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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS ee o UNISA lszxan EDT1602 October!November 2013 LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGIES IN THE ADOLESCENT YEARS Duraton 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINATION PANEL AS APPOINTED BY THE DEPARTMENT. Closed book examination. ‘This examination question paper rem: removed from the examination venue. 16 the property of the University of South Africa and may not be ‘This paper consists of 2 pages. ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 ‘Answer the following questions by writing down the number of the statement in your scnpt and next to it true or false 41 Adolescent leamers, according to Enkson, are inclined not to find the answer to the ‘question Who am 1?, thus impacting on their expenence of their own identity 12 Self-concept 1s a person's descnption of himself or herself in terms of roles, attnbutes, or charactenstics 13 Ateacher who 1s knowledgeable about developmental cnses will be alert to the kinds of ‘emotional baggage leamers might carry into the classroom 14 The developmental cnses named trust versus mistrust 1s the first cnses of eight cnses identified by Praget 15 A leamer’s academic self-esteem 1s not a powerful predictor of achievement and motivation 16 Primary reinforcers, according to Mastow, that contnbute to human functioning are love, secunty and hope 17 Piaget named the process between the actual development and the potental development of the child, the Zone of Proximal Development 18 The fact that the pigeons in Skinner's box leamt that they must tread on the lever to release the food, 1s known as positive reinforcement 19 Leamers with low self-esteem are satisfied with themselves as persons, they judge their worth as a person as high 110 Equilbnum provides a balance between accommodation and assimilation ITURN OVER] 2 eDT1602, OcTINOV 2013, QUESTION 2 21 Name the first five stages that Enkson has identified as part of his psychosocial development and state the different age groups relevant to each stage (10) 22 Discuss the potential impact of unsuccessfully resolved cnses on leamers’ schooling ——(10) 23 Outlne the strategies you think you would implement in the classroom to motivate leamers to be interested 1n the leaming activites and to be committed to learning (10) 30) QUESTION 3 31 Thabo is an 11 year old teamer in Grade 8 and his cognitive development is, according to Piaget, on a concrete operational level 311 Discuss in deta! how the teacher would identify a leamer who thinks on a concrete operational level ® 312 Elaborate on how the teacher can assist such a leamer so that he/she will be able to think on a formal operational level © 32 ‘The behavioural approach (as proposed by Skinner, Watson, Pavlov) to leaming, offers strategies for classroom management and suggest ways to prevent and resolve diseiphnary problems" (McCown et al, 1996) Discuss exactly how you would make use of the behaviour modification technique, associated with behavioural approach, in order to control and to change a leamer's behavior, which 1s constantly disrupting the classroom Make use of classroom ‘examples. (10) (20) QUESTION 4 44 Determine the implications of motivational factors on leamers’ leaming ©) 42 Discuss in detail in what way leamers vary m abilites and “disabiltes” or impairments and how you would accommodate these leamers in your classroom (14) 43 Explain what is meant by the concept motivation (including “intnnsic and extnnsic” motivation) (10) [30)) TOTAL [100] First Examiner. MrS Ntshangase Second Examiner Dr MJ van Broda © UNISA 2013

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