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Vestigii arheologice pe

traseul Srteni-Soroca
Archaeological Remains
along the Sarateni-Soroca Road


Ministerul Culturii
Agenia Naional

arheologice pe

Remains along the

Au tori:

Au t hors:

dr. Vlad Vornic,

Sergiu Bodean

Vlad Vornic,
Sergiu Bodean

. ,

Programul Compact, finanat de

Guvernul SUA, a susinut cercetrile
arheologice pe traseul reabilitat de
drum Srteni-Soroca

The U.S. Governments Compact

supported archaeological research
along the rehabilitated SarateniSoroca road segment




Chiinu 2014

Chisinau 2014


arheologice pe

Remains along the

Au tori:

Au t hors:

dr. Vlad Vornic,

Sergiu Bodean

Vlad Vornic,
Sergiu Bodean

. ,

Programul Compact, finanat de

Guvernul SUA, a susinut cercetrile
arheologice pe traseul reabilitat de
drum Srteni-Soroca

The U.S. Governments Compact

supported archaeological research
along the rehabilitated SarateniSoroca road segment




Chiinu 2014

Chisinau 2014


Drumul Srteni-Soroca
a devenit veriga care
unete trecutul cu

The Sarateni-Soroca road

has become the link that
connects the past with
the future

Valentina Badrajan

Valentina Badrajan

Directorul executiv
Fondul Provocrile Mileniului Moldova
(FPM Moldova)

copul principal al Programul Compact, cel mai mare program de

asisten din ara noastr, finanat de
ctre poporul Statelor Unite ale Americii, este s contribuie la catalizarea
investiiilor n economia naional prin
soluionarea, sau cel puin prin atenuarea unor costrngeri cheie n dezvoltarea economic, cum ar fi infrastructura defectuoas a drumurilor, accesul
limitat la ap pentru irigare, ct i lipsa
suportului pe anumite dimensiuni ale
sectorului agricol. n acest scop, Guvernul SUA, prin intermediul Corporaiei
Provocrile Mileniului, a acordat 262
de milioane USD pentru reconstrucia i modernizarea a circa 93 de km ai
traseului naional Srteni-Soroca, dar
i pentru susinerea tranziiei la agricultura performant, inclusiv pentru
reabilitarea a 10 sisteme de irigare,
care va permite dezvoltarea accelerat
a afacerilor agricole graiei accesului
la apa pentru irigare. Se poate afirma
cu certitudine, c Programul Compact
este poate cel mai complex program
implementat n prezent n Moldova, cu
obiective ambiioase, care a generat ateptri mari att la nivel naional, ct i
Pe lng valoarea economic,

Executive Director
Millennium Challenge Account Moldova
(MCA Moldova)

he main goal of the U.S.

which is the largest assistance program
that our country has ever received, is
to catalyze investments in the national
economy by addressing, or at least
mitigating, the major constraints to
economic development, such as the
poor road infrastructure, limited access
to water for irrigation and the missing
support in specific sectors of agriculture.
To this end, the U.S. Government,
Challenge Corporation, provided 262
million USD for the reconstruction and
modernization of about 93 km of the
national Sarateni-Soroca road and for
supporting the transition to high value
agriculture through the rehabilitationo
of 10 irrigation systems that will allow
for a faster development of agricultural
businesses due to the availability of water
for irrigation. The Compact is certainly
the most complex program implemented
in Moldova today, with ambitious goals,
which gave birth to high expectations
both at national and international levels.
Besides its economic value, the
Compact also contributes to the
conservation of our countrys cultural

( )

Compact ,


93 -, . ,
, 9 000
, ,
, , !

Programul Compact contribuie i la

conservarea patrimoniului cultural al
rii noastre. A fost o surpriz plcut ca
pe parcursul lucrrilor de reconstrucie a
drumului s fie descoperite vestigii de o
valoare istoric i cultural important,
care vin s integreze imaginea despre
viaa i activitatea oamenilor din acest
spaiu geografic de acum 7 mii de ani,
despre tradiiile i valorile predecesorilor
notri. Aceste realizri se datoreaz
n mare parte parteneriatului eficient
dintre Fondul Provocrile Mileniului
Moldova, instituia ce implementeaz
Programului Compact, i Agenia
Naional Arheologic.
Suntem mndri c drumul SrteniSoroca a devenit o legtur dintre
viitorul acestei ri i trecutul ei, iar
ndemnul lui Anatole France s nu
pierdem nimic din trecut, deoarece cu
trecutul se cldete viitorul, a cptat
un sens deosebit n cadrul implementrii
Programului Compact.

We were pleasantly surprised that

during the road reconstruction works
remains of great historical and cultural
value were found. These remains
complete the picture of the life and
occupation of the people that lived
in this geographical region seven
thousand years ago, the traditions
and values of our predecessors.
These achievements are largely due
to the efficient partnership between
the Millennium Challenge Account
Moldova the implementing entity, and
the National Agency for Archaeology.
We are proud that the SarateniSoroca road makes the link between
the future and the past of our country,
while Anatole Frances quotation to
try not to forget anything from the
past, because it builds the future has
taken on a special meaning under the



, - ,

-, ,

A .
, ,

Drumul Srteni-Soroca
a devenit veriga care
unete trecutul cu

The Sarateni-Soroca road

has become the link that
connects the past with
the future

Valentina Badrajan

Valentina Badrajan

Directorul executiv
Fondul Provocrile Mileniului Moldova
(FPM Moldova)

copul principal al Programul Compact, cel mai mare program de

asisten din ara noastr, finanat de
ctre poporul Statelor Unite ale Americii, este s contribuie la catalizarea
investiiilor n economia naional prin
soluionarea, sau cel puin prin atenuarea unor costrngeri cheie n dezvoltarea economic, cum ar fi infrastructura defectuoas a drumurilor, accesul
limitat la ap pentru irigare, ct i lipsa
suportului pe anumite dimensiuni ale
sectorului agricol. n acest scop, Guvernul SUA, prin intermediul Corporaiei
Provocrile Mileniului, a acordat 262
de milioane USD pentru reconstrucia i modernizarea a circa 93 de km ai
traseului naional Srteni-Soroca, dar
i pentru susinerea tranziiei la agricultura performant, inclusiv pentru
reabilitarea a 10 sisteme de irigare,
care va permite dezvoltarea accelerat
a afacerilor agricole graiei accesului
la apa pentru irigare. Se poate afirma
cu certitudine, c Programul Compact
este poate cel mai complex program
implementat n prezent n Moldova, cu
obiective ambiioase, care a generat ateptri mari att la nivel naional, ct i
Pe lng valoarea economic,

Executive Director
Millennium Challenge Account Moldova
(MCA Moldova)

he main goal of the U.S.

which is the largest assistance program
that our country has ever received, is
to catalyze investments in the national
economy by addressing, or at least
mitigating, the major constraints to
economic development, such as the
poor road infrastructure, limited access
to water for irrigation and the missing
support in specific sectors of agriculture.
To this end, the U.S. Government,
Challenge Corporation, provided 262
million USD for the reconstruction and
modernization of about 93 km of the
national Sarateni-Soroca road and for
supporting the transition to high value
agriculture through the rehabilitationo
of 10 irrigation systems that will allow
for a faster development of agricultural
businesses due to the availability of water
for irrigation. The Compact is certainly
the most complex program implemented
in Moldova today, with ambitious goals,
which gave birth to high expectations
both at national and international levels.
Besides its economic value, the
Compact also contributes to the
conservation of our countrys cultural

( )

Compact ,


93 -, . ,
, 9 000
, ,
, , !

Programul Compact contribuie i la

conservarea patrimoniului cultural al
rii noastre. A fost o surpriz plcut ca
pe parcursul lucrrilor de reconstrucie a
drumului s fie descoperite vestigii de o
valoare istoric i cultural important,
care vin s integreze imaginea despre
viaa i activitatea oamenilor din acest
spaiu geografic de acum 7 mii de ani,
despre tradiiile i valorile predecesorilor
notri. Aceste realizri se datoreaz
n mare parte parteneriatului eficient
dintre Fondul Provocrile Mileniului
Moldova, instituia ce implementeaz
Programului Compact, i Agenia
Naional Arheologic.
Suntem mndri c drumul SrteniSoroca a devenit o legtur dintre
viitorul acestei ri i trecutul ei, iar
ndemnul lui Anatole France s nu
pierdem nimic din trecut, deoarece cu
trecutul se cldete viitorul, a cptat
un sens deosebit n cadrul implementrii
Programului Compact.

We were pleasantly surprised that

during the road reconstruction works
remains of great historical and cultural
value were found. These remains
complete the picture of the life and
occupation of the people that lived
in this geographical region seven
thousand years ago, the traditions
and values of our predecessors.
These achievements are largely due
to the efficient partnership between
the Millennium Challenge Account
Moldova the implementing entity, and
the National Agency for Archaeology.
We are proud that the SarateniSoroca road makes the link between
the future and the past of our country,
while Anatole Frances quotation to
try not to forget anything from the
past, because it builds the future has
taken on a special meaning under the



, - ,

-, ,

A .
, ,

Cuvnt introductiv


n anul 2012 a demarat proiectul

Reabilitarea drumului M2 Srteni-Soroca-Intersecia Drochia (93
km) n cadrul Programului Compact
al Guvernului SUA. Prospectarea arheologic a zonelor aferente drumului menionat de ctre specialitii
Ageniei Naionale Arheologice a scos
n eviden necesitatea efecturii cercetrilor arheologice preventive i de
supraveghere la opt situri arheologice
situate n preajma diferitor localiti
din raioanele Teleneti, oldneti i
Soroca. Obiectivele dateaz din mai
multe epoci istorice, ncepnd cu
eneoliticul timpuriu (mil. V .Hr.) i

he road rehabilitation project of

the U.S. Governments Compact
started in 2012. The archaeological
exploration of the areas near the M2
road segment (93 km) included in this
project by the experts of the National
Agency for Archaeology revealed the
need for preventive and oversight
archaeological research at eight
archaeological sites in the Telenesti,
Soldanesti and Soroca rayons. These
sites date from different historical
eras, starting with the early Eneolithic
(5th millennium BC) and ending with
the modern times (the 19th century).

2 --
(93 ) Compact.

, ,
(XIX ).


Vlad Vornic
Director general
al Ageniei Naionale Arheologice.

pn n perioada modern (sec. XIX).

Dintre siturile cercetate se remarc
aezarea eneolitic de la Rogojeni i
movilele funerare din epoca bronzului de la Rogojeni i Brnzenii Noi.
Realizate n anii 2013-2014, n conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 218
din 17.09.2010 privind protejarea patrimoniului arheologic, investigaiile s-au
soldat cu descoperiri arheologice valoroase, ce aduc noi i importante contribuii la cunoaterea istoriei comunitilor umane care au locuit n acest spaiu
de-a lungul mai multor milenii.
Pe parcursul desfurrii cercetrilor, Agenia Naional Arheologic
a beneficiat de sprijinul constant al
Fondului Provocrile Mileniului Moldova, precum i al companiilor ONUR
Aceast broura prezint o
culegere de imagini i descrieri ale
vestigiilor descoperite, i are drept
scop informarea publicului larg cu
privire la rezultatele cercetrilor
arheologice efectuate n anii 20132014, relevndu-se importana i
valoarea descoperirilor fcute pentru
cultura i istoria naional.

The researched sites include in

particular the Eneolithic settlement
at Rogojeni and the tumuli dating the
Bronze Age at Rogojeni and Brinzenii
The research conducted in 2013
and 2014 under Law no.218 of
September 17, 2010 on the protection
of the archaeological heritage made
valuable and critical archaeological
discoveries that help to know better
the history of the human communities
that lived in this area for thousands
of years.
During the research, the National
Agency for Archaeology received
Moldova and the construction
companies ONUR SUMMA JV and
This brochure is a collection of
pictures and descriptions of the
discovered remains. It aims to inform
the public at large about the findings
of the archaeological research
conducted in 2013 and 2014 that
revealed their importance and value
for the national culture and history.

