid understanding is being displayed then the students will take three steps back.
Skill Set 2: Underhand throw
Organization: Students need to form a line on the baseline
Description: The underhand uses the same grip as in the backhand throw, but the thrower faces the
target and holds the Frisbee at the side of the body. Step forward with the leg opposite the throwing arm
while bringing the disk forward. When the throwing arm is out in front of the body, release the disk. The
trick to this throw is to release the disk so that it is parallel to the ground
1. Students will stand on the baseline
2. They will then practice their performance cues by throwing at the wall
3. Once a solid understanding is being displayed will take three steps back.
Skill Set 3: Thumb up catch
Description: The thumb down catch is used for catching the Frisbee when it is received below the waste
level. The thumb points up, and the fingers are spread. As with the thumb down catch, the hand forms a c
and then clamps the disk.

Students will get a partner and form two lines

One student will throw the Frisbee to their partner
Students will practice catching the disk using the thumb down catch.
Once student show mastery of the skill each student will take two steps back.

Skill Set 4: Thumb down catch

Description: The thumb down catch is used for catching the Frisbee at waist level or above. The hand is
shaped like a C with the thumb point to the ground. To see any tilt disk that may cause it to curve, the
catcher tracks the disk from the throwers hand.
1. Students will get a partner and form two lines
2. One student will throw the Frisbee to their partner

3. Students will practice catching the disk using the thumb up catch.
4. Once student show mastery of the skill each student will take two steps back.

Culminating activity (5-7 minutes daily for advanced classes): fun activity/game to enhance daily
instruction or reward appropriate behavior. If the students become bored with this game an alternate
activity can be substituted.
Name of activity: Frisbee Bowling
Supplies: Two Frisbees and 6 to 10 bowling pens (per group)
Description: Each group of three gets two Frisbees and 6 to 10 bowling pens. Two students play the role
of pin setters while the third is the thrower. After the second throw the pen setters will report how many
were knocked over. The students will rotate throwers every two throws.

The Health and Physical Education Web site for Teachers/PE Central. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17,
2016, from http://pecentral.com/
Pangrazi, R. P., & Beighle, A. (2013). Dynamic physical education for elementary school
children. Boston: Pearson.
Tsuji, K. (n.d.). The physical education and intramural clipboard.

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