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Bern University of Applied Sciences

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food

Sciences HAFL

List of Proposed Masters Thesis Topics

Value Chains and Rural Development in Agriculture and Forestry (VCR)
Last Updated: 30.03.2016 (RL)

Topics and Further Information



Impact Study of a Community-Based Seed Program for Basic Food

Crops (Maize, Cowpeas) in Northern Mozambique
Starting out from seed banks in a sample of communities, the flows of
seed from the bank to farmers and onwards to other farmers are to be
quantified over three generations of seed. Outcomes and impacts (yield
stability, economic benefits, food security, and resilience of seed supply,
community ownership and finally effects on livelihood) are to be measured. Information is to be disaggregated by social strata, gender, crop and
variety type (local or improved) and access to markets.


Urs Scheidegger

Study of Farmer-to-Farmer Seed Flows (Quality and Volumes) Triggered by the Mongolian Potato Project
The Mongolian Potato Project has triggered an extensive dissemination of
new varieties from farmer to farmer. The scope of these informal seed
flows is to be quantified and the health of respective seed along the flows
characterized (evaluation of symptoms of seed-borne diseases). Factors
for success and risks are to be identified.


Urs Scheidegger

Land Tenure Issues Relevant for Conversion of Slash-and-Burn to

Slash-and-Char Farming
Study of the present situation and ex-ante analysis of policy interventions
regarding land tenure. Land tenure could play a crucial role in farmers
decisions to adopt slash-and-char Biochar.

or Benin

Urs Scheidegger

Precision Agriculture for Small-Scale Rice Farmers: Rice Nutrient Manager via Mobile Phone
In a contract growing setting run by RMG (a commercial enterprise linked
to Syngenta Foundation), the IRRI nutrient manager is to be integrated
into the mobile phone app the contract farmers already use (FarmForce).

Burkina Faso

Urs Scheidegger

Market Analysis of Horse Feed Purchasing Behaviour in Switzerland

The horse feed industry in Europe is booming. Nonetheless, the competition is strongly increasing and the trend to feed less concentrates affects
the sales figures of producers negatively. Consequently, producers have
to be more and more innovative and customer-oriented in order to gain
market share. However, there is little knowledge about the buying behaviour of horse feed purchasers. The aim of the study is to analyse customers' perception of different horse feed products as well as their expectations and demands when purchasing horse feed. Different costumer segments should be identified and based on the results future markets described. The study will take place in collaboration with UFA AG.


Salome Wgeli

Woodland Egg Production in Switzerland

Egg production from hens kept below trees is advocated and marketed as
a particularly animal-friendly production. This logic stems from the fact
that these hens can freely move around and live in an environment that
resembles that of wild Bankiva Chicken. Research question: Can this production system improve animal welfare in Switzerland as well, and can
products be marketed with an added value to the producer? Are there
producers who already have such a system in place? Can egg production
be combined with fruit production, or does this cause hygienic problems.


Jan Grenz

Crop Production, International

Animal Science, Switzerland

Bern University of Applied Sciences

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL

Animal Science, International

Developing and Evaluating Integrated Farming Systems for Improvement of Smallholder Dairy Production in Milkshed Areas of Malawi
and Zambia
Agroscope's research group in business management is working with local
partners in Malawi in order to increase the milk production in smallholder
mixed production systems. Based on a survey among small farmers and
group discussions, specific measures have been defined. These will be
implemented in the coming months by specially trained small farmers
(Lead-Farmer approach), in the hope that more small farmers, e.g. their
neighbors, also adapt the appropriate measures and reach a production
increase. In the frame of this project there are different opportunities to
conduct a Master Thesis in the topic of agricultural economy or animal


Urs Egger


Sandra Contzen

Analysis of a Specific Value Chain

In the framework of a Master Thesis a specific value chain according to
the interest of the student in collaboration with a company is to be analysed. The framework and the topic will be defined beforehand with the
principal advisor.