218 17.09.2010



, 2013-2014
, , ,

Cuvnt introductiv


n anul 2012 a demarat proiectul

Reabilitarea drumului M2 Srteni-Soroca-Intersecia Drochia (93
km) n cadrul Programului Compact
al Guvernului SUA. Prospectarea arheologic a zonelor aferente drumului menionat de ctre specialitii
Ageniei Naionale Arheologice a scos
n eviden necesitatea efecturii cercetrilor arheologice preventive i de
supraveghere la opt situri arheologice
situate n preajma diferitor localiti
din raioanele Teleneti, oldneti i
Soroca. Obiectivele dateaz din mai
multe epoci istorice, ncepnd cu
eneoliticul timpuriu (mil. V .Hr.) i

he road rehabilitation project of

the U.S. Governments Compact
started in 2012. The archaeological
exploration of the areas near the M2
road segment (93 km) included in this
project by the experts of the National
Agency for Archaeology revealed the
need for preventive and oversight
archaeological research at eight
archaeological sites in the Telenesti,
Soldanesti and Soroca rayons. These
sites date from different historical
eras, starting with the early Eneolithic
(5th millennium BC) and ending with
the modern times (the 19th century).

2 --
(93 ) Compact.

, ,
(XIX ).


Vlad Vornic
Director general
al Ageniei Naionale Arheologice.

pn n perioada modern (sec. XIX).

Dintre siturile cercetate se remarc
aezarea eneolitic de la Rogojeni i
movilele funerare din epoca bronzului de la Rogojeni i Brnzenii Noi.
Realizate n anii 2013-2014, n conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 218
din 17.09.2010 privind protejarea patrimoniului arheologic, investigaiile s-au
soldat cu descoperiri arheologice valoroase, ce aduc noi i importante contribuii la cunoaterea istoriei comunitilor umane care au locuit n acest spaiu
de-a lungul mai multor milenii.
Pe parcursul desfurrii cercetrilor, Agenia Naional Arheologic
a beneficiat de sprijinul constant al
Fondului Provocrile Mileniului Moldova, precum i al companiilor ONUR
Aceast broura prezint o
culegere de imagini i descrieri ale
vestigiilor descoperite, i are drept
scop informarea publicului larg cu
privire la rezultatele cercetrilor
arheologice efectuate n anii 20132014, relevndu-se importana i
valoarea descoperirilor fcute pentru
cultura i istoria naional.

The researched sites include in

particular the Eneolithic settlement
at Rogojeni and the tumuli dating the
Bronze Age at Rogojeni and Brinzenii
The research conducted in 2013
and 2014 under Law no.218 of
September 17, 2010 on the protection
of the archaeological heritage made
valuable and critical archaeological
discoveries that help to know better
the history of the human communities
that lived in this area for thousands
of years.
During the research, the National
Agency for Archaeology received
Moldova and the construction
companies ONUR SUMMA JV and
This brochure is a collection of
pictures and descriptions of the
discovered remains. It aims to inform
the public at large about the findings
of the archaeological research
conducted in 2013 and 2014 that
revealed their importance and value
for the national culture and history.

218 17.09.2010



, 2013-2014
, , ,

Aezarea eneolitic
de la Rogojeni
(r-nul oldneti)

ezarea culturii Precucuteni

de la Rogojeni (cca 4900-4750
.Hr.), cunoscut nc de la mijlocul
secolului XX, este situat la 1,2 km
nord-est de staia de cale ferat Rogojeni, pe versantul stng al vii r. Ciorna. Suprafaa ei este traversat de
drumului naional M2 Chiinu-Soroca i suprapus parial de intersecia lui cu drumul R13 Bli-oldneti-Rezina. Primele spturi de
salvare n acest sit au fost ntreprinse
n anul 1972 de Vsevolod Marchevici.
n anul 2013, cu prilejul lucrrilor

Eneolithic Settlement
at Rogojeni
(Soldanesti Rayon)

he settlement at Rogojeni that

belongs to the Precucuteni
culture (about 4 900 4750 BC), known
since the middle of the 20th century, is
located 1.2 km northeast of the Rogojeni
railway station on the left side of the
valley of the Ciorna River. It is crossed by
the national M2 Chisinau-Soroca road
and partially by its junction with the R13
Balti-Soldanesti-Rezina road. The first
rescue excavations were carried out at
this site in 1972 by Vsevolod Markevich.
In 2013, due to the rehabilitation of the
Chisinau-Soroca road, the National

Remains of surface dwelling.


Vedere asupra antierului arheologic.

Hut no.3.


4900-4700 ), ,
1,2 -
2 -.
. 2013

Vestigiile locuinei de suprafa.

Bordeiul 3.

Vase ceramice.

View of the archaeological site.


de reabilitare a drumului naional

Chiinu-Soroca, Agenia Naional
Arheologic n colaborare cu Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Moldovei au
efectuat noi cercetri arheologice de
salvare, coordonate de Sergiu Bodean
i Veaceslav Bicbaev. Drept rezultat,
au fost descoperite ase complexe arheologice (o locuin de suprafa, un
bordei i patru gropi), din care a fost
recuperat o bogat i variat colecie de obiecte: vase ceramice, unelte
de silex, piatr, os i corn, podoabe.
Ceramica de prestigiu, modelat manual cu mult miestrie, este reprezentat de vase frumos decorate cu
motive geometrice adncite, canelate
i imprimate (pahare, vase piriforme,
fructiere, capace, linguri etc.).

Agency for Archaeology jointly with the

National Museum of History of Moldova
conducted new archaeological rescue
research led by Sergiu Bodean and
Veaceslav Bicbaev. The archaeologists
found six archaeological complexes
(a surface dwelling, a hut and four
pits) and recovered a rich and varied
collection of items pottery; flint,
stone, bone and antler tools; finery.
The outstanding handmade pottery,
skilfully manufactured, includes bowls
nicely decorated with grooved and
printed geometric patterns (glasses,
pear-shaped dishes, fruit bowls, lids,
spoons etc.). The pottery for common
use has a simpler look and is decorated
with pinched-up fingernail impressions,
projections. The flint items include core
tools, scrapers, blades and hammers. The



( , ),
: , , ,
, . ,

Aezarea eneolitic
de la Rogojeni
(r-nul oldneti)

ezarea culturii Precucuteni

de la Rogojeni (cca 4900-4750
.Hr.), cunoscut nc de la mijlocul
secolului XX, este situat la 1,2 km
nord-est de staia de cale ferat Rogojeni, pe versantul stng al vii r. Ciorna. Suprafaa ei este traversat de
drumului naional M2 Chiinu-Soroca i suprapus parial de intersecia lui cu drumul R13 Bli-oldneti-Rezina. Primele spturi de
salvare n acest sit au fost ntreprinse
n anul 1972 de Vsevolod Marchevici.
n anul 2013, cu prilejul lucrrilor

Eneolithic Settlement
at Rogojeni
(Soldanesti Rayon)

he settlement at Rogojeni that

belongs to the Precucuteni
culture (about 4 900 4750 BC), known
since the middle of the 20th century, is
located 1.2 km northeast of the Rogojeni
railway station on the left side of the
valley of the Ciorna River. It is crossed by
the national M2 Chisinau-Soroca road
and partially by its junction with the R13
Balti-Soldanesti-Rezina road. The first
rescue excavations were carried out at
this site in 1972 by Vsevolod Markevich.
In 2013, due to the rehabilitation of the
Chisinau-Soroca road, the National

Remains of surface dwelling.


Vedere asupra antierului arheologic.

Hut no.3.


4900-4700 ), ,
1,2 -
2 -.
. 2013

Vestigiile locuinei de suprafa.

Bordeiul 3.

Vase ceramice.

View of the archaeological site.


de reabilitare a drumului naional

Chiinu-Soroca, Agenia Naional
Arheologic n colaborare cu Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Moldovei au
efectuat noi cercetri arheologice de
salvare, coordonate de Sergiu Bodean
i Veaceslav Bicbaev. Drept rezultat,
au fost descoperite ase complexe arheologice (o locuin de suprafa, un
bordei i patru gropi), din care a fost
recuperat o bogat i variat colecie de obiecte: vase ceramice, unelte
de silex, piatr, os i corn, podoabe.
Ceramica de prestigiu, modelat manual cu mult miestrie, este reprezentat de vase frumos decorate cu
motive geometrice adncite, canelate
i imprimate (pahare, vase piriforme,
fructiere, capace, linguri etc.).

Agency for Archaeology jointly with the

National Museum of History of Moldova
conducted new archaeological rescue
research led by Sergiu Bodean and
Veaceslav Bicbaev. The archaeologists
found six archaeological complexes
(a surface dwelling, a hut and four
pits) and recovered a rich and varied
collection of items pottery; flint,
stone, bone and antler tools; finery.
The outstanding handmade pottery,
skilfully manufactured, includes bowls
nicely decorated with grooved and
printed geometric patterns (glasses,
pear-shaped dishes, fruit bowls, lids,
spoons etc.). The pottery for common
use has a simpler look and is decorated
with pinched-up fingernail impressions,
projections. The flint items include core
tools, scrapers, blades and hammers. The



( , ),
: , , ,
, . ,

Picior de fructier cu decor excizat

(bordeiul 3).
Leg of a fruit bowl with excised
decorations (hut no.3).

Vas ceramic decorat cu linii incizate,

caneluri i proeminene (locuina 1).

( 1).
Capac cu decor imprimat i incizat (strat).
Lid with printed and incised decorations (layer).

( ).


Castron (groapa 4).

Glass decorated with grooves and

incisions (dwelling no.1).

( 4).

Bowl (pit no. 4).

( 1).

( 3).

Ceramic bowl decorated with incised lines,

grooves and protrusions (dwelling no.1).

Pahar decorat cu caneluri i incizii

(locuina 1).

Strachin cu patru piciorue (bordeiul 3).

Four leg dish (hut no.3).
( 3).

A doua categorie ceramic, de uz comun, are un aspect mai modest i este

decorat cu impresiuni i ciupituri
executate cu unghia, proeminene.
Piesele de silex sunt reprezentate de
nuclee, gratoare, lame, percutoare.
Din piatr lefuit erau confecionate topoarele i teslele. Rniele din
gresie i alte roci au prile lucrtoare concave, cu urme caracteristice de
utilizare la mcinatul cerealelor. Piesele de os i corn descoperite se mpart n dou categorii: unelte i podoabe. Din prima categorie fac parte
strpungtoarele, ciocanele, spligile i lustruitoarele. Podoabele sunt
reprezentate de un pandantiv i de o
mrgic lucrat dintr-un os tubular.

axes and adzes were made of polished

stone. The working parts of grinders
made of sandstone and other rocks are
concave with traces that are specific to
the tools used to mill grain. The bone
and antler items can be split into two
categories tools and jewellery. The
tools include piercing tools, hammers,
mattocks and polishers. The jewellery
includes a pendant and a bead made of
tubular bone.
The main occupation of the
Eneolithic community at Rogojeni
was farming. The archaeologicalbotanical measurements revealed
that it grew two types of wheat and
barley. The zoological measurements
found that the Eneolithic community
kept cattle, pigs, sheep and goats.

, , ,

, , ,
, .


Picior de fructier cu decor excizat

(bordeiul 3).
Leg of a fruit bowl with excised
decorations (hut no.3).

Vas ceramic decorat cu linii incizate,

caneluri i proeminene (locuina 1).

( 1).
Capac cu decor imprimat i incizat (strat).
Lid with printed and incised decorations (layer).

( ).


Castron (groapa 4).

Glass decorated with grooves and

incisions (dwelling no.1).

( 4).

Bowl (pit no. 4).

( 1).

( 3).

Ceramic bowl decorated with incised lines,

grooves and protrusions (dwelling no.1).

Pahar decorat cu caneluri i incizii

(locuina 1).

Strachin cu patru piciorue (bordeiul 3).

Four leg dish (hut no.3).
( 3).

A doua categorie ceramic, de uz comun, are un aspect mai modest i este

decorat cu impresiuni i ciupituri
executate cu unghia, proeminene.
Piesele de silex sunt reprezentate de
nuclee, gratoare, lame, percutoare.
Din piatr lefuit erau confecionate topoarele i teslele. Rniele din
gresie i alte roci au prile lucrtoare concave, cu urme caracteristice de
utilizare la mcinatul cerealelor. Piesele de os i corn descoperite se mpart n dou categorii: unelte i podoabe. Din prima categorie fac parte
strpungtoarele, ciocanele, spligile i lustruitoarele. Podoabele sunt
reprezentate de un pandantiv i de o
mrgic lucrat dintr-un os tubular.

axes and adzes were made of polished

stone. The working parts of grinders
made of sandstone and other rocks are
concave with traces that are specific to
the tools used to mill grain. The bone
and antler items can be split into two
categories tools and jewellery. The
tools include piercing tools, hammers,
mattocks and polishers. The jewellery
includes a pendant and a bead made of
tubular bone.
The main occupation of the
Eneolithic community at Rogojeni
was farming. The archaeologicalbotanical measurements revealed
that it grew two types of wheat and
barley. The zoological measurements
found that the Eneolithic community
kept cattle, pigs, sheep and goats.

