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Management Plan
Physical Education
Emily Klein

Table of Contents























Section 1: Classroom Structure:

Gym Layout:

Before entering the gym:

Have 2 bulletin boards posted on the wall outside the gym. The first bulletin
board will be divided into sections, the top left section will include: date,
weekly schedule including any school activities, field trips, no school days,
half days etc. The top right section: motor skills, knowledge, and assessments
that will be covered over that week. The bottom left section: homework
assignment for the week/unit, and any reminders. The bottom right section:
PE weekly schedule, warm-up activity for that day, daily objective, and any
materials needed.

Look of the gym:
Open gym floor. No chairs, desks, tables, equipment (unless previously set up
by the teacher) should be present when the students enter the gym. This is a
safe environment, and I do not want anything present that could potentially
be harmful to the students during activity.
If bleachers are in the gym, they will be pushed in and no kids are allowed to
sit on them. The only reason for them to be out is if they are needed for an
activity that is being performed that day, and this will be stated in the lesson
Signs will be posted around the gym. At the front of the gym will be signs of
rules and procedures for each particular class. There will be different signs
around the gym as well including noise level signs, posters of activities we
will be doing, pictures, and holiday specific.

Physical Education Word Wall: This wall will include vocabulary words used
during specific units in our class. No words will be taken down throughout
the year, and the students will be required to use the proper language for the
specific activity that is being done.

Muscle Man Wall: This will be on the same wall as the word wall. From the
beginning of the year to the end, muscles will be incorporated in the PE
learning environment. Each month a new main muscle will be introduced
and will be added to the muscle man as well, giving the students a visual for
the muscles being used in their body,
as well as getting to know the

Penalty Box Corner. (Explained in a later section.)

Conflict Corner. The conflict

corner will be designed for
the students who start to
bicker with one another and
come to me to resolve the
issue. I have created a corner
in the gym, where they must
go first, before coming to me.
In this corner will be a poster
giving them directions on
how to listen and resolve. If
the problem cannot be fixed
at the end of the exercise,
they may then come to me to
help resolve it.

Storage room:
An inventory sheet that include where the specific items are located and how
many of each item there should be, is located immediately inside the storage
room. This will be determined at the beginning and end of each year so I
know how much of everything is present.

Leaving the gym:
There will be a daily student self-assessment task posted before the students
walk out of the gym.

Section 2: Rules

At the beginning of each year, classes will have an opportunity to collaborate and
come up with rules. I will have many options for them to choose from so they can
decide what they think is important. After the rules are made, there will be a big sign
created with the specific rules, and hung at the front of the gym. This way it is easy
for each student to see and reflect on the decisions
that are being made. The rules they will have to
choose from include:

Wear gym shoes.
Respect yourself and others.
Move carefully.
Use equipment with care.
Try your hardest .

Be nice to each other .

Listen and Do.
Hands off.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T (Right to learn, Effort, Safety, Purpose, Enthusiasm, Challenge,
Trust/Team Building)
ABCD (Act safely, Be prepared and be positive, Cooperate, Do your best)
Be a good listener.
Know when to talk.
Participate for the entire activity.
P.E.A.C.E (Protect P.E. Equipment, Enter and Exit Quietly, Attention: Follow
Directions the First Time, Cooperation: Work Well With Other, Esteem: Respect
On stop signal: equipment down, eyes on teacher.
Be a good sport.
Use inside voices.
C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N. (Cooperation, Hands, Activity, Motivate, Prepared, Involvement,
Others, Noise)

After the students and I collaborate to make good decisions, if I feel as though a rule
needs to be added at the end, I will voice my opinion and add it. Also, these rules will
be flexible to change throughout the year. None will be able to be taken away, but if
we feel as though something needs to be added, we will have a day at the beginning
of each six weeks to reflect back on the rules and talk about if anything needs to be

Section 3: Consequences for Rule Infractions

1. Verbal Warning: This is the first warning for the student. During the verbal
warning, confront the student, ask questions (what should you be doing, what is the
rule, how are you going to fix this, etc.), redirect the student to the rules of the
classroom, and then remind the student what the correct thing is they should be
doing, and direct them in the right path.

2. Self-Timed Penalty Box: There will be an established corner at the beginning of
the year that every student will be aware of. This will be set up like a hockey penalty
A corner will be blocked off with cones, and there will be multiple
stopwatches in the corner as well.
When the student has already been verbally warned. They then go to the
penalty box. This is used when a class rule is broken, or a rule in the game
being played is broken.