Urs Egger

Swiss Farmers Associations Initiative - Consequences for Swiss Economy and the Agricultural Sector
Consequences of the Swiss Farmers Associations initiative adoption for
Swiss economy and the agricultural sector. Who will pay the bill for this
protection project?


Urs Egger

Value Chains Analysis for Different Products

In Madagascar, Helvetas has a long tradition of cooperation through Intercooperation. After a successful BSc thesis in 2013, there are possibilities
to conduct more detailed value chain studies that may be combined with



Vegetable Market Analysis

The vegetable market is presently dominated by a few powerful stakeholders and Mongolian producers have difficulties to access the market in
Ulaan Baatar. A detailed analysis of the situation and suggestions for a
more transparent organization is a big challenge.



Education and Skills Based Curriculum for Ag Teaching Methods

In the Lao PDR, SDC is funding a project (SURAFCO) dealing with the reform of agricultural colleges, with the objective to make teaching more
skills based and practice oriented subjects. The topic of the MSc would be
to analyse the level of adoption of the different teaching methods, and
other improvements introduced by the college, and identify the gaps.



Rural Economics, Switzerland

Farm Transfer: Financial, Social and Familial Challenges
The transfer of the farm business from one generation to the other is a
fundamental element of family farming. Although lived by all farmers, the
process is complex and implies several challenges with which the involved
people have to deal with. Despite the existence of a broad range of academic literature and practical information, lack of knowledge exists for
social, family and far reaching financial aspects of farm transfer.
The thesis is part of the project Hofnachfolge360 of HAFL and provides
qualitative insights in the above mentioned aspects of farm transfer by
carrying out three cycles of qualitative interviews with farmers and farm
successors. The results are used for the development of tools for a holistic planning of farm transfer.

Rural Economics, International

Bern University of Applied Sciences

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL

Participatory promotion of new value chains for the diversification of

income (apple processing, beekeeping, agrotourism, medicinal plants)
FAO is developing, together with other actors such as SDC, an innovative
approach of participatory watershed planning and management in the
Atlas Mountains of Morocco (GIBV-MA). HAFL, together with the Centre for
Environment and Development (CDE) of Bern University, is backstopping
this project. The Midelt region, targeted by the project, is one of the
poorest of the country. It is famous for its apple production, produced
under irrigation. On the other hand, the level of degradation of the natural
resources (erosion and deforestation) is extreme, leading to recurrent
natural disasters such as floods and decreased productivity. One of the
project's objectives is to develop promising or new value chains that will
contribute to the diversification of income of the local population. Apple is
the most important agricultural production, but there is no processing of
this commodity and losses are important. Other promising value chains
are aromatic and medicinal plants, beekeeping/honey and agrotourism.
The Master student will support a process of participatory market chain
approach to develop or improve one selected value chain.


Pascale Wlti

Estudio comparativo de modelos de asistencia tcnica ruralagropecuaria, y desarrollo de modelos adecuados para zonas seleccionadas de Bolivia
Muchos de los pases en desarrollo encuentran dificultades en establecer
sistemas (privados, pblicos y mixtos) efectivos y eficientes de provisin
de asistencia tcnica a sus pequeos productores agropecuarios. Muchos
modelos han sido desarrollados y probados pero pocos funcionan a largo
plazo, y de los que funcionan pocos son replicables fuera de la zona, pas,
regin donde han sido implementados exitosamente. Adems, no hay
modelos universales sino deben ser diseados de acuerdo a las caractersticas de cada zona, pas o regin.
La/el estudiante debera recompilar modelos/experiencias exitosas de
todo el mundo y rescatar los factores de xito universales. En la base de
esto, la/el estudiante debera disear (o mejorar un modelo existente) por
lo menos un modelo de provisin de asistencia tcnica rural-agropecuaria
para una zona seleccionada de Bolivia y analizar participativamente su


Ingrid Fromm

Fishermen become farmers: Development of a vocational training

concept and elaboration and testing of training modules for coastal
regions of the Gulf of Mottama in Myanmar
In partnership with Helvetas Myanmar and the Yezin Agricultural University YAU, Myanmar (http://www.yaummr.org/). The idea is to enable fishermen communities to get alternative incomes from non-fish aquaculture
production and from farming. A specific training program needs to be
developed with the help of one MSc student from YAU and one from HAFL.
Field research is to be completed in 2016.