, , ,

, , ,
, .


Ocupaia de baz a comunitii eneolitice de la Rogojeni o constituia agricultura. Determinrile arheobotanice

efectuate atest prezena a dou soiuri
de gru i orz cultivate. Conform determinrilor arheozoologice, s-a stabilit c
locuitorii aezrii creteau vite cornute
mari, porci, oi i capre. n aezare era prezent i cinele domestic. Din zonele aferente sitului oamenii vnau cerbul nobil,
cpriorul, mistreul, vulpea, iepurele de
cmp, castorul, bursucul i jderul.
Comunitile precucuteniene-tripoliene timpurii, formate ntr-un areal localizat n sud-estul Transilvaniei i Moldova Subcarpatic, ctre sfritul ultimei
faze de evoluie locuiau pe un teritoriu ce
se ntindea de la Carpai pn n bazinul
r. Bugul de Sud.
Descoperirile de la Rogojeni prezint
o valoare istoric i cultural deosebit,
dat fiind faptul c ele aparin perioadei de
nceput a celei mai importante civilizaii
preistorice europene prin prisma stadiului nalt de dezvoltare atins cultura Cucuteni-Tripolie.

The domestic dog was also present.

In the areas around the site people
used to hunt noble deer, roes, wild
boars, foxes, hares, beavers, badgers
and martens.
The early Cututeni-Tryppilian
communities that appeared in the
south-east of Transylvania and the
Sub-carpathian Moldova by the
end of their last phase of evolution
lived on an area stretching from
the Carpathians to the basin of the
Southern Buh River.
The findings at Rogojeni have
a great historical and cultural
value, given that they belong to the
early period of the most important
European prehistoric civilization,
due to the high level of development
it reached the Cucuteni-Trypillian

Strpungtor de os (groapa 4).

Pandantiv din colte de mistre (bordeiul 3).

Bone awl (pit no.4).

Boar tusk necklace (hut no.3).

( 4).

( 3).


, , , .


, , .

, , , , , ,





Topor de piatr lefuit (strat).

Polished stone axe (layer).
( ).

Ciocan din corn de cerb nobil

Antler hammer

( ).

Fragment de splig de corn

(groapa 3).
Piece of antler hoe
(pit no.3).

( 3).

Rni de piatr (strat).

Stone grinder (layer).
( ).


Ocupaia de baz a comunitii eneolitice de la Rogojeni o constituia agricultura. Determinrile arheobotanice

efectuate atest prezena a dou soiuri
de gru i orz cultivate. Conform determinrilor arheozoologice, s-a stabilit c
locuitorii aezrii creteau vite cornute
mari, porci, oi i capre. n aezare era prezent i cinele domestic. Din zonele aferente sitului oamenii vnau cerbul nobil,
cpriorul, mistreul, vulpea, iepurele de
cmp, castorul, bursucul i jderul.
Comunitile precucuteniene-tripoliene timpurii, formate ntr-un areal localizat n sud-estul Transilvaniei i Moldova Subcarpatic, ctre sfritul ultimei
faze de evoluie locuiau pe un teritoriu ce
se ntindea de la Carpai pn n bazinul
r. Bugul de Sud.
Descoperirile de la Rogojeni prezint
o valoare istoric i cultural deosebit,
dat fiind faptul c ele aparin perioadei de
nceput a celei mai importante civilizaii
preistorice europene prin prisma stadiului nalt de dezvoltare atins cultura Cucuteni-Tripolie.

The domestic dog was also present.

In the areas around the site people
used to hunt noble deer, roes, wild
boars, foxes, hares, beavers, badgers
and martens.
The early Cututeni-Tryppilian
communities that appeared in the
south-east of Transylvania and the
Sub-carpathian Moldova by the
end of their last phase of evolution
lived on an area stretching from
the Carpathians to the basin of the
Southern Buh River.
The findings at Rogojeni have
a great historical and cultural
value, given that they belong to the
early period of the most important
European prehistoric civilization,
due to the high level of development
it reached the Cucuteni-Trypillian

Strpungtor de os (groapa 4).

Pandantiv din colte de mistre (bordeiul 3).

Bone awl (pit no.4).

Boar tusk necklace (hut no.3).

( 4).

( 3).


, , , .


, , .

, , , , , ,





Topor de piatr lefuit (strat).

Polished stone axe (layer).
( ).

Ciocan din corn de cerb nobil

Antler hammer

( ).

Fragment de splig de corn

(groapa 3).
Piece of antler hoe
(pit no.3).

( 3).

Rni de piatr (strat).

Stone grinder (layer).
( ).


Tumulul preistoric
de la Brnzenii Noi
(r-nul Teleneti)

umulul este situat la marginea

de sud-est a localitii, n
partea dreapt a drumului naional
M2 (km 72). La momentul demarrii
cercetrilor sectorul de nord-vest al
sitului se afla n zona de reabilitare
a drumului. nlimea tumulului
constituia 5,6 m, iar diametrul 55
m. Prin spturi arheologice a fost
cercetat numai jumtatea vestic a
tumulului, n total fiind excavat o
suprafa de 1140 m.p. Responsabili
de cercetare au fost arheologii Serghei
Agulnicov i Eugen Mistreanu.

Prehistoric Tumulus
at Brinzenii Noi
(Telenesti Rayon)

he tumulus is located at the

south-eastern border of the
village on the right side of the M2
national road (km 72). When the
research started the north-western
part of the site was in the road
rehabilitation area. The tumulus
with a diameter of 55 m was 5.6
m high. Excavations were carried
out only at the western part of the
tumulus on a total area of 1140 square
meters. The research was led by the
archaeologists Sergei Agulnicov and
Eugen Mistreanu. The investigations
Vedere asupra tumulului n proces de cercetare.
View of tumulus during research.



- , 2 (72 ).
5,6 , 55 .

1.140 2.
. ,

- , .
- -. ,
45-50 , , , -.

n urma investigaiilor s-au descoperit

patru morminte datnd din perioade
istorice diferite i un an ritual.
Mormntul 1 aparine culturii
Noua din perioada trzie a epocii
bronzului (sec. XVI-XIII .Hr.). A fost
descoperit n sectorul de nord-vest
al tumulului, sub o aglomeraie de
pietre. Groapa funerar avea form
oval, cu dimensiunile de 2,6x2,0 m,
fiind orientat nord-est sud-vest.
Scheletul, atribuit unui brbat matur
de circa 45-50 ani, se gsea n centrul
camerei funerare, n poziie chircit
pe stnga, cu craniul orientat spre
nord-est. Lng schelet i sub el au
fost semnalate urme de putregai de
la aternutul vegetal. Ca inventar
mormntul coninea un vas de lut
modelat cu mna, gsit n dreapta
scheletului, i oase de bovin de la
ofranda depus la nmormntare,
aflate n vasul ceramic.
Mormntul 2 se atribuie culturii
Iamnaia din perioada timpurie a
epocii bronzului (mil. III .Hr.).
Camera funerar avea form oval,
cu dimensiunile de 1,9x1,1 m, fiind
orientat aproximativ nord-sud.
Decedatul, un brbat matur cu vrsta
de 40-45 ani, a fost depus n poziie
chircit pe spate, cu capul orientat
spre nord. Scheletul era vopsit cu ocru
rou, o concentraie mai mare de ocru
atestndu-se pe craniu. Sub schelet a
fost semnalat un strat de putregai ce
provine de la un aternut vegetal. n
zona gtului au fost gsite dou inele
de bucl.

found four graves dating from

different times and a ritual ditch.
Grave no.1 belongs to the New
culture dating from the late Bronze
Age (16th-13th centuries BC). It was
discovered in the north-western
part of the tumulus under a crowd
of stones. The funeral pit was oval,
2.6x2.0 m, and oriented towards
northeast and southwest. The
skeleton, apparently belonging to
a 45-50 year old man, was placed in
the center of the burial room, on its
left side, in a crouched position, with
the skull facing northeast. Beside and
under the skeleton researchers found
traces of rot from plant bedding.
There was a handmade clay pot on
the right side of the skeleton and a
ceramic dish with cattle bones from
the offering made for burial.
Grave no.2 belongs to the Iamnaia
culture dating from the early Bronze Age
room was oval oriented northwards and
southwards. The deceased was a 4045 year old man, crouched on his back,
with his head northwards. The skeleton
was painted with red ochre with a bigger
amount of ochre on his skull.

Cercetarea mormntului 2.
Gave no.2 during research

. ,
(III ).
1,91,1 . , , 40-45 ,
, .
, .

(III ),

- .

- -.


Tumulul preistoric
de la Brnzenii Noi
(r-nul Teleneti)

umulul este situat la marginea

de sud-est a localitii, n
partea dreapt a drumului naional
M2 (km 72). La momentul demarrii
cercetrilor sectorul de nord-vest al
sitului se afla n zona de reabilitare
a drumului. nlimea tumulului
constituia 5,6 m, iar diametrul 55
m. Prin spturi arheologice a fost
cercetat numai jumtatea vestic a
tumulului, n total fiind excavat o
suprafa de 1140 m.p. Responsabili
de cercetare au fost arheologii Serghei
Agulnicov i Eugen Mistreanu.

Prehistoric Tumulus
at Brinzenii Noi
(Telenesti Rayon)

he tumulus is located at the

south-eastern border of the
village on the right side of the M2
national road (km 72). When the
research started the north-western
part of the site was in the road
rehabilitation area. The tumulus
with a diameter of 55 m was 5.6
m high. Excavations were carried
out only at the western part of the
tumulus on a total area of 1140 square
meters. The research was led by the
archaeologists Sergei Agulnicov and
Eugen Mistreanu. The investigations
Vedere asupra tumulului n proces de cercetare.
View of tumulus during research.



- , 2 (72 ).
5,6 , 55 .

1.140 2.
. ,

- , .
- -. ,
45-50 , , , -.

n urma investigaiilor s-au descoperit

patru morminte datnd din perioade
istorice diferite i un an ritual.
Mormntul 1 aparine culturii
Noua din perioada trzie a epocii
bronzului (sec. XVI-XIII .Hr.). A fost
descoperit n sectorul de nord-vest
al tumulului, sub o aglomeraie de
pietre. Groapa funerar avea form
oval, cu dimensiunile de 2,6x2,0 m,
fiind orientat nord-est sud-vest.
Scheletul, atribuit unui brbat matur
de circa 45-50 ani, se gsea n centrul
camerei funerare, n poziie chircit
pe stnga, cu craniul orientat spre
nord-est. Lng schelet i sub el au
fost semnalate urme de putregai de
la aternutul vegetal. Ca inventar
mormntul coninea un vas de lut
modelat cu mna, gsit n dreapta
scheletului, i oase de bovin de la
ofranda depus la nmormntare,
aflate n vasul ceramic.
Mormntul 2 se atribuie culturii
Iamnaia din perioada timpurie a
epocii bronzului (mil. III .Hr.).
Camera funerar avea form oval,
cu dimensiunile de 1,9x1,1 m, fiind
orientat aproximativ nord-sud.
Decedatul, un brbat matur cu vrsta
de 40-45 ani, a fost depus n poziie
chircit pe spate, cu capul orientat
spre nord. Scheletul era vopsit cu ocru
rou, o concentraie mai mare de ocru
atestndu-se pe craniu. Sub schelet a
fost semnalat un strat de putregai ce
provine de la un aternut vegetal. n
zona gtului au fost gsite dou inele
de bucl.

found four graves dating from

different times and a ritual ditch.
Grave no.1 belongs to the New
culture dating from the late Bronze
Age (16th-13th centuries BC). It was
discovered in the north-western
part of the tumulus under a crowd
of stones. The funeral pit was oval,
2.6x2.0 m, and oriented towards
northeast and southwest. The
skeleton, apparently belonging to
a 45-50 year old man, was placed in
the center of the burial room, on its
left side, in a crouched position, with
the skull facing northeast. Beside and
under the skeleton researchers found
traces of rot from plant bedding.
There was a handmade clay pot on
the right side of the skeleton and a
ceramic dish with cattle bones from
the offering made for burial.
Grave no.2 belongs to the Iamnaia
culture dating from the early Bronze Age
room was oval oriented northwards and
southwards. The deceased was a 4045 year old man, crouched on his back,
with his head northwards. The skeleton
was painted with red ochre with a bigger
amount of ochre on his skull.