When a class rule is broken, and they have

already been warned they are in the penalty
box for 4 minutes, adding 2 minutes each time
they have to go in there up to 3 times.
When a game rule is broken, they are in there
for 60 sec. before being able to reenter the

3. Time out On the wall by the door is a clipboard
with timeout slips that are hanging up. If the student
gets to this part of the consequences they are to go fill
out the paper on what rule(s) they have broken, and how they can fix their behavior.
They are to take this sheet of paper home, and get it signed by their parents bringing
it back the next day.

Clipboards are also available for forgetting proper shoes or having an injury. If
a student doesnt wear the proper shoes, he/she will walk for the remaining of
the period. This prevents injury and also keeps the student involved. This
paper will also need to be taken home, signed by the parents and brought back
the next day. If the student has an injury that prevents him/her from working
out but has no doctors note, they will fill out a paper and take it home for
parents to sign. This keeps parents informed on what is going on, and keeps
students honest.

Section 4: Student Jobs

Students jobs will be given out every week. I will have printed out all the
names of the students in each class, and have then placed in a bucket
separated to each class. Each week, I will draw names for each of the following
categories and that will be that students job for the entire week. These names
will be pinned by the job duty on a bulletin board above the cubby they put
their things in to remind them whos doing the job at that time. I will keep
those names out of the bucket until each student has been drawn for a job, and
then will start again when everyone has participated in something.

Shoe Checker This student will be the first one in the door each day, and
will check everyones shoes as they enter. The things they will check for
include: tennis shoes, tied shoes, and velcro shoes. If they catch a student
without tennis shoes he/she will remind the student to go them if they have
them else where, or direct them to the clip board station. If the students
shoes are untied, they will remind them to tie their shoes before beginning
the activity and if they have velcro shoes, he/she will remind them to make

sure the shoes are tight before beginning any activity. During the day, if this
student sees any untied shoes during activity, he/she will remind the student
to tie their shoes before continuing.
Demonstrator These students will help demonstrate the activity.
Equipment helpers- These students will help to set up the equipment that is
needed for the day. I will give direction on where each item needs to go, and
they will execute the task. These student will also be responsible for helping
to make sure that during the activity the other students are using the
equipment correctly. If they catch a student not doing the right thing before I
do, they have permission to remind them how the equipment is used
Clean up Crew- These students are the ones who will help lead the clean up
of equipment. All students will help clean up, but these students will be the
ones to actually put the materials back in the designated area.

Section 5 - In The Gym:

The noise level in the gym will be on a number scale.
0-no talking
2-normal voice
3- louder more active voice
4- loud voice, playground and game style.

Entering the Gym:

The students will not enter the gym until they are advised to do so by the
gym instructor. They are to wait behind the tape that has been laid on the
floor in a single file line with their voices at a level 0 (not talking). Once I
come out into the hall to get them, I will have the shoe checker come to the
front of the line, and them give them the go ahead to enter the gym.
The student will check the bulletin board as they are coming in to see the
task that is required of them before going to sit in their designated spot.
(Their designated spot with be assigned the first day, and will be
labeled by colors. This will be the spot they are in for the entire first
semester. They will receive a new spot at the beginning of the second
semester for the remainder of the year.)
If the student doesnt have the correct shoes or an injury, they are to skip the
warm up task, and go to the clipboard station to fill out the correct form
providing the reason for not participating in the activity. After they have
filled the paper out, they will then to their designated
If the students come in with personal belongings, books,
bags, purses etc. they are to immediately put them in the
cubby provided by the door with the same number that
matches their designated spot before performing the
warm-up task.
After each kid is in his/her spot, they will stand with their
voices on 0 until asked to do something different.


The kids will begin stretching as a class following my calls, and during this
time is when roll will be taken. The teacher will take attendance every day. It
will be an easy task, to identify empty spots.


Before class has started, the equipment will be pulled from the storage closet
and set up in either the places it needs to be or in the general area if we are
going to be using the whole court.
The equipment is to not be touched by any student unless instructed or given


At the end of stretching, the lesson will begin.

The students will sit down at this time.

The students will not talk unless directed to.

The lesson will be given at the front of the classroom, incorporating
technology, and demonstration, as well as student involvement and partner
discussions, etc.

Group Switching/Stopping for instruction during the activity:

Group switching
o Whistle is blown twice; the students stop what they are doing, clean
up their station and put the equipment exactly where they found it.
o When equipment is put into correct place, students will take a knee
and wait for the go ahead to move stations.
o To receive the go ahead, the teacher will walk around, monitoring
each station making sure the equipment is where it should be, and if it
is not reminding the students where it should be and asking them to
fix it.
o Once everything is put back into the correct spot and all voices are on
0, the teacher will give instruction as needed and give the students a
go ahead to move to the next station.
Stopping for instruction during the activity:
o Whistle is blown twice; the students immediately stop what they are
doing and take a knee voices on 0 to listen for instruction.
o Once the teacher has said everything needed, the whistle will be
blown twice again and play will resume.