Analysis of Certification Systems in the Rwandan Coffee Sector

There are about 400,000 small-scale coffee farmers in Rwanda. Coffee
from Rwanda has the potential to grow high-quality coffee because of its
excellent agro-ecological conditions: good rainfall, altitude, climate and
volcanic soils. The thesis shall analyse which certifications schemes are
more favourable for small-scale coffee farmers.


Ingrid Fromm

The Economics of the Malaysian Cocoa Value Chain

Malaysia is one of the main cocoa producing countries worldwide. Despite
the increase in production over the last decades, Malaysia is trying to
position itself as one of the leading grinding country. This thesis will look
in detail at all the changes in the value chain, the changes currently taking
place and analyse the economic situation as the country moves from being a producer to a processor.


Ingrid Fromm

Bern University of Applied Sciences

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL

Analysis of Fairtrade Certification

In 2011-12, a big evaluation study on Fairtrade was conducted with the
aim to measure the development impact of the certification in several
production countries. The study was carried out by a renowned evaluation
centre and looked into 6 cases: flowers (in Kenya), cocoa (in Ghana), coffee and banana (in Peru), and tea and cotton (in India). However, the data
collected has not been completely analysed. The focus of the students
work would therefore be to carry out thorough (statistical) analysis with
one or several of the named products/study cases, and thus independently contribute to the very pertinent discussion on the impact of sustainability labelling.

Perhaps Short
Travel Abroad

Ingrid Fromm

Improving Value Chains of Community Small Scale Fish Farming (Aquaculture) for Improving Livelihood and Food Security
Assist the WorldFish Center (www.worldfishcenter.org) value chain scientists in a project on value chain analysis of fish farming to increase livelihoods and food security of local communities. The work implies field
work using participatory methods and testing out new approaches for
participatory value chain development. Language: English.

Zambia, Asia



Urs Egger

Developing Entrepreneurship in Agriculture Value Chains in the Great

Lakes Region
The project makes a special effort to support young talents, linking local
talent to foreign talent. Starting 2014, bachelor and master students from
the Netherlands and Switzerland will be invited to conduct specific research and support the projects' activities. Specific emphasis will be put
on research on value adding activities, promoting entrepreneurship, identifying innovations and analysing socio-economic issues. Research will
directly support the projects' objectives and will contribute valuable information and recommendations. In return for this vital research, CATALIST-2 will provide young talent with the opportunity to conduct research in
the field and gain experience working with an international development
setting. Each position will be available for an international student AND a
national/regional student. These two students will work side-by-side,
learning from each other and working towards the same goals as a team.
Traabilit : quelles solutions adapter aux besoins et capacits
des filires de produits de qualit?
Traabilit : quelles solutions adapter aux besoins et capacits des filires
de produits de qualit? Les consommateurs de produits alimentaires sont
de plus en plus soucieux de la qualit des produits agro-alimentaires et de
leur lieux de production. Dans le cas des produits avec indication
gographique, lorigine des produits et donc leur traabilit est bien sr
centrale. Pour les filires les plus avances, de nouvelles technologies (IT,
marqueurs) permettent une plus grande efficacit. Pour dautres filires et
en particulier dans les pays mergents, la difficult se situe plutt dans la
capacit des producteurs mettre en place et grer des systmes de traabilit. Le travail peut se faire par ordre de prfrence en Anglais/Franais, Allemand, Italien.