Cercetarea mormntului 2.
Gave no.2 during research

. ,
(III ).
1,91,1 . , , 40-45 ,
, .
, .

(III ),

- .

- -.


Cercetarea mormntului 1.
Exploration of grave no.1.

Mormntul 3, atribuit culturii

Iamnaia din bronzul timpuriu (mil.
III .Hr.), reprezenta o nmormntare
simbolic din care lipsea scheletul. A
fost identificat n partea sud-vestic
a tumulului. Camera funerar avea
form rectangular, cu dimensiunile
de 1,3x1,53 m, i orientarea nordvest sud-est. Pe fundul gropii s-au
semnalat dou achii de silex nistrean
de culoare cenuie i dou pete de
ocru rou.
Mormntul 4 (cultura Iamnaia)
avea groapa de form oval, cu
dimensiunile de 1,7x2,4 m i
orientarea general sud-nord. De

There was a layer of rot under

the skeleton that comes from plant
bedding. Two lock-rings were found
around the neck.
Grave no.3, belonging to the
Iamnaia culture dating from the early
Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC),
represents a symbolic place with a
missing skeleton. It was found in the
south-western part of the tumulus.
The rectangular 1.3x1.53 m funeral
room was oriented towards northwest
and southwest. Two grey Nistrean
flint chips and two spots of red ochre
were found on the bottom of the pit.
Grave no.4 (Iamnaia culture).

4 ( )
1,72,4 ,
. , 30-35 ,
, . ,
, - .


28,5 , 0,650,75
. ,


- .
, ,

jur-mprejur groapa era prevzut

cu o treapt, pe care erau aezate
longitudinal cinci brne de stejar,
susinute la margine de rui de
lemn. Defunctul, de sex masculin,
cu vrsta de aproximativ 30-35 ani, a
fost depus n poziie chircit pe spate,
cu capul orientat spre sud. Scheletul,
n special craniul, era vopsit cu ocru
rou-nchis. Pe fundul gropii se
aflau resturile unei rogojini din fibre
anul 1 a fost semnalat la baza
tumulului, fiind adncit n lutul
galben. Complexul, semicircular
n plan, avea diametrul de 28,5 m,
limea de 0,65-0,75 m i adncimea de
0,65-0,70 m de la nivelul identificrii.
anul delimita simbolic, probabil,
spaiul sacru de sub mantaua movilei
funerare. Acest element ritualic a
fost nregistrat i la amenajarea altor
tumuli atribuii culturii Iamnaia,
cum ar fi, de exemplu, cei de lng s.
Gvnoasa, r-nul Cahul.
Dintre cele patru morminte
descoperite n tumulul de la Brnzenii
Noi, trei aparin culturii Iamnaia,
care reprezint orizontul epocii
bronzului timpuriu din zona de step
i silvostep a sud-estului Europei.
Acest complex cultural, rspndit
pe un spaiu vast, s-a constituit pe
parcursul celei de-a doua jumti
a mil. IV .Hr. n interfluviul NipruVolga. La nceputul mil. III .Hr.
comunitile culturii Iamnaia ncep
s se extind, ajungnd de la munii
Urali pn la Dunrea Mijlocie.

The oval 1.7x2.4 m pit was oriented

southwards and northwards and
had one stair around it where five
oak beams were laying lengthwise
supported by wooden stakes. The
30-35 year old male deceased was
lying crouched on his back with the
head southwards. The skeleton, in
particular the skull, was painted with
dark red ochre. Remains of a mat
made of plant fibers were found on
the bottom of the pit.
Ditch no.1 was found at the base
of the tumulus, steeped into yellow
clay. The half-round structure had a
28.5 m diameter and was 0.65-0.75 m
wide and 0.65-0.70 m deep from the
identification level. The ditch possibly
separated symbolically the sacred
space under the tumulus mantle.
This element was also found in other
tumuli belonging to the Iamnaia
culture, such as, the tumuli near the
Gavanoasa village, Cahul rayon.
Three of the four graves discovered
in the tumulus at Brinzenii Noi belong
to the Iamnaia culture that represents
the horizon of the early Bronze Age in
the steppe and forest steppe areas in
the south-east Europe. This cultural
complex, covering a large area, was
formed during the second half of the
4th millennium BC in the interfluve
between Dnieper and Volga. The
communities belonging to the
Iamnaia culture start expanding in
the early 3rd millennium BC from the
Urals reaching the Middle Danube.

Mormntul 2.
Gave no. 2.



, .
. ,

: , , ,
. , , , , ,
, .

Cercetarea mormntului 1.
Exploration of grave no.1.

Mormntul 3, atribuit culturii

Iamnaia din bronzul timpuriu (mil.
III .Hr.), reprezenta o nmormntare
simbolic din care lipsea scheletul. A
fost identificat n partea sud-vestic
a tumulului. Camera funerar avea
form rectangular, cu dimensiunile
de 1,3x1,53 m, i orientarea nordvest sud-est. Pe fundul gropii s-au
semnalat dou achii de silex nistrean
de culoare cenuie i dou pete de
ocru rou.
Mormntul 4 (cultura Iamnaia)
avea groapa de form oval, cu
dimensiunile de 1,7x2,4 m i
orientarea general sud-nord. De

There was a layer of rot under

the skeleton that comes from plant
bedding. Two lock-rings were found
around the neck.
Grave no.3, belonging to the
Iamnaia culture dating from the early
Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC),
represents a symbolic place with a
missing skeleton. It was found in the
south-western part of the tumulus.
The rectangular 1.3x1.53 m funeral
room was oriented towards northwest
and southwest. Two grey Nistrean
flint chips and two spots of red ochre
were found on the bottom of the pit.
Grave no.4 (Iamnaia culture).

4 ( )
1,72,4 ,
. , 30-35 ,
, . ,
, - .


28,5 , 0,650,75
. ,


- .
, ,

jur-mprejur groapa era prevzut

cu o treapt, pe care erau aezate
longitudinal cinci brne de stejar,
susinute la margine de rui de
lemn. Defunctul, de sex masculin,
cu vrsta de aproximativ 30-35 ani, a
fost depus n poziie chircit pe spate,
cu capul orientat spre sud. Scheletul,
n special craniul, era vopsit cu ocru
rou-nchis. Pe fundul gropii se
aflau resturile unei rogojini din fibre
anul 1 a fost semnalat la baza
tumulului, fiind adncit n lutul
galben. Complexul, semicircular
n plan, avea diametrul de 28,5 m,
limea de 0,65-0,75 m i adncimea de
0,65-0,70 m de la nivelul identificrii.
anul delimita simbolic, probabil,
spaiul sacru de sub mantaua movilei
funerare. Acest element ritualic a
fost nregistrat i la amenajarea altor
tumuli atribuii culturii Iamnaia,
cum ar fi, de exemplu, cei de lng s.
Gvnoasa, r-nul Cahul.
Dintre cele patru morminte
descoperite n tumulul de la Brnzenii
Noi, trei aparin culturii Iamnaia,
care reprezint orizontul epocii
bronzului timpuriu din zona de step
i silvostep a sud-estului Europei.
Acest complex cultural, rspndit
pe un spaiu vast, s-a constituit pe
parcursul celei de-a doua jumti
a mil. IV .Hr. n interfluviul NipruVolga. La nceputul mil. III .Hr.
comunitile culturii Iamnaia ncep
s se extind, ajungnd de la munii
Urali pn la Dunrea Mijlocie.

The oval 1.7x2.4 m pit was oriented

southwards and northwards and
had one stair around it where five
oak beams were laying lengthwise
supported by wooden stakes. The
30-35 year old male deceased was
lying crouched on his back with the
head southwards. The skeleton, in
particular the skull, was painted with
dark red ochre. Remains of a mat
made of plant fibers were found on
the bottom of the pit.
Ditch no.1 was found at the base
of the tumulus, steeped into yellow
clay. The half-round structure had a
28.5 m diameter and was 0.65-0.75 m
wide and 0.65-0.70 m deep from the
identification level. The ditch possibly
separated symbolically the sacred
space under the tumulus mantle.
This element was also found in other
tumuli belonging to the Iamnaia
culture, such as, the tumuli near the
Gavanoasa village, Cahul rayon.
Three of the four graves discovered
in the tumulus at Brinzenii Noi belong
to the Iamnaia culture that represents
the horizon of the early Bronze Age in
the steppe and forest steppe areas in
the south-east Europe. This cultural
complex, covering a large area, was
formed during the second half of the
4th millennium BC in the interfluve
between Dnieper and Volga. The
communities belonging to the
Iamnaia culture start expanding in
the early 3rd millennium BC from the
Urals reaching the Middle Danube.

Mormntul 2.
Gave no. 2.



, .
. ,

: , , ,
. , , , , ,
, .

Vestigiile culturii Iamnaia de pe

teritoriul Moldovei se dateaz n
sec. XXVII-XXI .Hr., fiind mprite
n dou variante locale. Purttorii
culturii erau populaii nomade,
ocupaia lor principal fiind creterea
animalelor. Elementele definitorii
ale acestei culturi arheologice sunt
poziia chircit a scheletelor i
depunerea de ocru asupra defuncilor.
Se presupune c ocrul rou simboliza
sngele, de care cel decedat ar fi
avut nevoie n ,,lumea de dincolo.
Inventarul mormintelor este compus
din vase de lut modelate cu mna,
precum oale, amforete sferoidale,
ceti i cupe, multe dintre ele fiind
ornamentate cu decor nurat. Se
ntlnesc, dar mai rar, i cuite de
bronz, dltie, ace, sule, inele de
bucl, realizate din bronz, argint sau
chiar aur.
Mormntul 1 din tumulul de la
Brnzenii Noi a fost atribuit culturii Noua din perioada trzie a epocii
bronzului (sec. XVI-XIII .Hr.), rspndit n zona de silvostep a interfluviului Prut-Nistru. Cultura Noua
reprezint rezultatul interaciunilor
dintre complexul cultural Srubnaia din nordul Mrii Negre cu cultura
Monteoru, cunoscut n Moldova de
peste Prut i Muntenia. Monumentele culturii Noua sunt caracterizate prin aezri de lung durat, care
erau alctuite din 10-20 locuine i
diverse anexe gospodreti. Ritul funerar practicat de purttorii culturii
Noua din regiunea pruto-nistrean a

The vestiges of the Iamnaia culture

on the territory of Moldova date
from the 27th-21st centuries BC
and are split into two local variants.
The representatives of this culture
were nomadic populations and
their main occupation was animal
breeding. The defining elements of
this archaeological culture are the
tumuli, the crouched position of
skeletons and the red ochre on the
deceased. It is assumed that the red
ochre symbolized the blood that the
deceased will need in the afterlife.
Handmade clay dishes, such as pots,
small spheroidal amphorae, cups
and goblets were found in tombs,
many of them ornamented with cord
decorations. Bronze knives, chisels,
needles, awls, lock rings made of
bronze, silver or even gold were also
found, although not so many.
The grave no.1 in the tumulus at
Brinzenii Noi belongs to the New
culture dating from the late Bronze
Age (16th-13th centuries BC) and
prevailing in the forest steppe of
the interfluve between the Prut and
Nistru rivers. The New culture is the
result of the interactions between
the Srubnaya cultural complex in
the north of the Black Sea with the
Monteoru culture spread in the part of
Moldova that is across the Prut River
and in Muntenia. The monuments of
the New culture are characterized by
long-lasting settlements made of 1020 dwellings and various outbuildings.
The funeral rite practiced by the
representatives of the New culture in



- . -

Inel de bucl din bronz (mormntul 2).

Vas ceramic de tip borcan (mormntul 1).

Bronze lock-ring (grave no.2).

Jar-like ceramic pot (grave no.1).

( 2).

Mormntul 4. Vedere dinspre nord.

Grave no. 4. View from north.
4. .