Leaving the Gym:

The students will clean up the entire gym. All of the classes, except for the
final class, will place materials back in starting position having them ready
for the next class to come in and use them.
At this time, the equipment helpers will tidy all of the materials, and make
sure they are presentable and acceptable for the next class before leaving the
o The final class of the day:
o Students will clean up the equipment and place it by the storage room.
o Equipment Helpers will take the equipment and put it back where it
belongs, in the specific area, and count to make sure all the equipment
is back.
o They will then take the brooms and quickly sweep the entire gym,
leaving a pile of whatever was picked up by the trashcan, making it
easier for the janitor to get rid of it.


An individual daily assessment chart will be located on the door on there way
out of the gym. This chart will be self reflective for each student as they are
leaving the class. The teacher will be standing by the door to watch each
student as they leave and see which category they choose. The chart will look
similar to this:

Another assessment that will be used, especially in the beginning of units,

will be Knowledge out the door. Each student will be asked to come up with
something they learned from the day, and to tell the teacher as they are
leaving the classroom. This is used to gained knowledge, and to establish a
need for a reteach. Section 6 - Class Interruptions:


If the bathroom is in the gym, students do not need permission to go during

the activity. They must go before the lesson or during the activity, but not
during the lesson.


Under teacher digression, a student may or may not be allowed to go to the

If a student goes to the nurse, they must take the pass hanging by the door.
Once the student returns, the pass must be placed back in the correct spot.
If a student leaves during class to go to the nurse, and doesnt have prior
medical requirements, the student must also fill out the injury form to take
home for parents/guardians to sign.


If a student comes in tardy with a pass, no extra work will be required.

If a student comes in tardy without a pass, for each minute the student is late
they will have do extra work. For example, if the student was 5 minutes late,
they would have to run 5 laps, do 50 crunches, 25 up downs, or 25 second
plank before engaging in the activity.



No food will be allowed in the gym.

Water and sports drinks will be allowed in the gym. These must stay in their
cubbies, but they will be free to go grab a sip as they need it.
The teacher will need to monitor when a student goes for a drink to make
sure they are not spending more then an allotted amount of time getting a


If someone comes to the door and it is closed and locked, the teacher will be
the only one allowed to answer it, and let someone in. Even if the person on
the other side is well known or a student for safety reasons, the teacher will
need to be the only one who answers the door.

Section 7 Drills:

For each class, there will be premade lanyards with each class
roster connected to it. There will be different colors for each
drill, and these will be hanging by the light switch in my office.
When the drill is called, the correct lanyard will be grabbed,
and then the rest of the procedure for the drill will continue.

Fire Drill:

We will follow the school rules and regulations for the fire
The students will be lined up single file with voices at a 0.
No one will talk, or touch anyone around them.
They will follow all instructions without question even if it something that
has to be changed at the last minute.

Tornado Drill:

If there are locker rooms or bathrooms in the gym, we will all be in one room
against the wall on our knees heads tucked.
We will follow all the school rules and regulations for the tornado drill.
If there are no locker rooms or bathrooms in the gym, the students will line
up in a single file line, voices on 0 and we will walk to our designated area for
the drill.
This area will be a place that is away from any windows.

Lock down Drill:

We will follow all the school rules and regulations for the Lock down Drill.
The teacher will turn all the lights off in the gym, lock all the doors and get
the students to a place out of sight.
The students will be sitting down and having their voices on 0 until the drill
is over.

The teacher will not open the gym up for anyone at anytime during this drill,
until the drill is said to be over.

Section 8 Rewards:
Caught being good:

There will be Caught Being Good bracelets distributed, each time a student
is caught doing something good. If students receive, more then 6 bracelets
during a 6 weeks period, they will be allowed to trade them in for a piece of
candy of their choice, passes to a varsity high school game, football,
volleyball, basketball, etc.

Verbal Rewards:

Each day the teacher needs to make sure to put the effort in to try and tell
each student a compliment about something they are doing correct. It is
important that each student is given assurance, and are praised on things
they are doing correctly.

Class Rewards:

If the teacher comes back with a positive note from the substitute, then a
class reward will be given. This can range from a piece of candy all the way to
a free day depending on the unit we are in and what work still needs to be


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