Urs Egger

Forestry, Switzerland
Marketing & labeling Swiss agroforestry products
There is need for innovative marketing strategies to improve the profitability of agroforestry systems. In Switzerland, for example, one of the key
drivers of declining cultural landscapes is the low price of the tree products. In an attempt to increase profitability, several food products that
originate from ag-roforestry systems are marketed with a label (e.g.
Hochstamm-Suisse, Posamenter etc.). However, there is no overview of the
various label products, the label conditions, the advantages and disadvantages of agroforestry label production and the quantities produced.
Research tasks: i) Identify innovative tree products and marketing strategies that could increase the profitability of agroforestry systems. ii) Create
an inventory of agroforestry related label production in Switzerland, in-


Jan Grenz
Firesenai Sereke

Bern University of Applied Sciences

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL

cluding an overview of label requirements, quantities produced, costs and

prices (price difference to non-label products). This overview should be a
basis for a Europe-wide inventory and overview of agroforestry label products.
The Significance of Non-Timber Products in Swiss Forests Through
the Ages
The work would be done in tandem with an MSc student of a tropical
country who would use a similar methodology to assess the significance
of NTFPs and the change in their importance for nutrition, human health.

(and Togo or

Jrgen Blaser


Jrgen Blaser

Forestry, International
Interaction Between Sheep Grazing and Forest Landscape Conservation in Eastern Macedonia
Socio-cultural and biodiversity study to better understand and value the
interaction of sheep breading and forest management.
Potential of Geographical Indications for Forest Products

Astrid Zabel

Cross-Cutting Questions and Others, International

Improving Market Access Through Farmer's Organisations in Benin
Analysis of existing farmer's organisation, their strengths and weaknesses. The aim of the study is to inform the SDC programme in Benin about
the viability of working with farmer's organizations for the improvement
of small farmer's livelihoods through improved market access.


Karin Zbinden

From Camel meat to fondue: changing food habits of Somali migrants

to Switzerland
The student will work within a research project in collaboration between
two departments of the BFH (HAFL and WGS (Business, Health, and Social
Work) and MARIL, a private research institute in Ethiopia. The project aims
at assessing how rural migrant population from pastoral societies adapt
their nutrition patterns when moving to industrialized countries. The reasons behind food choices and the impact on balances nutrition are analysed additionally for the two settings. The focus lies on the Somali community. Intervention needs and resources to promote healthy lifestyle
changes will be identified and enable the planning of further project stages.

Horn of Africa

Pascal Waelti

Developing New Quality Products Derived by Medicinal and Aromatic

Plants (produits de terroir) in Morocco, for the Local, National and
Export Market (i.e. in Switzerland), to Add Value to the Local Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants and Benefit Poor Rural Communities Producing
Medicinal Plants in Morocco
The work will be in the framework of the project ASAP-M, funded by SDC
and implemented by SBA Lausanne and HAFL. (http://asapmaroc.com/),
with the global aim of increase incomes and improve employment in Morocco through the strengthening of professional associations related to
agriculture. The work will be directly with the SOMAPAM, the organisation
for the medicinal plants in Morocco, and the University of University of
Errachidia (http://www.fste-umi.ac.ma/) Here is the possibility to work in
tandem with a MSc Moroccan student. Language: French and English.
Enhancing the Production and Processing of Cassava Through Improved Varieties to Increase Income Generation and Food Security of
Small Farmers in Tamil Nadu (Southern India)
The thesis will be conducted in the framework of a project of the IndoSwiss Cassava Biotechnology Research Network and in close collaboration
with the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) in Coimbatore, Southern India. The thesis will contribute to the socio-economic research related to the improving production and marketing of cassava in Tamil Nadu.
According to the students interest, the thesis can focus on different aspects of the project: farmers adoption of or resistance to new improved
cassava varieties (including GMO), cassava value chain analysis of differen-





Bern University of Applied Sciences

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL

tiated cassava products processed in Tamil Nadu by small factories, Socioeconomic analysis of tribal farmers producing cassava on hilly areas, or
subsistence farmers in southern districts of Tamil Nadu for house hold
consumption. Language: English.