( 1).

fost nhumaia, atestat ntr-o serie

de necropole plane, precum i la mai
multe descoperiri funerare izolate,
deseori amplasate n mantalele unor
tumuli mai vechi. Defuncii erau aezai n poziie chircit, de regul pe
partea stng. Predomin orientarea spre est i nord-est a scheletelor.
n cazul mormntului 1 din tumulul
de la Brnzenii Noi, camera funerar
a fost acoperit cu o aglomeraie de
pietre. Prezena mormntului respectiv ne-ar putea indica existena unei
necropole plane a culturii Noua, aferente tumulului cercetat. innd cont
de caracteristicile mormintelor cercetate, movila funerar de la Brnzenii
Noi a funcionat ca loc de nmormntare n perioadele timpurie i trzie
ale epocii bronzului.

the region between Prut and Nistru

was inhumation, as evidenced by a
number of plane necropolises and
isolated funeral discoveries, often
found in the mantels of older tumuli.
The deceased were in a crouched
position, as a rule on their left side,
most often oriented towards east and
northeast. The funeral room of the
grave no. 1 in the tumulus at Brinzenii
Noi was covered with stones. This
grave could indicate the existence of
a plane necropolis belonging to the
New culture related to the researched
tumulus. Given the characteristics of
the researched graves, the tumulus
at Brinzenii Noi was used as a burial
place in the early and late Bronze Age.

, 10-20
- ,
, . , ,
-. 1

. ,



Vestigiile culturii Iamnaia de pe

teritoriul Moldovei se dateaz n
sec. XXVII-XXI .Hr., fiind mprite
n dou variante locale. Purttorii
culturii erau populaii nomade,
ocupaia lor principal fiind creterea
animalelor. Elementele definitorii
ale acestei culturi arheologice sunt
poziia chircit a scheletelor i
depunerea de ocru asupra defuncilor.
Se presupune c ocrul rou simboliza
sngele, de care cel decedat ar fi
avut nevoie n ,,lumea de dincolo.
Inventarul mormintelor este compus
din vase de lut modelate cu mna,
precum oale, amforete sferoidale,
ceti i cupe, multe dintre ele fiind
ornamentate cu decor nurat. Se
ntlnesc, dar mai rar, i cuite de
bronz, dltie, ace, sule, inele de
bucl, realizate din bronz, argint sau
chiar aur.
Mormntul 1 din tumulul de la
Brnzenii Noi a fost atribuit culturii Noua din perioada trzie a epocii
bronzului (sec. XVI-XIII .Hr.), rspndit n zona de silvostep a interfluviului Prut-Nistru. Cultura Noua
reprezint rezultatul interaciunilor
dintre complexul cultural Srubnaia din nordul Mrii Negre cu cultura
Monteoru, cunoscut n Moldova de
peste Prut i Muntenia. Monumentele culturii Noua sunt caracterizate prin aezri de lung durat, care
erau alctuite din 10-20 locuine i
diverse anexe gospodreti. Ritul funerar practicat de purttorii culturii
Noua din regiunea pruto-nistrean a

The vestiges of the Iamnaia culture

on the territory of Moldova date
from the 27th-21st centuries BC
and are split into two local variants.
The representatives of this culture
were nomadic populations and
their main occupation was animal
breeding. The defining elements of
this archaeological culture are the
tumuli, the crouched position of
skeletons and the red ochre on the
deceased. It is assumed that the red
ochre symbolized the blood that the
deceased will need in the afterlife.
Handmade clay dishes, such as pots,
small spheroidal amphorae, cups
and goblets were found in tombs,
many of them ornamented with cord
decorations. Bronze knives, chisels,
needles, awls, lock rings made of
bronze, silver or even gold were also
found, although not so many.
The grave no.1 in the tumulus at
Brinzenii Noi belongs to the New
culture dating from the late Bronze
Age (16th-13th centuries BC) and
prevailing in the forest steppe of
the interfluve between the Prut and
Nistru rivers. The New culture is the
result of the interactions between
the Srubnaya cultural complex in
the north of the Black Sea with the
Monteoru culture spread in the part of
Moldova that is across the Prut River
and in Muntenia. The monuments of
the New culture are characterized by
long-lasting settlements made of 1020 dwellings and various outbuildings.
The funeral rite practiced by the
representatives of the New culture in



- . -

Inel de bucl din bronz (mormntul 2).

Vas ceramic de tip borcan (mormntul 1).

Bronze lock-ring (grave no.2).

Jar-like ceramic pot (grave no.1).

( 2).

Mormntul 4. Vedere dinspre nord.

Grave no. 4. View from north.
4. .

( 1).

fost nhumaia, atestat ntr-o serie

de necropole plane, precum i la mai
multe descoperiri funerare izolate,
deseori amplasate n mantalele unor
tumuli mai vechi. Defuncii erau aezai n poziie chircit, de regul pe
partea stng. Predomin orientarea spre est i nord-est a scheletelor.
n cazul mormntului 1 din tumulul
de la Brnzenii Noi, camera funerar
a fost acoperit cu o aglomeraie de
pietre. Prezena mormntului respectiv ne-ar putea indica existena unei
necropole plane a culturii Noua, aferente tumulului cercetat. innd cont
de caracteristicile mormintelor cercetate, movila funerar de la Brnzenii
Noi a funcionat ca loc de nmormntare n perioadele timpurie i trzie
ale epocii bronzului.

the region between Prut and Nistru

was inhumation, as evidenced by a
number of plane necropolises and
isolated funeral discoveries, often
found in the mantels of older tumuli.
The deceased were in a crouched
position, as a rule on their left side,
most often oriented towards east and
northeast. The funeral room of the
grave no. 1 in the tumulus at Brinzenii
Noi was covered with stones. This
grave could indicate the existence of
a plane necropolis belonging to the
New culture related to the researched
tumulus. Given the characteristics of
the researched graves, the tumulus
at Brinzenii Noi was used as a burial
place in the early and late Bronze Age.

, 10-20
- ,
, . , ,
-. 1

. ,



Tumulul 1 de la Rogojeni
(r-nul oldneti)

umulul face parte dintr-un

grup alctuit din trei movile,
situate pe un platou de pe malul
stng al r. Rut. Deoarece se afla n
zona aferent drumului n curs de
reabilitare, anume la tumulul 1, n
toamna anului 2013 au fost ntreprinse
cercetri arheologice de salvare i de
supraveghere, realizate de Serghei
Agulnicov, Eugen Mistreanu i Sergiu
Tumulul investigat avea nlimea
de 2 m i diametrul de 56 m, sectorul
de vest fiind parial distrus de
lucrrile de construcie a drumului
din anii 70 ai secolului trecut. Prin
Vedere asupra tumulului.
View of tumulus.


Tumulus 1 at Rogojeni
(Soldanesti Rayon)

his tumulus is part of a group

made of three mounds located
on a plateau on the left bank of the
Raut River. Since it is neighbouring
the road under construction, the
tumulus no.1 was chosen in the
autumn of 2013 for rescue and
oversight archaeological research
led by Eugen Mistreanu and Sergiu
It was 2 m high and had a diameter of
56 m, its western part being partially
destroyed by the road construction
works carried out in the 70s of the last
century. Excavations were carried out
on an area of about 670 square meters

, ,
1, ,
2013 , .
2 , 56 ,


Vas ceramic in situ (mormntul 1).

Ceramic pot in situ (grave no.1).
in situ ( 1).

spturi a fost cercetat o arie de circa

670 m.p. din partea vestic a movilei,
unde s-au descoperit dou morminte
de tip Iamnaia din perioada timpurie
a epocii bronzului (mil. III .Hr.) i o
platform din pietre datnd probabil
din aceeai perioad.
Mormntul 1, atribuit etapei trzii
a culturii Iamnaia, a fost descoperit n
zona central-sud-vestic a tumulului.
Groapa funerar avea o form
dreptunghiular, prag de jur-mprejur
i orientarea general nord-vest
sud-est. Scheletul, aparinnd unui
brbat matur, a fost depus n poziie
chircit pe spate. Oasele scheletului
au fost acoperite cu ocru de nuan
roie nchis.

in the western part of the mound

where two Iamnaia-type graves
dating from the early Bronze Age (3rd
mil. BC) were discovered along with a
stone platform, possibly dating from
the same period.
Grave no.1, dating from the late
stage of the Iamnaia culture, was
discovered in the central-southwestern part of the tumulus. There
was a threshold all around the
rectangular burial pit that was
generally oriented towards northwest
and southeast. The skeleton of an
adult man was lying in a crouched
position on his back. The skeleton
bones were covered with dark red
ochre. A layer of rot was found under
the skeleton coming from plant
bedding. There was a clay pot at the
north-west of the skull.

670 2
, (III
) .

- .
, ---.
- .

Mormntul 1 n proces de cercetare.

Grave no.1 during research.
1 .


Tumulul 1 de la Rogojeni
(r-nul oldneti)

umulul face parte dintr-un

grup alctuit din trei movile,
situate pe un platou de pe malul
stng al r. Rut. Deoarece se afla n
zona aferent drumului n curs de
reabilitare, anume la tumulul 1, n
toamna anului 2013 au fost ntreprinse
cercetri arheologice de salvare i de
supraveghere, realizate de Serghei
Agulnicov, Eugen Mistreanu i Sergiu
Tumulul investigat avea nlimea
de 2 m i diametrul de 56 m, sectorul
de vest fiind parial distrus de
lucrrile de construcie a drumului
din anii 70 ai secolului trecut. Prin
Vedere asupra tumulului.
View of tumulus.


Tumulus 1 at Rogojeni
(Soldanesti Rayon)

his tumulus is part of a group

made of three mounds located
on a plateau on the left bank of the
Raut River. Since it is neighbouring
the road under construction, the
tumulus no.1 was chosen in the
autumn of 2013 for rescue and
oversight archaeological research
led by Eugen Mistreanu and Sergiu
It was 2 m high and had a diameter of
56 m, its western part being partially
destroyed by the road construction
works carried out in the 70s of the last
century. Excavations were carried out
on an area of about 670 square meters

, ,
1, ,
2013 , .
2 , 56 ,


Vas ceramic in situ (mormntul 1).

Ceramic pot in situ (grave no.1).
in situ ( 1).

spturi a fost cercetat o arie de circa

670 m.p. din partea vestic a movilei,
unde s-au descoperit dou morminte
de tip Iamnaia din perioada timpurie
a epocii bronzului (mil. III .Hr.) i o
platform din pietre datnd probabil
din aceeai perioad.
Mormntul 1, atribuit etapei trzii
a culturii Iamnaia, a fost descoperit n
zona central-sud-vestic a tumulului.
Groapa funerar avea o form
dreptunghiular, prag de jur-mprejur
i orientarea general nord-vest
sud-est. Scheletul, aparinnd unui
brbat matur, a fost depus n poziie
chircit pe spate. Oasele scheletului
au fost acoperite cu ocru de nuan
roie nchis.

in the western part of the mound

where two Iamnaia-type graves
dating from the early Bronze Age (3rd
mil. BC) were discovered along with a
stone platform, possibly dating from
the same period.
Grave no.1, dating from the late
stage of the Iamnaia culture, was
discovered in the central-southwestern part of the tumulus. There
was a threshold all around the
rectangular burial pit that was
generally oriented towards northwest
and southeast. The skeleton of an
adult man was lying in a crouched
position on his back. The skeleton
bones were covered with dark red
ochre. A layer of rot was found under
the skeleton coming from plant
bedding. There was a clay pot at the
north-west of the skull.

670 2
, (III
) .

- .
, ---.
- .

Mormntul 1 n proces de cercetare.

Grave no.1 during research.
1 .


Sub defunct se gsea un strat de

putregai, provenind de la un aternut
vegetal. Ca inventar, nmormntarea
coninea un vas de lut, aflat la nordvest de craniu.
Mormntul 2, aparinnd culturii
Iamnaia, a fost descoperit n sectorul de
sud-vest al tumulului. Camera funerar,
cu treapt, era orientat pe direcia
sud-est nord-vest. La nivelul treptei,
groapa era acoperit cu nou brne de
lemn. Scheletul, atribuit unei femei, a
fost depus n poziie chircit pe spate.
Oasele erau vopsite cu ocru de nuan
roie-aprins, o intensitate mai mare
atestndu-se pe craniu. Sub schelet, ct i
pe toat suprafaa fundului gropii, au fost
semnalate resturile unei rogojini. Lng
braul stng a fost gsit un recipient de

Grave no.2 that belongs to the

Iamnaia culture was discovered in the
south-western part of the tumulus.
The burial room, with a stair, was
oriented towards south-east and
north-west. At the stair level the pit
was covered with nine wooden beams.
The skeleton, belonging to a woman,
was lying on her back in a crouched
position. The bones were painted
with bright red ochre, more intensely
on the skull. Under the skeleton and
on the entire pit bottom remains of
a mat were found. A broken clay pot
was found beside the left arm.
A 6,0x14 m stone platform was found
after the tumulus was demolished.
It had an uneven rectangular shape
and was made of raw limestone rocks.

- .
- . ---.

. ,
- , . ,

Vas de tip amforet, prevzut cu dou

tortie-proeminene (mormntul 1).
Amphora-shaped bowl with two
protruding handles (grave no.1).
( 1).

Amforet miniatural cu dou tortie-proeminene

(mormntul 2).
Miniature amphora with two protruding handles
(grave no. 2).

( 1).


lut fragmentat.
Platforma de piatr a fost identificat
n urma demantelrii tumulului. Avea
n plan o form dreptunghiularneregulat, cu dimensiunile de
6,0x14 m, i era alctuit din pietre
neprelucrate de calcar. Dup toate
probabilitile, construcia a avut
dimensiuni mai mari, dar partea ei
de vest a fost deranjat n procesul de
construcie i reabilitare a drumului.

The construction most likely had

been bigger, but its western part
had been destroyed during the road


6,014 ,

Sub defunct se gsea un strat de

putregai, provenind de la un aternut
vegetal. Ca inventar, nmormntarea
coninea un vas de lut, aflat la nordvest de craniu.
Mormntul 2, aparinnd culturii
Iamnaia, a fost descoperit n sectorul de
sud-vest al tumulului. Camera funerar,
cu treapt, era orientat pe direcia
sud-est nord-vest. La nivelul treptei,
groapa era acoperit cu nou brne de
lemn. Scheletul, atribuit unei femei, a
fost depus n poziie chircit pe spate.
Oasele erau vopsite cu ocru de nuan
roie-aprins, o intensitate mai mare
atestndu-se pe craniu. Sub schelet, ct i
pe toat suprafaa fundului gropii, au fost
semnalate resturile unei rogojini. Lng
braul stng a fost gsit un recipient de

Grave no.2 that belongs to the

Iamnaia culture was discovered in the
south-western part of the tumulus.
The burial room, with a stair, was
oriented towards south-east and
north-west. At the stair level the pit
was covered with nine wooden beams.
The skeleton, belonging to a woman,
was lying on her back in a crouched
position. The bones were painted
with bright red ochre, more intensely
on the skull. Under the skeleton and
on the entire pit bottom remains of
a mat were found. A broken clay pot
was found beside the left arm.
A 6,0x14 m stone platform was found
after the tumulus was demolished.
It had an uneven rectangular shape
and was made of raw limestone rocks.

- .
- . ---.

. ,
- , . ,

Vas de tip amforet, prevzut cu dou

tortie-proeminene (mormntul 1).
Amphora-shaped bowl with two
protruding handles (grave no.1).
( 1).

Amforet miniatural cu dou tortie-proeminene

(mormntul 2).
Miniature amphora with two protruding handles
(grave no. 2).

( 1).


lut fragmentat.
Platforma de piatr a fost identificat
n urma demantelrii tumulului. Avea
n plan o form dreptunghiularneregulat, cu dimensiunile de
6,0x14 m, i era alctuit din pietre
neprelucrate de calcar. Dup toate
probabilitile, construcia a avut
dimensiuni mai mari, dar partea ei
de vest a fost deranjat n procesul de
construcie i reabilitare a drumului.

The construction most likely had

been bigger, but its western part
had been destroyed during the road


6,014 ,

Tumulul de la Stoicani
(r-nul Soroca)

umulul este situat la 1 km nordest de localitate, pe partea

stng a drumului naional M2
Chiinu-Soroca. O parte din movil
a fost distrus n anii 60-70 ai sec. XX.
Partea pstrat a sitului actualmente
are nlimea de 3,65 m i diametrul
de 54 m. Lucrrile de reabilitare a
drumului n zona aferent tumulului
prevedeau intervenii de anvergur
n sol. n procesul de supraveghere
a acestor lucrri de ctre specialitii
(responsabil Ion Ceban), au fost
surprinse integral dou nivele i


Tumulus at Stoicani
(Soroca Rayon)

his tumulus is 1 km northeast of the locality, on the left

side of the Chisinau-Soroca road.
Part of the mound was destroyed in
the 60s-70s of the 20th century. The
preserved part of the site is 3.65 m
high and has a diameter of 54 m. The
road rehabilitation works in the area
neighbouring the tumulus included
large-scale interventions in soil.
While supervising the works, the
experts of the National Agency for
Archaeology (led by Ion Ceban) found
two full levels and parts of the third
level of the mound. At the tumulus

Vedere asupra tumulului.

View of tumulus.

- ,
. 3,65 ,
54 .

, , .

Mormntul 1 n proces de cercetare.

Mormntul 1 n proces de cercetare.

Grave no.1 during research.

Gave no. 2 during research.

1 .

1 .

parial al treilea de constituire a

movilei. La baza tumulului, care se
afla sub partea carosabil a drumului,
a fost descoperit un mormnt de
Iamnaia (mil. III .Hr.). Mormntul
era parial distrus probabil, n
procesul construciei drumului n
a doua jumtate a sec. XX. A fost
semnalat doar jumtatea inferioar
a camerei funerare, rectangular n
plan, cu colurile rotunjite. Scheletul
defunctului se afla pe fundul gropii,
n poziie chircit, cu nclinare spre
stnga. Printre resturile scheletice
au fost semnalate urme de ocru, iar
pe fundul gropii resturi de putregai
care proveneau de la un aternut
vegetal. Conform determinrilor
antropologice, scheletul aparinea
unui individ cu vrsta de 20-25 ani.

base, located under the road, they

found a grave for inhumation
belonging to the Iamnaia culture
(3rd mil. BC). The grave was partially
destroyed, possibly during the road
construction works carried out in
the second half of the 20th century.
Only the lower half of the burial room
was found. It was rectangular, with
rounded corners. The skeleton was on
the bottom of the pit, in a crouched
position, tilted to the left. Traces of
ochre were found among the skeletal
remains and rot coming from plant
bedding was found on the bottom
of the pit. The anthropological
investigations found that the skeleton
belongs to a 20-25 year old individual.

( ) 3 . ,

(III ).
, .

. , .
, 20-25 .

Mormntul 1.
Gave no. 1.


Tumulul de la Stoicani
(r-nul Soroca)

umulul este situat la 1 km nordest de localitate, pe partea

stng a drumului naional M2
Chiinu-Soroca. O parte din movil
a fost distrus n anii 60-70 ai sec. XX.
Partea pstrat a sitului actualmente
are nlimea de 3,65 m i diametrul
de 54 m. Lucrrile de reabilitare a
drumului n zona aferent tumulului
prevedeau intervenii de anvergur
n sol. n procesul de supraveghere
a acestor lucrri de ctre specialitii
(responsabil Ion Ceban), au fost
surprinse integral dou nivele i


Tumulus at Stoicani
(Soroca Rayon)

his tumulus is 1 km northeast of the locality, on the left

side of the Chisinau-Soroca road.
Part of the mound was destroyed in
the 60s-70s of the 20th century. The
preserved part of the site is 3.65 m
high and has a diameter of 54 m. The
road rehabilitation works in the area
neighbouring the tumulus included
large-scale interventions in soil.
While supervising the works, the
experts of the National Agency for
Archaeology (led by Ion Ceban) found
two full levels and parts of the third
level of the mound. At the tumulus

Vedere asupra tumulului.

View of tumulus.

- ,
. 3,65 ,
54 .

, , .

Mormntul 1 n proces de cercetare.

Mormntul 1 n proces de cercetare.

Grave no.1 during research.

Gave no. 2 during research.

1 .

1 .

parial al treilea de constituire a

movilei. La baza tumulului, care se
afla sub partea carosabil a drumului,
a fost descoperit un mormnt de
Iamnaia (mil. III .Hr.). Mormntul
era parial distrus probabil, n
procesul construciei drumului n
a doua jumtate a sec. XX. A fost
semnalat doar jumtatea inferioar
a camerei funerare, rectangular n
plan, cu colurile rotunjite. Scheletul
defunctului se afla pe fundul gropii,
n poziie chircit, cu nclinare spre
stnga. Printre resturile scheletice
au fost semnalate urme de ocru, iar
pe fundul gropii resturi de putregai
care proveneau de la un aternut
vegetal. Conform determinrilor
antropologice, scheletul aparinea
unui individ cu vrsta de 20-25 ani.

base, located under the road, they

found a grave for inhumation
belonging to the Iamnaia culture
(3rd mil. BC). The grave was partially
destroyed, possibly during the road
construction works carried out in
the second half of the 20th century.
Only the lower half of the burial room
was found. It was rectangular, with
rounded corners. The skeleton was on
the bottom of the pit, in a crouched
position, tilted to the left. Traces of
ochre were found among the skeletal
remains and rot coming from plant
bedding was found on the bottom
of the pit. The anthropological
investigations found that the skeleton
belongs to a 20-25 year old individual.

( ) 3 . ,

(III ).
, .

. , .
, 20-25 .

Mormntul 1.
Gave no. 1.


Tumulul Movila Uriaului

de la Rublenia
(r-nul Soroca)

umulul, cunoscut cu denumirea

de Movila Uriaului, se afl la 3,3
km vest de satul Rublenia i 2 km est
de localitatea olcani, pe partea stng
a drumului R7. Are form alungit,
asemntoare cu cea a unui val de
pmnt. Lungimea tumulului este de
circa 118 m, iar nlimea de 2-2,5 m.
Captul nord-estic al movilei a fost
distrus n anii 70 ai secolului trecut
de lucrrile de construcie a drumului
R7. Suprafaa sitului este acoperit

Giants Mound Tumulus

at Rublenita
(Soroca Rayon)

his tumulus, also known as

The Giants Mound, is 3.3 km
westward of the Rublenita village and
2 km eastward of Solcani, on the left
side of the R7 road. It is elongated and
looks like a ground wave. The tumulus
is about 118 m long and 2-2.5 m high.
Its north-eastern edge was destroyed
in the 70s of the last century during
construction works at the R7 road.
The site is covered by crops with a
row of trees at its north-eastern edge.

, , 3,3 2
R7. ,
, 2-2,5 . - 70-

de culturi agricole, n marginea lui

nord-estic fiind plantat un rnd de
arbori. nc de la nceputurile epocii
moderne tumulul a cptat faima unui
monument istoric nsemnat pentru
inutul pruto-nistrean. n anul 1864
a fost nregistrat i publicat o
legend despre Movila Uriaului, care
este povestit i n prezent de oamenii
din partea locului. Cu ocazia lucrrilor
de reabilitare a drumului, n toamna
anului 2013 la tumulul de la Rublenia
au fost efectuate cercetri arheologice
de supraveghere. Deoarece suprafaa
movilei practic nu a fost afectat,
morminte sau alte vestigii nu s-au

Since the beginning of the Modern

Age the tumulus has become famous
as an important historical monument
for the region between the Prut and
Nistru rivers. There is also a legend
about the Giants Mound the locals
have been telling since 1864. In the
autumn of 2013 oversight research
was conducted at the tumulus at
Rublenita as part of road rehabilitation
works. Since the mounds surface was
not affected almost at all, no graves
or other remains were found.


. 1864


2013 , .
, ,

Vedere asupra tumulului.

View of tumulus.


Tumulul Movila Uriaului

de la Rublenia
(r-nul Soroca)

umulul, cunoscut cu denumirea

de Movila Uriaului, se afl la 3,3
km vest de satul Rublenia i 2 km est
de localitatea olcani, pe partea stng
a drumului R7. Are form alungit,
asemntoare cu cea a unui val de
pmnt. Lungimea tumulului este de
circa 118 m, iar nlimea de 2-2,5 m.
Captul nord-estic al movilei a fost
distrus n anii 70 ai secolului trecut
de lucrrile de construcie a drumului
R7. Suprafaa sitului este acoperit

Giants Mound Tumulus

at Rublenita
(Soroca Rayon)

his tumulus, also known as

The Giants Mound, is 3.3 km
westward of the Rublenita village and
2 km eastward of Solcani, on the left
side of the R7 road. It is elongated and
looks like a ground wave. The tumulus
is about 118 m long and 2-2.5 m high.
Its north-eastern edge was destroyed
in the 70s of the last century during
construction works at the R7 road.
The site is covered by crops with a
row of trees at its north-eastern edge.