Food Systems, Switzerland

Does a (Partial) Market Liberalization of Swiss Red Meat Market Reduce Shopping Tourism?
Red meat markets in Switzerland are still highly protected. The big price
differences to the EU are drivers for shopping in neighbouring countries.
In this context the following questions are to be studied: Which are the
beneficiaries of liberalization? What are costs and benefits for Swiss agriculture and tax payers?


Urs Egger

Less Swiss Honey due to Free Trade Agreements?

This thesis aim is to analyse the impact of different tax levels in different
FTAs on Swiss honey producers, as well as the consequences in the Swiss
Honey market under special consideration of the market structure (Migros, Coop).


Urs Egger

Consumer Food Waste in Switzerland

Food waste is an old phenomenon that lately has been rediscovered. It is
estimated that 45% of all food loss/waste is caused by consumers. However, only little research has been done to investigate and understand
consumer behaviour in regard of food waste. In this master thesis you will
close this gap by conducting a paper-and-pencil survey representative for
Switzerland. Thereby, you will identify the drivers of food waste. Knowing
the drivers you will be able to suggest measures that help to prevent consumer food waste.


Thomas Brunner

Ernhrungssystem Basel
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts Ernhrungssystem Basel soll
erhoben werden, wie die Bevlkerung der Stadtregion zu Essen,
Ernhrung, Lebensmittelproduktion steht. Fragen hierbei sind: Welche
Themen sind fr sie in diesem Zusammenhang wichtig? Welche
Vorstellungen und Prferenzen hat die Bevlkerung fr lokale Produkte?
Gibt es Unterschiede in der Bevlkerung? Welche Formen von urbaner
Landwirtschaft wnscht sich die Bevlkerung? Die Masterarbeit erfolgt in
Zusammenarbeit mit FiBL Schweiz und Urban Agriculture Basel
Edible Insects
Meat provides protein for humans. Its production requires a high resource
input, which has a negative impact regarding environmental and social
aspects. Therefore researchers are looking for alternative sources of protein, such as edible insects. Today 65% of the world population already
eats them. But, why are edible insects not offered for consumption in
Switzerland? In this master thesis a paper-and-pencil survey is elaborated
in order to analyse consumers attitudes towards eating insects, focused
on Switzerland. Literature: Van Huis, A. et al. (2013). Edible insects. Future
prospects for food and feed security. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Labeled Products from Agroforestry Systems
In Switzerland, several food products that originate from agroforestry
systems are marketed with a label (e.g. Hochstamm-Suisse, Posamenter
etc.). There is no overview of the various label products, the label conditions, the advantages and disadvantages of agroforestry label production,
the quantities produced, etc. Create an inventory of agroforestry related
label production in Switzerland with an overview of label requirements,
quantities produced, costs and prices (price difference to non-label products), etc. This overview should be a basis for a Europe-wide inventory and
overview of agroforestry label products.


Evelyn Markoni


Thomas Brunner


Jan Grenz

Bern University of Applied Sciences

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL

Food Systems, International

Free Trade Agreement Switzerland - India: A Potential for Swiss agricultural exports?
Actual bilateral trade flows; analysis of the Indian market; future demand
of growing cities in India; potential for Swiss agricultural and food products.


Urs Egger

Ex-Post Analysis of Switzerlands Free Trade Agreements

The thesis shall answer following questions: Coverage of products? Extension of preferential margins? Development of agricultural trade with e.g.
Morocco, Mexico, Chile etc. Which concessions were made by Switzerland?


Urs Egger

Free Trade Agreement Switzerland India: A Potential for Swiss Agricultural Exports?
By analysing trade statistics and conducting interviews with export companies, the actual bilateral trade flows shall be described, the Indian market analysed and the future demand of growing cities in India elaborated.
The outcome of the thesis describes the potential for Swiss agricultural
and food products on the Indian market.


Urs Egger

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