, , 3,3 2
R7. ,
, 2-2,5 . - 70-

de culturi agricole, n marginea lui

nord-estic fiind plantat un rnd de
arbori. nc de la nceputurile epocii
moderne tumulul a cptat faima unui
monument istoric nsemnat pentru
inutul pruto-nistrean. n anul 1864
a fost nregistrat i publicat o
legend despre Movila Uriaului, care
este povestit i n prezent de oamenii
din partea locului. Cu ocazia lucrrilor
de reabilitare a drumului, n toamna
anului 2013 la tumulul de la Rublenia
au fost efectuate cercetri arheologice
de supraveghere. Deoarece suprafaa
movilei practic nu a fost afectat,
morminte sau alte vestigii nu s-au

Since the beginning of the Modern

Age the tumulus has become famous
as an important historical monument
for the region between the Prut and
Nistru rivers. There is also a legend
about the Giants Mound the locals
have been telling since 1864. In the
autumn of 2013 oversight research
was conducted at the tumulus at
Rublenita as part of road rehabilitation
works. Since the mounds surface was
not affected almost at all, no graves
or other remains were found.


. 1864


2013 , .
, ,

Vedere asupra tumulului.

View of tumulus.


Situl arheologic de la
Alexandru cel Bun
(com. Volovia,
r-nul Soroca)

onument arheologic cu urme

de locuire din eneolitic (mil.
IV .Hr., cultura Cucuteni-Tripolie)
i epoca roman trzie (sec. III-IV
d.Hr., cultura Sntana de MureCerneahov), situat n marginea de
sud-vest a satului Alexandru cel Bun,
pe versantul stng al vii unui pru
fr nume, afluent de dreapta al r.
Nistru. Aezarea din epoca roman
trzie a fost descoperit n anul
1950 de arheologul G.B. Fiodorov,
iar resturile de vieuire uman
atribuite culturii Cucuteni-Tripolie
au fost identificate n martie 2013
Vedere asupra sitului.
View of the archaeological site.


Archaeological Site at
Alexandru cel Bun
(Volovita Commune,
Soroca Rayon)

his is an archaeological
monument, where traces of
habitation dating from the Eneolithic
(4th mil. BC, Cucuteni-Trypillian
culture) and the late Roman Era (3rd4th centuries AD, Santana de MuresChernyakhov culture) were found. It
is located at the south-western border
of the Alexandru cel Bun village, on
the left side of the valley of a nameless
creek, which is the right tributary of
the Nistru River. The late Roman
Era settlement was discovered in
1950 by G.B. Fiodorov, archaeologist,
while remains of human inhabitation

(IV ,
, ).

. . ,
- 2013
. - ,

. - 2013 ,
, ,


de specialitii Ageniei Naionale

Arheologice. Aezarea cucutenian
ocup partea de nord-vest a sitului, iar
cea din epoca roman trzie prezint
dimensiuni mai mari, de circa 90x600
m. n primvara-vara anului 2013 n
zona de protecie a sitului, afectat
de lucrrile de reabilitare a drumului,
a fost efectuat supravegherea
arheologic corespunztoare, iar
n perimetrul lui a fost executat un
sondaj arheologic.
Materialele descoperite n sptur
i prin prospectrile de suprafa
aparin la dou epoci diferite:
eneolitic i roman trzie.
Cucuteni-Tripolie cuprind cteva
o rni din piatr de gresie i
cteva piese de silex. Judecnd dup
materialul descoperit pn acum,
reiese c locuirea din epoca eneolitic
nu s-a ntins spre zona vestic i limita
sudic a staiunii.
Materialele de tip Sntana de Mure
din perioada roman trzie sunt mai
numeroase, incluznd o piatr de
ascuit din gresie, mai multe fragmente
de vase ceramice i buci de lut ars de
la construcii de suprafa. Ceramica
cuprinde cteva categorii distincte:
oale lucrate cu mna din past
grosier, vase (castroane, cni, vase
de provizii) lucrate la roat din past
fin, oale lucrate la roat din past
zgrunuroas i recipiente (amfore i
amforete) romane de import.

belonging to the Cucuteni-Trypillian

culture were found in March 2013 by
the experts of the National Agency
for Archaeology. The Cucuteni
settlement covers the north-western
part of the site, while the late Roman
Era settlement is larger, about 90x600
m. In the spring and summer of 2013
in the sites protected area affected by
road rehabilitation works, appropriate
efforts of archaeological oversight
were made, and an archaeological
survey was conducted within its
The remains found following
excavations and surface explorations
belong to two different ages
Eneolithic and the late Roman.
The remains belonging to the
Cucuteni-Trypillian culture include
several pieces of etched pottery, a
grinder made of sandstone and several
flint pieces. Judging by the remains
discovered so far, the Eneolithic
settlement did not expand towards
the western area and southern border
of the site.
There are more remains belonging
to the Santana de Mures culture
dating from the late Roman Age,
including a sharpening stone made
of sandstone, pieces of pottery and
clay from surface constructions.
The pottery includes several distinct
categories handmade pots made
of coarse paste, dishes (bowls, cups,
storage pots) made of fine paste and
pots made of rough paste with the
help of the wheel and imported Roman
containers (amphorae).

, ,


(, , ),

( ).

Cute din gresie i ceramic lucrat la roat

local i de import
Whetstone and pottery manufactured using local and
imported wheels.
, .

Situl arheologic de la
Alexandru cel Bun
(com. Volovia,
r-nul Soroca)

onument arheologic cu urme

de locuire din eneolitic (mil.
IV .Hr., cultura Cucuteni-Tripolie)
i epoca roman trzie (sec. III-IV
d.Hr., cultura Sntana de MureCerneahov), situat n marginea de
sud-vest a satului Alexandru cel Bun,
pe versantul stng al vii unui pru
fr nume, afluent de dreapta al r.
Nistru. Aezarea din epoca roman
trzie a fost descoperit n anul
1950 de arheologul G.B. Fiodorov,
iar resturile de vieuire uman
atribuite culturii Cucuteni-Tripolie
au fost identificate n martie 2013
Vedere asupra sitului.
View of the archaeological site.


Archaeological Site at
Alexandru cel Bun
(Volovita Commune,
Soroca Rayon)

his is an archaeological
monument, where traces of
habitation dating from the Eneolithic
(4th mil. BC, Cucuteni-Trypillian
culture) and the late Roman Era (3rd4th centuries AD, Santana de MuresChernyakhov culture) were found. It
is located at the south-western border
of the Alexandru cel Bun village, on
the left side of the valley of a nameless
creek, which is the right tributary of
the Nistru River. The late Roman
Era settlement was discovered in
1950 by G.B. Fiodorov, archaeologist,
while remains of human inhabitation

(IV ,
, ).

. . ,
- 2013
. - ,

. - 2013 ,
, ,


de specialitii Ageniei Naionale

Arheologice. Aezarea cucutenian
ocup partea de nord-vest a sitului, iar
cea din epoca roman trzie prezint
dimensiuni mai mari, de circa 90x600
m. n primvara-vara anului 2013 n
zona de protecie a sitului, afectat
de lucrrile de reabilitare a drumului,
a fost efectuat supravegherea
arheologic corespunztoare, iar
n perimetrul lui a fost executat un
sondaj arheologic.
Materialele descoperite n sptur
i prin prospectrile de suprafa
aparin la dou epoci diferite:
eneolitic i roman trzie.
Cucuteni-Tripolie cuprind cteva
o rni din piatr de gresie i
cteva piese de silex. Judecnd dup
materialul descoperit pn acum,
reiese c locuirea din epoca eneolitic
nu s-a ntins spre zona vestic i limita
sudic a staiunii.
Materialele de tip Sntana de Mure
din perioada roman trzie sunt mai
numeroase, incluznd o piatr de
ascuit din gresie, mai multe fragmente
de vase ceramice i buci de lut ars de
la construcii de suprafa. Ceramica
cuprinde cteva categorii distincte:
oale lucrate cu mna din past
grosier, vase (castroane, cni, vase
de provizii) lucrate la roat din past
fin, oale lucrate la roat din past
zgrunuroas i recipiente (amfore i
amforete) romane de import.

belonging to the Cucuteni-Trypillian

culture were found in March 2013 by
the experts of the National Agency
for Archaeology. The Cucuteni
settlement covers the north-western
part of the site, while the late Roman
Era settlement is larger, about 90x600
m. In the spring and summer of 2013
in the sites protected area affected by
road rehabilitation works, appropriate
efforts of archaeological oversight
were made, and an archaeological
survey was conducted within its
The remains found following
excavations and surface explorations
belong to two different ages
Eneolithic and the late Roman.
The remains belonging to the
Cucuteni-Trypillian culture include
several pieces of etched pottery, a
grinder made of sandstone and several
flint pieces. Judging by the remains
discovered so far, the Eneolithic
settlement did not expand towards
the western area and southern border
of the site.
There are more remains belonging
to the Santana de Mures culture
dating from the late Roman Age,
including a sharpening stone made
of sandstone, pieces of pottery and
clay from surface constructions.
The pottery includes several distinct
categories handmade pots made
of coarse paste, dishes (bowls, cups,
storage pots) made of fine paste and
pots made of rough paste with the
help of the wheel and imported Roman
containers (amphorae).

, ,


(, , ),

( ).

Cute din gresie i ceramic lucrat la roat

local i de import
Whetstone and pottery manufactured using local and
imported wheels.
, .

Aezarea antic de la
Brnzenii Noi

itul arheologic este situat la

0,2 m nord de s. Brnzenii Noi
i la 0,3 km sud-vest de ruinele
centralei hidroelectrice de pe r. Rut.
Descoperit n toamna anului 2013,
monumentul a fost deteriorat parial
n deceniile trecute de exploatarea
neautorizat a pietrei, precum i de
lucrrile de depunere a deeurilor
provenite de la reabilitarea drumului.
n scopul studierii complexelor
aprute n malul estic surpat al r.
Rut i a recuperrii materialelor,
n primvara anului 2014 au fost
efectuate spturi arheologice de
salvare (responsabil Sergiu Popovici).
Cu prilejul investigaiilor, n
diferite sectoare ale spturii, au fost
descoperite cinci aglomeraii de pietre
de calcar, amestecate cu cioburi, oase,
crbuni i cenu, a cror destinaie
urmeaz nc a fi precizat. Materialul
arheologic const n principal din
fragmente de vase de lut de diferite

Ancient Settlement at
Brinzenii Noi

he archaeological site is 0.2 m

northwards from the Brinzenii
Noi village and 0.3 km towards southwest from the ruins of the hydrological
station on the Raut River. Discovered
in the autumn of 2013, the monument
was partially damaged in the previous
decades as a result of unauthorized
quarrying, as well as because of the
road construction waste deposited
there. To explore the complexes
discovered on the collapsed eastern
bank of the Raut River and recover
remains, in the spring of 2014 rescue
archaeological excavations were
carried out (led by Sergiu Popovici).
The investigations found in
different sectors of the site five crowds
of limestone rocks mixed with bones,
ash, coal and shards the purpose of
which is yet to be determined. The
archaeological remains include, in
particular, pieces of different clay
pots and animal bones belonging

, 0,2

0,3 -

2013 .

. ,
, 2014
( ).

, ,

tipuri i din oase de animale,

aparinnd unor bovine, oi i capre.
Pe baza ceramicii, aezarea antic
de la Brnzenii Noi se ncadreaz n
cultura Sntana de Mure-Cerneahov
din sec. III-IV d.Hr., rspndit pe un
vast areal din estul continentului i
atribuit unor populaii diferite sub
aspect etnic (goi, daci, sarmai etc.),
aflate n puternica sfer de influen a
civilizaiei romane.
n cadrul spturilor de la Brnzenii
Noi s-au descoperit sporadic i cteva
piese de silex (achii, lame de cuit
.a.) aparinnd unei staiuni datate n
paleoliticul superior (30000-10000 .Hr.).

to cattle, sheep and goats. Judging

by the discovered pottery, the
ancient settlement at Brinzenii Noi
belongs to the Santana de Mures
Chernyakhov culture dating from the
3rd-4th centuries AD and spreading
on a large area in the eastern part
of the continent and associated
with different populations (Goths,
Dacians and Sarmatians etc.) highly
influenced by the Roman civilization.
The excavations at Brinzenii Noi
also found, here and there, flint items
(chips, knife blades etc.) that belong
to an Upper Palaeolithic settlement
(30000-10000 BC).


. ,

(, ,

(, ..), (30000-10000

Ceramic lustruit i zgrunuroas lucrat la roat.

Vedere asupra antierului arheologic

Polished and coarse pottery manufactured using wheel.

View of the archaeological site.




Aezarea antic de la
Brnzenii Noi

itul arheologic este situat la

0,2 m nord de s. Brnzenii Noi
i la 0,3 km sud-vest de ruinele
centralei hidroelectrice de pe r. Rut.
Descoperit n toamna anului 2013,
monumentul a fost deteriorat parial
n deceniile trecute de exploatarea
neautorizat a pietrei, precum i de
lucrrile de depunere a deeurilor
provenite de la reabilitarea drumului.
n scopul studierii complexelor
aprute n malul estic surpat al r.
Rut i a recuperrii materialelor,
n primvara anului 2014 au fost
efectuate spturi arheologice de
salvare (responsabil Sergiu Popovici).
Cu prilejul investigaiilor, n
diferite sectoare ale spturii, au fost
descoperite cinci aglomeraii de pietre
de calcar, amestecate cu cioburi, oase,
crbuni i cenu, a cror destinaie
urmeaz nc a fi precizat. Materialul
arheologic const n principal din
fragmente de vase de lut de diferite

Ancient Settlement at
Brinzenii Noi

he archaeological site is 0.2 m

northwards from the Brinzenii
Noi village and 0.3 km towards southwest from the ruins of the hydrological
station on the Raut River. Discovered
in the autumn of 2013, the monument
was partially damaged in the previous
decades as a result of unauthorized
quarrying, as well as because of the
road construction waste deposited
there. To explore the complexes
discovered on the collapsed eastern
bank of the Raut River and recover
remains, in the spring of 2014 rescue
archaeological excavations were
carried out (led by Sergiu Popovici).
The investigations found in
different sectors of the site five crowds
of limestone rocks mixed with bones,
ash, coal and shards the purpose of
which is yet to be determined. The
archaeological remains include, in
particular, pieces of different clay
pots and animal bones belonging

, 0,2

0,3 -

2013 .

. ,
, 2014
( ).

, ,

tipuri i din oase de animale,

aparinnd unor bovine, oi i capre.
Pe baza ceramicii, aezarea antic
de la Brnzenii Noi se ncadreaz n
cultura Sntana de Mure-Cerneahov
din sec. III-IV d.Hr., rspndit pe un
vast areal din estul continentului i
atribuit unor populaii diferite sub
aspect etnic (goi, daci, sarmai etc.),
aflate n puternica sfer de influen a
civilizaiei romane.
n cadrul spturilor de la Brnzenii
Noi s-au descoperit sporadic i cteva
piese de silex (achii, lame de cuit
.a.) aparinnd unei staiuni datate n
paleoliticul superior (30000-10000 .Hr.).

to cattle, sheep and goats. Judging

by the discovered pottery, the
ancient settlement at Brinzenii Noi
belongs to the Santana de Mures
Chernyakhov culture dating from the
3rd-4th centuries AD and spreading
on a large area in the eastern part
of the continent and associated
with different populations (Goths,
Dacians and Sarmatians etc.) highly
influenced by the Roman civilization.
The excavations at Brinzenii Noi
also found, here and there, flint items
(chips, knife blades etc.) that belong
to an Upper Palaeolithic settlement
(30000-10000 BC).


. ,

(, ,

(, ..), (30000-10000

Ceramic lustruit i zgrunuroas lucrat la roat.

Vedere asupra antierului arheologic

Polished and coarse pottery manufactured using wheel.

View of the archaeological site.




Situl arheologic
Brnzenii Vechi I
(com. Brnzenii Noi,
r-nul Teleneti)

Brinzenii Vechi I
Archaeological Site
(Brinzenii Noi Comune,
Telenesti Rayon)

itul arheologic este situat n

zona carierei de piatr de la
nord de satul Brnzenii Vechi. A fost
semnalat de G.B. Fiodorov n anul
1951. Prezint o aezare din epoca
roman trzie atribuit culturii
Sntana de Mure-Cerneahov (sec.
III-IV d.Hr.) i un cimitir cu morminte
de nhumaie cretine din evul
mediu trziu i epoca modern. Cu
prilejul prospecinilor de suprafa
din toamna anului 2013, arheologii
Serghei Agulnicov i Eugen Mistreanu
au observat n malul surpat al carierei
urmele mai multor morminte de
nhumaie, parial distruse. n
locul cu mai multe oase umane s-a
efectuat o intervenie de salvare,
cu scopul recuperrii vestigiilor i
a identificrii culturii arheologice,
creia aparine complexul funerar
respectiv. Mormntul avea groapa
de form trapezoidal i orientarea
vest-est. Scheletul, aparinnd unui
brbat adult de 18-20 ani, era ntins
pe spate, cu capul orientat spre vest,
minile ndoite de la coate i puse
pe piept. Sub schelet s-au identificat
resturile putrezite ale sicriului, de
culoare brun-nchis.


he archaeological site is near

the stone quarry northwards
from the Brinzenii Vechi village.
It was found by G.B. Fiodorov in
1951 and includes a late Roman Age
settlement belonging to the Santana
de Mures-Chernyakhov culture (3rd4th centuries AD) and a cemetery
with Christian inhumation graves
dating from the late Middle Age and
Modern Age. During the surface
prospections conducted in the
autumn of 2013, the archaeologists
Serghei Agulnicov and Eugen
Mistreanu noticed traces of several
graves in the collapsed bank of the
quarry. A rescue intervention in a
place with crowded human bones was
conducted to recover vestiges and
identify the archaeological culture to
which this funeral complex belongs.
The trapezoidal pit of the grave was
oriented westwards and eastwards.
The skeleton of an 18-20 year old man
was lying on the back with the head
westwards, elbows bent and hands
put on chest. Rotten remains of a
dark brown coffin were found under
the skeleton.

. . . 1951 . ,
) ,

. , 2013

. ,

-. ,
1820 ,

Mormntul 1 din cimitirul de epoc modern.

Grave no.1 in the modern era cemetery.

Lng cotul braului drept al

defunctului a fost descoperit o
moned de cupru avnd pe revers
imaginea vulturului cu dou capete,
iar pe avers legenda: 2 1815 i
coroana imperial.

Near the right elbow a copper coin

was found with the image of a doubleheaded eagle on the back side of the
coin, and 2 1815 and the
imperial crown on its front side.

- .

2 1815 .


Situl arheologic
Brnzenii Vechi I
(com. Brnzenii Noi,
r-nul Teleneti)

Brinzenii Vechi I
Archaeological Site
(Brinzenii Noi Comune,
Telenesti Rayon)

itul arheologic este situat n

zona carierei de piatr de la
nord de satul Brnzenii Vechi. A fost
semnalat de G.B. Fiodorov n anul
1951. Prezint o aezare din epoca
roman trzie atribuit culturii
Sntana de Mure-Cerneahov (sec.
III-IV d.Hr.) i un cimitir cu morminte
de nhumaie cretine din evul
mediu trziu i epoca modern. Cu
prilejul prospecinilor de suprafa
din toamna anului 2013, arheologii
Serghei Agulnicov i Eugen Mistreanu
au observat n malul surpat al carierei
urmele mai multor morminte de
nhumaie, parial distruse. n
locul cu mai multe oase umane s-a
efectuat o intervenie de salvare,
cu scopul recuperrii vestigiilor i
a identificrii culturii arheologice,
creia aparine complexul funerar
respectiv. Mormntul avea groapa
de form trapezoidal i orientarea
vest-est. Scheletul, aparinnd unui
brbat adult de 18-20 ani, era ntins
pe spate, cu capul orientat spre vest,
minile ndoite de la coate i puse
pe piept. Sub schelet s-au identificat
resturile putrezite ale sicriului, de
culoare brun-nchis.


he archaeological site is near

the stone quarry northwards
from the Brinzenii Vechi village.
It was found by G.B. Fiodorov in
1951 and includes a late Roman Age
settlement belonging to the Santana
de Mures-Chernyakhov culture (3rd4th centuries AD) and a cemetery
with Christian inhumation graves
dating from the late Middle Age and
Modern Age. During the surface
prospections conducted in the
autumn of 2013, the archaeologists
Serghei Agulnicov and Eugen
Mistreanu noticed traces of several
graves in the collapsed bank of the
quarry. A rescue intervention in a
place with crowded human bones was
conducted to recover vestiges and
identify the archaeological culture to
which this funeral complex belongs.
The trapezoidal pit of the grave was
oriented westwards and eastwards.
The skeleton of an 18-20 year old man
was lying on the back with the head
westwards, elbows bent and hands
put on chest. Rotten remains of a
dark brown coffin were found under
the skeleton.

. . . 1951 . ,
) ,

. , 2013

. ,

-. ,
1820 ,

Mormntul 1 din cimitirul de epoc modern.

Grave no.1 in the modern era cemetery.

Lng cotul braului drept al

defunctului a fost descoperit o
moned de cupru avnd pe revers
imaginea vulturului cu dou capete,
iar pe avers legenda: 2 1815 i
coroana imperial.

Near the right elbow a copper coin

was found with the image of a doubleheaded eagle on the back side of the
coin, and 2 1815 and the
imperial crown on its front side.

- .

2 1815 .




Drumul Srteni-Soroca
a devenit veriga care unete
trecutul cu viitorul

The Sarateni-Soroca road

has become the link that connects
the past with the future

Cuvnt introductiv


Aezarea eneolitic de la Rogojeni

(r-nul oldneti)

Eneolithic Settlement at
Rogojeni (Soldanesti Rayon)

Tumulul preistoric de la
Brnzenii Noi (r-nul Teleneti)
Tumulul 1 de la Rogojeni
(r-nul oldneti)
Tumulul de la Stoicani
(r-nul Soroca)


Prehistoric Tumulus at Brinzenii

Noi (Telenesti Rayon)



Tumulus 1 at Rogojeni
(Soldanesti Rayon)



Tumulus at Stoicani
(Soroca Rayon)


Tumulul Movila Uriaului

de la Rublenia (r-nul Soroca) 26

The Giants Mound Tumulus

at Rublenita (Soroca Rayon) 26

Situl arheologic de la
Alexandru cel Bun
(com. Volovia, r-nul Soroca)


Archaeological Site at Alexandru

cel Bun (Volovita Commune,
Soroca Rayon)



Ancient Settlement at Brinzenii

Noi (Telenesti Rayon)



Brinzenii Vechi I Archaeological Site

(Brinzenii Noi Commune,
Telenesti Rayon)

Aezarea antic de la
Brnzenii Noi (r-nul Teleneti)
Situl arheologic Brnzenii
Vechi I (com. Brnzenii Noi,
r-nul Teleneti)





( )







Drumul Srteni-Soroca
a devenit veriga care unete
trecutul cu viitorul

The Sarateni-Soroca road

has become the link that connects
the past with the future

Cuvnt introductiv


Aezarea eneolitic de la Rogojeni

(r-nul oldneti)

Eneolithic Settlement at
Rogojeni (Soldanesti Rayon)

Tumulul preistoric de la
Brnzenii Noi (r-nul Teleneti)
Tumulul 1 de la Rogojeni
(r-nul oldneti)
Tumulul de la Stoicani
(r-nul Soroca)


Prehistoric Tumulus at Brinzenii

Noi (Telenesti Rayon)



Tumulus 1 at Rogojeni
(Soldanesti Rayon)



Tumulus at Stoicani
(Soroca Rayon)


Tumulul Movila Uriaului

de la Rublenia (r-nul Soroca) 26

The Giants Mound Tumulus

at Rublenita (Soroca Rayon) 26

Situl arheologic de la
Alexandru cel Bun
(com. Volovia, r-nul Soroca)


Archaeological Site at Alexandru

cel Bun (Volovita Commune,
Soroca Rayon)



Ancient Settlement at Brinzenii

Noi (Telenesti Rayon)



Brinzenii Vechi I Archaeological Site

(Brinzenii Noi Commune,
Telenesti Rayon)

Aezarea antic de la
Brnzenii Noi (r-nul Teleneti)
Situl arheologic Brnzenii
Vechi I (com. Brnzenii Noi,
r-nul Teleneti)





( )





Fondul Provocrile Mileniului Moldova

Str. N. Iorga 21, MD-2012;
mun. Chiinu, Republica Moldova
tel.: +373 22 85 22 99
fax: +373 22 85 22 94
e-mail: office@mca.gov.md;

Agenia Naional Arheologic

str. Mihai Eminescu 50, MD-2065
mun. Chiinu, Republica Moldova
tel.: +373 22 227792
fax: +373 22 227792
e-mail: arheologie.gov@gmail.com

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